One of these things doesn't belong ?
One of these things doesn't belong. can you guess which one?
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One of these things doesn't belong. can you guess which one?
A New Frontier. Because its shit
The 2nd one
Uncle Xavier sympathizer here. Boo this man.
this is one complex meme too big to be contained in the meme thread.
can we pin this thread to the top of the walking dead forums?
Season 2 to be honest. Boring as hell.
ANF came out years ago and people are still bitching about it. What a great day to be alive!
is the answer AJ? do i win? xD
Are you fucking kidding me
I thought anf was not that bad I just thought the episode length was too short shorter than season 2
ANF ruined everything so of course we keep ranting about it. Season 2 had its problems but it was still enjoyable and has WAY better characters because there IS no good character in ANF except Javier.
That was a fairly large part of it, yes.
Nah, the second season is worse because it had less compelling characters. They also drop like flies so you don't even have time to give a shit.
Well at least more than two characters were given a character arc in ANF. In S2 the characters stand as nothing more than tools to push Clem one way or the other in the Kenny Vs. Jane choices. Which is fine, but I still felt more connected to the new characters in ANF than S2.
Exactly. The characters were way better in ANF. Not perfect, and their deaths weren't always handled the greatest, but way better than S2.
ANF was so bad that it played a big role in Telltale’s eventual shutdown. It deserves the hate.
Both games had at least 3-5 characters with clear [planned] arcs--it's just that Telltale's developmental and production issues ended up fucking most of them and by extension the overall story over.
Now with that said, I will admit that I think I found myself liking or at least wanting to like more characters in ANF than I did in Season 2 the first time.
Sure, but there were a lot of other things. Like the CEO wastes the company's money on licenses that no one wanted. Like Batman and Guardians.
Batman S2 was lit tho
Still need to earn the right to play that.
More character arcs, yes but did they have good writing?
Also, is this a better end of a character arc to you?

I felt so bad when S2 characters died but ANF characters' death made me fall on the floor of laughter.
The only character that had a pretty good arc in ANF was Conrad (if you let him live) man,the others sucked.
To be fair with Kate, Gabe, and Ava:
But yes, that did suck.
Right, because Nick dying on a fence wasn't pathetic or anything!
Who said it wasn't?
You said you felt bad when S2 characters died but found the ANF character deaths laughable. And I was pointing out that S2 also has laughable deaths.
Nick's death in Season 2 wasn't "laughable" more extremely disappointing.
but Ava's death in ANF was a complete joke.
That's why some of them feel bad.
Ok, now I get your point.
To be fair they do TRY to explain why those changes happen, and why characters do what they do. The arcs weren't perfect, but at least they TRIED to give development. But yeah I defientely see what you're saying.
If it weren't for Telltale making the huge mistake that was ANF 2 years ago, we would've already played TFS or some other Walking Dead game at that time, and would be playing a completely different game now.
You can't change the past. And it's too late for Telltale now. We're just beating a dead horse at this point.
Yeah well, it’s fun whipping this dead horse
Sometimes, if the meme is good enough
that was too darn easy to guess
The Game of the Year Edition.