So Pewds Finally Played Ep. 4 and....He Actually Kinda Liked it
Don't get me wrong, the nitpicks were still there, and he thought he made the players think Clem was gone for too long, but there was a different feel to it. He was more invested, really was paying attention to the more quiet scenes. For the first time in years, he actually seemed to care about TWD. He said he was very satisfied with the ending, and even kind of apologized for resenting the game so much this season.
I'm really glad he finished it and genuinely enjoyed watching it.
(And yes I'm changing the thread I just skimmed through it and got the wrong impression oopsies)
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I thought he said that episode 4 was the best episode and that he was satisfied with the ending?
Who cares about what he thinks, just play it on your own and decide for yourself if you like it or not.
Nah, rlly tho, I went back and watched it and the guy literally said at the end that it was a good episode and a good ending for Clementine, he even showed excitement when she turned out to be alive and called her death “bullshit”, he nearly cried as well.
So many people care what others think and reflect their opinions off each other. We should decide for ourselves and if someone's opinion doesn't line up with our own; we shouldn't be losing sleep over it.
Uhhhhh yeahhhhhh I changed it ?
How did you manage to think that he thought the death was a cop out? ?
He liked it huh ? Coolbeans.
Was the title of this changed?
Still applies.
That's right. Huh.
Yeah he thought the end was good, and I agree. But when you really look over it you realise how bad it is, when you look at the execution, and the overarching problems that the whole season has. I think that 'actually kinda liked it' is the best way to phrase it.
What still applies?
What Minty said.
Pewdiepie has pretty much disliked the walking dead since the first episode of a new frontier, and he’s been very vocal about it, even going as far as to delaying his video uploads, so “kinda liked it” is probably a good thing, and it shows the episode did something right if it actually got pewdiepie to enjoy it. Honestly tho, the most cynical video I have seen for take us back was from swingpoynt, and he even enjoyed most of ANF, and even his reaction wasn’t all bad, he was mostly confused. So nah, the episode isn’t bad, if anything it’s good considering the people who disliked it are in the small minority, and considering how fussy and judgemental people are in regards to reviewing movies and video games these days, the amount of positivity as opposed to negativity this episode got says a lot
The game still sucks either way.
So he likes it, that's nice. I liked it as well.
Totally agree with you on that one.
So the topic of this title has changed and so did the post in the OP. Anyway my response is still valid, just play the game, then decided for yourself and see if you like it or not. This does not applies to just games, but to everything in life.
Pewds was happy with the episode. I just watched the end to confirm this. He was ecstatic that Clem survived and almost broke down when she "died." He enjoyed the episode.
Yes and no i do agree with that to an extent but you can't just go full blind buy a game and then play it these days this is why pre-ordering games is a big mistake in general.
Just be sure to know everything you need to know about it,watch some gameplay,listen to interviews of devs talking about their game to see if there's no "red flags" and before buying it maybe watch some non-spoilerish reviews about it or whatever you get the point.
Most of the time I don't read game reviews or watch game play because I like to experience that for myself instead of watching others do it. Now if I see a game that has caught my interests, what I would do is go to that game's site, read a bit about it, and see if there is a downloadable demo, where I can try it out before I buy it. But I will mostly get it because, if I don't have any interest in it, then I won't even bother on visiting their site or download the demo in the first place.
As for pre-ordering, digital pre-orders makes no sense because you have to pay full price up front, and get nothing out of it. Physical media on the other hand, I pre-order all the time, when GameStop was still around in my area. For the game I want, all I have to do is deposit a minimum of $5 bucks and I'm guarantee to get a copy, where I just pay off the rest, when the game is officially released. Also the pre-order mostly comes with bonus contents or special in-game items, not available for those who buys it during launch day.
I heard BestBuy does the same thing, but I have never pre-order from them before.
IKR, Who cares about their authoritarian approval on the web for it if they like it or not.
I don’t trust game reviews, they’re always so inaccurate for me. People tend to enjoy games I find mediocre and dislike games I enjoy. The Witcher 3 won game of the year, I read the reviews, bought it, and was heavily disappointed in virtually everything over than the environment and kill cams, I even thought the story was bland and uninteresting, especially with a main character arguably more boring than Connor Kenway from AC 3. Same with horizon zero dawn, both were just boring button mashers for me with confusing mechanics. Nowadays I watch gameplay videos if I want help deciding whether I want a game or not.
IKR. I gave Witcher 3 a second chance and still wasn't really interested in continuing it. It does seem to have a great story but the gameplay, omg, it just proves that its fanbase is overhyping it and they consider CD Project the "God" of the gaming industry. I never even heard of them or even their games until they released that game.
For now, I'm just going to play games that I REALLY enjoy. At this moment, I'm playing Resident Evil 2 and trying to get the platinum because that's the game that I enjoyed playing the most recently.
Unpopular Opinions don't matter in Business when the overwhelming majority say otherwise. A lot of people didn't like Dragon Ball Xenoverse and it's one of Bandai Namco's most popular games. Majority Rules. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Yeah, like when people were right to criticize Insomniac Games for not adding a fan-favorite suit in Spider-Man PS4. That was for sure justified because one suit makes the games much better. SMH
I also gave that game a shot because of the overall hype for it. Man is The Witcher 3 the most overrated game I’ve ever played.
Damn... It's really been that long since I watched him play the first episode?
He did say it was his longest running game in his channel, but God damn didn't think it would be almsot 7 years.
I expected him to hate the episode and not be invested at all, but he kinda was, reflecting at what he said first 30-40 min of his playthrough on saying he misses being invested in these games, loved his reaction when he saw clem alive, overall better than I expected of him.
People don't really "overhype" The Witcher 3 well maybe a little bit but it's understandable it's legit a great fucking game and CDPROJEKTRED is a really good AAA company and you don't really see that often these days so it makes sense that a lot of people are praising them.
It really isn't it's a great game and not overrated the Witcher games are awesome.
You want a good example of an "overrated" game ? Play the Last Of Us.
It was fucken shit, every character ever was boring, the combat was shit, the camera angle was shit, the only enjoyable part was the brothels and even they replayed the same cutscenes over and over which was shit, Ciri had a fakeout death in my ending so people honestly have no right to get mad over Clem’s fakeout if they enjoyed whatever that was, the crafting was complicated, the story was uninteresting, the battle at the fort was mediocre, the only actual mini game was fooken gwent, which was the most annoying piece of ass I’ve every experienced, the bounty missions are repetitive, most of the spells are either all the same or do fuck all, the only good mission is the drunk mission, and if I choose to skip over it I miss out on the romance, choices are misleading, especially the bloody baron one, don’t even get me started there ? I wanted my horse to die sooooo badly, which is a bad thing cos I would give anything to be with my good boah from rdr2 once more, there are sooooo many unresolved plot lines, one of which being the witches, like wtf wasn’t I supposed to kill them all? Instead I killed 2 and let the other get away, soooo out of character for Gerald. Y’know, considering he is a Witcher and is sworn to hunt down monsters, especially one that has done him wrong in the past.
Conclusion: the Witcher is an overrated piece of ass that I refuse to even look at, let alone touch, ever again. And you know a game is bad when I say it’s bad, I literally look at the bright side of every game that I play, I even loved a new frontier, and I only ever hate a game if it’s deserved, and the Witcher 3’s hate is deserved ???
Jesus, there was no need to make this roast. I would be scared shitless of these fans.
But that's just like,your opinion man.
Well that's just wrong and you don't give any explanations for why they were boring.
That's debatable but yes i know a lot of people are not a big fan of the combat,most RPG's don't have very good combat so whatever not a big flaw.
What the hell does that even mean ? Ciri is determinant by the way she can either die or live but if she dies,she dies,she's gone for good there's no "fake out" death for Ciri.
Well then i guess it's your fault for not understanding how crafting works it wasn't that hard and it's not really necessary to finish the game anyway.
Again your opinion if you found the story uninteresting but the battle at the fort wasn't "mediocre" maybe you didn't recruit a lot of people for the battle and that's why you feel that way idk.
Lol no.
There really isn't,and you can kill the other Crone if you got the bad ending i admit they should've let you killed the last one if you had a good ending and return with Ciri to kill her but it's not a big deal.
Conclusion your opinion is shit,and most of your reasons for why the game is "overrated" are bad and you should feel bad,thank you Goodbye.
I get it but it's hard to imagine how a lot of newcomers got into this game and completed it. Maybe it's just me but I'm not a fan of fantasy RPGs except for Dark Souls and Bloodborne. Plus, I don't think it's right for them to praise CD Project as a God of gaming when they released ONE "masterpiece". Cyberpunk 2077 looks interesting though.
That's funny actually because the game was designed for newcomers,kinda like Mass Effect 2 it's a really "dumbed" down RPG to cater to a larger audience.
Yeah i get that a lot of people are not fan of RPG's and it's fine i'm more into sci-fi shit myself more than Fantasy in general but i still enjoyed the game.
They made more than one masterpiece though the other Witcher games are just as good as the third game imo.
In The Witcher 3 choices mattered, almost every choice had an impact on the story or random events, how is that a shit game ur delusional.
Thought you said it was my opinion? Opinions can’t be wrong, feller. Ok, then, I’ll try to keep it short. Geralt has no emotion whatsoever. I know witcher’s Aren’t supposed to have emotions, but who’s dumbass idea was it to have a main character who has the exact same facial expression and the exact same voice tone throughout the entire game. I was nearly knocked unconscious within the first 10 mins because of how boring he was. The only interesting character was Ciri, maybe lambert and that other guy as well, but I didn’t care when that other Witcher died during that castle battle, I didn’t care about the Baron because he was the generic dickhead who tries to atone and cares about his family, I’ve seen it before in David García (I played ANF before TW3) and I honestly can’t even remember the other characters they were that forgettable. The villain had about no depth to him, he didn’t even show throughout the entire game until like half way through, then he gets oofed like one scene later.
I will say that the killcams were quite cool, though they were nothing too special. I always like being able to decapitate enemies and make limbs go flying off so no surprise there, otherwise the combat was just annoying until you actually managed to get a kill.
It’s so forgettable, even you’ve forgotten the ending. Remember when she goes through that big white portal, with little chance of survival? With even Geralt believing she’ll die as a result? Then you’re in the epilogue “oh, I have to meet someone at the inn” “I need to go see her not telling the players who it is, only to reveal Ciri wearing a hood in the inn with upbeat music playing? Fam, it’s obvious that their intent was to make us believe that she died ?
I’ve played many, many, games that require crafting, and the Witcher 3’s was done horribly in comparison to the rest. For example, red dead redemption had a simple crafting system that the Witcher 3 could have easily used, rather than throwing a bunch of bs in my face and expecting me to know where I am going to find the ingredients despite the fact that there was just way too many of them. And don’t even get me started on the number of boxes ?
I spent a good 2 hours out of my life recruiting every single person for the fight and was disappointed in the time I wasted. The only guy during the battle I felt a connection with at all, even though he wasn’t even a part of the battle, was the ugly little thing you find, that transforms into some asshole later on.
Lol yeah. There was no point in the fire damage because it took like no HP off of enemies, it didn’t even have an over time effect if I remember correctly, no stun or nothing, the force push or whatever it was was just about the same, the mind control idek what that was, if it even existed, I just don’t remember any of the spells cos I just didn’t use them because of how pointless they were.
There really is though. The kids from the bloody barn arc are completely forgotten about, no mention throughout the entire game whatsoever to my memory, somebody, idk, either Lambert or that other guy I think, completely fuck off after saying “btw Ima move now cya” after the battle. Know why? Cos they’re determinant and needed to be disposed off some way or another no long after their death, with no mention ever again whatsoever just to keep the same linearity going. Basically what telltale does/did with every single one of their games ever.
I feel my opinion is actually very justified. It’s a boring game, and a “good story” if you can even call it that won’t save it from how many times I wanted to bash my own brains out against a wall out of utter boredom. The only saving grace is the world, but what’s the point in exploring the world when the exploration is also shit? Now you know how people feel when you try shitting on TFS, you have your opinion and they have theirs, and no matter what you say or how you say it nobody will listen and nobody will care, no matter how logical you think your argument is.
Because it was boring, and if choices mattered then Lambert wouldn’t have disappeared from the game if you saved him during the battle at the castle, and the children from the bloody baron arc wouldn’t have been forgotten about.
Choices in S1 of twd don’t matter. Does that make it a bad game solely because of that reason? Especially because of the fact that game relies heavily on choices? No. Because it brought out emotions in the players. The only emotions the Witcher 3 brought out in me was utter boredom ?
The characters are not boring and i don't know why you even feel that way maybe you've only played the third game and couldn't get attached to the characters idk.
But there's some great characters like Yennefer Triss Ciri Dijkstra Gaunter O'Dimm,Olgierd and plenty of others. The Villain was fine for the main story,the other antagonists in the Dlcs are even better.
Yes Geralt has no emotions and you know why apparently but that doesn't make him boring he also does show emotions to his loved ones (like when he cried when finding Ciri and thinking she was dead) he's got some really funny lines too (i remember how he HATED portals that shit was funny)
Also dude,if you had the bad ending ciri is DEAD it's over she's not alive what the hell are you talking about finding her in the inn lmao ? She gets some "flashback" in the bad ending but you don't see her die yes it's left ambiguous for some reasons.
But it's clear that she died she doesn't come back later in the Blood and Wine dlc if you had that ending and didn't romance anyone meaning she's dead.
So yeah it's hard to believe that the Witcher 3 is overrated just based on your opinion your explanations are just poor and you also nitpick at a lot of things,anyway we're just derailing this thread now so let's agree to disagree.
I'm sorry you were one of the people who thought this masterpiece was boring and shit, and anf good.
The game was aaaasssssss, just come to terms with it ? idk how anyone could identify with an emotionless character, my man Geralt had less emotion than Connor Kenway from AC3, that’s how boring he was, and with an uninteresting protagonist comes and uninteresting story. I refuse to become invested in the plot unless I’m invested in who’s story I am following. I admit, it was funny the way he hated portals, and the drunk mission was well done, not as good as RDR2 but it was still an amazing mission and I’ll give them that, but then again what drunk mission isn’t a gem?
I had the good ending (skip to 11:15, I have no idea how to do the time stamp)

She can live after entering that portal, and you find her in the inn.
Please don’t call my explanations poor when you’re showing your own evidence for how forgettable you thought the game was pls pls, k thx, just my opinion, if you wanna keep yours then that’s fine too. ?❤️
That's..i'm confused lol i'm pretty sure that's not the real ending and xLetalis edited his video poorly what you're talking about is the ending where she becomes a Witcher i know what i'm talking about because i had the bad ending on my first playthrough lmao this is what really happens
Anyway i won't keep arguing with you about this if you think the game is bad then fine,your explanations are still bad though.