So, Chapter Three has come and gone.
We are Past the point of No return.
We are in the Home stretch.
Chapter three brought all kinds of things I was never expecting.
Wife Swapping (Even if it was only pretend)
VooDoo Possesions
Wedgie Curses
a Resort in the Belly of a manatee.
And a moment, of pure unadulterated, Romance.
Chapter three took every technical fault and Spirited it away unto nothing, I had no graphic glitches, no doors that weren't where they were supposed to be, and most important, no sound issues.
I only really have 3 Minor niggles, Not even a damn complaint.
The Pyrite Parrot. Not gonna lie I felt a bit cheated, having gotten him back even after being melted down in episode 2, only to have him gone in episode 3. The Face Pulling Got WAY too close to Monkey Kombat for it's own good. The Cliffhangar While a very good haganr, not too much Cliff. which while strong not as strong as part 1 & 2s.
But now on to the good.
the VERY VERY good.
It was a moment in the Thinly veiled conversation of Morgan;s about the Leviathan, and what she needed.
Guybrush and Morgan ar all but node to nose and Guybrush says "And we could get the sponge" I know that GB is all up on Elaine, but Dominic's Voice acting, and the powerful connection at the moment between the 2 characters. Literally made my jaw drop. It was amazing.
Kudos to the team for that one.
it really was a moment for the ages.
thats fair enough just a question ( im not being an ass or anything if thats how this comes off . i just want to know your honest opinion) if say they brought out season two 14 months after chapter 5 comes out. would you buy season 2? even if you didnt want a season 2?
Honestly thats a tough all depends on a two things.
1. If lucasarts decided(God Forbid.) they never wanted to do another monkey island game.
2. If you had to play all the seasons of tales to understand what goes on in a new game.
3. If everything the reviews are good, and people are really saying that it's worth buying and playing than yes.
I mean monkey Island is a very important staple in my childhood. I enjoy the games greatly, but I don't want people just to keep pumping them out.
If I might chime in on the "Season 2" conversation.
If Telltale released a season 2 of Monkey Island I would sign up without question. SIght and Review unseen (just as I did with ToMI)
I trust them enough to put the time and Effort into the game to make it good.
I trust them enough not to announce something unless THEY are confident in it.
and above all I Trust them enough to do what needs to be done.
LucasArts However, I cannot say the same.
After struggling through the Mi remake ( I played the whole damn thing in regular mode, no updated graphics) it would take a lot of golden reviews to make me buy and original MI game from them.
yeah its a tough question really. because monkey island if my fav game ever i would buy a game even if ppl said it was really crap just becasue its monkey island. and thats why i reckon they deffo will do season 2 ( that is if lucasarts dosent wanna make more) it would sell easly. but if they did make season 2 i would buy it no doubt. plus i think telltale have done a great job with this one so i would trust them
IMHO each episode has been an improvement upon the last, and all of them were fantastic!
I've loved all the new charecters, the story, the dialogue. This is what a Monkey Island game should be.
And also, thank you for making this episodic. Last night I played it start to finish and I'm going into work sleep deprived because of it. If it had been a full season instead of an episode, I'd probably still be playing and have not had any sleep at all!!!
Definitely the best episode to date: Loads of laugh-out-louds (not all of which due to Murray), completely unexpected turn of events, and great puzzles that require more brain wracking. Also, the characters seem to lip-synth better. Only two minor complains: one puzzle required a fair bit of pixel-hunting (I had to use the F4 key, which is not functional for graphics settings below 7). And the very first puzzle in the game is not well scripted:
Having met DeCava, it has become patently obvious that Guybrush needs to present him with a fake wife, but if you go ahead and use the "smelling salt" on LaFlay, Winslow will ask you to keep her out as long as possible, and Guybrush will agree. This makes the player wonder if he's on the wrong track.
This reminds me of a similar problem in Episode 2: Guybrush comments that he should not give the prybar to LeChuck, when giving LeChuck the prybar is exactly the thing to do.
I understand that Winslow's input is needed for plot-related reason, but from the player's point of view, it does not make sense that you
have to ask Winslow first before you can revive Morgan
Why do people put things in Spoiler bars... this is a spoiler topic... it's annoying to read a lot of wonderfull comments but having to highlight the spoiler sections...
Why do people put things in Spoiler bars... this is a spoiler topic... it's annoying to read a lot of wonderfull comments but having to highlight the spoiler sections...
(Note: I've never played any of the other original TOMI games in the past).
This was the funniest episode of the series so far. (I was a little disappointed in 1 & 2 but they were still fun). The puzzles on this one was pretty difficult (mostly the manatee talking scheme). But fun non-the less!
And I do think Bugeye had a bit of Jack Sparrow in him. Oddly enough, with all the democracy stuff he spouted, and the baldness, he also reminded me slightly of Gord Downie (for those of you who know who that is) but I think that was more my imagination.
"And we could get the sponge." Amazing scene, jaw dropping and funny. Anyone else starting to feel that Morgan is really making Elaine feel old? To me Morgan is very much what Elaine was in the original Monkey Island. Elaine needs an awesome, character developing moment somewhere in episode 4 or 5.
A read a review that said there was a Day of the Tentacle reference... and I missed it I think! What was it!?!?
Some of my favourite moments:
- using the tube things to navigate the manatee's interior
- Guybrush's expressions when he learns different moves for the faceoff (especially Morgan's and the monkeys)
- Morgan's animations, facial expressions and gestures.. and the bits with Guybrush and Morgan especially when she's explaining her plan about the Leviathan and when Guybrush is trying to escape the crew.
- Murray, especially the credits
- the Voodoo Lady puzzle
- all the MI2 references, especially the dive music and cheese squiggly references.
I thought the puzzles were fresh and original too - the dialogue puzzles were really interesting and
the salmon on the bongos
is now my favourite puzzle ever.
The character designs were made original enough this time, and I didn't notice a single mistake in the subtitles too - thanks for sorting that out this time Telltale
So yeah, awesome game, awesome fun and will replay it again this weekend no doubt
The episodes just seems to be getting better and better. But then, every MI game seemed that way the first playthrough (except from EMI, which only got worse, ironically). Even if the game doesn't get any better than this, as long as it stays on the level, we already have a great MI game on our hand.
One observation though, and most of you probably already noticed this. They're re-imagining a LOT of puzzles from the earlier games. Treasure huntery being the most obvious, but we also have running with the melting grog mugs vs the pyrite parrot, the insult whatever vs face-off (including the different ways of collecting them), the meeting between Elaine and Guybrush in Elaine's room on Booty Island vs the dating sim, the grog drinking contest (using near-gror instead of the rough stuff) vs getting DeCava to drink the yellow bile. And of course, the monocle reference. There will be more, and there are probably plenty of puzzles I've yet to connect to the puzzles in the earlier games. I don't mind this, but sometimes it's as if they're using the older games to get inspiration for new puzzles.
And if we really stretch it, possessing the voodoo lady could be vaguely connected to the LeChimp puzzle.
Anyone else starting to feel that Morgan is really making Elaine feel old? To me Morgan is very much what Elaine was in the original Monkey Island. Elaine needs an awesome, character developing moment somewhere in episode 4 or 5.
Seconded. Elaine so far has been the elaine of EMI: Incompetant damsel in distress who doesn't have the slightest bit of control of the situation and just goes with the flow while guybrush does his thing.
As opposed to the original elaine from SMI who escaped jail easy and almost got lechuck to marry some monkeys. Or even CMI elaine who spent the time on screen, when not frozen firing cannons at lechuck's ship from her fortress, and then still managed to mess up lechuck's plan in the end by changing the tracks on the volcano ride (you had to circle at least once to get lechuck to mention this).
Plus Morgan is definitely better looking than Elaine.
Morgan's expressions and body language were a surprise treat. Even her ending dialogue lines when you exited the conversations, were ripe with smarminess and sarcasm.
Loved every bit of it.
The ring and booty. I can't help but to think, that these items and a few others, will play a major role at his trial. If anyone ever played Chrono Trigger, they'll know that certain actions in the early stages of the game, later affect a trial you inevitably have to go through. So I see the booty, as an act of theft, counting as one strike against him. His wife's ring, may be a positive count for him.
All in all, three was my favorite so far. All were good however. Bravo Telltale. =D
I like to get stuck on these games. In the second game, I got stuck not noticing the top right island, and not noticing the bucket. As such, I got more gameplay out of it than the other two. But I know that other people considered those two hangups more annoying than game-expanding so maybe TTG shouldn't listen to my view on it...
I honestly don't want a second season...I want it to be a while before another monkey Island game, because remember the last time they released a MI game to soon.( Escape.) When all the other games have been spaced quite a few years apart. All in all I enjoyed chapter 3, and I can't wait until next month.
Except the single year between 1 and 2 of course... (there were 3 years between Curse and Escape) I think it’s safe to say that MI2 was a huge improvement on the original, so who is to say TTG won’t be able to do the same?
One observation though, and most of you probably already noticed this. They're re-imagining a LOT of puzzles from the earlier games. Treasure huntery being the most obvious, but we also have running with the melting grog mugs vs the pyrite parrot, the insult whatever vs face-off (including the different ways of collecting them), the meeting between Elaine and Guybrush in Elaine's room on Booty Island vs the dating sim, the grog drinking contest (using near-gror instead of the rough stuff) vs getting DeCava to drink the yellow bile. And of course, the monocle reference. There will be more, and there are probably plenty of puzzles I've yet to connect to the puzzles in the earlier games. I don't mind this, but sometimes it's as if they're using the older games to get inspiration for new puzzles.
It's their way of staying true to the Monkey Island name, they can't make totally new stuff because that would turn off fans. With all these "homages" spread around in the game, we're reminded why we fell in love with MI in the first place. I'm perfectly fine with this.
Anyway, the third episode had the least of the past references so far in my opinion and while I loved all the jokes and the puzzles, it was disappointing that this episode was basically set on four screens only. I also got through it the fastest ever, and now another month for the next one...
Anyone else starting to feel that Morgan is really making Elaine feel old? To me Morgan is very much what Elaine was in the original Monkey Island. Elaine needs an awesome, character developing moment somewhere in episode 4 or 5.QUOTE]
the vibe i get from it is thats the point. elaine is getting older and on comes this young sexy fiesty woman onto the scene. the story wants you to think ' comon guybrush! get with morgan!' and im guessing morgan is falling for guybrush (not just some crush) if the end of the chapter is anything to go by. but i think at the end somthing will happen to show that elaine is the only girl for guybrush
elaine is getting older and on comes this young sexy fiesty woman onto the scene. the story wants you to think ' comon guybrush! get with morgan!' and im guessing morgan is falling for guybrush (not just some crush) if the end of the chapter is anything to go by. but i think at the end somthing will happen to show that elaine is the only girl for guybrush
Guybrush and Elaine are rock solid (well, Guybrush is solid at least, who knows what Elaine's been doing with LeChuck throughout Chapter 3). But Morgan has enough back-story / player empathy now to warrant a romantic entanglement of her own (possibly with Le Chuck), or find some other kind of personal fulfilment.
I do get the impression that she'll wind up happy at the end of Tales - just not with Guybrush.
This is my favorite chapter so far, even though I'm really squeamish and got grossed out a few times. Bugeye's trump card was just... *SHUDDER*
Things I really liked:
-When the Voodoo Lady told Guybrush not to reveal anything to De Cava... and Guybrush did exactly that in a panic.
-When Guybrush posessed the Voodoo Lady and the first thing he did was jiggle her boobs. Also, wedgie curse.
-Winslow's coughing in the ship.
-Everything having to do with Murray. The end credits were hilarious.
-Funny faces! I hope the pirate face-off makes another appearance later on.
The only thing I was disappointed about was that I solved the manatee pair-up without having to use the phrase "I like it hot and spicy". Oh well!
I really did feel betrayed by Murray. But I guess that's what happens when you ask a favor from the demonic skull.
I did enjoy it. The theme when diving for the sponge brought back some memories plus the fact the voodoo lady can't actually move made me laugh quite madly.
We are Past the point of No return.
We are in the Home stretch.
Chapter three brought all kinds of things I was never expecting.
Wife Swapping (Even if it was only pretend)
VooDoo Possesions
Wedgie Curses
a Resort in the Belly of a manatee.
And a moment, of pure unadulterated, Romance.
Chapter three took every technical fault and Spirited it away unto nothing, I had no graphic glitches, no doors that weren't where they were supposed to be, and most important, no sound issues.
I only really have 3 Minor niggles, Not even a damn complaint.
The Pyrite Parrot. Not gonna lie I felt a bit cheated, having gotten him back even after being melted down in episode 2, only to have him gone in episode 3.
The Face Pulling Got WAY too close to Monkey Kombat for it's own good.
The Cliffhangar While a very good haganr, not too much Cliff. which while strong not as strong as part 1 & 2s.
But now on to the good.
the VERY VERY good.
It was a moment in the Thinly veiled conversation of Morgan;s about the Leviathan, and what she needed.
Guybrush and Morgan ar all but node to nose and Guybrush says "And we could get the sponge" I know that GB is all up on Elaine, but Dominic's Voice acting, and the powerful connection at the moment between the 2 characters. Literally made my jaw drop. It was amazing.
Kudos to the team for that one.
it really was a moment for the ages.
one I'll be talking about for a long time.
Honestly thats a tough all depends on a two things.
1. If lucasarts decided(God Forbid.) they never wanted to do another monkey island game.
2. If you had to play all the seasons of tales to understand what goes on in a new game.
3. If everything the reviews are good, and people are really saying that it's worth buying and playing than yes.
I mean monkey Island is a very important staple in my childhood. I enjoy the games greatly, but I don't want people just to keep pumping them out.
and risk the series losing it's magic.
If Telltale released a season 2 of Monkey Island I would sign up without question. SIght and Review unseen (just as I did with ToMI)
I trust them enough to put the time and Effort into the game to make it good.
I trust them enough not to announce something unless THEY are confident in it.
and above all I Trust them enough to do what needs to be done.
LucasArts However, I cannot say the same.
After struggling through the Mi remake ( I played the whole damn thing in regular mode, no updated graphics) it would take a lot of golden reviews to make me buy and original MI game from them.
IMHO each episode has been an improvement upon the last, and all of them were fantastic!
I've loved all the new charecters, the story, the dialogue. This is what a Monkey Island game should be.
And also, thank you for making this episodic. Last night I played it start to finish and I'm going into work sleep deprived because of it. If it had been a full season instead of an episode, I'd probably still be playing and have not had any sleep at all!!!
I understand that Winslow's input is needed for plot-related reason, but from the player's point of view, it does not make sense that you
Just click the white part
It was fantastic.
Seriously. I loved it. The re-use of models was way better disguised, the puzzles were clever, the humor was great, Murray was fantastic.
By far my favorite Episode, and I can not wait for the next episode. And if there is a god... the next season.
(Note: I've never played any of the other original TOMI games in the past).
This was the funniest episode of the series so far. (I was a little disappointed in 1 & 2 but they were still fun). The puzzles on this one was pretty difficult (mostly the manatee talking scheme). But fun non-the less!
I can't wait for ch 4!
And I do think Bugeye had a bit of Jack Sparrow in him. Oddly enough, with all the democracy stuff he spouted, and the baldness, he also reminded me slightly of Gord Downie (for those of you who know who that is) but I think that was more my imagination.
"And we could get the sponge." Amazing scene, jaw dropping and funny. Anyone else starting to feel that Morgan is really making Elaine feel old? To me Morgan is very much what Elaine was in the original Monkey Island. Elaine needs an awesome, character developing moment somewhere in episode 4 or 5.
A read a review that said there was a Day of the Tentacle reference... and I missed it I think! What was it!?!?
I do agree it was the best episode yet!
Anyway, about the ending...
What? No!
I loved pretty much the whole thing.
Some of my favourite moments:
- using the tube things to navigate the manatee's interior
- Guybrush's expressions when he learns different moves for the faceoff (especially Morgan's and the monkeys)
- Morgan's animations, facial expressions and gestures.. and the bits with Guybrush and Morgan especially when she's explaining her plan about the Leviathan and when Guybrush is trying to escape the crew.
- Murray, especially the credits
- the Voodoo Lady puzzle
- all the MI2 references, especially the dive music and cheese squiggly references.
I thought the puzzles were fresh and original too - the dialogue puzzles were really interesting and
The character designs were made original enough this time, and I didn't notice a single mistake in the subtitles too - thanks for sorting that out this time Telltale
So yeah, awesome game, awesome fun and will replay it again this weekend no doubt
One observation though, and most of you probably already noticed this. They're re-imagining a LOT of puzzles from the earlier games. Treasure huntery being the most obvious, but we also have running with the melting grog mugs vs the pyrite parrot, the insult whatever vs face-off (including the different ways of collecting them), the meeting between Elaine and Guybrush in Elaine's room on Booty Island vs the dating sim, the grog drinking contest (using near-gror instead of the rough stuff) vs getting DeCava to drink the yellow bile. And of course, the monocle reference. There will be more, and there are probably plenty of puzzles I've yet to connect to the puzzles in the earlier games. I don't mind this, but sometimes it's as if they're using the older games to get inspiration for new puzzles.
And if we really stretch it, possessing the voodoo lady could be vaguely connected to the LeChimp puzzle.
Seconded. Elaine so far has been the elaine of EMI: Incompetant damsel in distress who doesn't have the slightest bit of control of the situation and just goes with the flow while guybrush does his thing.
As opposed to the original elaine from SMI who escaped jail easy and almost got lechuck to marry some monkeys. Or even CMI elaine who spent the time on screen, when not frozen firing cannons at lechuck's ship from her fortress, and then still managed to mess up lechuck's plan in the end by changing the tracks on the volcano ride (you had to circle at least once to get lechuck to mention this).
Plus Morgan is definitely better looking than Elaine.
Yeah, she has a much sexier tone of voice. Is it weird i'm slightly attracted to her?
Loved every bit of it.
The ring and booty. I can't help but to think, that these items and a few others, will play a major role at his trial. If anyone ever played Chrono Trigger, they'll know that certain actions in the early stages of the game, later affect a trial you inevitably have to go through. So I see the booty, as an act of theft, counting as one strike against him. His wife's ring, may be a positive count for him.
All in all, three was my favorite so far. All were good however. Bravo Telltale. =D
A positive?
He had to Graverob the Goodsoup family crypt for that thing.
I meant that it could show he wasn't a selfish person. That he was capable of love and not the cut throat pirate he may be thought of.
Also said "may". It's all conjecture at this point, since none of us know.
It's not, I feel the same like you. So....en gard - you fight like a cow!
Except the single year between 1 and 2 of course... (there were 3 years between Curse and Escape) I think it’s safe to say that MI2 was a huge improvement on the original, so who is to say TTG won’t be able to do the same?
See S&M Season 1 and 2 for details.
I also loled that you could still make her do the 'this is my mast' scathing. Did it twice for the giggles.
It's their way of staying true to the Monkey Island name, they can't make totally new stuff because that would turn off fans. With all these "homages" spread around in the game, we're reminded why we fell in love with MI in the first place. I'm perfectly fine with this.
Anyway, the third episode had the least of the past references so far in my opinion and while I loved all the jokes and the puzzles, it was disappointing that this episode was basically set on four screens only. I also got through it the fastest ever, and now another month for the next one...
Jepp. Sure did! Same make up around the eyes
Guybrush and Elaine are rock solid (well, Guybrush is solid at least, who knows what Elaine's been doing with LeChuck throughout Chapter 3). But Morgan has enough back-story / player empathy now to warrant a romantic entanglement of her own (possibly with Le Chuck), or find some other kind of personal fulfilment.
I do get the impression that she'll wind up happy at the end of Tales - just not with Guybrush.
However, one thing is puzzling me,
This is my favorite chapter so far, even though I'm really squeamish and got grossed out a few times. Bugeye's trump card was just... *SHUDDER*
Things I really liked:
-When the Voodoo Lady told Guybrush not to reveal anything to De Cava... and Guybrush did exactly that in a panic.
-When Guybrush posessed the Voodoo Lady and the first thing he did was jiggle her boobs. Also, wedgie curse.
-Winslow's coughing in the ship.
-Everything having to do with Murray. The end credits were hilarious.
-Funny faces! I hope the pirate face-off makes another appearance later on.
The only thing I was disappointed about was that I solved the manatee pair-up without having to use the phrase "I like it hot and spicy". Oh well!
Below deck playing the woodblock?
Ok, bad pun.
I did enjoy it. The theme when diving for the sponge brought back some memories plus the fact the voodoo lady can't actually move made me laugh quite madly.