I think Minerva is gonna...

edited January 2019 in The Walking Dead

Although, Tenn did say at one point that he'd forgive Minerva for being with the Raiders, he does NOT know however that Minerva killed her own twin. If he finds out, based on this tweet, I can definitely see her committing suicide.


  • You know something else they needed? A proper, cohesive recount of how that all played out.

  • I’d have Tenn RIP on her big time, just so I could laugh right in her face when she starts crying.

  • Didn’t Tenn want you to shoot Marlon in the first episode because it was him who handed over the twins? So maybe he will want revenge on Minnie because she killed her sister. Then again he might forgive her because it’s like she had no choice it was either do or die. Can’t believe there’s only one episode to go till it’s all over better be a gooden

  • edited January 2019

    No Tenn actually forgives Marlon if you let the time runs out. (2:45)

    Tulipstue posted: »

    Didn’t Tenn want you to shoot Marlon in the first episode because it was him who handed over the twins? So maybe he will want revenge on Min

  • She might die without a doubt , This final episode of Clementine story is going to be mind blowing and heartbreaking.

  • edited January 2019

    Like imagine a similar situation to what happened with Kenny and His Wife in Season 1. She killed herself bc of what happened with Duck. Violet would lose her shit.

    She might die without a doubt , This final episode of Clementine story is going to be mind blowing and heartbreaking.

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