Favorite lines from Chapter Five?



  • edited December 2009
    There wasn't so much humor in this part than in the last, so there weren't many memorable lines for me, but still, there were so many memorable moments! Some were just plain hilarious, some where heart-warming, some where dramatic.

    One of the most hilarious moments for me was when Bugeye tried to hit Ghost Guybrush, his hand went right through him, and he hit W.P. instead. I was literally laughing out loud at that! :D

    As for the heart-warming moments, I'll always remeber this dialog:
    Guybrush: "Promise me you'll never give up and become his demon bride again."
    Elaine: "Don't talk like that. I love you."
    Aww... You know, like someone else said, it would've been cheesy or kitschy anywhere, but not in MI. Same with the ring, Dom's voice acting here was just brilliant!

    And then, all those dramatic memorable moments, like Elaine turning into LeChuck's demon bride, the closing of the Crossroads with Guybrush left alone on the other side, and Guybrush getting weaker from LeChuck's attacks - once again, the voice acting was brilliant in all of these scenes!

    And yeah, "Ow, my spirit!" was one of my favorites, too! ;)
  • edited December 2009
    Can anybody put the tombstone epitaphs here I trying to tell them to a college but I cant play cauze I am at work :D
  • edited December 2009
    I can only remember "Here lies What's-His-Name. May we never forget".
  • edited December 2009
    My personal favourite:

    LeChuck: You know what's so great about this?
    Guybrush: We're both getting our cardio in for the day?

    That's a classic sarcastic Guybrush response, to me... the sort of thing that was all over MI2.
  • edited December 2009
    fool me once, shame on me...i mean...you...fool me twice....well... you cannot fool me again...

    something like that :P
  • edited December 2009
    Aise wrote: »
    Guybrush: "That's the mast!"
    And then LeChuck and Elaine look each other..
    That's when you click on the mast before trying to pick the cutlass as a ghost.

    Oh god, I forgot about that. :D I love it when adventure games poke fun at how bizarre walking around and describing things actually is.
  • edited December 2009
    When Guybrush, Elaine, and Lechuck are talking about the Voodoo Lady (while Guybrush is still a ghost) and Lechuck saying "Does anyone know what her name is? It's weird calling her the Voodoo Lady". And before the Chapter 5 paper appears and Guybrush pretty much yells at Galeb to not touch his pockets got me laughing.

    Heartwarming wise was the whole talk between Guybrush and Morgan after Guybrush is sent back and of course Guybrush making Elaine promise him.
  • edited December 2009
    I remembering I laughted aloud at one moment when in the crossroads. But I can't remember the line that made me laught. I'll have to replay the whole thing.

    And the final lines about the pronunciation made me laught, too.
  • edited December 2009
    "Is that dog yours?"
    "What? I've never seen Franklin before."
  • edited December 2009
    *yelling* Free Guybrush Threepwood! Free Guybrush Threepwood! No new taxes! Down with porcelain!
    *quieter, after Bugeye tells him to shut up* Free Guybrush Threepwood! Free Guybrush Threepwood! Aww..this just isn't the same!
  • edited December 2009
    "And I still have no clue what 'rue' means!" is my favorite, as well as Guybrush asking the ferryman if there was a chance that he was only MOSTLY dead.

    Another good one I got after LeChuck keelhauled Guybrush a few times (it... took me a while to figure that whole part out). When I clicked the rope, Guybrush said, "That rope is EVIL."

    The conversation that came from Guybrush asking the Voodoo Lady whether or not he was a zombie was pretty funny, too.
  • edited December 2009
    Does any of you guys remember what he said about the cannon on lechucks ship? I remember it had something to do with being in the cannon by defeat (de feet) i dont know if many people got the joke but i thought it was hilarious
  • edited December 2009
    i like the various things guybrush says to bugeye when they are both in jail
    i also like it when you come back into the zombie body after bugeye is in jail and guybrush says "IM BACK" just the way he says it always cracks me up, and how WP throws a cash register at him.
  • edited December 2009
    I thought the whole "Grog XD" bit was pretty funny.
  • edited December 2009
    It's not a line, but the fact that LeChuck was trying to prod open the Gateway to the Crossroads with a giant Q-Tip was hilarious. :)
  • edited December 2009
    Aise wrote: »
    Guybrush: "That's the mast!"
    And then LeChuck and Elaine look each other..
    That's when you click on the mast before trying to pick the cutlass as a ghost.

    I remember clicking on the mast at one point and Guybrush says "I liked my mast better"
  • edited December 2009
    "And I still have no clue what 'rue' means!" is my favorite, as well as Guybrush asking the ferryman if there was a chance that he was only MOSTLY dead.
    Oh, yes, the "Princess Bride" reference. THAT's what I laugh aloud for. And the "rue" thing, too.
    Thanks for remind me these.
  • edited December 2009
    The Grog vending machine with "Grog XD" was great. I don't recall his exact comments about it, but it really made me laugh. :)
  • edited December 2009
    Like many others, i laughed so much in mockery of Bugeye. I laughed so much at the screen that my mother thought I was possessed by demons !! :D
    The other thing that made me laugh was the description of grog XD :D :D
  • edited December 2009
    Mermaid wrote: »
    For some reason, I really liked "Threepy!", too.
    I was just waiting for her to made a mistake and actually say "Threepio".
    I know, I know, I'm such a Star Wars nerd...
  • edited December 2009
    well, they've done it before... just look at Full Throttle:

    "Help me Ben, you're my only hope!"
  • edited December 2009
    Grog XD

    and "Papapishu, that smarts!"
  • edited December 2009
    winslow "...faster then u can say sexy fish"
    guybrush "sexyfish? "
  • edited December 2009
    As much as I loved that, I can't in good conscience not point out that Futurama did it first.

    YES! thanks. when i heard this line while playing i was like 'i swear that was on the simpsons of futurama' and now i rember :D
  • edited December 2009
    I'm sure somebody else has said it already but the single most memorable line to me was:

    :winslow:, "I found the map sir!"

    Junaid wrote: »
    Guybrush' line about LeChuck being a walrus

  • edited December 2009
    thatdude98 wrote: »
    well, they've done it before... just look at Full Throttle:

    "Help me Ben, you're my only hope!"
    Well, maybe if after (or before) Elaine said "Threepy", Guybrush said something like "Oh my! We're doomed!" the Star Wars joke would have been complete
  • edited December 2009
    Falanca wrote: »
    Guybrush: You stole something from me!
    Thief: no u
    G: *srs face*
    T: *srs face*
    G: *lolz*
    T: hifive!

    I missed that bit. The game chucked me out (read:I hit the windows key) at that point.
  • edited December 2009
    I enjoyed Galeb, how he spoke about having lost his dog; when introducing Franklin to him, Galeb ridicules a pirate's ownership of having one.
  • edited December 2009
    Sorry if I already posted this, but... This is my favorite line from all the Monkey Island games :D
  • edited December 2009
    "Would ya like to hear the story about how I lost me head?"
    "LeChuck cut it off."
    "Oh.. nevermind then. :("
  • edited December 2009
    All lines you guys mentioned were hillarious, but I guess noone mentioned this.
    since I was a Nelly furtado fan I laughed out loud when GuyBrush said:
    "Whoa!, Nelly!" XD
    "whoa, Nelly" is title of her debut album.and, a very stupid name too, so it deserved to be parodied.
  • edited December 2009
    Milkman08 wrote: »
    All lines you guys mentioned were hillarious, but I guess noone mentioned this.
    since I was a Nelly furtado fan I laughed out loud when GuyBrush said:
    "Whoa!, Nelly!" XD
    "whoa, Nelly" is title of her debut album.and, a very stupid name too, so it deserved to be parodied.

    To be honest, I doubt that they were parodying anything with that line. The phrase is quite old, and very common.
  • edited December 2009
    ShaggE wrote: »
    To be honest, I doubt that they were parodying anything with that line. The phrase is quite old, and very common.

    Really? I didn't know it was an expression...
    Maybe that is the reason Nelly Furtado chose that name for her first album....
  • edited December 2009
    "DeSinge is a shmuck. When he got thirsty he killed me for some Lemonade"
    I was laughing my head off.
  • edited December 2009
    Admonisher wrote: »
    It's not a line, but the fact that LeChuck was trying to prod open the Gateway to the Crossroads with a giant Q-Tip was hilarious. :)
    Oh, that was a Q-tip? I thought it was just some kind of golden rod... Ha, ha, nice reference to SMI... and I missed it.
  • edited December 2009
    "DeSinge is a shmuck. When he got thirsty he killed me for some Lemonade"
    I was laughing my head off.

    Yeah, this is the one. The insensitive voice in which he imitated the line was hilarious too.
    "Would ya like to hear the story about how I lost me head?"
    "LeChuck cut it off."
    "Oh.. nevermind then. :("

    Haha, this is another one, plus the WAY LeChuck cut it off had my friend and I laughing for hours. I can't remember it exactly but he was all "well LeChuck told me to hold his sword for him."

    "In your head?"

    "Oh, he just wanted to kill me, huh?"
  • edited December 2009
    I like the "between two thieves" look-moment that Guybrush and the thief has. I also always enjoy everything the bartender says. Whovever voiceacts him makes brilliant deliveries everytime.

    "I surrender!"

    "Oh great! Off to jail with you!"


    "Arrest me!"


    "For kidnapping... my body."

    "Oh, ok! That'll do!"
  • edited December 2009
    here lies fin mcdriver aka shark fighting finny aka shark bait......died from a bear attack lol i was busting up when Guybrush read the tombstone and i liked of course you cant hurt my spirt......Ow, my spirt! lol
  • edited December 2009
    I like the part where that judge guy said to Guybrush while putting Bugeye to jail "Don't slime up the place" It's probably just me, but when I heard that I instantly thought of Slimer from Ghost Busters XD
  • edited December 2009
    Ha, I just remembered another scene that really cracked me up! When Guybrush first tries to make Morgan fight him, she says something like: "I won't fight an unarmed man."
    And then, the decapitated swordfighter shouts: "Hey! I be armed! Fight me!"

    The way his body jumps up and down and the tone in his voice had me chuckle so much! :D
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