What Was Your Favorite Part of Ep.3?
I loved the entire episode and it's hard to pick just one. So I'm doing a list.
1. Dancing with Violet. It's so damn sweet to watch. So see Violet go from a distant outcast to someone who has opened their heart for the first time is great. Even if you hate Violet, you cannot deny she has some of the best character development in the entire series.
2. Violet singing. Like I said before. Going from a shy introvert to singing a beautiful song is damn heart warming.
3. Lee flashback. Everything about it is great. When Clem grows up at the end. Goddamn, man.
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My favorite scene was definitely the party and when Louis played the piano. Vi singing it was also amazing and combining the two is just....yes...but I've always been a sucker for piano over acapella. I honestly believe that scene pushed that group to the top of the list for me in terms of all the groups every season. None of them made me feel the way I did when that scene played out.
Mine was either torturing Abel, or fighting and killing Lilly. I can't decide.
Well certainly not when it was over, I can tell ya that much.
I'll tell you the FUNNIEST moments:
Willy's reason for being at the boarding school for Troubled Youth. Chronic masturbation.
AJ actually saying he gets a weird feeling in his stomach like he's about to get the dookies. He actually referred to it the dookies. Man, nobody uses that phrase anymore!
Any of the scenes spent with James.
This gonna sound lame but the part where Clem kisses Violet/Louis and AJ sees it and starts giggling, that's was cute.
clouis date
This episode was probably my favorite so far. This season has truly blown me away. Just when I think it can't get better, it seems to always one up itself.
James (Windchime scene) - This moment was very underrated imo. It was sorta philosophical and bordering on beautiful. The scenes leading up to it, and seeing the Walkers eyes glimmer as they get happy staring at the windchimes with the sun shining through and the beautiful symphony of the dead chiming. Seeing the darkness but also the beauty and simplicity that lies within. Being one with them and understanding the normality of the people they were. His words hit home and I actually felt myself feeling for the grey fuckers lol. But it was more so the moment after when he agreed to literally sacrafice the things he loves (the walkers) for Clem and he friends. It showed how amazing her is as a person. What a deep moment. It's essentially him sacraficing his family for yours.
AJ putting a good ol .38 special through Lilly's heads I mean, it speaks for itself
Lilly got smoked OG tupac style. And I thought i'd be mad if AJ ever killed again and I still feel a little dirty because I feel I let James down and thought AJ wrong but god was it satisfying seeing him empty the clip into that useless, hateful heartless bitch. I just wish he said "For Mitch" when he did it lol. She is such a heartless manipulative authoritarian monster. For what she did to Louis, I could never let her see the light if given the chance.
Violet and Clem's slow dance so cute
This was just simply another adorable moment for the violetine ship. Seeing the innocence of Vi and her leaving character and feeling so open with Clem to dance with her and the hug at the end. It was sweet.
The Slumber Party It revealed a lot of details about Vi that were hard to sit through but amazingly done at the same time. This was amazing story telling by TellTale and Skybound. That dark background story for Vi was sad and her singing was beautiful. (Does anyone know if Gideon Adlon sang the song too?). And Ruby and Willy provided a lot of comical relief. How tf do you beat off so much they put you in a crazy kid school? lol.
All and All, This episode was a true masterpiece. I don't care what IGN or anyone says. Naysayers are pessimistic skeptics. I love the story so far imo
The dance with Violet was very cute.
Oh, and the choice to let AJ kill Lilly was one of the most satisfying moments in the entire series.
Off the top of my head
AJ being protective of Tenn.
AJ cuttin a rug.
Willy and Tenn naming Ruby's Revenge.
Ruby playing 'Who Am I?' with the delinquent's psych eval reports.
Tenn telling AJ what Willy did.
Louis playing Don't be afraid.
Lee acknowledging the dream aspects and their correlation.
AJ protecting Louis/Violet from Dorian.
AJ impressing Lilith.
Clementeen vs Lilith.
vs who?
Some standout moments for me:
The Walkers in The Shed
I don't exactly know why, but that scene really resonated with me. I don't think it exist so we get to be a whisperer or something. It's there to show us how James has seen the world since he became a whisperer. This scene was just magnificently done. At first it was absolutely frightening walking through the walkers for the first few seconds but after a while it became much less scary and then more and more meditive. At first I thought the choice of music was weird, since the song itself sounded kinda off because the flute(?) sounded imperfect and broken, but the melody was still there. Then I realized that this is exactly what being a walker must be like. As James said, they're dead but somehow kind of alive. That was a very strong moment.
The Dance
I really don't want to pick a certain scene, because every scene between them deserves to be mentioned. The dance, however, was just so giddamn good because it perfectly showed how awkward it can still feel. Clementine even commented on that by saying that they're getting better at being romantic. But this is also the kind of scene that I really enjoy the most this season. It's quiet, melancholic and the people still try to make the best out of it; to still feel somewhat alive. Also I totally missed the QTE when AJ threw that beachball at Clementine right after he stormed into the room and the scene ended with Clementine getting a beachball to the face. I laughed a lot.
The Flashback
I don't really have to explain it. That whole scene was just perfectly written and directed and structured. Lee seeing the grown up Clementine sure did put a tear to my eye.
The Party
This is also a scene that I enjoyed throughout. It had everything. I laughed at Willy's chronical masturbation confession, teared up at Violets story and was shocked at the reveal that Ruby was an asshole all along. Violets song closed it up perfectly. This scene also explained one of the biggest question people had that being how the kids survived the apocalypse over all these years. They barely did. They lost 34 kids in 8 years. It just puts you into perspective how horrible it must've been and it even explains the thought-process of Marlon's decision to sell Tenn's sisters to keep the others safe. It's still horrible but it just shows that he wasn't a maniac or truly evil. He was just desperate.
The Siege
I don't know if anyone else noticed it, but that whole siege-scene starting from inside the herd on the beach and ending with Clem and friends entering the boat was actually one continuous shot. Just like the first episode of the season featured a one-shot action-escape-sequence, this episode featured a one-shot infiltration-sequence. I loved everything about it.
The Story of The Twins
I already explained how genius I think this scene is in another thread, but I'll gladly repeat myself. The way they shot that scene was unbelievably strong. How they held the shot on Minerva's face as Lily tells the story and how you could see how Minerva re-experienced the killing of her own sister just by her facial expression. I got chills. The animators deserve everything good in this world for this.
These are the scenes that I think are especially worth mentioning. I also want to talk about Lily for a second since I haven't done it yet. I heard people felt like her character was wasted, but I don't think I agree. People are suckers when it comes to redemption-arcs and with good reason. Bad-character turning good always sounds like a great thing, but this kind of storytelling device isn't an all-around thing you can just use anywhere. Sometimes, a redemption-arc has a place in a certain story but most of the time it doesn't because its the most easy way to force character-developement onto a character.
With Lily we have a character that has a history with our playable character. They've been in the same group for several months at the start of the outbreak. Then they get seperated and cross paths again 7 years later. We immediatly expect to have a good old times kind of reunion, but that's not what happens. It's easy to throw in characters you know and have fun, but this kind of fan service doesn't suite the world of The Walking Dead. It's also convenient, contrived and plainly unrealistic for them to meet again in the first place and unauthentic to be best buddies again right away.
I was glad they seemingly went a different route with Lily. As I said, it would've been really easy for them to just make Clementine and Lily best buds, but that would be completely out of character for both of them. Clementine and Lily didn't have the deepest relationship back in S1. I'd even argue and say that they had none. They were also seperated for 7 years and both of them have experienced things that changed their characters. Lily even found a new group and that group is what matters to her, not the girl she knew 7 years ago for a couple of months.
And Lily being as evil as she is in this season is also something I could've seen back in S1. She was in the military and is capable enough to do everything she can to protect the people she cares about. We don't know how bad the situation exactly is at The Delta and we don't know what kind of people they are, but we know Lily cares enough for that group to go out of her way to kidnap kids. She is an evil human being, but she isn't just evil for the sake of being evil. She has a motivation and i'm glad they didn't backroll on that to please some people who actually like her even if she really didn't gave us a reason to like her.
BUT that doesn't mean she won't receive some sort of redemption in the last episode. Maybe we actually go to the Delta and see the people she wants to protect. Maybe they give us something so we can understand why she does the things she did.
But maybe they won't and we will never know what's going on at the Delta and that's okay, too, if it makes sense for Clementine to say: I saw this before. I don't need to see this again.
Vi's song at the slumber party and just the sadness looming on the faces as the song went on hit me so fucking hard. (bonus for Vi's backstory and the children discussing the losses they've experienced)
Obviously the Lee dream sequence. I really like that it wasn't a flashback and was just a state of mind where Clem feels the most safe.
The wind chime scene. I don't particularly believe in Jame's philosophy but seeing something of this sort being tackled in such a way that hasn't been really discussed in walking dead is immensely intriguing to me and gave me a perspective I hadn't considered. It also resonates through AJ, which leads to another amazing scene where he discusses his views on not wanting to be alone.
Due to the sheer devastation and emotion from the scene. Finding Louis if you saved Violet in episode 2. Just the way he breaks down and immediately hugs Clem and puts on a smile after everything he's gone through and losing the one thing that makes him "him" is heart breaking and upsetting.
The entire last third. Because I have never felt so scared and upset about the idea of losing these kids I hold so dear.
Pretty much every scene is gold.
I absolutely adored the AJ and Clementine moments! I only wish Clem had danced with AJ at the party. I love AJ throwing the beach ball at Clem, AJ catching Clem kissing Violet/Louis, AJ giggling at Beat-Nick. So good.
Oh man and this part was amazing. "I don't know..." https://youtube.com/watch?v=EbfyaS1DVT4
So many good moments in this episode
Literally every scene with Clementine and AJ in it,these two are great and makes the entire season worth it.
The Dance with Violet
The Lee flashback
I shed a few tears,what really got me was when Clem hugged Lee and they had that transition of S1 Clem to S4 Clem,i was perfectly fine until that scene.
Clem and the others infiltrating the Delta
Oh man i loved that scene,and the music made it so much better too.
I also loved the Barn scene full of walkers with the music.
AJ just "impressing" Lilly and being a little psycho.
Oh and torturing Abel was great.
The entire infiltration sequence. The culmination of 7 years of surviving everything the world threw at her. Especially since it was done in a ‘one-take’ fashion, with the third-person camera following her all the way into their floating prison. It was so well done and I cannot fully express how intense and well done this scene was. What am I saying, the whole episode was well done, such an amazing experience. Scared to see what’s next in store for AJ and Clem in the finale.
Nothing; it was the worst penultimate episode to date.
Don't complain about something you'd wish to have later. It happened to Dead Space and it almost happened to Walking Dead until Skybound saved it.
I am grateful, but still can have an opinion just like you or anyone else. ?
You say you're grateful but call it the worst episode ?
Who do you think?
L - I - L - L - Y man. Not Lillith.
Lilith is distinguishing, though.
Also, a demon.
Nice. Glad this isn’t real life
The episode overall was ok but i think the most disappointing thing for me was how wasteful they were with Lilly. It deeply saddens me that she never once mentioned Kenny despite how we know she’d never forget the man who killed her dad, you’d think she’d have more to say about him and would have also been nice to show a postive and negative Lilly when talking about Lee depending on your season 1 choices instead of hating him no matter what.
It’s funny because i have always disliked her ever since she killed Carley, yet i couldn’t kill her at the end of Ep3. Yes stupid i know but i guess S1 nostalgia still gets to me.
My favorite parts were holding a combat knife up to Minerva's neck, ramming the door and knocking Minerva to her feet, and Violet shooting Minerva in the shoulder with a crossbow. Good times.....good times.....
The fight scenes were pretty amazing, when Clementine is fighting Minerva and she kicks her leg out from under her and stabs her and then all the end fight sequences with Lily, it was awesome.
I liked those scenes mainly because Clementine was attacking Minerva, not because they were choreographed nicely. Don’t get me wrong, they were, but that’s not why I liked them?. I did like flow of the fight scene with Lily though, the power struggle when holding the knife, her pushing us against the railing of the boat. Really nice fight they had going on there??
The Lee flashback and the salt lick scene, definitely!
Rescuing Louis when Clem romanced him....the emotion in that scene is so palpable, and Clem's VA deserves so much praise for being able to deliver the same lines, but giving off so much more devastation when he's been romanced.
I can't wait til episode 4, and am hoping Skybound continues to factor in those of us who let Clem's love interest be captured.
There were a lot!
The barn scene. Found it tense and claustrophobic, as well as giving an interesting perspective on the walkers
The train scene with Lee. Can never have enough Clem/Lee scenes
The salt lick call back
Violet singing during the party
Abel’s interrogation. I actually felt a shred of sympathy for him, which was unexpected
AJ’s character development
The final showdown with Lilly. Genuinely agonised over what to do at the end, ultimately settled on allowing AJ to channel his inner David Mills...
Lee getting that glow up! He was looking fine!
Seriously though, I teared up a bit when Vi asked Clem to dance. It’s touching to see moments of such gentle sweetness towards others when the world’s become rotten with death, not to mention the sentimentality of having some queer representation! I am still so, so greatful the studio gave players this option.
Obviously the Lee scene was fantastic as well. The writers knew EXACTLY what they were doing with that scene. They gave us what they knew our hearts needed before we say goodbye to the series.
Literally, this episode is one big amazing scene. From the beginning till the end.
The whole episode is good