The legendary Sam & Max fanart



  • edited July 2010
    DrFurball, fun stuff! Although I'm a mite concerned about the apparent fifth digit Max's left hand is growing in the first picture. ^^;
    Woah. Glad you caught that. That was a coloring error. I had mistook part of Max's Luger for a finger. Thanks.
  • edited July 2010
    CHERI AIN'T NO LOOOOVE CHILD she's an Earthworm Jim stalker : D

    also as my first post in these forums I might as well put up some ART:
    GONNA COLOUR IT eventually. Original size is 1600x900 aka Future wallpaper aww yiss
  • edited July 2010
    splash1 wrote: »
    Lol, reminds me of that old Calvin & Hobbes comic where they're dancing to a classical record in the middle of the night. Minus the Papierwaite/Skunkape offspring hybrid.

    That is exactly what I was thinking. :D
  • edited July 2010
    CHERI AIN'T NO LOOOOVE CHILD she's an Earthworm Jim stalker : D

    also as my first post in these forums I might as well put up some ART:
    GONNA COLOUR IT eventually. Original size is 1600x900 aka Future wallpaper aww yiss

    woah, that's cool. hook me up with the finished copy, k?
  • edited July 2010
    Cheri wrote: »
    That's no hybrid, that's me. :P

    Sorry to say it dude, but the way you drew your hair, shirt and face. It looks like Skunkape and Papierwaite all rolled up in one from that zap.
  • edited July 2010
    splash1 wrote: »
    Sorry to say it dude, but the way you drew your hair, shirt and face. It looks like Skunkape and Papierwaite all rolled up in one from that zap.

    Artificial-insemination-by-dark-magicks? A frightening thought! Though Papierwaite and Skunkape are giving her the sort of look disappointed parents would give their children...or angry C-List villains would give to someone who draws funny pictures of them...
  • edited July 2010
    This sounds like a bad fanfic in the making.
  • edited July 2010
    Skunkape and Papierwaite dancing remind me of the TF2 animation with the medic and heavy. This one.
  • edited July 2010
    I love that animation! But that'd be even MORE pairing-esque, would'nt it?
  • edited July 2010
    That movie... it is weird. Mostly at 00:17-00:20, I would be :eek: if Skun-ka'pe done that to Papierwaite
  • edited July 2010
    CHERI AIN'T NO LOOOOVE CHILD she's an Earthworm Jim stalker : D

    also as my first post in these forums I might as well put up some ART:
    GONNA COLOUR IT eventually. Original size is 1600x900 aka Future wallpaper aww yiss

    I love it soooo much. <3
  • edited July 2010
    Well, I'm still not finished with Freelance Hosers, that pic's kickin' my ass, but anyway, I finished a couple character and colour tests of the soft, marketable baby versions of Sam and Max. So I shall share them!


    I tend to use up the whole page when I'm doodling, so Sam's foot ran into a portion of another picture, sorry about that. Anyway, didn't have a reason for him looking so sad at first, but then I drew another picture, and little story came to mind to explain it all. ^_^


    Max and his family are going away on a trip, and Sam can't go, right? So Sam's all sad to see his best friend go away without him. And the second pic is what happens when Max gets back. ^_^ Sam missed him so much, he made himself a stuffie. ^_^ And I swear to god I drew the rough of the second pic the night BEFORE watching the trailer for episode 304. ^_^

    And my backgrounds are either non-existant or half assed! Whee!
  • edited July 2010
    Oo, oo! More of Sam and Max as kids! :D

    I feel kinda bad thinking forlorn!Sam looks so darned adorable, but I can't help it. He does. The next picture is even more adorable though, so now I can feel better about myself. *wallows in the cuteness*

    Oh, and I'm totally with you on drawing backgrounds. I wish I could be arsed to do 'em more often myself. ^^;
  • edited July 2010
    Excellent pieces, Skylark. Sam has gained two levels in cuteness thanks to you. :)
  • edited July 2010
    Little!Sam is so adorable, I just wanna hug him. :p
  • edited July 2010
    Okay since we're posting adorable things now, I might as well make my contribution...although you all might kill me for it, save for Cheri who PROMPTED me to do this...I hope you guys don't mind OC's! .__.''
    *Hides behind pillow fort*
  • edited July 2010
    That is interesting, greenheadphones. Well done. I like the perspective, the coloring and the shading. The wrinkiles in Sam's clothing show a lot of detail and care. Excellent work.

    Noir Sam seems to be far more popular than I thought...
  • edited July 2010
    SmileMan64 wrote: »
    That is interesting, greenheadphones. Well done. I like the perspective, the coloring and the shading. The wrinkiles in Sam's clothing show a lot of detail and care. Excellent work.

    Noir Sam seems to be far more popular than I thought...

    Oh goodness thanks so much...Actually it's not meant to be Noir Sam, just y'know, him at his leisure. Sometimes I think he would not wear his hat/jacket/tie if he was just chillaxing.
  • edited July 2010
    no he sued ones I havet tacen them of in yeas
  • edited July 2010
    Okay since we're posting adorable things now, I might as well make my contribution...although you all might kill me for it, save for Cheri who PROMPTED me to do this...I hope you guys don't mind OC's! .__.''
    *Hides behind pillow fort*

    AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :eek: (Holy crap, I think I just had a heart attack.)

    That was so cute! :p Oh my god, I can't even begin to imagine all the times I've wanted to do that. Except I don't think Sam would let anyone give him tummy rubs, no matter how much they wanted to. He'd probably consider it "demeaning," or some other bull tonkey.
  • edited July 2010
    I just notice a little detail in the Devil's Playhouse episodes and I decided to do Icons based on that. Sadly, apparently those icons are way too Dark or something and look horrible in small sizes. I think those icons will look better in a Vista o Windows 7 computer or something, or maybe someone could tell me the problem with the icons (Appart of choose the darkest color scheme possible T_T) here's there are. Include spoilers and whatnot. I'll make one for Sam (And fix this one in the moment I figure out the problem) eventually. Like in August.


    Here's the .icos
  • edited July 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    I just notice a little detail in the Devil's Playhouse episodes and I decided to do Icons based on that. Sadly, apparently those icons are way too Dark or something and look horrible in small sizes. I think those icons will look better in a Vista o Windows 7 computer or something, or maybe someone could tell me the problem with the icons (Appart of choose the darkest color scheme possible T_T) here's there are. Include spoilers and whatnot. I'll make one for Sam (And fix this one in the moment I figure out the problem) eventually. Like in August.


    Here's the .icos

    Mania, sloth, irreverence, excess
    Gluttony, revelry, violence, and selfishness
    Flags of pure, unfettered id brashly unfurled
    It's a Max Max Max Max Max Max world
  • edited July 2010
    Huh now I feel inspired to do a drawing of all the Max's and Sams their have been in the season, awesome work Ginny :D
  • edited July 2010
    GinnyN, those are awesome! I like them!
  • edited July 2010
    Player_2 wrote: »
    AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :eek: (Holy crap, I think I just had a heart attack.)

    That was so cute! :p Oh my god, I can't even begin to imagine all the times I've wanted to do that. Except I don't think Sam would let anyone give him tummy rubs, no matter how much they wanted to. He'd probably consider it "demeaning," or some other bull tonkey.

    I think it was you or someone who said that quote about Sam liking but not liking belly rubs or ear scratches...which of course, Cheri and I say otherwise if he's around someone *cough* close to him.
  • edited July 2010
    greenheadphones, that tummy rub picture is ADORABLE! ^_^

    ...all this adorableness makes me want to hold off on sharing my next picture of Sam looking irritated because I didn't notice I'd made him look like an overfilled water balloon until after I was finished...

    Eh. Here, decide for yourselves if this is cute or not. ^_^;

  • edited July 2010
    Since some people did like the Max icons, I did the Incomplete Sam Set. Imcomplete because I don't know if he going to have a distint change for 305 like Max. But I hope it's not like Max's!


    Here's the .icos And the .icos for the (in)Complete Set
  • edited July 2010
    Awesome job, Ginny! Forget psychic powers, the artists among us are the gods...
  • edited July 2010
    okay since we're posting adorable things now, i might as well make my contribution...although you all might kill me for it, save for cheri who prompted me to do this...i hope you guys don't mind oc's! .__.''
    *hides behind pillow fort*

    awesome. City.
  • edited July 2010

    Am going through the forums when I saw that again, and a brilliant idea struck: omeone should make a Sam & Max Caramelldansen! :D

    ...okay, maybe I'm only thinking that cause I'm really tired. Sorry. :(
  • edited July 2010
    I would SO do a caramelldansen gif of them if my computer would save gif's right...

    But yeah I apologize for what you are all about to see...
    I COULDN'T HELP IT. It was a dream come true when
    there was the gag about the Sam clones ghost riding the Desoto.
    CREEPY THING IS that I was talking about that weeks ago... and it doesn't help that I like rap music, as well.
    JUST So ya'll know, the chicks are Leah and Casey, Cheri and my OC's.
    Don't ask how the heck Sam fits into those Nike Dunks.
  • edited July 2010
    GinnyN wrote: »
    Since some people did like the Max icons, I did the Incomplete Sam Set. Imcomplete because I don't know if he going to have a distint change for 305 like Max. But I hope it's not like Max's!


    Here's the .icos And the .icos for the (in)Complete Set

    i really want there to be a new side of sam for 305 so there's another distinct icon here!
  • edited July 2010
    Another one of my doodles....

    Yog-Soggoth Monday!
  • edited July 2010
    Spadge wrote: »
    Another one of my doodles....

    Yog-Soggoth Monday!

    ...which is totally awesome.
  • edited July 2010
    OMG, I love this thread - that goes for every contribution in the last few days :cool:
  • edited July 2010
    OMG, I love this thread - that goes for every contribution EVER :cool:

  • edited July 2010
    Spadge wrote: »
    Another one of my doodles....

    Yog-Soggoth Monday!

    Awesome doodle! You put a lot of work into it!
  • edited July 2010
    Spadge wrote: »
    Another one of my doodles....

    Yog-Soggoth Monday!

    He only need a wallet with Junior photos and he's complete.

    Awesome ^^!
  • edited July 2010
    And this is the original full-size scan. I actually like it more than the colored version.
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