If Clementine died, which character would you want to take care of AJ?

I would pick Louis. Guy knows how to take care of himself. Also he has a great bond with AJ already while no one in The School have any bond with AJ at all. Since Clem already taught him all the important stuff about survival then Louis could give him a lot important values so we are not going to have Marlon Case 2.0 in the future. And since they can die at any point it's better if they have some fun before it's their time, right?
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Preferably Louis. Javier is my second choice, if he’s even alive, just in case.
Oh man, I completely forgot about Javi existing. He is such an underrated character. One of not so many good sides of ANF.
My girl Violet.
She would most likely be like my last choice man. Really. I would rather leave him with Aasim. Violet's 24/7 depression and sadness would probably infect him too.
I have some different thoughts on this. If Clem dies and AJ survives, I kind of want Javier to be back and maybe join the kids at the school or wherever they settle if the school is destroyed. I would love them all to look out of AJ and there would be another adult around that way too.
But if we're going with just the characters in this game, then Louis. Or better yet, have them all look out for him.
I would want Louis to take care of him but if he dies then Javier
My choice would be Violet, she's the closest to Clem in terms of demeanor.
James, he's the only one I think who truly knows how to survive and teach AJ like Clem does.
Interesting choice.
As capable as Violet is, I wouldn't wish that on her. Attempting to care for one kid during the best of times on your own can be quite difficult in spite of a lot of Hollywood glamorization. Still being a child herself, taking care of two children ( Tenn and AJ ) during a full on apocalyptic scenario? That's like sentencing her to death, or at the very least a heart wrenching existence.
Someone else would need to watch over them when she leaves to go fishing, unless she decides to bring them both along which exponentially increases the chances that something will go terribly wrong. Keep in mind how much Clementine struggled to carry AJ back to the school.. now imagine choosing between two children you've been caring for because you can't carry both of them.
Lilly if she will redeem herself later in this season, otherwise Violet.
Violet wouldn't carry even one of them. Just look at her. Walking bones almost.
The whole school, or what remains of them. For just one person, only clementine could do that.
Violet. Anyone saying she cant because she's a skinny girl or a kid must forget Clementine raising him by herself at 13 years old. Violet at least has the school kids.
Is her attitude enough reason for me to not be happy about her potential taking care of AJ?
Definitely Louis, he’s basically a father figure to AJ, Javier would be my second pick.
Ruby or Tenn.
Dammit, you stole my first answer.
What attitude? Slight angst, sassy, outspoken but compassionate and loyal to a group and especially young kids? Sounds a lot like Clem lol. I'm not saying they are exactly the same of course but she has plenty of Clem qualities with her attitude. She's a little more emo but she's loyal which makes her good mommy material for Aj to be raised by.
Louis would make a great role model too. I know either way the player picks he's in good hands.
In general though I think the whole school would chip in raising him if Clem died. Their are so many kids with a lot to teach AJ.
I think the obvious answer is Javier. Because he is an adult and has experience with raising kids
Yeah you're talking about positive parts of her attitude. Don't forget about whole Episode 1 in which she was really annoying with her whole depressed talks 24/7. Like really, can't she talk about anything else?
Or older brother. Still, he is perfect option if you ask me.
She was putting on a front for Clem because she thought Clem was cute from rip. Everyone puts on that cool kid "i'm so edgy" vibe when around a crush. But even if that's part of her attitude. It's kinda mysterious and cool and part of her charm. Louis didn't have constant unwavering loyalty to protect AJ even though he does now. Violet never sent them in the woods like that. Mad or not. I forgive him but I trust Violet to always stand on the side of a child after that. She has a lot of heart.
How can people want Louis to take care of him lol? It's partly his fault that AJ got shot.
Actually, it was Mitch.
Not to mention that Louis let's AJ keep the gun(not that he gets to use it) and can get shot himself.
Yeah but Louis also voted them out.
He shouldn't even have taken it in the first place.
I'm not forgetting anything. I'm just still surprised at how many people aren't considering factors aside from 'if Clem can do it anyone can do it'. Violet is taking care of Tenn. She has been taking care of Tenn by herself for about a year. She likely helped take care of him when she was dating his sister.
I don't know how many times it's been proven in the Walking Dead that having more than one kid to take care of spells disaster, but if Rick Grimes couldn't keep his whole family alive in a much stronger group than I don't know why so many people think Violet could ( both in the show and the comics ). Hershel Green lost his children, and his life. Michonne lost her kids - either missing or dead depending on which medium you follow, and the sex and number also change. Abraham lost AJ and Becca, his two kids.
Even one child can be difficult to look after. Morgan's son, the governor's daughter, Kenny's son, Carol's daughter. There are even some kids I'm not listing. Violet may be a badass for a teenager, but there's a variety of badasses on this list that tried and failed.
Dude. It's hard to have an unwavering loyalyty to protect someone that you know for 1.5 day and in that short period of time that person killed you best friend. I'm pretty sure that if AJ would kill Minerva then Violet would be the same or well - probably even worse.
It's not you that should forgive Louis. It's Louis that should forgive you. Don't miss that picture, pretty important one.
Louis/Violet should take care of AJ.
Just because he voted for them to go since he unnecessarly killed his best friend? It's pretty normal reaction to not be okay with something like this, but you know... I might be wrong:)
Louis has the biggest bond with AJ from all the people apart Clem. He showed him how to play a piano, he gave us up his food for him, he was making him and Clem happy throughout whole Episode 1, he was the one who rushed to help him when he was pushed on the ground by Marlon.
In Episode 2 even after what he did he still cared about him. Even when kicking him out he was sad, but he kept in mind what he did. Then he carried him to The School (even if he got shot in the arm). Later on he was being around him hoping he is okay.
Dude. It's pretty safe to say that out of every person in The School, AJ obviously likes Louis the most. And Louis is a perfect father figure for him.
I'd vote for Louis. He has a real good chemistry with AJ, and just like you said, even if they're gonna die, at least they had some fun 'til the end, because AJ likes Louis a lot. I think from what we saw until now, he likes Louis a lot more than Violet.
My second vote would be Javier. He's an underrated character in my opinion, and I think it's kinda sad that he (most likely) won't appear in The Final Season.
Violet or Louis.
Louis does seem like a better pick considering that he has shown much more affection towards AJ than Violet did so far.
I agree with your agreement.
The whole community. This is tribalism. Back in the day the whole tribe was responsible for raising and protecting the kids. That should make a comeback.
I'd have to go with AJ! He's helped Clem out of a few sticky situations himself. He seems war ready. A little bit too war ready I might add. Trigger happy too
If he survives this season, by Clem's age, AJ'll be a force to be reckoned with.
I would definitely say Louis. Yes his initial treatment towards AJ in Episode 2 was harsh, such as calling him a murderer, but he's been good to AJ both before and after that. He looked after him when Clem was unconscious, gave him his food rations when AJ finished his, immediately rushed to get AJ after Marlon took his gun and when Clem collapsed while holding him after they returned to Ericson's, and was by his side after his injury. Clem has provided AJ with the tools and skills to survive, and Louis would provide the lightheartedness and humor AJ needs when you don't need to always be worrying about walkers. Plus, the kid just needs a good father figure in his life, and as shown through my previous examples, Louis can easily be that guy.