for those who have completed chapter 3 SPOILERS!
just finnished now. what did you guys think? i personaly loved it. i liked the insult-esque bits and the dudes inside the manatee. im gunna deffo remeber them for years to come
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Murray was great & was worked into the episode perfectly. Didn't feel forced at all. Loved the credits at the end too. He made me lol hard!
Not quite as good as episode 2, but better than the first one. Murray was sooo much better than his incarnation in MI4. And Grog XD? Hilarious
More details will follow.
You are getting better with every chapter TT. Awesome!
Agreed, this aspect has been getting so much better since ep01. Only Noogie was a bit too familier still.
Doh! I will look out for it on my second play through.
I laughed for minutes and minutes, and couldn't stop... consumed tons of oxigen... man, I ask Telltale, WHO? WHO was the brilliant Mastermind that thought up Sister Agnes?? I want a wallpaper with that mug!!
What did you guys think?
When i read that review I was looking forward to the nun, and was looking out for it the whole time, then when it happened i totally forgot you'd warned us about it! I liked it but i think maybe you could explain why it harrowed you so much?
Murray trying to chat up Morgan was a good highlight for me. I never knew Murray had it in him. Though I was amazed at how readily and unobjectionably Guybrush gave Murray a body, given how he spent so much of CMI trying to keep him away from a) Murray's own arm, and b) other skeletons in the Blood Island cemetary.
A bit short, and still being easy. Some spanish references are wrong, but funny, like "La Esponja Pequeno" xDD, (its really "La esponja pequeña").
Do we gonna have the voodoo cards in our preorder special edition??? PPPPPPLEEEEEASE????
Good job telltale
Damn, that soundtrack cue was great. Just a pity about all those people who won't get it... same as with the
Loved the new characters and of course the return of Murray
Morgan also keeps getting better and better as one of the new main characters, can't wait to see where she'll end up
The ending was a bit predictable but oh well... finding Esponja Grande already was a surprise
Also, the whole diving to the bottom MI2 style was really well done, as was the choice of music. And good to see you made co-director Jake
Felt quite short imo, but definately best episode ever!
Though I am a little (just a leetle) bit dissapointed of the ending. Moe’s »Knock Guybrush down«-action wasn’t that surprising for me (oh well, I just love cliffhangers like the ones in Narwhal, they were mindblowing!).
Still, I wonder what happens next… hmm…
Oi, olavra, stop scaring me with that awesome avatar!
EDIT: Yes, totally forgot, Junaid is right: The diving-sequenz was beautiful! Same animations and music like the old days, gave me shivers!
I just loved the looks on her face during most of the game, especially after her "date"
Was a fantastic episode really enjoyed the length and puzzles I will say its the best episode so far, can epi 4 or 5 top it?
In the very beginning, I was worried that the setting might be too out there for me... A giant manatee with a missing cochlea, with ichor drinking pirates pirates living inside of it? But in the end, it worked. The humor and puzzles were top notch!
Completely agree, I enjoyed it, but completed it with no problems in 3 hours (took me 4+ on previous chapters)
It was not either long nor short, it wasn't too hard or too easy, it was just perfect.
I love Murray
I've my money on LeChuck getting infected with the pox via Elaine then resorting back to evil once again and having to be killed by The Brush, thus restoring the staus quo
2s still my favourite but this is still a worthy addition for me.
There's concept art on the wall of the freakish pirate faces, I've been looking at them for weeks going "WHAT ON EARTH IS THIS?"
My favorite part, inexplicably, was when Guybrush got each of the faces. He'd practice them right afterward, and somehow seeing him completely expressionless except for a gomer smile had me cracking up.
De Cava made for an entertaining character, with his not-so sane take on life. Though it looks doubtful we'll see him again either. He couldn't get out the manatee the first time...