Who would you hire as an Assassin?
If you are to hire any hitman who would you hire?
For me I’ll hire Lilly she can snipe people in a great distance I mean look what she did too the Bandant leader from season 1 and I had her as One of my employees Her schedule would be busy hell she’ll be making me a lot of money but she needs too work on her stealth...like in Suffer The Children AJ spotted them that is a bit of an achilles’ heel for me but she is still a work of the marksman.
My next pick would be Molly , now this is a pretty good example on what Lilly can learn is about stealth...now for Molly she’s got that pluse she can jump building to building like in assassin‘s creed Which is another example why she can do better reconnaissance missions I mean that’s just (Perfect).
Now for Jane she’s great in classified operations Where she can’t be noticed back in episode 3 when we were talking to Reggie Her backstory was that she was covered in gods and stumbled intocarvsrs place now that is just greatstealth as too what I said about Molly earlier.
AJ is another greate Assassin but not only that he’s too young todo this handy work he dose t understand the value of concealing your ammunition...”I mean really Clementine you’re raising a child and he’s Worth it you trigger finger playing call of duty...I mean C’mon!!!”
Who would you hire as an Assassin ?
Let me know in the comments below .
Assassin might be a strong word, but Willy is pretty great at making things look like accident. A loud, glowing accident.
“Assassin”? Nah. I prefer to use terms like “bounty hunter” and “hitman”. A lot of targets wanted dead or alive would be pretty hard to locate considering the zombie apocalypse they’re living in, but I like to think these people would be skilled enough to find their targets no matter what, so long as they’re provided with decent amounts of information on who they’re after, like their last known location, their last destination, what they look like, what their height/weight is, etc.

I wouldn’t know what the reward for killing/capturing the targets would be since money has no value, but I suppose food, camp supplies, clean clothes, weapons, medicine, a working van to store it all in, and two full gas tanks would suffice. I know It’d work for me.
I’d hire:
- Clementine
- Lily
- Carver
- Randall(Michonne)
- The Stranger
- Molly
Here’s the list of people I’d put a bounty/hit on:
Hit list
• Arvo
• Bonnie
• Mike
• Clint
• Randy
• Patricia
• Gill
Bounty list(wanted alive)
• Eleanor
• Minerva
I can understand Eleanor‘s reasons to be alive but can you tell me why would you pick Minerva as you are bounty list of being alive?
I want to be the one to kill her. The bounty hunter’s job is to bring me her alive.
Actually, those hitmen who kill their targets need to bring me their heads. Gotta have some kind of proof they actually did it.
Louis, Clem, and AJ, they're a little ninja family.
We just need Donatello in the group .
Clementine = Leonardo
AJ= Rafael
Louis= Michelangelo
Might need help on the last one tho.
No Clementine is more like Master Splinter then Leonardo. So...
Clementine = Master Splinter
Violent = Leonardo
AJ= Rafael
Louis= Michelangelo
Mitch= Donatello
Marlon = Casey
Brody = April
(But I still think Clementine is Spiderman)
Thx I knew someone would come in handy one way or another.
Definitely Molly, stealthy and can climb things and a pickaxe
Dose that make The Green Goblin?