Who is more trust worthy in your route? Louis or Violet

In your route of "The Final Season" who is the most trust worthy? Louis or Violet



  • edited January 2019

    It'd be Louis. ...You know, if I actually played the game.

  • Violet for me.

  • Of course Louis duh.

  • Uhh can I pick both?

  • Violet. She has your back more times than Louis does.

  • Violet. I didn't even have to talk to will smith to have her shut up.

  • Yeah, especially when she betrays you in Episode 3 even if you romanced her xDDDD

    MyBroKenny posted: »

    Violet. She has your back more times than Louis does.

  • Let me think - so I have to choose between Louis who even with no tongue stays loyal and friendly to you or Violet who is ready to betray you the first time you do something she doesn't like and it takes her less than a day time to join the enemy which she fought against for 2 weeks.

    Easy as shit, Louis. Hopefully that traitor Violet stayed with Minerva at that ship so I don't have to kill them both in Ep4.

  • In my route Violet and Louis are equally trustworthy but Violet is more reliable

  • edited January 2019

    LoYAlitY :D :D :D

  • Yet to save Louis tongue but violet seems more trustworthy in my cannon

  • Well considering how I saved Louis, and my route literally had Violet turn on Clem and attempt to fight her when she tried to escape, I think I'm going to have to go with Louis.

  • Louis no questions asked.

  • pardon me fellas, a real one has entered the building

  • Literally, 56% are gonna say Violet. Face it guys, Violet has more fans than Louis. They're both great characters, why do we have to fight about it?

  • Both are trustworthy, but depending on your choices that can definitely change. If you save Louis, Violet goes full hater on you. If you save Violet, Louis is traumatized but he still cares about you. That's why I'd pick Louis.

  • Straddlin the line there, dude.

    Literally, 56% are gonna say Violet. Face it guys, Violet has more fans than Louis. They're both great characters, why do we have to fight about it?

  • I think thi joshua guy is an alt of maikel to support his trolling...

  • Louis's reaction to Clem's rescue is admirable, but even though Violet can mess up if you save Louis, you can't deny that if you have her back she will have yours.

    For that simple matter, I'm going with Violet.

  • You shouldn't talk.

    MrGraffio posted: »

    I think thi joshua guy is an alt of maikel to support his trolling...

  • I'm going off the facts

    DabigRG posted: »

    Straddlin the line there, dude.

  • More like I was gonna get on your case for trying to start somethin else, but you saved yourself a lashin with that last part.

    I'm going off the facts

  • Louis without a doubt, even bow I like Violetwhen I was trying to break my escape in the freaking jail cell .

  • How is reading off the stats starting shit? Are you taking the piss, man?

    DabigRG posted: »

    More like I was gonna get on your case for trying to start somethin else, but you saved yourself a lashin with that last part.

  • Because "face it guys."

    Also, taking the piss?

    How is reading off the stats starting shit? Are you taking the piss, man?

  • When a bunch of people are hating on a character because of their own choices. Violet would be a fake ass character if she wasn't pissed off that you let her get taken. Like Clem walks in, "Hey Clem, good to see you. Oh, that thing where you let Raiders take me, yeah I'm not mad about that at all. Why would I be?" It's shit like that man. People always be complaining. Especially about this episode. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Don't complain about something you'd wish you have later. When TT was closing down everyone got sentimental about it, but now that Ep.3 came out, people are commenting, "Worst episode ever." It's seriously annoying.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Because "face it guys." Also, taking the piss?

  • Hm...where have I heard that before?

    It's shit like that man. People always be complaining. Especially about this episode. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Don't complain about something you'd wish you have later.

    If people don't like something, they're probably gonna say it. Especially on the internet.

    When TT was closing down everyone got sentimental about it, but now that Ep.3 came out, people are commenting, "Worst episode ever." It's seriously annoying.


    When a bunch of people are hating on a character because of their own choices. Violet would be a fake ass character if she wasn't pissed off

  • I love debates, but where is this going?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Hm...where have I heard that before? It's shit like that man. People always be complaining. Especially about this episode. I've said i

  • Which one?

    I love debates, but where is this going?

  • I personally chose to save Violet and I thought it was awesome. I hated that Louis got his tongue cut out, but he gets traumatized in both versions and becomes a crying mess either way. I know that sounds like I'm hating on Louis, when I really do like his character a lot. He's just not great in a skirmish against humans.

  • I don't even know what the fuck we're talking about anymore, dude.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Which one?

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