glad to see ppl liked it as much as i did a bit that made me laugh that i just rembered was when guybrush finds the sponge and the camera is set up to make it look hudge. also no1 has mentioned this yet ( as far as i can see) WHERE IS YOUR PYRITE PARROT?! to me he was like a little sidekick ( in a way ) and he just randomly goes missing. im guessing he will come back seeing that the mer leader fixing him would be pretty pointless to just have it go away the next chapter. would of been funny so see murray and the parrot have a argument or somthing.
I loved the whole thing! Characters, locations, and story were all excellent. Definitely my favourite of Tales so far.
Highlights for me were:
> Distinct characters (both in looks and personality) - a great improvement over the generic short pirate / tall pirate thing in Chapter 2
> Puzzles that were ORIGINAL and fresh
(possessing the Voodoo Lady and speaking manatee spring to mind)
Morgan's thinly disguised "female manatee" speech (and the sad look on her face when Guybrush misses the underlying tone)
> Returning characters
had a point and were integrated into the story, rather than just being there for the sake of it (like Murray in EMI)
> The credits - had me laughing for ages
Just finished... best episode so far (story wise and technical wise)....
Allthough I found the ending a bit of an anti-climax compared to the first two chapters.
but overall this chapter was AWESOME.... loved the Manatee dating game.
I didn't quite get the pirate-face mechanic though... I finished it randomly after three times without knowing how I actually did it.
I loved the whole thing! Characters, locations, and story were all excellent. Definitely my favourite of Tales so far.
Highlights for me were:
> Distinct characters (both in looks and personality) - a great improvement over the generic short pirate / tall pirate thing in Chapter 2
> Puzzles that were ORIGINAL and fresh (possessing the Voodoo Lady and speaking manatee spring to mind)
> Morgan's thinly disguised "female manatee" speech (and the sad look on her face when Guybrush misses the underlying tone)
> Returning characters (Murray) had a point and were integrated into the story, rather than just being there for the sake of it (like Murray in EMI)
> The credits - had me laughing for ages
Well done Telltale - awesome job!!
I second that... feel the same way about all your points.
i really hate that talking to the manaties part (cant get thru that)
Really? I did that instantaneously without making any mistakes so I didn't get to see what any of the other options did.
I guess I must speak Manatee well. Or I have the same sense of dating humour Telltale does... disturbing...
Edited to add: I also did the Morgan dating one the first try as well! I'll have to remember to not try and be as awesome when I replay so I can see more options!
Was I the only one who really wanted to kill Bugbait? Or at least physically hurt him in some way (like hitting him with the flopping fish). I'd have preferred decapitating him instead of Murray - shame that no-one but the undead dies in Monkey Island. Or have the cannon knock him into the water or something.
Don't get me wrong, its not that I don't like the character and think he's irritating and shouldn't be there; I think he was a good character. I didn't like him from an adversarial point of view, he's arrogant, contemptuous, insulting, and Guybrush didn't get enough revenge out of it for me by merely having him beaten up by Morgan.
also no1 has mentioned this yet ( as far as i can see) WHERE IS YOUR PYRITE PARROT?! to me he was like a little sidekick ( in a way ) and he just randomly goes missing.
Guybrush looks for him and says he must have been washed away when they were swallowed by the manatee.
Really? I did that instantaneously without making any mistakes so I didn't get to see what any of the other options did.
I guess I must speak Manatee well. Or I have the same sense of dating humour Telltale does... disturbing...
Edited to add: I also did the Morgan dating one the first try as well! I'll have to remember to not try and be as awesome when I replay so I can see more options!
The "wrong options" just gave a "that doesn't make sense" remark...
Also... some are talking about a LeChuck scene, but somehow I missed that... I did get a DeSinge scene in between two puzzles where he is succesfully brewing a serum agains/from the Pox.
This chapter seemed longer than the others, although I've just realised this is my shortest playthrough of a Telltale game yet! Very well done, definetly my favourite of the three.
Well a crab did enter the chest just like the one in chapter 2. That chest was then seen on the island it was buried on and seen floating in the ocean, so I think the chest Murray was in will rise to the surface and wash up somewhere.
Yeah, Murray absolutely needs to be used again, you could imagine him baying for Guybrush's blood in the coming trial
I thought this episode was the best so far, consistent puzzles and gags you can laugh at rather than smirk, the quality all around was excellent, no easy to spot cloned models or raspy audio...great stuff!
Really best chapter so far!
I just finished it in straight 4 and something hours of playing!
Wow I need to sleep... XD
But that was really fun and original.
The face battles and the tarot cards were simply amazing and so original!
And the underneath love story just makes me wanna play it over and over again and try to locate the small talk and background faces Morgan is doing all the time!
MI games don't usually happen too often & I think that's one thing that makes them special. You have to savour it because it may be a while to the next one. If another one happened quite soon, I think some of the magic would be lost.
TT have easily done a good enough job for this season to be labelled as a proper MI installment & to let it sleep for another couple of years. As long as it's them who eventually come back to pick it up again when the time is right
This is ofc assuming that TT are gonna compile all the episodes onto a DVD to create the seemless MI5 that we all want.
I downloaded it only a few hours ago and I beat it just minutes ago.
...And I'm sad I beat it already. I wish you could erase certain memories so that you could go back and play certain games/watch certain movies again for the "first time." Ohh...and forget certain bad moments/girlfriends/blah blah blah...but most importantly -- adventure games.
I took a gander at the "Wonder if This Will Happen" flash on the Tales page and one thing I wish had made it to this episode:
Murray: "Is that the anchor? You STILL have the anchor? You've fed it haven't you?"
And am I the only one who actually wanted to see
Morgan put the Elaine's ring on and have it not come off? Seriously, they make such an interesting pair together.
Seriously though, this was such a great installment. As always, Telltale delivers.
Well. First TMI chapter I've beaten within 24 hours. But it was the most entertaining yet so I won't blame it for being as short as the others....I just wanted to play it more. Really was the best chapter yet. Loved the puzzles. Loved the new characters (no reused character models!). Loved Murray's role in the story (shortlived as it always, though). Loved the nods and winks to MI2 regarding the sea diving parts (they even used the same theme from Kate Capsize's ship!) And loved the general direction things are going in. The story really seems a lot bigger now that it feels like the game is going somewhere. Guybrush has made many enemies in 3 chapters. This will really make chapter 4 more interesting. And chapter 5 even more so.
Can't wait!
Also, has anyone considered that Morgan might actually end up with LeChuck? Whether in human form and ending his role as a bad guy, or with him reverting to undead and Morgan just joining him (with the possibility of being reconciled in another sequel of chapters). Granted, I hope neither happens. But the latter would make for a great sequel.
Keeping this short and sweet since I am echoing previous comments on quality of storyline, comedy, characters, and game play. It exceeded my expectations in so many areas, I am glad to see Telltale doing a bang-up job so far! Outstanding episode, just felt it was a bit short too, but Hot Damn! Murray made his comeback in style! Made my day!
Finally! I can share my opinion! It's so hard to keep your mouth shut when you write a review!
I laughed for minutes and minutes, and couldn't stop... consumed tons of oxigen... man, I ask Telltale, WHO? WHO was the brilliant Mastermind that thought up Sister Agnes?? I want a wallpaper with that mug!!
What did you guys think?
Sister Agnes as a name came from Sean, or maybe Joe. The actual art for her was done by Nick Mastroianni of the Telltale QA/test team, and mastermind behind the "unofficial wallpapers" thread.
Oh Jake, care to shed some light on the secret of the Majus-animation reference?
It's the smallest thing ever, like I said. In Majus' "I wonder what happens in chapter 3" video, when all hell was breaking loose at the end and they were being thrown out of the Manatee, I loved that he had falling and shattering crates and especially breaking glass. I thought that sound added a lot to the mayhem and mood, so I was sure to throw in at least one of the Narwhal's lanterns flying past Guybrush and shattering with a glass breaking sound. Totally tiny and ridiculous, but now you know
Best chapter yet, great plot direction, character development for morgan as an emerging character and more witty not nerdy banter although I thought the ending was not much of a cliffhanger. Murray is such a top rated character by fans and it seems silly to lock him in a chest when he provided practically ALL the comic relief in the story. The other episodes served a nostalgic purpose for me, but this time I actually found myself laughing when Murray screws Guybrush over in the vote for the first time and greets him with Aloha.
Loved the MI2 throwback complete with a Captain Kate theme reprisal in the dive down to the ocean floor. Though Kate didn't throw Guybrush overboard....
Awesome recreation, its those little details that really make the game. Music was perfect as well!!
Beat the chapter last night, really awesome chapter, best one so far. Murray cracked me up along with the face-fighting (esp the nun). I also liked that the setting really was quite gross but still wasn't gross in the game, I did however feel sad for the poor manatee...
Sister Agnes as a name came from Sean, or maybe Joe. The actual art for her was done by Nick Mastroianni of the Telltale QA/test team, and mastermind behind the "unofficial wallpapers" thread.
Thanks! I talked with Nick (aka Unoficial Telltale Santa) and he was kind enough to take some time to work on a wallpaper with this character.
I know this will sound stupid, but I just have to ask:
Will it ever be possible to actually meet her as a character in the game? I honestly don't know why I find the entire idea so hilarious... maybe it's from watching too many movies with Louis De Funes.
Guybrush meets Sister Agnes
Sister Agnes: Who are you? Sit up straight! *WHACK - ruler attack!*
Guybrush: Yikes! It's like seeing my alter ego... my very deranged alter ego!
Sister Agnes: Did you just BLINK without my approval?!
from the looks of it ppl really liked this chapter. i could tell before it came out it was going to be intresting. i rember on some forum pages ppl where saying how crappy it was going to be inside a manatee. i wonder if they have changed there minds. i hope they make season 2 but not until a year or so from now. and im sure if lucas arts let them they most probs will
It had the most "alive" characters and facial expressions.
It made me LOL sev times, obv a lot thanks to Murray.
It was bug free.
The graphics were the best and felt most accomplished.
And most of all, this episode didn't feel hurried. It was quality throughout.
A pure joy to start to finish. Would actually think about replaying even- and that says a lot.
Thanks! I talked with Nick (aka Unoficial Telltale Santa) and he was kind enough to take some time to work on a wallpaper with this character.
I know this will sound stupid, but I just have to ask:
Will it ever be possible to actually meet her as a character in the game? I honestly don't know why I find the entire idea so hilarious... maybe it's from watching too many movies with Louis De Funes
lol yeah that mugshot caught me off gaurd! lol just poped up and i was like 'AGHH what the! hahahaha!'
on another note the ending idnt have the cliffhanger like the others did but i forgave it seeing that i really liked the chapter and it had murray talking smack about the credits.
oh and CIREMI your thing about
And am I the only one who actually wanted to see Morgan put the Elaine's ring on and have it not come off? Seriously, they make such an interesting pair together.
yeah i thought that might of happend seeing that we havent used it yet
Honestly? When Murray reached those bones on the bottom of the sea, my mind went into super speculation mode and I for 2 seconds I was sure, he'd land on those bones, take control over them and turn into a huuuge skeleton monster that stomps over pirate cities.
You know again I have to say this was the best chapter yet, because I forsee the next two being dark, and maybe even serious( Wich I kind of doubt, and I thought murrays ending was so fitting.. I don't think I've ever laughed this much through a game in years, and I'm going throw this in too, I honestly don't want a second season...I want it to be a while before another monkey Island game, because remember the last time they released a MI game to soon.( Escape.) When all the other games have been spaced quite a few years apart. All in all I enjoyed chapter 3, and I can't wait until next month.
Love this chapter for various reasons. For one, the LENGTH! Just when I was getting ready for it to end, nope, still at least half an hour - 45 min more! That's lovely, since I felt Chapter 2 was crazy short!
Another thing, no reused character models for multiple characters. Everyone felt appropriately unique.
Puzzles were nice and esoteric. Though I gotta wonder if the final one with courting the manatee was time-based because I swear I think I got the final answer wrong but she just said "You're persistent, let's get going" or sth on the lines of that. Her snout was pretty much out of the cave, so maybe I DID get it right.
And of course. Murray. Or...Santino...
Gotta say tho, the pirate face/off doesn't click with me. Somehow it felt like me when I'm fiddling some 3D models in Zbrush XD I prefer to think of the courting manatee puzzle as more a tribute to insult swordfighting (as bizarre as that sounds o_0)
Overall this was the most original and twisty of the chapters. I hope all subsequent ones would be just as entertaining.
Btw, if Elaine doesn't show up and do something in the next episodes, I find myself leaning close to liking Morgan and Guybrush as a couple XD Even though I suspect she actually might be a little much younger. That whole part with the fake wife, I kept thinking I was supposed to give her Elaine's ring or something (and make some tie-in puzzle with having to explain to Elaine later why Morgan has the ring yada yada yada). Nice not to fall into that cliche, and yet, I feel slightly disappointed.
and I'm going throw this in too, I honestly don't want a second season...I want it to be a while before another monkey Island game, because remember the last time they released a MI game to soon.( Escape.) When all the other games have been spaced quite a few years apart. All in all I enjoyed chapter 3, and I can't wait until next month.
thats fair enough just a question ( im not being an ass or anything if thats how this comes off . i just want to know your honest opinion) if say they brought out season two 14 months after chapter 5 comes out. would you buy season 2? even if you didnt want a season 2?
Highlights for me were:
> Distinct characters (both in looks and personality) - a great improvement over the generic short pirate / tall pirate thing in Chapter 2
> Puzzles that were ORIGINAL and fresh
> The credits - had me laughing for ages
Well done Telltale - awesome job!!
Allthough I found the ending a bit of an anti-climax compared to the first two chapters.
but overall this chapter was AWESOME.... loved the Manatee dating game.
I didn't quite get the pirate-face mechanic though... I finished it randomly after three times without knowing how I actually did it.
I second that... feel the same way about all your points.
Really? I did that instantaneously without making any mistakes so I didn't get to see what any of the other options did.
I guess I must speak Manatee well. Or I have the same sense of dating humour Telltale does... disturbing...
Edited to add: I also did the Morgan dating one the first try as well! I'll have to remember to not try and be as awesome when I replay so I can see more options!
Don't get me wrong, its not that I don't like the character and think he's irritating and shouldn't be there; I think he was a good character. I didn't like him from an adversarial point of view, he's arrogant, contemptuous, insulting, and Guybrush didn't get enough revenge out of it for me by merely having him beaten up by Morgan.
Guybrush looks for him and says he must have been washed away when they were swallowed by the manatee.
Sorry... I mean "by the MANATEEEEEEEEEE"
The "wrong options" just gave a "that doesn't make sense" remark...
Also... some are talking about a LeChuck scene, but somehow I missed that... I did get a DeSinge scene in between two puzzles where he is succesfully brewing a serum agains/from the Pox.
yeah sorry i meant like guybrush is like ' oh where is he?' and i thought he might turn up sumwhere.
I reckon he'll be back later too
Well a crab did enter the chest just like the one in chapter 2. That chest was then seen on the island it was buried on and seen floating in the ocean, so I think the chest Murray was in will rise to the surface and wash up somewhere.
I thought this episode was the best so far, consistent puzzles and gags you can laugh at rather than smirk, the quality all around was excellent, no easy to spot cloned models or raspy audio...great stuff!
I just finished it in straight 4 and something hours of playing!
Wow I need to sleep... XD
But that was really fun and original.
The face battles and the tarot cards were simply amazing and so original!
And the underneath love story just makes me wanna play it over and over again and try to locate the small talk and background faces Morgan is doing all the time!
Until season 2 of course
And don't forget we still need to visit Monkey Island sometime during the game (I hope)!
There is a mystery chapter 6?!
You know what? I don't think I want a season 2.
MI games don't usually happen too often & I think that's one thing that makes them special. You have to savour it because it may be a while to the next one. If another one happened quite soon, I think some of the magic would be lost.
TT have easily done a good enough job for this season to be labelled as a proper MI installment & to let it sleep for another couple of years. As long as it's them who eventually come back to pick it up again when the time is right
This is ofc assuming that TT are gonna compile all the episodes onto a DVD to create the seemless MI5 that we all want.
...And I'm sad I beat it already. I wish you could erase certain memories so that you could go back and play certain games/watch certain movies again for the "first time." Ohh...and forget certain bad moments/girlfriends/blah blah blah...but most importantly -- adventure games.
I took a gander at the "Wonder if This Will Happen" flash on the Tales page and one thing I wish had made it to this episode:
And am I the only one who actually wanted to see
Seriously though, this was such a great installment. As always, Telltale delivers.
Can't wait!
Also, has anyone considered that Morgan might actually end up with LeChuck? Whether in human form and ending his role as a bad guy, or with him reverting to undead and Morgan just joining him (with the possibility of being reconciled in another sequel of chapters). Granted, I hope neither happens. But the latter would make for a great sequel.
Sister Agnes as a name came from Sean, or maybe Joe. The actual art for her was done by Nick Mastroianni of the Telltale QA/test team, and mastermind behind the "unofficial wallpapers" thread.
It's the smallest thing ever, like I said. In Majus' "I wonder what happens in chapter 3" video, when all hell was breaking loose at the end and they were being thrown out of the Manatee, I loved that he had falling and shattering crates and especially breaking glass. I thought that sound added a lot to the mayhem and mood, so I was sure to throw in at least one of the Narwhal's lanterns flying past Guybrush and shattering with a glass breaking sound. Totally tiny and ridiculous, but now you know
Awesome recreation, its those little details that really make the game. Music was perfect as well!!
He found happiness though, right?
Thanks! I talked with Nick (aka Unoficial Telltale Santa) and he was kind enough to take some time to work on a wallpaper with this character.
I know this will sound stupid, but I just have to ask:
Will it ever be possible to actually meet her as a character in the game? I honestly don't know why I find the entire idea so hilarious... maybe it's from watching too many movies with Louis De Funes.
Guybrush meets Sister Agnes
Sister Agnes: Who are you? Sit up straight! *WHACK - ruler attack!*
Guybrush: Yikes! It's like seeing my alter ego... my very deranged alter ego!
Sister Agnes: Did you just BLINK without my approval?!
Guybrush: No ma'am!
It had the most "alive" characters and facial expressions.
It made me LOL sev times, obv a lot thanks to Murray.
It was bug free.
The graphics were the best and felt most accomplished.
And most of all, this episode didn't feel hurried. It was quality throughout.
A pure joy to start to finish. Would actually think about replaying even- and that says a lot.
lol yeah that mugshot caught me off gaurd! lol just poped up and i was like 'AGHH what the! hahahaha!'
on another note the ending idnt have the cliffhanger like the others did but i forgave it seeing that i really liked the chapter and it had murray talking smack about the credits.
oh and CIREMI your thing about yeah i thought that might of happend seeing that we havent used it yet
Special mention goes to Guybrush upon possessing the Voodoo lady. Did he really need to keep ...jiggling... him/herself? I couldn't stop laughing.
And the "So... pirate faces!" subject-change: Funniest cutscene since the famous Banang outburst.
Best part? Only one glitch! Guybrush lost all of his textures, becoming Graybrush No-texture-wood. Thankfully, a quickload restored him.
But then I saw the chest.
Another thing, no reused character models for multiple characters. Everyone felt appropriately unique.
Puzzles were nice and esoteric. Though I gotta wonder if the final one with courting the manatee was time-based because I swear I think I got the final answer wrong but she just said "You're persistent, let's get going" or sth on the lines of that. Her snout was pretty much out of the cave, so maybe I DID get it right.
And of course. Murray. Or...Santino...
Gotta say tho, the pirate face/off doesn't click with me. Somehow it felt like me when I'm fiddling some 3D models in Zbrush XD I prefer to think of the courting manatee puzzle as more a tribute to insult swordfighting (as bizarre as that sounds o_0)
Overall this was the most original and twisty of the chapters. I hope all subsequent ones would be just as entertaining.
Btw, if Elaine doesn't show up and do something in the next episodes, I find myself leaning close to liking Morgan and Guybrush as a couple XD Even though I suspect she actually might be a little much younger. That whole part with the fake wife, I kept thinking I was supposed to give her Elaine's ring or something (and make some tie-in puzzle with having to explain to Elaine later why Morgan has the ring yada yada yada). Nice not to fall into that cliche, and yet, I feel slightly disappointed.
thats fair enough