Bugs/Glitches I found

edited June 2010 in Sam & Max
Two that I can remember vividly:

1. When i used the Can on the train in the second movie(I had to go back in time to get the can because I didn't have it, ie I finished two of the movies before getting to that part) The can placed itself below the floor so it looked like they got sucked into the floor. It got back into place after the animation was done.

1.5 When I used the can of nuts in front of the daughter and father molemen on the train it did not play it's sound effect.

2. Do not and I repeat do not get the Opposite sex curse and then the bad luck curse at the same and then wait for the Opposite sex curse to die out. Even though it said the curse was gone the animation was still there and when I got the bad luck curse removed I still had the opposite curse animation floating around. When I clicked the Grampa Moleman dialog option Benny's Curse I got a dialog circle with no dialog(ie I had no choice and could not right click out). Have to go back and do it again.


  • edited May 2010
    Small glitch I got:

    Every time I entered the moles' train compartment after having already spoken to him, the father was standing there in his T-pose (animators know what I'm talking about). Once I clicked on him he was animated normally though.
  • edited May 2010
    Kringle appears to be sitting in the audience during the final showdown.

    Ditto on the T-pose, saw it in 301, but it was only during their entrance sequence.
  • edited May 2010
    I had mostly fading glitches, but they were centralized to just the introduction.

    As far as the actual game goes, the most annoying problem I had was the data lag whenever the game auto-saved. I literally sat there for five minutes before things would animate again and the little "Game Saved" text appeared.
  • edited May 2010
    Is the moleman father supposed to do his "left or right" convo each and every time? Don't remember it happening before loading a save (see thread in game support) but it certainly happened after, and got annoying quick.
  • edited May 2010
    The first time I loaded up the game, when I put in the first reel, Sam's notebook came up and blocked the cutscene, so I just went ahead and started the game over and it wasn't a problem anymore. Weird.
  • edited May 2010

    Here's a good one I found: During "The Journey Home" when I was trying to figure out how to get Baby Amelia out of her room to go help the elves play-test, I ended up clicking on the Can of Nuts in Amelia's room right before Vampire Slushie decided to get impatient and go back in his room, which caused Sameth and Maximus to walk out of Amelia's room, after which their "using the can" animation played inside her room even though they had left. For some reason this caused the wall in front of the elves' room to disappear. Leaving the area and switching reels didn't fix it, even after saving and quitting the game the wall was still gone. As far as I could tell, it didn't affect the gameplay but I loaded a previous save to finish the game.

  • edited May 2010
    goes over to
    car, a weird bug happened where she's stammering, but then she starts acting out the entire scene where Sameth & Maximus are standing outside the car and not in the
    Can O' Nuts

    And then she walks into the wall and she and her father start talking.
  • edited May 2010
    Just had a quick try at it and as for the Mac, it still isn't up to the PC version.

    Low performance as well as stuttering like in 301. As i can run other 3d content (mine as well as other games) without any or at least less problems, i suspect the error source is on TTG's side, although i have to say that i'm looking forward to Apple's driver updates in 10.6.4 as well.

    I had the impression that if you're choosing a resolution which comes closer to your native aspect ratio that things improve noticeably. I can't even play on the lowest graphics level if i'm for instance going with a resolution of 1024x768. If i change this to 1024x600 (right one?) then things speed up so that it runs fine up to graphics level 7.

    So i thought i found a workaround but then after some time the stuttering kicks in again. The quality of the Mac port really isn't up to the quality you're used to from the PC which is kind of sad. :O/

    Specs (OSX 10.6.3, Core i5, GT330M (disabled GPU switching), 4GB)
  • edited May 2010
    When I used the can in front Jurgen when he was on the wall, they reappeared up on top of the wall he was on. The only problem was I hadn't triggered the stairs so I had no way down. Not that it makes much sense to use the can there.
  • edited May 2010
    Isn't there a few doors up there anyway? You should have been able to get back down. Unless I remember wrong and the doors open at the same time as you activate the stairs.
  • edited May 2010
    How to get back past the doors if you just have the Bad Luck curse: Go back to the doors and use the Nuts in a can. it will bring you through the door, right in front of Nefriti, and then suck you into the can. going through either door will still kill you if you walk out

    also I did finally find a point where sams skin would stretch out. It was on reel 3, but somehow it looked cooler. It was on Sameths hand but it was pretty cool because it looked kinda like a walking stick.

    Two things you don't expect to hear in one sentence, Cool and Sameth Walking Stick
  • edited May 2010
    taumel wrote: »
    The quality of the Mac port really isn't up to the quality you're used to from the PC which is kind of sad.

    Specs (OSX 10.6.3, Core i5, GT330M (disabled GPU switching), 4GB)

    The Mac version ran beautifully for me. I noticed some lagginess when I first left the theater, so I dropped the resolution from 1920x1200 (native) to 1600x1000 and dialed down the quality from 9 to 8. After that it was practically flawless. No lag, no visual glitches, auto/save/load was fast. (And I didn't even bother to quit other programs -- Mail, Time Machine, ChronoSync, etc. ran in the background while I was playing.)

    Specs: 10.6.3, 3.06 GHz Core 2 Duo, GeForce 8800GS, 4GB RAM
  • edited May 2010
    If you switch movie reels while standing on the first statue in the tomb scene it will completely mess up the camera angle when switching back. You will have to keep moving to the left until you are lucky enough to walk of the back of the statue and reset the camera angle.
  • edited May 2010
    On Reel 3,
    after I used the Sexo Rejexo curse for the toytest puzzle, I went back to the moleman and let him take off the curse from Sameth and Maximus again (the signs weren't floating around anymore). However, when the train arrived in the station and Amelia was standing on the Devil's Toy Box it was active again and I had just to say something to her.
  • edited May 2010
    After Amelia is gone from the burial chamber, if you use Charlie she'll reappear and the scene will play out the same. Fortunately talking to Grandpa fixes this.
  • edited May 2010
    you will magically teleport past the two doors in the tomb if you use the can of nuts whilst standing in front of them. After the animation has finished even the slightest movement will zap you right back again.
  • edited May 2010
    On reel 3, I
    used the can o' nuts in Baby Amelia Earhart's cabin, Sam & Max were kicked out of the cabin while inside the can but the can remained inside the cabin. When they emerged from the can they were outside the cabin, but the wall in front of the elves' cabin disappeared
    . Switching reels and reloading my game (to a point after that happened) did not fix the issue.
  • edited May 2010
    After Amelia is gone from the burial chamber, if you use Charlie she'll reappear and the scene will play out the same. Fortunately talking to Grandpa fixes this.
    Charlie on what?
    Also, if you use Charlie on her while she is near the Sarcophagus, she will get to her old position for her lines, then return back to the Sarcophagus once the cutscene is over...
  • edited May 2010
    I've got one bug I encountered which inadvertently gave me too much help with a puzzle, and another which seemed to suggest I'd skipped a puzzle; don't know if I actually had, or there was no puzzle there.

    The first:

    Reel 3, Kringle:
    I'd got rather distracted by the layout of the cars, so I'd convinced myself that, after knocking on the door for the room service, the trick to hide from Kringle was to duck around the corner over where the sarcophagus was; Sameth and Maximus wouldn't have been within his line of sight at that point, which felt like a valid solution to the problem.

    While it - obviously - wasn't, the cutscene I saw at the time showed the room service tray with milk, cookies, *and the can of nuts*, which led me to figure out what I was *supposed* to be doing there, but it had no reason to be there at that point

    Reels 2+3, Protection spell blocks:
    In reel 3, you see the anti-vampire curse as 'bat hand hand hand'. This, presumably, is meant to lead to you deducing that the anti-protection spell is '(protection spell) hand hand hand', which is fine, and makes perfect sense as a puzzle.

    The problem is the fact that you don't actually *need* to have done that sequence in reel 3 to get the correct conclusion to the protection spell; I hadn't got around to seeing inside the mole's steamer trunk at that point, but just using the blocks on the spell went instantly to 'hand hand hand' which, of course, was the correct solution.

    I can't help but feel that there was meant to be a mental leap there by the player in which they had to take the information from the anti-vampire curse sheet and apply it to the spell to get the desired anti-protection spell effect.
  • edited May 2010
    In the tomb
    after getting the bust of Sammun-Mak I put it back in the platform I found it. Then I went to another reel, and after returning to the tomb the bust has disappeared. It's not in my inventory nor on the platform, so I cannot end the game.
  • edited May 2010
    ChaKa LaKa wrote: »
    On Reel 3,
    after I used the Sexo Rejexo curse for the toytest puzzle, I went back to the moleman and let him take off the curse from Sameth and Maximus again (the signs weren't floating around anymore). However, when the train arrived in the station and Amelia was standing on the Devil's Toy Box it was active again and I had just to say something to her.
    This happened to me too.
  • edited May 2010
    Just spotted a continuity error. I'll warn you in advance, though, this one is *incredibly* picky:
    Your camera movement is limited in the intro normally, but you can look around a bit with Max; and if you do, you'll see that the protection spell is incomplete, and the idol is still on the pedestal

    Yeah, like I said, *really* picky...
  • edited May 2010
    I don't know if it was just my laptop, but I got a few graphical glitches sometimes. Nothing too big to distract me from playing, but I thought I could share one.

    Happened in 3rd reel if you have hints turned on. when I entred back to Sameth's and Maximus' own cabin, Max goes on hint-mode and
    complains how the vampire elf didn't bite his neck (sorry my name memory fails again)
    and while he's talking, his face gets all distorted and pixely. This happened to me every time he said that particular hint, and especially if I was in their cabin.
  • TorTor
    edited May 2010
    I noticed something a bit strange... From a certain camera angle, while chatting with Kringle in the theater, Max's shadow had three ears.
  • edited May 2010
    mclem wrote: »
    I've got one bug I encountered which inadvertently gave me too much help with a puzzle, and another which seemed to suggest I'd skipped a puzzle; don't know if I actually had, or there was no puzzle there.
    First one certainly sounds like a bug.
    As for the second; way to explain what I did. I didn't actually knew that connection, it would just make sense to add the 3 blocks to the 3 empty spaces on the protection "disk", messing it up like adding some random gibberish in a formula.
  • edited May 2010
    thom-22 wrote: »
    The Mac version ran beautifully for me. I noticed some lagginess when I first left the theater, so I dropped the resolution from 1920x1200 (native) to 1600x1000 and dialed down the quality from 9 to 8. After that it was practically flawless. No lag, no visual glitches, auto/save/load was fast. (And I didn't even bother to quit other programs -- Mail, Time Machine, ChronoSync, etc. ran in the background while I was playing.)

    Specs: 10.6.3, 3.06 GHz Core 2 Duo, GeForce 8800GS, 4GB RAM
    The new version fixes all the problems i've experienced so far.
  • edited May 2010
    I noticed a glitch. I couldn't find the love letter, on Jurgen's desk. Click this to see: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4940698/Noletter.png
  • edited May 2010
    You realise Sam is in the way of the place where the letter should be, rendering your screen moot?

    I am more inclined to think you haven't done the stuff required yet to make it spawn (as it only does like 3/4th in the reel).
  • edited May 2010
    You realise Sam is in the way of the place where the letter should be, rendering your screen moot?

    I am more inclined to think you haven't done the stuff required yet to make it spawn (as it only does like 3/4th in the reel).

    Oh, I've moved over too.
    Did all the things for it to spawn, gonna try it agian.
  • edited May 2010
    IIRC this is what's needed to make it spawn. Did you do all?
    1. Open the moleman chest.
    2. Made Neferetti mention the sarcophagus.
    3. Now when you return the letter should be there (since Jurgen wasn't home)
  • edited May 2010
    IIRC this is what's needed to make it spawn. Did you do all?
    1. Open the moleman chest.
    2. Made Neferetti mention the sarcophagus.
    3. Now when you return the letter should be there (since Jurgen wasn't home)
    How do you make Neferetti do the second thing you mentioned?
  • edited May 2010
    look in the hints section man
  • edited May 2010
    1, Can o' Nuts, Ventriliqist dummy.
  • edited May 2010
    1, Can o' Nuts, Ventriliqist dummy.

    Is that to get
    to talk about the
  • edited May 2010
    On reel 3, I
    used the can o' nuts in Baby Amelia Earhart's cabin, Sam & Max were kicked out of the cabin while inside the can but the can remained inside the cabin. When they emerged from the can they were outside the cabin, but the wall in front of the elves' cabin disappeared
    . Switching reels and reloading my game (to a point after that happened) did not fix the issue.

    I found just repeating the can'o'nuts action fixed it.
  • edited May 2010
    JohnJohn wrote: »
    Is that to get
    to talk about the
  • edited May 2010

  • edited May 2010
    My glitch: When you're rock, and you use max's psychic powers instead of moving, I used Ventrilaquism and got stuck with a strange camera angle that wouldn't let me talk to the guardians again (so I could not escape via the riddle) or move (could not have moved totally regardless as the guardians were only half down, don't know if that mattered).
  • edited May 2010
    Yeah, that only happens if the right one is half down and you stand upon him turning into Max mode. Might also if both are down and you do Max mode, not sure about that one (never tried really).

    Posted the cause for the bust missing issue in another thread, and here's 2 smallies:
    * If you move through the blades it's supposed to go "Game saved!!!". However if you run really fast to Neferetti before that appears, you get the "many adventures later" from the start instead of the proper pop-up what-ever-they-are-called.
    * In the begin, Maximus says: "Hah. Fat chance. But you do, right Sam?" Of course that should be Sameth. Is that VO cut short (like with Stinky's fishes in 301) or did William forgot the timezone there for a line?
  • edited May 2010
    I found just repeating the can'o'nuts action fixed it.
    Entering BAE's room and exiting again also fixes it.
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