Lily is too far gone, I thought suffer the children she could be redeemable and later hopefully in Broken Toys ....the Lilly we once knew is dead and we have this Devil of a Lilly.
My problem with Lily was that she tried to walk right over me and my people. That's one thing I HATE more than anything. That, and being ordered. She tried me and dug her grave before she got to dig it. I liked her dark side, but not when it was used against me. I hope we get to cut off her hand or a lock of her hair and keep to remember of her.
Lily is too far gone, I thought suffer the children she could be redeemable and later hopefully in Broken Toys ....the Lilly we once knew is dead and we have this Devil of a Lilly.
The rollercoaster of emotions, the plot twists, even the short moments of happiness and togetherness in the dark depressing world they now live in.
Louis getting his tongue cut out and looking so emotionally drained choked me up a little. Especially after going through so much, he still lets out a smile if just for a brief moment. Poor guy just wanted to sing and make people happy
The decision at the end was one of the toughest I've ever had to make in a Telltale series. You either let Lilly's reign of terror end with a bullet, but risk AJ becoming something you've been trying to avoid this whole time. Or you have AJ follow James' plea, only for James himself to be taken out by Lilly. I went for the latter....
And that flashback. Don't get me started on that flashback. I cried like a b*tch.
All 3 episodes have been spectacular. And although I have an uneasy feeling in my stomach on what's to come, I cannot wait for Episode 4.
Exactly he seems so idiotic, his reasoning. I just wish the writers would allow Clem to say what you said. Walkers 100% have no more soul left in them. If they did, then every walker who had a relationship with a character in The Walking Dead, wouldn't hurt them, better yet they'd do something interesting that proves the walker still feels for the person, but no, all they do is try to eat. How could anyone be so dense. BuT iTs aLL aBoUt aCcEpTaNcE
Also, someone needs to slap some sense into James. He’s all like ‘They’re basically like normal people’. I was over thinking to myself like … moreummmmm noooooo they are not. Without his walker hide, they’d rip him a brand new asshole. I didn’t kill his walkers because we could’ve used them to our advantage, but I disagreed with him completely after walking through the barn. Also, how tf does he wear that mask without his face being all slimey??
You either let Lilly's reign of terror end with a bullet, but risk AJ becoming something you've been trying to avoid this whole time
The way I see it, his descent into evil is inevitable, so we might as well cut him loose and let him act like the fucking animal he really is, just like his father.
I went for the latter....
I'm surprised you didn't have AJ shoot Lily on account of her shooting Carley in the face all those many years ago, and your name being "WeMissYouCarley"
It was everything I'd hoped for and then some.
The rollercoaster of emotions, the plot twists, even the short moments of happiness and to… moregetherness in the dark depressing world they now live in.
Louis getting his tongue cut out and looking so emotionally drained choked me up a little. Especially after going through so much, he still lets out a smile if just for a brief moment. Poor guy just wanted to sing and make people happy
The decision at the end was one of the toughest I've ever had to make in a Telltale series. You either let Lilly's reign of terror end with a bullet, but risk AJ becoming something you've been trying to avoid this whole time. Or you have AJ follow James' plea, only for James himself to be taken out by Lilly. I went for the latter....
And that flashback. Don't get me started on that flashback. I cried like a b*tch.
All 3 episodes have been spectacular. And although I have an uneasy feeling in my stomach on what's to come, I cannot wait for Episode 4.
Thank you Telltale/Skybound
Nothing, but maybe they didn't want him to. They are his parents, they have a right to decide what he should do with his life, especially if he is still under their roof using their money. He wanted singing lessons so bad, he should have gotten himself a job, and paid for his own lessons. Louis didn't have the right to break up their marriage because he was butthurt that they didn't want to waste their money on singing lessons for him.
Fck I'm so broken... I just can't...
Like wtf, at the one moment I'm laughing my ass of about these dorky teens and at the other moment I'm traumatized by Louis with his tongue cut out, my love Violet getting her fingers chopped off (I'm so going to replay and change that decision. I thought they would badly injure AJ, but nope he just bites that bitch's ear off when you choose to let him attack the raider) and James being killed by Lilly. This episode RUINED me.
But to talk about the positive stuff...
I loved how Violet just asked Clem for a dance. Totally didn't expect her to be so romantic. And the looks she and Clem gave each other made me melt down.
The Lee flashback was so heart-warming. Just seeing the 16 year old Clementine with Lee and talking to him... my heeaaart omg.
And learning something about the past of the other kids was very great too. But jeez, Violet... I just can't handle her story with her grandma. Seeing how your grandmother shoots herself and not doing anything about it because you want to watch cartoons... That's so messed up. But regardless of that, I love her anyway.
So yeah, I really loved this episode and it nearly met all my expectations. But now I'm so anxious about Clem's safety since she and AJ talked so much about her death. Please Skybound, spare my little sweet pea.
I am so glad I chose to save Louis! Learning that Louis looses his tongue if he gets taken whilst nothing really happens to Violet aside from her being petty... sheeesh! I really don't want to play the Violet playthrough now! I can cope with a petty/angsty Violet but my boy Louis can't loose his tongue!
Also maybe I'm guliable but I really wanted to believe Minnie would come back to our side. I know she was brainwashed but she didn't sell us out in the forrest and all the little looks she gave and asking about Tenn, really thought we'd be able to convince her to leave Delta and come back to Ericson!
Also, someone needs to slap some sense into James. He’s all like ‘They’re basically like normal people’. I was over thinking to myself like … moreummmmm noooooo they are not. Without his walker hide, they’d rip him a brand new asshole. I didn’t kill his walkers because we could’ve used them to our advantage, but I disagreed with him completely after walking through the barn. Also, how tf does he wear that mask without his face being all slimey??
Y'know what's funny is that after finding out what happens when you spare Lilly I'm finding myself not that surprised. We found out in season one that when you show Lilly mercy she'll use it as a weakness. That's how some people ended up one RV short when you decide to bring her along after she shoots Doug/Carley. It's kinda reinforced my decision to have AJ blast her.
We found out in season one that when you show Lilly mercy she'll use it as a weakness
And for some reason, I completely forgot about that scene. You see, if I were a brighter man, I would've remembered that and encouraged AJ to drop all the lead possible in her body. But nope.
Y'know what's funny is that after finding out what happens when you spare Lilly I'm finding myself not that surprised. We found out in seaso… moren one that when you show Lilly mercy she'll use it as a weakness. That's how some people ended up one RV short when you decide to bring her along after she shoots Doug/Carley. It's kinda reinforced my decision to have AJ blast her.
she didn't sell us out in the forest and all the little looks she gave and asking about Tenn
True......very true...…
Unfortunately for her, whatever luck Minnie had in this world just ran out when she crossed my Clementine. Violet was there to protect her when she was left wide open, and Clem had to go get AJ back from Lily, so Clem let Minnie go. She may be safe for now, however my Clem won't be so charitable as to spare her life the next time she gets the chance to kill her.
I am so glad I chose to save Louis! Learning that Louis looses his tongue if he gets taken whilst nothing really happens to Violet aside fro… morem her being petty... sheeesh! I really don't want to play the Violet playthrough now! I can cope with a petty/angsty Violet but my boy Louis can't loose his tongue!
Also maybe I'm guliable but I really wanted to believe Minnie would come back to our side. I know she was brainwashed but she didn't sell us out in the forrest and all the little looks she gave and asking about Tenn, really thought we'd be able to convince her to leave Delta and come back to Ericson!
Clementine debating on leaving Violet (even the way Violet was sitting reminded me of Sarah).
Well fuck.
@Dex-Starr Also, how tf does he wear that mask without his face being all slimey??
Because it's an actual mask now.
@Sarunas21 I was also surprised she actually cared for Abel's well being. I told Abel she abandoned him, but it seemed like that wasn't the case. Emotionally anyway. So that was interesting to me. I sort of expected her to be like "No matter. He served his purpose" on some Orochimaru shit.
Yeah, I thought that's what would probably happen.
Strengthens the idea that the episode had contradictory objectives between appearances and establishments.
@Joshua1991 Can we talk about how adorable AJ's protectivness of Tenn towards Willy was?
By all means.
@Dex-Starr Hearing her little story of how Larry was a tough father growing up, cutting off their electricity, taking her ice cream sandwiches away and shit was interesting.
When she told me about throwing a party, I was expecting them to dance. That “party” was pretty lame lol.
I was too.
Was expecting some awkward fuckin.
I thought that was one of the coolest and most interesting scenes in the game. It reminds me how Aang used to go into the avatar state and talk to Roku for guidance.
That is sorta what it was, wasn't it?
I also loved how Lee was self aware of him being a figment of her unconcious mind, yet still told her to come visit him again. That was sweet.
Yeah, that made it.
Is he though?
@EleanorBigby So are we going to have to face Minerva & Violet now? Who’s the antagonist? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING TO HAPPEN?! @Leegendary “Violet and Minnie are the new antagonists lol also clems bit XD”
@0v3rp0w3r So what happens if you don't choose anything during the final choice? Is it just a game over?
Yeah, I've been wonderin bout that.
@The_Duck This thread spoiled me on James dying if you didn't kill Lily
That and Violet being difficult.
@Sarunas21 What pisses me off is that she doesn't seem to see Clem. Right. In. Front. Of. Her.
Uh, what do you mean?
I was expecting Louis to walk up to Clem and be like "May I have this dance, Milady" or some corny shit. Tbh, they missed an opportunity there.
...Yeah, it kinda was.
Our boy CarverDidNothingWrong above you would like to have a word Lol. I don't know what Louis did to him.
Have a [fun] personality.
@Dex-Starr Imark my words, I’ll make sure AJ dies in everyone’s playthrough
A lot more emotional than I thought. Very touching moments throughout the first and mid parts of the episode. And is it me, or were a lot of… more the scenes parallel to S2? Rubbing blood on themeselves (In Harm’s away), The walker grabbing Clementine under water (Luke’s death), and Clementine debating on leaving Violet (even the way Violet was sitting reminded me of Sarah).
You're just noticing that aspect?
Clementine debating on leaving Violet (even the way Violet was sitting reminded me of Sarah).
… more Well fuck.
@Dex-Starr Also, how tf does he wear that mask without his face being all slimey??
Because it's an actual mask now.
@Sarunas21 I was also surprised she actually cared for Abel's well being. I told Abel she abandoned him, but it seemed like that wasn't the case. Emotionally anyway. So that was interesting to me. I sort of expected her to be like "No matter. He served his purpose" on some Orochimaru shit.
Yeah, I thought that's what would probably happen.
Strengthens the idea that the episode had contradictory objectives between appearances and establishments.
@Joshua1991 Can we talk about how adorable AJ's protectivness of Tenn towards Willy was?
By all means.
@Dex-Starr Hearing her little story of how Larry was a tough father growing up, cut… [view original content]
I still didn't expect her to kill a random kid with basically no remorse whatsoever.
In episode 2 she killed Mitch... but it could be argued it was self defence.
Y'know what's funny is that after finding out what happens when you spare Lilly I'm finding myself not that surprised. We found out in seaso… moren one that when you show Lilly mercy she'll use it as a weakness. That's how some people ended up one RV short when you decide to bring her along after she shoots Doug/Carley. It's kinda reinforced my decision to have AJ blast her.
I still didn't expect her to kill a random kid with basically no remorse whatsoever.
In episode 2 she killed Mitch... but it could be argued it was self defence.
She's definitely un-redeemable at this point.
In my game after seeing what she'd done to Louis, I knew she was wayyy past the point of being reasoned with. I wanted AJ to be able to learn how to spare people but at this point it seems he literally only has the choice of be kill crazy or be dead.
I still didn't expect her to kill a random kid with basically no remorse whatsoever.
In episode 2 she killed Mitch... but it could be argued it was self defence.
She's definitely un-redeemable at this point.
Y'know what's funny is that after finding out what happens when you spare Lilly I'm finding myself not that surprised. We found out in seaso… moren one that when you show Lilly mercy she'll use it as a weakness. That's how some people ended up one RV short when you decide to bring her along after she shoots Doug/Carley. It's kinda reinforced my decision to have AJ blast her.
From my survivalist, pragmatic perspective, forcing AJ to be this "sparing" person and "forging " person of obviously irredeemable people actually looks like the game is trying to have AJ or someone close to him get killed, very very stupidly.
How can AJ survive properly if you're not able to let him know that people like Lily have to be taken out?
Or that walkers aren't "monsters" and that you should be a pacifist in a zombie apocalypse? What kind of silly shit is this?
I've been believing this since episode 2 but I think the whole "AJ turns into a psycho" thing is actually a red herring.
In my game after seeing what she'd done to Louis, I knew she was wayyy past the point of being reasoned with. I wanted AJ to be able to learn how to spare people but at this point it seems he literally only has the choice of be kill crazy or be dead.
Does anyone else think the 4th episode will start out with a big flashback/dream of the ranch? Clearly Clem gets knocked out pretty hard at the end of 3.
I have a decent degree of faith that he actually won't snap. If i'm remembering it right, for me AJ showed that he felt bad having to hurt and kill people even though I've never hesitated to hurt or attack anyone attacking us.
Even though he did put an entire clip into Lily's corpse, I think most people would've been pissed enough at what she'd done to do that. Hell if my Clem had the gun and the option, I'd have done the exact same thing just for what she did to Louis.
From my survivalist, pragmatic perspective, forcing AJ to be this "sparing" person and "forging " person of obviously irredeemab… morele people actually looks like the game is trying to have AJ or someone close to him get killed, very very stupidly.
How can AJ survive properly if you're not able to let him know that people like Lily have to be taken out?
Or that walkers aren't "monsters" and that you should be a pacifist in a zombie apocalypse? What kind of silly shit is this?
I've been believing this since episode 2 but I think the whole "AJ turns into a psycho" thing is actually a red herring.
No, he's a rebellious youth playing a childish prank that goes too far.
@happylovelyperson2016 All the Ericson’s kids are mental.
They might be all screwed up in the head, but I love these characters.
It's not just in mentally, but emotionally as well.
Hell, even a little bit psychologically, arguably.
@Sarunas21 So are we not gonna talking about WILLY THE G.O.A.T. and the reason he was sent to that school?
She's like top 3 most attractive female in this series now.
What, that's "alive" right now?
@MaikelRR The only guys that came close were Lex Luthor from Smallville or Boy Blue from Fables' comic series.
Lex Luthor? Wtf
Anyway, I should get around to maybe giving those comics a read.
@GBDillon Well we found out why Willy is called Willy.
@Dex-Starr Clementine really doesn’t give a fuck about her parents?
Hol' up, something's not adding up with Violet and her enrollment at Ericson's. If her father was drunk at every turn and her mother was working 3 jobs just to barely make ends meet, how the hell did could she afford to go there? I just think it might've been pretty costly since Louis, a boy who came from a rich family, was enrolled there.
Another good question.
@GSSalvador My favorite piece of cinematography this episode was in the scene where Lily tells the story of the twins and somewhere during the end of that monologue the camera holds onto Minervas face for what felt like 20 seconds straight and you could see how the more Lily told about that story, the more regretful Minervas expression became. Her left eye even twitched a little at the end. I was surprised how great that facial expression was animated. I could really see how Minerva looked back at and relieved that moment just by her expression. Whoever did that is a genius.
That was pretty well done, admittedly.
@AronDracula Rich parents have no excuses not letting their children to do what they want.
Except to make themselves look good by reflection.
@lottii-lu Idk then I guess it rubed me the wrong way that that's what happened to Louis meanwhile with Violet shes physically ok but she hates and betrays us (which also felt somewhat off too though I get that she's upset that Clem choose to save him over her)
Exactly, AJ is the opposite of a sociopath, because he's actually very aware and emotionally sensitive about the actions he takes and about the actions he might take.
An actual psychopath/sociopath wouldn't be having the emotional conflict AJ is constantly having with himself.
Also AJ hasn't tortured an animal or burned something up for the thrill of it which are the typical cliches of a child psychopath.
Anyone can snap in the apocalypse, but that's not really indicative of someone's core personality trait and core mental state.
I have a decent degree of faith that he actually won't snap. If i'm remembering it right, for me AJ showed that he felt bad having to hurt a… morend kill people even though I've never hesitated to hurt or attack anyone attacking us.
Even though he did put an entire clip into Lily's corpse, I think most people would've been pissed enough at what she'd done to do that. Hell if my Clem had the gun and the option, I'd have done the exact same thing just for what she did to Louis.
He was a relatively little kid, dude. What job could he get?
Not mention that he was explicitly asking them to allow him to take lessons and his dad told him something negative that kinda contradicts itself when you think about it.
Like, if they had so much money to piss away that Louis could buy a bunch of shit online for months without them noticing, they had enough money to potentially allow him to take singing lessons or some alternative.
@TheUrbanization We found out in season one that when you show Lilly mercy she'll use it as a weakness.
Yeesh, overdramatic much?
@Pyreflie Does anyone else think the 4th episode will start out with a big flashback/dream of the ranch?
I mean they'd better.
@SavageClemmy Anyone can snap in the apocalypse, but that's not really indicative of someone's core personality trait and core mental state.
Nothing, but maybe they didn't want him to. They are his parents, they have a right to decide what he should do with his life, especially if… more he is still under their roof using their money. He wanted singing lessons so bad, he should have gotten himself a job, and paid for his own lessons. Louis didn't have the right to break up their marriage because he was butthurt that they didn't want to waste their money on singing lessons for him.
He was a relatively little kid, dude. What job could he get?
Not mention that he was explicitly asking them to allow him to take lessons… more and his dad told him something negative that kinda contradicts itself when you think about it.
Like, if they had so much money to piss away that Louis could buy a bunch of shit online for months without them noticing, they had enough money to potentially allow him to take singing lessons or some alternative.
@TheUrbanization We found out in season one that when you show Lilly mercy she'll use it as a weakness.
Yeesh, overdramatic much?
@Pyreflie Does anyone else think the 4th episode will start out with a big flashback/dream of the ranch?
I mean they'd better.
@SavageClemmy Anyone can snap in the apocalypse, but that's not really indicative of someone's core personality trait and core mental state.
Pretty much.
. Clem and Aj remain a strong duo, Aj going off the deep end is still a big plot point
. Minnie was good, already one of the better villans
. Louis was great and had a lot of development
. The entire end scene was great
. Choice mattered pretty good
. The secondary characters feel even more pointless, I dont care about tenn or the others whatsoever
. Lilly felt a bit wasted but im not sure what more could be done with her
. Violet went full kenny mode but fair enough at least shes interesting now
. Lee dream.....seriously can we stop having these weird dream scenes lees been dead for years why clem never even mentions her parents but goes on and on about lee is mind numbing
. A lot of the james and walker stuff was boring filler imo
Was a good episode
. Clem and Aj remain a strong duo, Aj going off the deep end is still a big plot point
. Minnie was good… more, already one of the better villans
. Louis was great and had a lot of development
. The entire end scene was great
. Choice mattered pretty good
. The secondary characters feel even more pointless, I dont care about tenn or the others whatsoever
. Lilly felt a bit wasted but im not sure what more could be done with her
. Violet went full kenny mode but fair enough at least shes interesting now
. Lee dream.....seriously can we stop having these weird dream scenes lees been dead for years why clem never even mentions her parents but goes on and on about lee is mind numbing
. A lot of the james and walker stuff was boring filler imo
Maybe her mother was a dealer AND a supplier? Maybe she serviced the principle at Ericson's?
Lily is too far gone, I thought suffer the children she could be redeemable and later hopefully in Broken Toys ....the Lilly we once knew is dead and we have this Devil of a Lilly.
"Mama always said..."
My problem with Lily was that she tried to walk right over me and my people. That's one thing I HATE more than anything. That, and being ordered. She tried me and dug her grave before she got to dig it. I liked her dark side, but not when it was used against me. I hope we get to cut off her hand or a lock of her hair and keep to remember of her.
Yes they do that's nonsense. Just because you have money doesn't mean you should let your children do whatever they want.
It was everything I'd hoped for and then some.
The rollercoaster of emotions, the plot twists, even the short moments of happiness and togetherness in the dark depressing world they now live in.
Louis getting his tongue cut out and looking so emotionally drained choked me up a little. Especially after going through so much, he still lets out a smile if just for a brief moment. Poor guy just wanted to sing and make people happy
The decision at the end was one of the toughest I've ever had to make in a Telltale series. You either let Lilly's reign of terror end with a bullet, but risk AJ becoming something you've been trying to avoid this whole time. Or you have AJ follow James' plea, only for James himself to be taken out by Lilly. I went for the latter....
And that flashback. Don't get me started on that flashback. I cried like a b*tch.
All 3 episodes have been spectacular. And although I have an uneasy feeling in my stomach on what's to come, I cannot wait for Episode 4.
Thank you Telltale/Skybound
Then what is wrong with letting your child be a singer?
Exactly he seems so idiotic, his reasoning. I just wish the writers would allow Clem to say what you said. Walkers 100% have no more soul left in them. If they did, then every walker who had a relationship with a character in The Walking Dead, wouldn't hurt them, better yet they'd do something interesting that proves the walker still feels for the person, but no, all they do is try to eat. How could anyone be so dense. BuT iTs aLL aBoUt aCcEpTaNcE
The way I see it, his descent into evil is inevitable, so we might as well cut him loose and let him act like the fucking animal he really is, just like his father.
I'm surprised you didn't have AJ shoot Lily on account of her shooting Carley in the face all those many years ago, and your name being "WeMissYouCarley"
At 3 year olds lol (well we don't know for sure but know way he's older than 14)
It's a boarding school tho
Nothing, but maybe they didn't want him to. They are his parents, they have a right to decide what he should do with his life, especially if he is still under their roof using their money. He wanted singing lessons so bad, he should have gotten himself a job, and paid for his own lessons. Louis didn't have the right to break up their marriage because he was butthurt that they didn't want to waste their money on singing lessons for him.
Fck I'm so broken... I just can't...
Like wtf, at the one moment I'm laughing my ass of about these dorky teens and at the other moment I'm traumatized by Louis with his tongue cut out, my love Violet getting her fingers chopped off (I'm so going to replay and change that decision. I thought they would badly injure AJ, but nope he just bites that bitch's ear off when you choose to let him attack the raider) and James being killed by Lilly. This episode RUINED me.
But to talk about the positive stuff...
I loved how Violet just asked Clem for a dance. Totally didn't expect her to be so romantic. And the looks she and Clem gave each other made me melt down.
The Lee flashback was so heart-warming. Just seeing the 16 year old Clementine with Lee and talking to him... my heeaaart omg.
And learning something about the past of the other kids was very great too. But jeez, Violet... I just can't handle her story with her grandma. Seeing how your grandmother shoots herself and not doing anything about it because you want to watch cartoons... That's so messed up. But regardless of that, I love her anyway.
So yeah, I really loved this episode and it nearly met all my expectations. But now I'm so anxious about Clem's safety since she and AJ talked so much about her death. Please Skybound, spare my little sweet pea.
I am so glad I chose to save Louis! Learning that Louis looses his tongue if he gets taken whilst nothing really happens to Violet aside from her being petty... sheeesh! I really don't want to play the Violet playthrough now! I can cope with a petty/angsty Violet but my boy Louis can't loose his tongue!
Also maybe I'm guliable but I really wanted to believe Minnie would come back to our side. I know she was brainwashed but she didn't sell us out in the forrest and all the little looks she gave and asking about Tenn, really thought we'd be able to convince her to leave Delta and come back to Ericson!
The skin he wears isn't fresh. It has been tanned like leather so it isn't slimy
Y'know what's funny is that after finding out what happens when you spare Lilly I'm finding myself not that surprised. We found out in season one that when you show Lilly mercy she'll use it as a weakness. That's how some people ended up one RV short when you decide to bring her along after she shoots Doug/Carley. It's kinda reinforced my decision to have AJ blast her.
And for some reason, I completely forgot about that scene. You see, if I were a brighter man, I would've remembered that and encouraged AJ to drop all the lead possible in her body. But nope.
True......very true...…
Unfortunately for her, whatever luck Minnie had in this world just ran out when she crossed my Clementine. Violet was there to protect her when she was left wide open, and Clem had to go get AJ back from Lily, so Clem let Minnie go. She may be safe for now, however my Clem won't be so charitable as to spare her life the next time she gets the chance to kill her.
So, what are we talkin bout exactly?
You're just noticing that aspect?
Well fuck.
Because it's an actual mask now.
Yeah, I thought that's what would probably happen.
Strengthens the idea that the episode had contradictory objectives between appearances and establishments.
By all means.
I was too.
Was expecting some awkward fuckin.
That is sorta what it was, wasn't it?
Yeah, that made it.
Is he though?
Yeah, I've been wonderin bout that.
That and Violet being difficult.
Uh, what do you mean?
...Yeah, it kinda was.
Have a [fun] personality.
Nope, noticed it for awhile. But these are the ones I noticed in this episode.
Ah, okay.
I still didn't expect her to kill a random kid with basically no remorse whatsoever.
In episode 2 she killed Mitch... but it could be argued it was self defence.
She's definitely un-redeemable at this point.
She's literally Hitler now.
In my game after seeing what she'd done to Louis, I knew she was wayyy past the point of being reasoned with. I wanted AJ to be able to learn how to spare people but at this point it seems he literally only has the choice of be kill crazy or be dead.
The apocalypse doesn't change your already formed personality traits, it just brings them out more.
From my survivalist, pragmatic perspective, forcing AJ to be this "sparing" person and "forging " person of obviously irredeemable people actually looks like the game is trying to have AJ or someone close to him get killed, very very stupidly.
How can AJ survive properly if you're not able to let him know that people like Lily have to be taken out?
Or that walkers aren't "monsters" and that you should be a pacifist in a zombie apocalypse? What kind of silly shit is this?
I've been believing this since episode 2 but I think the whole "AJ turns into a psycho" thing is actually a red herring.
Does anyone else think the 4th episode will start out with a big flashback/dream of the ranch? Clearly Clem gets knocked out pretty hard at the end of 3.
I have a decent degree of faith that he actually won't snap. If i'm remembering it right, for me AJ showed that he felt bad having to hurt and kill people even though I've never hesitated to hurt or attack anyone attacking us.
Even though he did put an entire clip into Lily's corpse, I think most people would've been pissed enough at what she'd done to do that. Hell if my Clem had the gun and the option, I'd have done the exact same thing just for what she did to Louis.
No, he's a rebellious youth playing a childish prank that goes too far.
It's not just in mentally, but emotionally as well.
Hell, even a little bit psychologically, arguably.
What, that's "alive" right now?
Lex Luthor? Wtf
Anyway, I should get around to maybe giving those comics a read.
Another good question.
That was pretty well done, admittedly.
Except to make themselves look good by reflection.
Welcome to the third act of this episode.
Exactly, AJ is the opposite of a sociopath, because he's actually very aware and emotionally sensitive about the actions he takes and about the actions he might take.
An actual psychopath/sociopath wouldn't be having the emotional conflict AJ is constantly having with himself.
Also AJ hasn't tortured an animal or burned something up for the thrill of it which are the typical cliches of a child psychopath.
Anyone can snap in the apocalypse, but that's not really indicative of someone's core personality trait and core mental state.
He was a relatively little kid, dude. What job could he get?
Not mention that he was explicitly asking them to allow him to take lessons and his dad told him something negative that kinda contradicts itself when you think about it.
Like, if they had so much money to piss away that Louis could buy a bunch of shit online for months without them noticing, they had enough money to potentially allow him to take singing lessons or some alternative.
Yeesh, overdramatic much?
I mean they'd better.
Pretty much.
It was just my way of explaining my thoughts, sorry if that seemed over the top.
It's cool, man. Just...woah.

Lilly's here to give you the true Telltale experience. You can say yes or you can say no...but something's gonna happen regardless.
Was a good episode
. Clem and Aj remain a strong duo, Aj going off the deep end is still a big plot point
. Minnie was good, already one of the better villans
. Louis was great and had a lot of development
. The entire end scene was great
. Choice mattered pretty good
. The secondary characters feel even more pointless, I dont care about tenn or the others whatsoever
. Lilly felt a bit wasted but im not sure what more could be done with her
. Violet went full kenny mode but fair enough at least shes interesting now
. Lee dream.....seriously can we stop having these weird dream scenes lees been dead for years why clem never even mentions her parents but goes on and on about lee is mind numbing
. A lot of the james and walker stuff was boring filler imo
Eh, not really?
Like, we got proper backstory for him at last, but I'd say he got a lot more in the previous episode.