True about Season 2 ending?

I have seen rumors over the years of the original ending of season 2 being the choice between Kenny and Luke? Is there any conformation of this? or was it just rumors?


  • They confirmed it during their panel a few weeks ago where all the voice actors showed up

  • Apparently Kenny was meant to be Carver, too.

    What the fuck Telltale, Season 2 could have been a classic.

  • They scraped it, because it didn't work. Why else would they change it.

    Apparently Kenny was meant to be Carver, too. What the fuck Telltale, Season 2 could have been a classic.

  • edited October 2018

    But Kenny vs Luke is a great idea. Choosing between them would've been so hard for us, much harder than choosing Jane or Kenny.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    They scraped it, because it didn't work. Why else would they change it.

  • Yeah, the idea is great, but we don't know how it actually would've looked like.

    Again, Telltale doesn't just scrap a good idea for a worse one. They must've had their reasonings.

    But Kenny vs Luke is a great idea. Choosing between them would've been so hard for us, much harder than choosing Jane or Kenny.

  • Apparently you have not read the complaints some of the writers had about the old management changing things and ripping out ideas.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    Yeah, the idea is great, but we don't know how it actually would've looked like. Again, Telltale doesn't just scrap a good idea for a worse one. They must've had their reasonings.

  • Kenny in the carver roll that would off been more impactful than meeting Kenny by chance at the ski lodge

  • edited October 2018

    I don't think these problems were that bad back in 2013. These problems really started to hit the fan in 2015, when Kevin Bruner became CEO.

    Apparently you have not read the complaints some of the writers had about the old management changing things and ripping out ideas.

  • You understand that Bruner was a co-founder and was always there as management right?

    GSSalvador posted: »

    I don't think these problems were that bad back in 2013. These problems really started to hit the fan in 2015, when Kevin Bruner became CEO.

  • I know, but it doesn't change the fact that it became really bad when he took over as CEO.

    You understand that Bruner was a co-founder and was always there as management right?

  • After episode 4 came out, the writers that had been working on the season up to that point were senselessly removed from the project and a new team was brought on the finish it instead, hence the sudden abandoning of what little set up that had been established prior to that point (i.e. Kenny vs Luke and all the stuff to do with that church town). It wasn't as bad back then but it still happened.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    I know, but it doesn't change the fact that it became really bad when he took over as CEO.

  • Kenny vs Luke probably would have been better to be honest, would have been harder to choose.

    I cant remember if it was said at this panel or somewhere else, but there was tons of play testing problems where no one was shooting Kenny/ letting Kenny die, so they had to work super hard to paint Kenny in the absolute worst way to finally make it so more people would shoot him. I feel like if it was Luke instead of Jane that would have helped a lot more with the split instead of just making Kenny bad at all times to always appear in the wrong because no one was shooting him.

  • I see. Ep 5 was the worse of season 2 imo. But I still give season 2 a 9.6. It had that magical telltale feel

    Cheddarhead posted: »

    After episode 4 came out, the writers that had been working on the season up to that point were senselessly removed from the project and a n

  • I never said those problems didn't happen back then. I just said that those problems became much worse the moment Kevin Bruner became CEO.

    Cheddarhead posted: »

    After episode 4 came out, the writers that had been working on the season up to that point were senselessly removed from the project and a n

  • Bruner acted like he didnt care. He would not interact with fans or answer many questions.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    I never said those problems didn't happen back then. I just said that those problems became much worse the moment Kevin Bruner became CEO.

  • Kenny VS Luke would be soo much better, so much more emotional than the hole Jane VS Kenny thing. Kenny and Luke were arguing through the whole season. I remember myself how you sometimes had so choose between sharing Luke's oder Kenny's opinion in some situations. I'm also curious how the Luke flashback in Season 3 would be like (probably poor-written like all the other flashbacks in S3, except the Kenny-flashback in Ep 4, think this one was actually pretty cool)

  • edited October 2018

    Pretty much. These flashback scenes are so mindboggling to me.

    Instead of killing Kenny/Jane/Wellington the way they did, why not just make it so that The New Frontier killed them and took AJ. Reveal it in the ep4 flashback, too, and not at the beginning. That would further justify Clementine's hatred towards them and make her flashbacks much more meaningful.

    She wouldn't join them, obviously, but it would be actually interesting when she meets David again. Her relationship with Javier would also be very different and probably more interesting.

    That would also kinda explain, why she didn't return to Richmond. There are still a lot of New Frontier there, just under a new leadership. I wouldn't go back there, too. Too many bad memories.

    Kenny VS Luke would be soo much better, so much more emotional than the hole Jane VS Kenny thing. Kenny and Luke were arguing through the wh

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