Who would you want to survive from OTHER Telltale Games?
I've seen a dream team for TWD and and reality one, but this one...I think would be neat. Looking at all the other games, build a team...both good and bad...on who you'd take into the zombie Apocalypse alongside you, Clem and AJ.
A few provisos:
1) They have to be in a TTG made game. Physically. Mentions do not count.
2) As far as the good guy team goes...you may claim only ONE Protagonist. Otherwise the teams will all be Batman, Bigby Wolf...etc... And by Main i mean the guy or guys you play as the most (Keeping in mind GoT has 3 main protags)
3) Try to be diverse. Picking all of Task Force X would be dull.
4) No Walking Dead people. We got Clem and AJ.
Ok my picks:
1) Ash Williams. Poker Night at the Inventory counts and he's the #1 undead killer in a TTG game. Hands down, Nuff said. He will be invaluable in group tactics, warfare and working in making weapons to kill large groups based on his time in Army of Darkness.
2 +3) Marty McFly and Emmett Brown. Should be obvious. Marty is the main, Emmett #1 side. They also have experience in lower tech times, Emmett's genius would be welcome in making unconventional means to survive. Plus Marty is plucky, creative and resourceful. They would be a good pair.
4) Tyrion Lannister: Smart as a whip, smaller and harder to grab and pairing him with Ash and Emmett guarantees a lot can get done and done well.
5) Gamora: The deadliest woman in the universe? Yes please.
1) Harley Quinn: A more in control version who...in the right hands, can be the Negan of the group. All i gotta do is keep things fun and see she is happy.
2) GLaDOS: Kind of a cheat, I know, but Wellington would not have fallen if she was there. All i need to do is encourage her to see the merits of....undead test subjects on top of bandits.
3) Edna Strickland (circa 1931): The young serious minded ally of prohibition is in the right spot to be molded into a more controlled version of what she became. With the right coaching from GLaDOS and Harley, she would make a good #2.
4) Hala the Accuser: Kree Accusers are bad ass warriors. Plus I felt Thanos would be too OP, if he didn't just laugh and walk off (after all, it serves Death for the virus to spread).
5) The Jersey Devil: A tank, possibly immune due to not being human and a hell of a foe. He would be a good point man an underling.
Too many rules.
I go with: Batman, Bigby, Lee, Jesus and Rick Grimes.
Bibgy Wolf, Jesse and Gared.
I'm not sure i'd want too many people in my ideal apacolypse group tbh. I think more people make a group harder to function usually from what we've seen in the game and easy to catch. But Batman? BATMAN!
Why the hell not. It's freaking batman lol. I'll take a Alfred too just so we get all the cool gadgets and butler for Batman to have a friend. And give me that cool Robot dude from tales of the borderlands. The big robot not the cute small one. Ah... on second thought give me both lol. And the minecraft iron golems too. A few of those for protection.
With the Iron golems out front and the big robot dude behind with his machine guns and super strength. No walkers could ever come close. Batman to have strategic plans, cool gadgets and to say "I'm batman" for old times sake. I'm sure AJ would love Batman. It'd be perfect. I like this group. Leaves room for newcomers we might encounter on the travels too. I'd probably be the same as Louis if I was in the WD world tbh. Actively trying to win over Clem lol.
If you were including WD characters it would have been harder for me because I love so many. Javier and Kate would have came along too. Javi is cool and would be a great dad role model for Clem and AJ. He'd teach AJ baseball and all kinds of cool stuff. It'd be pretty adorable. Tenn too so AJ has an older brother. Maybe Eleanor for first aid and stuff. Lee could probably be cool too. I'd bring quite a few people after all I guess lol.
I don't remember much of wolf among us. But i'm sure their'd be a few characters that'd be cool but I think I remember the wolf guy being extremely spontaneous and unpredictable when he became the wolf.
Asher Forrester, guy was a fucking beast.
I'm halfway through Wolf Among Us, so I'll have to get back to you.
I want to take john/Joker with me but I'm afraid he will just fuck everthing up lol