Am I the only one who doesn't like James?
Episode 3 made me dislike James so much. He was cool in Episode 2 but now I just don't care much for him anymore because he believes that walkers are still humans when they're just corpses being brought to life. He is way worse than Hershel from the show because even after 7 years in apocalypse, James is still thinking about that nonsense.
Then, he is telling AJ not to shoot Lilly because she was "down" when she still had a knife on her knee which she could use. If you spare her, James turns his back on her, thinking she wouldn't cause any trouble and then gets killed. He totally had it coming for being such a fucking idiot.
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Yeah i’m tired of his bullshit too. If it gets him killed then....

I don't really care about him either, I laughed so hard when Lilly stabbed him, he just stood there in front of her xD wth
My only question about Jame's death: WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY SOMETHING CLEM!?!?! YOU DIDN'T SEE LILLY GET UP!?!
Here’s a better question: Why would he turn his back on her?
You mean, why didn't Lilly scream when she took the knife out of her leg?
James is awful. He tries to be deep but he’s just an idiot
You people forget that he was with the whisperers cult? He may have left them but his head hasn't cleared from their ways...he's fucked up in his own unique way. And as for his death yeah it was stupidly made.
I thought he was cool in episode 2 as well but in episode 3 when he's on his high horse all like "your friends are nice and open minded, unlike you" or something like that. I'm like, shut your freaking face, I never said I didn't respect your opinion, but that doesn't mean I have to buy into it.
Tenn should have a real talk with James. They both have a pretty similar look on things. And I like that sort of philosophy. To actually believe that there is more to these walking corpses than just what you see. There really hasn't been much more we've learned about them since season 1, and we've been just treating them as mindless obstacles since. I would love it if it was an actual thing, but it isn't given much thought after that scene. We just go back to treating them like none of it mattered. If this is to actually mean anything there needs to be more connected to it and not just pushed aside for the main plot. And now that James is determinate... that doesn't give us much opportunity to learn more about it.
James is pretty mediocre. I dont like or dislike him, I just dont really care what happens to him.
I still like James as a character, but his death was so fucking forced. Really, the only thing that bothered me about Episode 3.
People will hate him a lot more after Episode 4... ?
Eh, he's alright.
Because AJ was standing in front of her.
And also because dramatic irony.
Clem secretly wanted James to get killed, that's the true reason behind her telling AJ to lower his gun.
The worst part was him trying to scold my parenting.
What the fuck do you do you know about raising kids? Clem has been raising a baby since she was ELEVEN you asshole, and her and AJ have survived it all. Mind your fucking business.
James goes from "conventional Whisperer character" in EP2 to "pretentious, delusional know-it-all" forcing his views upon you in the very next episode.
I did not expect such a hard turn. EP2 he was just a drab boring character, but after EP3 I'm actively disliking him now.
See that part really didn't make sense for me because he was supposed to have been a child soldier before. He's killed many people and many walkers, and he was trained to do it. So how could he make such bone-headed mistakes?
I'm gonna say I pulled a Violet and did a "full body eye roll" on that one. How dare I not see the man-eating walkers as cute, cuddly misunderstood lost souls instead of the MONSTERS that they are. MONSTERS who are responsible for killing my best friend Lee and many other people.
I didn’t really like James till broken toys after walkers are people it’s kind a ridiculous and I know my other previous talked back about the spiritual connection with the walkers I know it may sound like a contradictory out I was just saying the moment felt like a spiritual connection but if you look at the brighter picture James is a complete and total dumbass... I hate saying that word but really walkers aren’t people!!??
Not sure I will invite a couple walkers to my apartment and give them sandwiches what could possibly go wrong!
Secondly walkers are not really humans inside this is his like Day of the dead Bob the zombie... if you guys ever probably heard that the only day of the dead it’s a 1983 film .
I could maybe understand protecting Walkers if you knew them before they died. Wanting to protect them and all, but he does it for every single one he finds.
I like him still. I just want him to get out of this extreme pacifism he's got going. This is the apocalypse bruh, it's kill or be killed and we're up against people who want war and in their domain no less. We need that urban that was slittin throats to make a clutch comeback.
I don't really like him either. He's literally a crazy person.
In episode 2 I spared the walker and was nice to him because he helped save AJ. In episode 3 I spared his walkers because we needed his help. But other than that I think he is crazy as fuck. His idea that the walkers are somehow still people and could be his friends is insane, and I think he is oddly fixated on AJ and making sure that nobody kills anything, whether human or walker. I'm 99% positive that he will be the antagonist in episode 4 if he is still alive... I'm calling it right now he will try to take AJ away and turn him into a "peaceful" walker or something batshit.
I liked him up until the point he started the crazy talk. Now I want distance.
I'm glad Clem had the opton to call out his BS.
Too true they pretty much ruined his character in Episode 3 and he's going to be just as bad in Episode 4. I wish James Collected Walkers as a weapon, would've been better, just to show humans' dominion over walkers this far into the apocalypse.
I liked him at first and found him an interesting character. Ep 3 made him both stupid and crazy.
Well, if that wound on his arm turns out to be a walker bite I´m going to put him out of his misery wether he wants me to or not.
All of his scenes are fucking boring. He is the worst part of this season.
Too bad we couldn't kill both him and Lilly in episode 3.
Hey, I wouldn't go too far with that. But yeah, he deserved to get killed by Lilly, you never should turn your back on an enemy who was still dangerous.
The one moment I liked James this episode was right after he was captured and he was mouthing off to Lilly.
I would have expected him to be a bit more of a hippie. It was nice that he showed some balls there.
I think it was also a little bit of a throwback to Carly. Calling Lilly scared and such.