Let's talk about anything TWAU related! (questions, jokes, thoughts, etc.)

I have completed my first playthrough of the Wolf Among Us and thus am mostly free to talk! Except this corner of the community has apparently not been very active for a while now, like nearing a year from what I reached back on.
So, to hopefully get some without just bumping a bunch of threads, I'm gonna take a cue from @thatgirljay and create a general talk thread where anyone can drop by and say something about this game.
Originally just a questions thread, but like I said, anyone can say something here!



  • edited November 2018

    Okay, so I'm thinking about making a "new" thread since most of the broad topics are over six months old now. I'm actually using a search to find decent topics to renew and just have to decide which ones I'd be interested in making first. So I'll make a list here of considerations while I search.

    • Favorite Fable
    • Least Favorite
    • Both/All Characters
    • Flaws
    • Questions(unlikely)
    • Popular Opinion
    • Unpopular Opinion
    • Character Design
    • Voice Acting
    • Funny Moments
    • Unused Concepts
    • Episode Rankings
    • Villains
    • Alternative Fable Inclusions
    • Music
    • Theme Songs
    • Concept Art
    • First Time Theories
    • Attractiveness
    • Color
    • Alternative Protagonists
    • What Fable are you?
    • Irritating
  • Can someone explain to me what exactly constitutes and diversifies being a Fable?

  • edited November 2018

    Okay, so I'm looking through some old threads &one of them is about how he hates Bloody Mary and how he


    hope[s] she got a GODDAMN CUMSHOT from all of the men in New York.


  • You know, upon reflection, it occurs to me that this whole game was kinda silly to begin with.

  • At risk of spoiling my second playthrough a bit, what is Tweedle Dee/Dum's(which it was) connection/history with the frequenters of the Trip Trap?

  • So I've done a bit of reading and learned that in addition to being based on the Fables comic book, the Wolf Among Us was written as something of a prequel to it. With this in mind, how exactly do you think Season 2's plot would've been made?

  • edited November 2018

    Yeah it's a prequel to the comics so if you're disappointed about this game not having a sequel you can just read the comics and find out what happened to Bigby and the other characters (but i'm warning you,the comics are completely different from the game so you may not like them).

    And about Season 2,honestly i don't know,no one knew what they were going to do,i think they were setting up the game to be in Winter or something.

    And i'll be honest here i love The Wolf Among Us it's my favorite telltale game but i wasn't really disappointed about not having another season because..
    I just feel like this game had an ending,and they also said that they were never going to tell us about the cliffhanger at the end of episode 5..

    So yeah this isn't a huge loss to me,there's other games who really deserved a sequel like Game of Thrones for example.

    DabigRG posted: »

    So I've done a bit of reading and learned that in addition to being based on the Fables comic book, the Wolf Among Us was written as something of a prequel to it. With this in mind, how exactly do you think Season 2's plot would've been made?

  • edited November 2018

    Ok i'll bite and try to answer some of these.


    The music ooooooh,the music,it's probably the best thing Jared's ever done,it's beautiful i could listen to the music all day.

    Fun fact : the music you hear in the Trip Trap bar is the same music you hear in the bar in Prescott in TWD S3. (It's from Sam and Max)


    Bloody Mary's great but i was kinda disappointed with how she went out in episode 5,i just felt like..that was anti-climatic ? I don't know,i always felt like the way she went out was weak,still,she's a great villain (one of my favorites).

    Voice Acting

    Well i don't know if i should talk about that,the voice acting in telltale's games is always great,the voice actors are all great.

    Unpopular Opinion

    The Woodsman is one of my favorite characters,i haven't seen many people talk about him but i love what they did with him,in episode 1 he's just a pathetic drunk guy and in episode 4 he's the one saving your life,awesome.

    Funny Moments

    Favorite Fable

    Bigby is obviously my favorite Fable,but um if i had to chose someone else..then Colin,everything Colin says is gold.

    "Everybody wants Bigby to shave,and take a shower,hell i'm pratically the president of Bigby's don't be such a dick club !"

    Least Favorite

    I don't know,this is hard,i don't think there's anyone i actually dislike in this game,they're all great characters,even the villains.

    Popular Opinion

    Bigby's a badass.

    ...What ? You asked for a popular opinion i'm giving you one.

    Unused Concepts

    I wish Detective Brannigan was more involved in the plot,i think she was actually gonna have a bigger role in the plot before they decided to rewrite the game.

    (That was the original thumbnail for episode 3)

    DabigRG posted: »

    Okay, so I'm thinking about making a "new" thread since most of the broad topics are over six months old now. I'm actually using a search to

  • (but i'm warning you,the comics are completely different from the game so you may not like them).

    Yeah, I've seen comments to that affect while searching around for ideas and checking TVTropes.

    i think they were setting up the game to be in Winter or something.

    Huh. Interesting.
    Is that like a running theme with Telltale games?

    I just feel like this game had an ending

    That's true. One of the things I appreciated about the game was that it had little shame about just being a fun, self-contained story without feeling the need to be something greater.

    they also said that they were never going to tell us about the cliffhanger at the end of episode 5..

    (I've only done one playthrough so far, which I chronicled in the thread that bares me name)

    iFoRias posted: »

    Yeah it's a prequel to the comics so if you're disappointed about this game not having a sequel you can just read the comics and find out wh

  • edited November 2018


    Yeah the famous "cliffhanger" at the end of episode 5 and the whole mistery about the ending everyone talked about (was Faith alive the whole time or was it Nerissa)
    you have two choices,let her go or go after her,they said that they were never going to tell us what happened after that.

    DabigRG posted: »

    (but i'm warning you,the comics are completely different from the game so you may not like them). Yeah, I've seen comments to that a

  • edited November 2018

    Well, that explains those random flashs Bigby got before the final choice.

    Though it clearly raises more questions.

    iFoRias posted: »

    Cliffhanger? Yeah the famous "cliffhanger" at the end of episode 5 and the whole mistery about the ending everyone talked about (was

  • It's funny because there's actually a wolf among us comic book
    (Not Fables another one) and it gives us even more questions.

    I don't remember much (it's been a while) but that comic book was a complete mess,i remember something about a naked ritual with Bloody Mary,and Dee and Dum or some shit.

    Anyway a lot of people already talked about the ending so i don't really want to get into this again.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Oh. Well, that explains those random flashs Bigby got before the final choice. Though it clearly raises more questions.

  • In-universe, why/how exactly did Crane decide to confront Nerissa specifically when he was looking for answers?

  • there's actually a wolf among us comic book

    Yeah, I found a panel or two from it during one of my searches.

    it gives us even more questions.

    Oh, wonderful.

    something about a naked ritual with Bloody Mary,and Dee and Dum

    iFoRias posted: »

    It's funny because there's actually a wolf among us comic book (Not Fables another one) and it gives us even more questions. I don't re

  • Was replaying episode 1 and I just really noticed Beauty's sort of high-maintenance design.

  • If you arrest Woody at the end of Episode 1, he complains that Dee was "covered in blood" and Bigby let him go. Was this a cut element?

  • Not worth askin after today, but did Crane actually , you know,...do anything to Lily during their "massage" sessions?

  • Did Snow just not know Vivian worked at the Pudding n Pie?

  • Who actually was it TJ heard laughing and arguing to stop respectively when Lily's body was cement-shoe'd in the river?

  • Uh..no ?

    DabigRG posted: »

    If you arrest Woody at the end of Episode 1, he complains that Dee was "covered in blood" and Bigby let him go. Was this a cut element?

  • Jersey,i think.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Who actually was it TJ heard laughing and arguing to stop respectively when Lily's body was cement-shoe'd in the river?

  • Dee isn't exactly a walking polyp.

    Jersey,i think.

    Hm...I guess?

    iFoRias posted: »

    Uh..no ?

  • What is the extent of the effects glamour could potentially have on someone?

  • edited November 2018


    DabigRG posted: »

    What is the extent of the effects glamour could potentially have on someone?

  • What was Crane doing to whoever it was in the Meat Locker? Or it really was him being chained there, what was Mary doing to him?

  • edited November 2018

    Uh...I think my game just glitched out.

  • Is there meant to be any real connection between Bloody Mary and the Crooked Man?

  • Um...any idea what that stuff under Crane's desk happens to be...?

  • It's not really specified what exactly constitutes being a Fable in the comics. MOSTLY they're characters from fairytales by the Brothers Grimm and other authors, but we also get characters from nursery rhymes, children's books, foreign literature, and even novels from the mid-1800's.

    TWAU threw even more at us by including urban legends into that constitution by having Bloody Mary and Jersey Devil appear.

    There doesn't seem to be a specific criteria other than "if someone thought it up and enough Mundy's knew the story then it would come to life"?

    It's never explained proper.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Can someone explain to me what exactly constitutes and diversifies being a Fable?

  • There's an extra file at the back of Dee&Dums A-D case cabinet. Is it meant for anyone in particular?

  • Is Rachel a familiar or just a discreet persona?

  • Pretty sure Rachel is meant to be Greenleaf's daughter; guessing she never made it out of the Homelands during the Exodus :(

    DabigRG posted: »

    Is Rachel a familiar or just a discreet persona?

  • Who was the third car that initially cornered Bigby, Snow, and Crane?

  • Yeah, I got that, but I was referring to the glamour version.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Pretty sure Rachel is meant to be Greenleaf's daughter; guessing she never made it out of the Homelands during the Exodus

  • Burning Greenleaf's tree is anticlimactic.

  • Was the heatwave Johann mentioned supposed to be significant?

  • Reading his entry in the Book of Fables in hindsight, as well as seeing a series of concept designs for him, was Clever Hans supposed to have a bigger role?

  • Did Crane know much about Snow's background?

  • edited December 2018

    Okay, so I just tried the "We found the photos" option when you confront him in Nerissa's dressing room--he does know at least about Charming.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Did Crane know much about Snow's background?

  • edited December 2018

    Here's a more pertinent question: How exactly did Crane end up apparently in debt to the Crooked Man?

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