Worst 3 deaths of the whole series
What are your worst 3 deaths in the series you would never want to happen to you in a zombie apocalypse?
For me are:
1) Mark, horrible death, his legs brutally chopped inside that man slaugherhouse and cooked, then thrown him alive inside that batthub on a pool of blood, while being kept alive so his "meat" wont spoil for further uses.
2) Luke (and Bonnie if she dies), also this has to be my worst nightmare death, drown under a frozen lake while a walker is dragging him down or trapped under a ice layer he couldnt manage to break through it. It is a slow death and you know that there is nothing you can do it to prevent it.
3) Sarah (observation deck) death was also brutal, trapped under debris without the chance to escape while her friends are watching her being eaten alive by dozens of walkers, without any chance to be rescued.
Honorable mention: Carver
His head literally smashed so hard he couldnt be recognized anymore, even though I think he was already dead after the second hit in the head by Kenny with that crowbar, I dont think he suffered a lot.
Ava’s death made me laugh a little lol not the tripp vs ava one but it’s if she survives and falls off the bridge
Norma gets it pretty bad. She gets a chunk of flesh bit out of her hand, beat on the back of her head with a crowbar, bit on the shoulder, gets an arm chopped off then finally has her insides ripped (and she's still alive to feel that).
Ye true lol poor woman.
I spared her a lot of pain and shot her in the head.
Kenny in S3. Went out like a hero but got eaten alive, must’ve been painful af.
Worst as in badly written or extremely painful?
Extremely painful -
1) Troy
2) Randall
3) Mark
Badly written -
1) Ava
2) Nick - stuck in a fence
3) Sarah - observation deck
Most brutal and painful.
Extremely painful

Well he got shot in the head (if you decide to do so), he didnt suffer. But ye it was emotionally painful for the player nonetheless.
Luke's death at the lake if you choose to try to save him. Drowning is one of the worst and painful ways to die and being dragged deeper and deeper by a walker while seeing the surface go higher and higher is really fucked up.
Troy's death. I do not want to get my dick shot and being devoured by walkers right after. Anything related to walkers is already bad enough.
TFS E2 spoiler in the third one:
How is nobody mentioning Carver? The man can determinantly be shot in the shoulder, then later on he does get his kneecaps blown out, and left to be beaten to death by a metal object.
Worst death of the series was probably Telltale tbh.
He was probably dead after the third swing honestly. A majority of the swings that Kenny did were really to a dead corpse near the end.
Probably the one that comes to my mind the quickest is the dude who gets a flare gun shot through the bottom of his head and right into his mouth.
Other than Kenny and Lee. Fivel, the little boy you find in the attic in season one. Poor boy died alone and starving in an attic with walkers outside. His family was either killed by walkers or taken to a community without him.
Worst as in brutal or worst as in which made me cry? Based on your post I think you mean brutal.
Larry - Holding Lilly back and Kenny going OG with that salt rock still makes me wince. Bashing a guy's brains in front of his own daughter is pretty hardcore af.
Carver - Just wow. Yet again a Kenny kill too. His face looked like a burnt pig carcass with teeth. It was mortifying.
Lee- His death was drawn out. First bit by a walker. Then limb cut off. Then executed by your 8 year old (daughter). Fucking awful.
Traumatizing (Made me Cry)
Kenny - Love that man.
Lee- Too hard man.
I'm surprised no one have said "the death of Telltale" yet.
His parents committed suicide in the next room and left him to die
No, if I remember correctly that was a different house that was next door. After all, why would you need to break through your attic to get there? Different couple.
Don't @ me.
How about most/any of them?
Mark. Didn't deserve that shit
Ye, and he is even a walker without legs.
Luke too probably, forever stuck underwater as an undead, probably worst fate than death itself.
I could be wrong but I think that was a couple in a different house, I remember they shot themselves and clem asked why. That's if I remember correctly
Lmao I did. Great minds.
Norma's death in Michonne made me wince a little bit.
lee had it pretty bad his death was prolonged with being possibly bitten numerous times, arm cut off, shot by the stranger, hit in the head by that purple antic and then either being shot in the head or left to turn.
Which one was that?
I think everyone's already covered the most gruesome of deaths. One I'd add though would be Justin/Danny, to have your leg shot off, by a shotgun no less, and then left to die, hoping to pass out from blood loss before the ever approaching crowd of walkers devour you. Eugh
If I had to rank them I'd go with:
1. Luke
2. Norma
3. Mark
4. Randall
5. Justin/Danny
6. Troy
7. Carver
8. Sarah
One of Randall's guys in episode 2 of Michonne.
I’m surprised no one mentioned the woman you can allow to be eaten to gather more supplies in the first season.
Completely forgot about Troy from Season 2. Dude got his dick shot off then eaten alive.
He totally deserved it but man, what a way to go.
Doug's. His death was so visceral. I loved it though, the way his guts got ripped out. Norma's too.
That's kinda stupid imho, a walking corpse having such strength to rip through human stomach like that is a bit bizarre.
Its less strength and more no conscious restraint. We do not go around grabbing and pulling full force due to things like pain being felt or causing damage. A walker has no such concerns.
But to be on topic:
Lee - Everyone has said why already.
Mark - That poor guy didn't deserve any of that.
Sarina if you cut off her arm - Bit, maimed by a friend, then stumbles back and consumed by a horde....my god...that poor, wonderful woman.
Ikr .
Don't forget that Mark's stubs were cauterized with an iron.
And honestly, Carver got one of the easier deaths. Blown in kneecaps not withstanding.
Speaking from experience, it's actually not that hard to rip skin. Hardest part is the initial piercing of the skin, but if you assume they have exposed bone tips on their fingers, that makes breaking the skin a lot easier, like a lot of little knives. Dull knives, sure, but still better than normal fingers.
Luke's - Drowning would suck
Fival's - starving to death would super suck
Any of the ones where the person got eaten alive - that'd super duper suck