Tenn was going to get Clementine Bit (Cut content)
Just watched Dekon and I got to say this is another reason why Tenn shouldn’t have come to participate in the (rescue operation ) if this was going too happen as in the original as to what we have now, I would still see Tenn as the equally worthless character I’ve ever seen, now I’m not Anti-Tenn don’t give me that nonsense all I’m saying not just Minerva who got Clementine bitten but Tenn also.
What do you guys think?
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I don't believe you.
I don't believe that you are not Anti-Tenn.
Tenn is responsible for us not having access to determinant endings.
Damn you, Tenn! Damn you!
Wow, all that drama with Tenn would've been so entertaining and made the episode better.
Not to mention his character development will improve.
Lol they almost made Tenn more hated than Arvo, Gabe, Ben, and Bonnie combined
That sounds pretty bad, glad they changed it
Care to explain, I’m all ears?
Since this is a thread and/of something else I don't plan on talking about (specifically), it is worth noting that he was entrusted by Marlon to take care of her at the beginning, based on how she turns out.
They pretty much just dropped any genuine character development or focus on the school kids aside excluding Louis/Violet.
If even that in the end.
Like Kent said, it's just a lose lose situation. In the ending where he gets Clem bit and decides to try and kill her (which is COMPLETELY out of character for him by the way) he somehow lives, and if he sacrifices himself dies. So either way, the ending sucks. Plus we already got the whole 'good guy turns bad out of nowhere' thing with James, so doing it twice in one episode would be pushing it.
Not really.
It's not turning bad so much as doing something vaguely extreme for somewhat understandable reasons.
Yeah i was honestly surprised when i learned that Tenn was originally going to get Clem bit it's literally worse than what we got.
Like when people find out what was supposed to be in ANF it sounded a hell of a lot better than what we got but here it's the complete opposite it's fucking worse the ending was doomed from the start i guess lmao
Actually, from what I've read, it sounded more like she was supposed to get bitten climbing up the rocks and AJ would've gotten upset with Tenn because of his reaction.
You just admitted you’r a ANF lover.
I said that what was supposed to be in ANF sounded better than what we got in the end in the real game and i'm a ANF "lover" ? ok then

It was better than the final season by a mile. xo