What's your preference? More Hubs? Or Longer episodes? (For S4) (Unofficial)
I ask this question because I've seen people requesting longer episode lengths and/or more hubs for the upcoming season. In one of the discussions here, I accidentally thought the St. John Dairy Farm in S1, was brought up in Episode 2 of S1, when it actually appeared in the very first episode. honest mistake ;_; (Thx for the clarification @DabigRG). My reason for thinking this is because of how long S1 episodes are. And the various things you're able to do.
But then this brings up another question. Is it really the player who makes the episodes longer than they actually are? Such as exploring hubs, Talking to other survivors, contemplating choices or just flat out dicking around. What if you never clicked on anything but an answer? Or just continued the story without exploring? Would episodes be shorter?
I suppose episodes are made longer from the player, but each episode should be about 2 hours regardless.
The St. John Dairy Farm was in episode 2, but Hershel's farm was in episode 1.
But the question, I do think it's up to the player to determine the length of their gameplay. I am a fan of getting to know the area and the characters, so my gameplay is typically longer.
You're welcome, but that was Hershel's farm in Episode 1 while the Dairy Farm was in Episode 2. Sorry for any confusion.
And yes, more hubs equals longer episodes by default. The episode should be as long as possible for those who don't mind doing periphery stuff like talking to characters and doing fetch quests. A clear marker and/or objective for progressing the plot as soon as possible would be nice for those who do wanna get a move on.
Probably more hubs. That way, you can pick and choose when you want to interact with the characters.
More hubs, definetely. They also make the episodes longer.
Yah I know now, I haven't played in a while : (
And same here! I always like to explore new areas, you'll never know whats there. Like I watched some gameplay of S1 recently, and realized it there was an old car with a walker inside guarding some animal crackers you could've gave to Clem & Duck before he died </3
Thx man! You're TWD wizard, you know all the little things that matter lol.
Have you ever played any Dead Rising games? If not, during some quests there's usually a timer that runs so you don't sidetracked from the main objective. I don't know how us Telltale fans would feel about them installing something like that, but I don't think it'll be a good addition. If so it'll be tragic. I hate feeling rushed in environmental games.
That's true. I love exploring and finding little things that coexist with the story. Especially funny easter eggs Telltale throw in there lol like the Randy Tudor one "Powerful Stache" XD I'd like to see another one of those.
I agree. I hate when Telltale force conversations that leads to another scene (Like ANF) hopefully they learn from it and try not to make too many cutscenes and just focus on the gameplay.
What the fuck?! I never heard of that before!
Thanks, but I think it's safe to say you got the wrong guy.
My brother had the first game, but I don't recall playing it or seeing to much after the clown.
I started to realized this when I seen multiple hour long YouTube walkthroughs. Some 1hr or even 2hrs, but the longest walkthrough I've seen lasted for about 3hrs. And it wasn't a livestream or multiple episodes. Just one episode
And I think 2hr episodes for S4 is only right. Not with it being the last (kinda) but I feel it's what we deserve. An Job even stated that they're bringing back writers from S1. And I think their writing played a big part in episode lengths.
Haha, I think you mean Slappy! I haven't played anymore after the the third installment. The franchise got a new team, a new way of doing things, and everything went downhill after that imo. Big middle finger to the fans.
Duuude, I was pissed. After you find the train and inspect it, if you exit towards the front of the train, you'll see a car wreck with a walker still inside.
Literally 1:20:40 : (
I have seen it and get the box
Lee is a savage.
More hubs and harder puzzles
More hubs means longer episodes, so yeah
More gameplay than cutscenes for God's sake.
I'd like an option to for Hatless Clem and to alter how she looks, different hairstyles/clothes etc. Similar to how Tales did it.
Wow I never thought of this! It would be cool to play as a hatless Clem. Then again idk, it's like her trademark y'know? Honestly we don't even know what type of Clem we're going to get in S4, style wise. But my money is on a emo type style. Kinda like Jane's personality. However, I don't really like the idea of it or have a problem with it, but what Telltale wants we accept. Like them making Javi give her that gothic haircut. We had no say in it, we didn't approve of it - but it happened. And Telltale's like "Deal wit it".
I'm actually pretty upset I just came across this a few days ago.. ;__;
More hubs gives us longer episodes, so it's kinda the best of both world with hubs.
Win-win situation.
But Jane didn't have a stupid emo cut. I was hoping Clem's hair would look more like hers, just short and cropped. Not that ridiculous side-part.
I think episodes should be longer, but I didn't picture this season having as many characters as the others. I mean, what I'm saying is, they shouldn't add characters just for the sake of adding them, for HUBs and stuff. I do miss the HUBS, though, but unless Clem ends up getting a big group there's not much point, you know?
Longer episodes with a fair amount of hubs, but as long as we get to talk to people and get to know them without many hubs then i’ll take longer episodes
It's ridiculous how season 1 at least felt like playing a game the first time around. ANF was just an extended cutscene, and a poorly animated one at that. smh
I see what you mean. Like using characters as a crutch. I despise that, it's just lazy and careless imo.
Honestly I wish they'd just leave her hair as is. Some people might say it isn't a big deal or stop being dramatic, but I understand, she's growing up and becoming a new person. But that doesn't mean they had to completely switch her style without even questioning how it might affect the community. Look, you wanted us to get attached to this character and accept her - we do. But if you decide to transform her at anytime you feel, were supposed to be okay with it?!? i should have read the terms & agreements .__.
Yah I agree, it wouldn't be that intriguing opposed to the new storyline.
I'd settle for 2hr episodes. It's only right in my opinion, especially our history with Clem. And being this is the final season of her story I expect Telltale to understand how important it is.
With longer episodes hubs generate naturally and result in stretching run time out. Multiple hubs and complex puzzles are what make the episodes long. Season 1 was full of them, thus most of it's episodes ran 2.5 hours.
Yes! Season 1 had so much to explore and made investigating inevitable for every episode. Like to this day I'm still finding out little things you could've done that meant something to the story.
I’d want 1 hr 30 mins at least or around 2 hrs 10 mins at most, I always replay the games multiple times and it gets annoying when it is too long, especially season 1 episode 3 and 4 cos those episodes were long af.
I've been there man
honestly I'd love it if Telltale added the option to skip cutscenes or dialogue for this.
It's been said, before: an option in episode 1 of Season 4 to choose Clem's hair would be excellent and nice way to end the series. Really only three others come to mind: the original bushy hair, the pigtails, the "jane" cut, and of course the default silly emo cut we have now. Is it too late to ask Telltale to implement this for the fans? I mean, it's the final season. It's not that out of the question, is it? I'd ask but really I don't know what to say, and I'm confrontational, so I'm probably not the right one for the job.
Uh, no offense, but why the fuck would anyone want a Jane cut, much less be able to replicate it?
Did you not see the reaction to ANF!Clementine?
Because it's the most practical and not stupidly styled or anything. Also, if your Clem actually liked Jane, it's neat way to honor her memory. What do you want? A buzzcut? Or just the same hair minus pigtails?
I don't think Lee had this in mind for her. Buff baseball player dudes giving her emo cuts n shiet
Yeah, you kinda have a point there.
Again, did you not see the reaction to ANF!Clementine?
I think it's generally opined that she should keep her pigtails. And honestly, I'm inclined to agree purely because it's iconic and/or distinguishable of her. Also, I don't care about customizing "#My!Clementine" because that's not why people were supposed to be here, at least not initially.
Again, I don't care about customizing her hair. With that said, she probably didn't need to look like a Distaff Counterpart of Gabe, as redundant as that probably fuckin sounds.
As long as you have a cute face, short cut hair will always look good. But emo cuts... guhd.
What if they gave her a bun like Christa? Or one tiny pigtail in the back.
Just to signify some maturity. Who wears pigtails their whole life from childhood to adulthood? Nutjobs, I think.
Longer episodes and hubs can only happen with more gameplay obviously, something I feel Telltale aren't capable of giving us anymore. Even if they made 2 hour eps again, i still think most of it would just be cut scenes or crammed in scenes to try and appease the fans they pissed off. It will never match Season 1. Making multiple games at the same time doesn't help either.