Maybe Skybound shouldn't have completed this one



  • I see plenty of comments by people who are being negative about the game, and that’s fine, but when you say you do like the game but have not once said a positive thing about it, or at least hardly ever say anything positive about it then that’s when it becomes extremely annoying for the people who want a discussion about the positives of the game, instead we come here and have to deal with the same dipshit comments to the point when it becomes overfamiliar.

    There are already a ton of postive discussions. We agree with a lot of them. What, so you think if there's something we liked we need to make a thread about it when there are already like 2 that exist for the same purpose? With positives, we'll talk about it, but there's not really much discussion that comes from it, and then that's the end. Unless we're referencing a negative by how it should have been similiar to a certain positive thing, obviously we won't reference it. If people talk about things they liked, they get Awesomes too. And the same goes the other way around. If people want to discuss positives then they can. I'm going to try to change your mind, if you don't want me to then I won't. I hate negativity, but there's nothing wrong with discussing thoughts and impressions. When TFS ends, I might do a review of the whole season and it won't be full of the bad.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Hehehe preach. Honestly though, I’ve also said before that I’m just about done with this place. The a new frontier bullshit was one thing,

  • Literally the majority of the comments on the forums currently regard the exact same criticisms over and over and over, similar to a new frontier and how people are still talking about how bad it was 2 years later. It goes to show how bland and linear this place has become

    Ghetsis posted: »

    I see plenty of comments by people who are being negative about the game, and that’s fine, but when you say you do like the game but have no

  • There's literally nothing negative anyway,there's like maybe 2 negative threads every day,and that's it,these people need to grow a pair of fucking balls and accept criticism seriously.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    I see plenty of comments by people who are being negative about the game, and that’s fine, but when you say you do like the game but have no

  • It goes to show how bland and linear this game has become

    Melton23 posted: »

    Literally the majority of the comments on the forums currently regard the exact same criticisms over and over and over, similar to a new fro

  • Says the hombre that thinks 'The Walking Dead' is better than 'Until Dawn'. ¡Que ridículo!

    iFoRias posted: »

    There's literally nothing negative anyway,there's like maybe 2 negative threads every day,and that's it,these people need to grow a pair of fucking balls and accept criticism seriously.

  • edited February 2019

    *cough * says the one with the bland memes * cough *

    DabigRG posted: »

    It goes to show how bland and linear this game has become

  • edited February 2019

    Now when did i said that ?

    I said Until Dawn was great but that Hidden Agenda was rushed and "the Impatient" was a bad VR game,i just think there won't be a company who can replace Telltale,i never actually said "The Walking Dead is better than Until Dawn" smh.

    Says the hombre that thinks 'The Walking Dead' is better than 'Until Dawn'. ¡Que ridículo!

  • i never actually said "The Walking Dead is better than Until Dawn" smh.

    Wait... people actually think Until Dawn is better then TWD? If we’re talking about TWD S1, Untill Dawn is definitely worse, by a large margin I’d argue.

    iFoRias posted: »

    Now when did i said that ? I said Until Dawn was great but that Hidden Agenda was rushed and "the Impatient" was a bad VR game,i just thi

  • I think it is.

    i never actually said "The Walking Dead is better than Until Dawn" smh. Wait... people actually think Until Dawn is better then TWD? If we’re talking about TWD S1, Untill Dawn is definitely worse, by a large margin I’d argue.

  • edited February 2019

    Oh, so now their bland rather than niche or poorly thought out? Bland is what happens when the average person just uses whatever the site gives them and/or doesn't extend much effort in making one.
    Nevermind that I'm not getting paid for it.

    Geez, get better material. Or better yet, don't say anything at all.

    Melton23 posted: »

    *cough * says the one with the bland memes * cough *

  • Or better yet, don't say anything at all.

    It wouldn't hurt for you to follow this same piece of advice, either

    DabigRG posted: »

    Oh, so now their bland rather than niche or poorly thought out? Bland is what happens when the average person just uses whatever the site g

  • ...I was gonna say something, but had the foresight to bone up on what the conversation was even about.

    So I suppose I'll go with the generic "whatever" and borrow the protracted "at least I'm honest."

    Deltino posted: »

    Or better yet, don't say anything at all. It wouldn't hurt for you to follow this same piece of advice, either

  • You know you are not particularly nice for a moderator; just saying...

    Deltino posted: »

    Or better yet, don't say anything at all. It wouldn't hurt for you to follow this same piece of advice, either

  • Mind explaining this here?

    Poogers555 posted: »


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