What does this even mean? I hear the word all the time, but have no real concept of what that mean.
A charismatic villain is the sort of bad guy you're almost rooting to succeed, despite of his actions. Tony Montana from "Scarface" is a solid example. Carver was a legitimately charismatic villain. He'd have to be, in order to keep an entire community of survivors in line.
Maybe some kind of distorted mirror reflection of Lee Everett would be a neat way of bringing the series "full circle."
Oh, so Carlo… mores or the Stranger.
Personally, I'd rather finally have an Evil!Clementine.
What does this even mean? I hear the word all the time, but have no real concept of what that mean.
What does this even mean? I hear the word all the time, but have no real concept of what that mean.
A charismatic villain is the sor… moret of bad guy you're almost rooting to succeed, despite of his actions. Tony Montana from "Scarface" is a solid example. Carver was a legitimately charismatic villain. He'd have to be, in order to keep an entire community of survivors in line.
Maybe some kind of distorted mirror reflection of Lee Everett would be a neat way of bringing the series "full circle."
Oh, so Carlo… mores or the Stranger.
Personally, I'd rather finally have an Evil!Clementine.
What does this even mean? I hear the word all the time, but have no real concept of what that mean.
I know it is unlikely to happen due to Telltale wanting to make their seasons exceedingly newcomer friendly but I'd love to see Lily be the antagonist of season 4.
She could be running a community through fear, letting per paranoia drive her to ever increasing extremes.
What does this even mean? I hear the word all the time, but have no real concept of what that mean.
if you're charismatic, you're charming and have a way with words. charm = charismatic
Yes, Carver is the most logical and ruthless villain. Remove the weak so the strong may survive. As I said before he has no morals. Its the reason Clem's group fell apart they focused to much on the weak and neglected their strengths.
Yeah I know Joan is nothing like the joker, I never said she was. I said what we should get a better written Joan (based on my theory that Joan represents chaos) (end of sentence). A character that is more like Batman's Joker. I'm not comparing Joan and the Joker. I'm saying what a metaphorical Joan like character should be.
Badger was a terrible villain because he was unrealistically evil. Carver was logically "evil", as I explained earlier.
Carver operated solely on what was logical
Jane put the needs of the one before the needs of the many. Unlike Craver who put … morethe needs of the many before the needs of the one but did so ruthlessly.
Eh, true. In a way.
Joan was by far one of the most terrible written villains, unless that was intentional, I'll explain. Joan is the most irrational illogical and unintelligent villains. She always acts outside of her own interests. She lets her emotions rule her decisions. If she was well written she could have represented the chaos that comes out of incompetence.
That's because they blatantly went against how her character(personality, motivation, goals, and standards) was established in Above the Law.
David was a poorly written character but in my opinion the best poorly written character. The main problem was that he was a forced antagonist despite the fact that we had the choice to side with him at t… [view original content]
Since Season 4 is to be the last chapter in the Clementine story, I want the "villain" to hit close to home. I also don't want a villain per say but a strong antagonist that has some moral clashes with Clem while still being arguable for being a "good" person. For all of that, I would like to see Clementine run into a relative like an uncle or aunt. The family link will be a hidden point until Clementine and said antagonist connect the dots as to why they feel this connection between the two. I know ANF played with this idea a bit, but this family connection of Clem's wouldn't be so obvious from the moment they met especially if they butt heads from the get go. It would also interesting to see if we would have Clem eat crow or not considering that she kept pitting Javier against David. Putting Clem in Javi's shoes and having her have people pit her against a relative brings it around circle.
As a matter of fact, having a group that contains a few of Clem's relatives would be neat. Does Clem compromise morals for the sake of blood or does she build a new family around her moral foundation? I feel like bringing some family member would bring closure and wrap up Clem's story of being an orphaned child. While probably can't go back to her home in Georgia to close things out, maybe Georgia can come to her.
A good guy that only has different goals (ex. surviving, but their survival will perjudice you).
Emotional issues (ex: depression, schizophrenia, not seeing any good left in the world and no more reasons to live, dealing with loss, etc.). I already mentioned that I want the last season to revolve around emotions and inner struggles.
A story of Clem vs. her inner daemons would be very interesting if done correctly with care, passion, and a vision. Season 1 brought her nightmares to reality (the deaths of her family and caretakers). Season * gave us a taste of how cold Clem can become both through our actions and the actions of others. *A New Frontier showed us the dark place Clementine can fall into when she reaches her breaking point. Season 4 would be a great way to see Clem wrestle with her inner daemons as she struggles to regain her trust in others and herself due to her fear of being hurt again.
AJ is already set up as her symbol of hope. The Garcias already represent her symbol of family since they are the longest lasting TTG series blood-related family (there is the "Gabe & Kate only" ending, but it still counts). Every group and family Clementine has crossed represented something. Let's see what it all leads to. What will Clem be at the end of it all?
A good guy that only has different goals (ex. surviving, but their survival will perjudice you).
Emotional issues (ex: depression, schizo… morephrenia, not seeing any good left in the world and no more reasons to live, dealing with loss, etc.). I already mentioned that I want the last season to revolve around emotions and inner struggles.
Clementine herself is her own antagonist.
Hi again @Alyssa_TTG ! Whenever you guys have the time I would love to hear the creative team's input in this thread on what makes a great and compelling antagonist, either in the universe of The Walking Dead or just in general.
Thank you for reading my posts I'll stop tagging you now
Knowing Telltale's creative situation right now, I'd congratulate them for literally anything that resembles a morally-grey antagonist and not a villain.
Knowing Telltale's creative situation right now, I'd congratulate them for literally anything that resembles a morally-grey antagonist and not a villain.
I'm not going to lie, Negan making an appearance would be pretty cool, although I don't know if that would take away from anything since we know he wouldn't die, so Clem being confronted by him as the full main antagonist...I don't know. I kinda want Clem to kill an antagonist is that bad of me? XD it'd just be so satisfying if it's the last season, and she just goes berserk and kills somebody.
Nate would for sure make a great antagonist if handled well and depending on what they did with him. I always found Nate funny but easily capable of being intimidating and a threat. He's just got that charisma that still makes him memorable to me. If Joan is still alive, I guess there's that option, but I don't know how she'd cope outside of the community >.> I can just imagine Clem breaking her like a twig.
If Joan is still alive, I guess there's that option, but I don't know how she'd cope outside of the community
That's actually an interesting point, since her conspicuous absence while Clementine was a member seemed like it could've been important later and they weren't in control of Richmond for very long.
I'm not going to lie, Negan making an appearance would be pretty cool, although I don't know if that would take away from anything since we … moreknow he wouldn't die, so Clem being confronted by him as the full main antagonist...I don't know. I kinda want Clem to kill an antagonist is that bad of me? XD it'd just be so satisfying if it's the last season, and she just goes berserk and kills somebody.
Nate would for sure make a great antagonist if handled well and depending on what they did with him. I always found Nate funny but easily capable of being intimidating and a threat. He's just got that charisma that still makes him memorable to me. If Joan is still alive, I guess there's that option, but I don't know how she'd cope outside of the community >.> I can just imagine Clem breaking her like a twig.
In my opinion, some of the best stories in the franchise were those where there wasn't a defined antagonist; the problems that the player had to work through were those of morality, relationships, and survival. It gets easier to make moral calls when there's a "bad guy" twirling their moustache, and easy moral calls are generally the less interesting ones.
That said, I've really been enjoying the storyline between Rick and Negan in the books, especially since the time jump.
Hi again @Alyssa_TTG ! Whenever you guys have the time I would love to hear the creative team's input in this thread on what makes a great a… morend compelling antagonist, either in the universe of The Walking Dead or just in general.
Thank you for reading my posts I'll stop tagging you now
I like this idea. I've thought about this for a while and I'm glad other people agree.
She then reminds herself of what she has been fighting for in the first place. Living lone does not make your fears go away. Instead of trying to avoid being hurt again from the loss of family, she has to protect the family she has, no matter the cost. What she has wanted this whole time was to have family to care for. She's not going to let anyone else die for her again and become alone for it. When she sees the treat coming, she doesn't run from it this time.
Thanks to @Clementine_Is_Back for showing me this song this morning, it was very inspirational.
Clementine herself is her own antagonist.
A story of Clem vs. her inner daemons would be very interesting if done correctly with car… moree, passion, and a vision. Season 1 brought her nightmares to reality (the deaths of her family and caretakers). Season * gave us a taste of how cold Clem can become both through our actions and the actions of others. *A New Frontier showed us the dark place Clementine can fall into when she reaches her breaking point. Season 4 would be a great way to see Clem wrestle with her inner daemons as she struggles to regain her trust in others and herself due to her fear of being hurt again.
AJ is already set up as her symbol of hope. The Garcias already represent her symbol of family since they are the longest lasting TTG series blood-related family (there is the "Gabe & Kate only" ending, but it still counts). Every group and family Clementine has crossed represented something. Let's see what it all leads to. What will Clem be at the end of it all?
I want an antagonist who actually likes the apocalypse. They view it was a "cleansing" and a person who murders whoever he views unfit for this new world or uses them as slaves (as seen in the ANF concept art where people were chained up and in slaughter houses) to make the perfect race who will survive in this world. Like a Carver 2.0 to the extreme and he questions the things Clem has done to convince her that shes a prime example of the new race.
I remember watching a TV series that got cancelled years ago called Utopia (2012/13), the main antagonists had tried to accomplish world sterilisation due to over-population. I don't know if that counts for your antagonist's view of cleansing.
I want an antagonist who actually likes the apocalypse. They view it was a "cleansing" and a person who murders whoever he views unfit for … morethis new world or uses them as slaves (as seen in the ANF concept art where people were chained up and in slaughter houses) to make the perfect race who will survive in this world. Like a Carver 2.0 to the extreme and he questions the things Clem has done to convince her that shes a prime example of the new race.
In my opinion, some of the best stories in the franchise were those where there wasn't a defined antagonist; the problems that the player ha… mored to work through were those of morality, relationships, and survival. It gets easier to make moral calls when there's a "bad guy" twirling their moustache, and easy moral calls are generally the less interesting ones.
That said, I've really been enjoying the storyline between Rick and Negan in the books, especially since the time jump.
Pretty much how I want the antagonist to be, but they view the apocalypse as their "2nd chance at life" so they can try to "save people", similar to Handsome Jack from Borderlands.
I want an antagonist who actually likes the apocalypse. They view it was a "cleansing" and a person who murders whoever he views unfit for … morethis new world or uses them as slaves (as seen in the ANF concept art where people were chained up and in slaughter houses) to make the perfect race who will survive in this world. Like a Carver 2.0 to the extreme and he questions the things Clem has done to convince her that shes a prime example of the new race.
I want an antagonist who actually likes the apocalypse. They view it was a "cleansing" and a person who murders whoever he views unfit for … morethis new world or uses them as slaves (as seen in the ANF concept art where people were chained up and in slaughter houses) to make the perfect race who will survive in this world. Like a Carver 2.0 to the extreme and he questions the things Clem has done to convince her that shes a prime example of the new race.
I suppose that's reasonable enough. Even if Carver's appeal came not from the pastiche tyrant himself(for most people, at least), but from the story alluding to him being not that bad initially despite his extreme actions and promising a morally ambiguous myth arc fueled by his complicated backstory with the Cabin Group.
So this isn't really an idea for the main antagonist but one for a major antagonistic figure in the series. I saw that Prescott was orignally supposed to be a much shadier comunity. I would love to have an episode or at least part of an episode dedicated to Clementine coming across a comunity not necessarily the comunity where AJ is but some where Clemenetine stumbles across on the way and ends up staying to get supplies or look for any signs of AJ. The town is very shady and has no law what so ever and there are a lot of creepers there. Seeing that Clementine is a teenage girl she would be a much bigger target to sexual predators then your average survivor. I feel like this would make an amazing arc to play through and it would provide a different perspective of the walking dead that you don't really get in the comics or show.
For the main atagonist(s) of this series I would love to see some of the concepts Telltale had for the Slaughterhouse in ANF used in this final season. I also heard that slavery may have been a theme that Telltale may have been toying around with in early development of ANF. It could be something along the lines of a group who ocupies an old slaughter house who uses chained walkers as a defense mechanism and captures survivors as slaves. The residents of McCarol Ranch could have been captured by this group or were slavers all along. They would want AJ because while he couldn't do labor now because of his age, he is incredibly young and could easily be manipulated into the perfect slave as he gets older. Clem either gets captured by this group or finds out that AJ is being held there and has to find a way to infiltrate the area and escape with AJ.
I just realised that I probaly made the group I was describing sound like totaly evil people without an ounce of good in them. Yes there would be some totaly sadistic people in that group but most of the people would be very moraly gray. A group of people who are willing to go to drastic measures to rebuild society even if that means resorting to creating a major slave force to achieve their goal.
For the main atagonist(s) of this series I would love to see some of the concepts Telltale had for the Slaughterhouse in ANF used in this fi… morenal season. I also heard that slavery may have been a theme that Telltale may have been toying around with in early development of ANF. It could be something along the lines of a group who ocupies an old slaughter house who uses chained walkers as a defense mechanism and captures survivors as slaves. The residents of McCarol Ranch could have been captured by this group or were slavers all along. They would want AJ because while he couldn't do labor now because of his age, he is incredibly young and could easily be manipulated into the perfect slave as he gets older. Clem either gets captured by this group or finds out that AJ is being held there and has to find a way to infiltrate the area and escape with AJ.
It would be interesting to see this happen. After connecting the dots the relatives try to parent Clementine and tell her what to do and there should be an option for Clem to snap and get angry and angrily explains that she has had to raise herself through most of this hell and that she no longer needs a parent figure and is perfectly capable without one.
Since Season 4 is to be the last chapter in the Clementine story, I want the "villain" to hit close to home. I also don't want a villain pe… morer say but a strong antagonist that has some moral clashes with Clem while still being arguable for being a "good" person. For all of that, I would like to see Clementine run into a relative like an uncle or aunt. The family link will be a hidden point until Clementine and said antagonist connect the dots as to why they feel this connection between the two. I know ANF played with this idea a bit, but this family connection of Clem's wouldn't be so obvious from the moment they met especially if they butt heads from the get go. It would also interesting to see if we would have Clem eat crow or not considering that she kept pitting Javier against David. Putting Clem in Javi's shoes and having her have people pit her against a relative brings it around circle.
As a matter of fact, having a group that c… [view original content]
This is actually why I'm glad they changed the story where Max is concerned, even if they still should've left the sequence itself in if they could still make it work.
I just realised that I probaly made the group I was describing sound like totaly evil people without an ounce of good in them. Yes there wou… moreld be some totaly sadistic people in that group but most of the people would be very moraly gray. A group of people who are willing to go to drastic measures to rebuild society even if that means resorting to creating a major slave force to achieve their goal.
This sounds stupid; but what if The Stranger's son was alive the whole time and he served as Clementine's opposite and antagonist?
The Stranger's son, Adam, went missing, but he was never confirmed dead. So what if he ran into a group of some sorts and he stayed with them the whole time?
Yeah, I said in a recent thread that he was on my returning characters like for "Season 3" and the circumstances behind his disappearance could easily be the seeds for bringing him back as a major character.
This sounds stupid; but what if The Stranger's son was alive the whole time and he served as Clementine's opposite and antagonist?
The St… moreranger's son, Adam, went missing, but he was never confirmed dead. So what if he ran into a group of some sorts and he stayed with them the whole time?
If they do introduce him, we shouldn't know who he is until Episode 3 or 4. Have him act as an ally to Clementine until she tells him about his Dad and Lee. So the rest of the season will have Adam trying to kill Clem and AJ.
Yeah, I said in a recent thread that he was on my returning characters like for "Season 3" and the circumstances behind his disappearance could easily be the seeds for bringing him back as a major character.
If they do introduce him, we shouldn't know who he is until Episode 3 or 4. Have him act as an ally to Clementine until she tells him about his Dad and Lee. So the rest of the season will have Adam trying to kill Clem and AJ.
Maybe some kind of distorted mirror reflection of Lee Everett would be a neat way of bringing the series "full circle." Even better: Dave Fe… morennoy could provide the voice. He's already proved with Bluebeard that he can do frightening, charismatic villains like nobody's business.
I think it'd be best for Telltale to cram even more antagonists than previous seasons, cause that's what makes for a compelling narrative... Cartoon stereotypical "bad guys." Dick Dastardly's twirling their preverbal Saturday morning mustaches and proclaiming with a last breathe how much fun it was to be "evil."
A charismatic villain is the sort of bad guy you're almost rooting to succeed, despite of his actions. Tony Montana from "Scarface" is a solid example. Carver was a legitimately charismatic villain. He'd have to be, in order to keep an entire community of survivors in line.
I just meant charismatic in general.
And while I personally couldn't stand Carver, I can sorta see why certain people got their hopes up at first.
Fair point.
if you're charismatic, you're charming and have a way with words. charm = charismatic
I know it is unlikely to happen due to Telltale wanting to make their seasons exceedingly newcomer friendly but I'd love to see Lily be the antagonist of season 4.
She could be running a community through fear, letting per paranoia drive her to ever increasing extremes.
Huh. Clever spelling-play there.
Lily and Arvo as an Anti-Hero Duo.
Yes, Carver is the most logical and ruthless villain. Remove the weak so the strong may survive. As I said before he has no morals. Its the reason Clem's group fell apart they focused to much on the weak and neglected their strengths.
Yeah I know Joan is nothing like the joker, I never said she was. I said what we should get a better written Joan (based on my theory that Joan represents chaos) (end of sentence). A character that is more like Batman's Joker. I'm not comparing Joan and the Joker. I'm saying what a metaphorical Joan like character should be.
Badger was a terrible villain because he was unrealistically evil. Carver was logically "evil", as I explained earlier.
Since Season 4 is to be the last chapter in the Clementine story, I want the "villain" to hit close to home. I also don't want a villain per say but a strong antagonist that has some moral clashes with Clem while still being arguable for being a "good" person. For all of that, I would like to see Clementine run into a relative like an uncle or aunt. The family link will be a hidden point until Clementine and said antagonist connect the dots as to why they feel this connection between the two. I know ANF played with this idea a bit, but this family connection of Clem's wouldn't be so obvious from the moment they met especially if they butt heads from the get go. It would also interesting to see if we would have Clem eat crow or not considering that she kept pitting Javier against David. Putting Clem in Javi's shoes and having her have people pit her against a relative brings it around circle.
As a matter of fact, having a group that contains a few of Clem's relatives would be neat. Does Clem compromise morals for the sake of blood or does she build a new family around her moral foundation? I feel like bringing some family member would bring closure and wrap up Clem's story of being an orphaned child. While probably can't go back to her home in Georgia to close things out, maybe Georgia can come to her.
A good guy that only has different goals (ex. surviving, but their survival will perjudice you).
Emotional issues (ex: depression, schizophrenia, not seeing any good left in the world and no more reasons to live, dealing with loss, etc.). I already mentioned that I want the last season to revolve around emotions and inner struggles.
Clementine herself is her own antagonist.
A story of Clem vs. her inner daemons would be very interesting if done correctly with care, passion, and a vision. Season 1 brought her nightmares to reality (the deaths of her family and caretakers). Season * gave us a taste of how cold Clem can become both through our actions and the actions of others. *A New Frontier showed us the dark place Clementine can fall into when she reaches her breaking point. Season 4 would be a great way to see Clem wrestle with her inner daemons as she struggles to regain her trust in others and herself due to her fear of being hurt again.
AJ is already set up as her symbol of hope. The Garcias already represent her symbol of family since they are the longest lasting TTG series blood-related family (there is the "Gabe & Kate only" ending, but it still counts). Every group and family Clementine has crossed represented something. Let's see what it all leads to. What will Clem be at the end of it all?
Hi again @Alyssa_TTG ! Whenever you guys have the time I would love to hear the creative team's input in this thread on what makes a great and compelling antagonist, either in the universe of The Walking Dead or just in general.
Thank you for reading my posts
I'll stop tagging you now
Knowing Telltale's creative situation right now, I'd congratulate them for literally anything that resembles a morally-grey antagonist and not a villain.
RIP Joan.
RIP Joan.
I'm not going to lie, Negan making an appearance would be pretty cool, although I don't know if that would take away from anything since we know he wouldn't die, so Clem being confronted by him as the full main antagonist...I don't know. I kinda want Clem to kill an antagonist is that bad of me? XD it'd just be so satisfying if it's the last season, and she just goes berserk and kills somebody.
Nate would for sure make a great antagonist if handled well and depending on what they did with him. I always found Nate funny but easily capable of being intimidating and a threat. He's just got that charisma that still makes him memorable to me. If Joan is still alive, I guess there's that option, but I don't know how she'd cope outside of the community >.> I can just imagine Clem breaking her like a twig.
That's actually an interesting point, since her conspicuous absence while Clementine was a member seemed like it could've been important later and they weren't in control of Richmond for very long.
In my opinion, some of the best stories in the franchise were those where there wasn't a defined antagonist; the problems that the player had to work through were those of morality, relationships, and survival. It gets easier to make moral calls when there's a "bad guy" twirling their moustache, and easy moral calls are generally the less interesting ones.
That said, I've really been enjoying the storyline between Rick and Negan in the books, especially since the time jump.
I like this idea. I've thought about this for a while and I'm glad other people agree.
She then reminds herself of what she has been fighting for in the first place. Living lone does not make your fears go away. Instead of trying to avoid being hurt again from the loss of family, she has to protect the family she has, no matter the cost. What she has wanted this whole time was to have family to care for. She's not going to let anyone else die for her again and become alone for it. When she sees the treat coming, she doesn't run from it this time.
Thanks to @Clementine_Is_Back for showing me this song this morning, it was very inspirational.
I want an antagonist who actually likes the apocalypse. They view it was a "cleansing" and a person who murders whoever he views unfit for this new world or uses them as slaves (as seen in the ANF concept art where people were chained up and in slaughter houses) to make the perfect race who will survive in this world. Like a Carver 2.0 to the extreme and he questions the things Clem has done to convince her that shes a prime example of the new race.
I remember watching a TV series that got cancelled years ago called Utopia (2012/13), the main antagonists had tried to accomplish world sterilisation due to over-population. I don't know if that counts for your antagonist's view of cleansing.
Sometimes just letting the zombies be the villains is the simplest solution. Then you can focus on the details of the story you described.
Pretty much how I want the antagonist to be, but they view the apocalypse as their "2nd chance at life" so they can try to "save people", similar to Handsome Jack from Borderlands.
Ugh. Not that that's a bad idea, but Carver was bad enough.
That's why I want a Carver that's actually good.
I suppose that's reasonable enough. Even if Carver's appeal came not from the pastiche tyrant himself(for most people, at least), but from the story alluding to him being not that bad initially despite his extreme actions and promising a morally ambiguous myth arc fueled by his complicated backstory with the Cabin Group.
So this isn't really an idea for the main antagonist but one for a major antagonistic figure in the series. I saw that Prescott was orignally supposed to be a much shadier comunity. I would love to have an episode or at least part of an episode dedicated to Clementine coming across a comunity not necessarily the comunity where AJ is but some where Clemenetine stumbles across on the way and ends up staying to get supplies or look for any signs of AJ. The town is very shady and has no law what so ever and there are a lot of creepers there. Seeing that Clementine is a teenage girl she would be a much bigger target to sexual predators then your average survivor. I feel like this would make an amazing arc to play through and it would provide a different perspective of the walking dead that you don't really get in the comics or show.
For the main atagonist(s) of this series I would love to see some of the concepts Telltale had for the Slaughterhouse in ANF used in this final season. I also heard that slavery may have been a theme that Telltale may have been toying around with in early development of ANF. It could be something along the lines of a group who ocupies an old slaughter house who uses chained walkers as a defense mechanism and captures survivors as slaves. The residents of McCarol Ranch could have been captured by this group or were slavers all along. They would want AJ because while he couldn't do labor now because of his age, he is incredibly young and could easily be manipulated into the perfect slave as he gets older. Clem either gets captured by this group or finds out that AJ is being held there and has to find a way to infiltrate the area and escape with AJ.
I just realised that I probaly made the group I was describing sound like totaly evil people without an ounce of good in them. Yes there would be some totaly sadistic people in that group but most of the people would be very moraly gray. A group of people who are willing to go to drastic measures to rebuild society even if that means resorting to creating a major slave force to achieve their goal.
It would be interesting to see this happen. After connecting the dots the relatives try to parent Clementine and tell her what to do and there should be an option for Clem to snap and get angry and angrily explains that she has had to raise herself through most of this hell and that she no longer needs a parent figure and is perfectly capable without one.
This is actually why I'm glad they changed the story where Max is concerned, even if they still should've left the sequence itself in if they could still make it work.
Boss Walker, since he never actually showed up in ANF.
This sounds stupid; but what if The Stranger's son was alive the whole time and he served as Clementine's opposite and antagonist?
The Stranger's son, Adam, went missing, but he was never confirmed dead. So what if he ran into a group of some sorts and he stayed with them the whole time?
Yeah, I said in a recent thread that he was on my returning characters like for "Season 3" and the circumstances behind his disappearance could easily be the seeds for bringing him back as a major character.
If they do introduce him, we shouldn't know who he is until Episode 3 or 4. Have him act as an ally to Clementine until she tells him about his Dad and Lee. So the rest of the season will have Adam trying to kill Clem and AJ.
Exactly! Last of Us for the win.
Though I'm not so sure about him targeting AJ, though.
I love the idea of the Anti Lee
I think it'd be best for Telltale to cram even more antagonists than previous seasons, cause that's what makes for a compelling narrative... Cartoon stereotypical "bad guys." Dick Dastardly's twirling their preverbal Saturday morning mustaches and proclaiming with a last breathe how much fun it was to be "evil."
Bring back Carver. LOL. Best Walking Dead game villain in my opinion.
God bless everyone.
Cult, or some villain you can side with/join. negan like villain would be too predictable
and unoriginal seeing as negan exists.