When we went to counselling after my dad died, they let us smash plates! It was great fun. But then they ran out of plates, so we had to use old CD's, which weren't as satisfying...
Hahah, I'd love to actually be allowed to smash plates, shame they ran out though
I actually think I should consider counselling at times, but I don't think I really need it, but I always get really paranoid and suspicious, I cant go shopping without thinking everyones watching me and looking at what I'm buying. Sometimes I hear voices in my head saying strange things relavent to what's going on, I don't think it's my thoughts - these voices sort of interupt anything I'm thinking and sound more "real" than a thought, they actually feel like someons going up to my ear and saying something
Good theorapy is good old fashion violence.
Whether it is throwing crates, breaking crap, or playing Just Cause 2.
Speaking of Just Cause 2, what kind of idiot throws a grenade at you ON A NARROW ROOFTOP!!!! Sheesh I thought Yahtzee was joking there with the satalite, but that happened too.
I actually think I should consider counselling at times, but I don't think I really need it, but I always get really paranoid and suspicious, I cant go shopping without thinking everyones watching me and looking at what I'm buying. Sometimes I hear voices in my head saying strange things relavent to what's going on, I don't think it's my thoughts - these voices sort of interupt anything I'm thinking and sound more "real" than a thought, they actually feel like someons going up to my ear and saying something
Paranoid delusions and hearing voices are symptoms of schizophrenia, which most commonly manifests in late adolescence / early adulthood. You should talk to a doctor.
Check this out, I can bend my thumb back without touching it! It can bend a lot more when I'm touching it, and I'm not double jointed. Also one of my little toes doesn't bend, but the other one does.
(also bonus points to me for the sam and max book on the desk)
Paranoid delusions and hearing voices are symptoms of schizophrenia, which most commonly manifests in late adolescence / early adulthood. You should talk to a doctor.
Oh shi- :eek:
Doctors can cure it right? It's not that much of a problem right now, comparing my symptoms to some people on the internet (thinking people want to kill them etc) but I hope it doesn't get any worse
I wouldn't self-diagnose from a Wikipedia page, but it's something to watch I guess. I don't think schizophrenia can be cured as such but it can be treated/managed.
EDIT: (Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! I just couldn't help myself, (the drink has made me silly tonight!))
EDIT 2: I think a lot of people do seem to be a little mad. (I think you have to be to survive sometimes). I personally sometimes have an anti-concious. (Its a sort of darker persona that makes me think quite mean, and sometimes borderline evil thoughts).
Never act on it though, and usually ignore it. Sometimes I do laugh to myself if its a funny dark thought.
I'm generally a very bizzare person though. I act completely differently to the average 20 year old.
My tastes, my values, the way I learn and think are mostly imcompatible with my peers.
I agree, at least in context. It's not funny to tell a dead baby joke when a woman in the room is worried that her infant girl could be coming down with something fatal.
I agree, at least in context. It's not funny to tell a dead baby joke when a woman in the room is worried that her infant girl could be coming down with something fatal.
Sorry, this is cruel but I had to laugh because you have "throw baby" as your avatar
I still think that the guy who rings me up in work everyday and asks me to be put through to the Pentagon is funny.
Most of the time our mentally challenged clients aren't so.... zesty. Sometimes they make you feel sad or awestrucken by how they're so independent
Where do you work?
Also does anyone else have a blackberry phone? I got one the other day and I keep thinking I see the red LED flashing telling me I've got a new message in the corner of my eye, but it's not
I honestly think there's enough of a stigma attached to mental illness without bringing up jokes like that, but whatever.
Yeah there's a lot of stigma over mental illness.
In most people its pretty minor, and usually very treatable and non-threatening.
My little brother has a pretty strong case of autism, but he's definately not dumb or emotionally unresponsive (some ignorant people seem to thing people with autism are either cold or stupid, or violent).
He keeps himself to himself, but he'll definately let you know what he wants, and when he wants it.
Absolutely brilliant with dates too. We normally kind of haggle with him with what he wants, sometimes having to reschedule events or treats.
He knows when movies, or games are out, and normally gives us the occasional update on stuff we have arranged with him.
He does get mad, but he normally takes it out on himself. Normally he's incredibly happy and helpful.
I personally have seen the Psychiatrist a few times over confidence issues.
Most of my child life, I was bullied and socially excluded. It hurt my confidence really bad.
But I am alot more confident now, made huge progress once I went to uni.
I still am quite cautious around people I don't know (especially if they are about the same age), and eye contact is an issue, but I warm up eventually.
The anonymity of the internet obviously provides me with no problems.
EDIT: Basically I've dealt with sort of similar issue, but I'm the kind of guy who thinks its better to try to make a bit of a joke about things to deal with it easier.
Afterall, comedy is just tragedy plus time.
I agree, at least in context. It's not funny to tell a dead baby joke when a woman in the room is worried that her infant girl could be coming down with something fatal.
Whats the difference between a dead baby and a sports car.
The creators of minecraft really went overboard with animal mobs, you put a single torch outside your base and hundreds of cows, sheep and chickens crowd round it like HEY TORCHLIGHT RAVE LETS GO MOOO OINNKK BAAAAAA
The creators of minecraft really went overboard with animal mobs, you put a single torch outside your base and hundreds of cows, sheep and chickens crowd round it like HEY TORCHLIGHT RAVE LETS GO MOOO OINNKK BAAAAAA
So you're essentially saying that it's dumb for animals to rush to the place where their main predator won't go. Or, even better, you're saying that you wouldn't want to have a "torchlight rave" when it gets dark in Minecraft, that you'd be okay just waiting for the ssssssssssssssssssssssssssss*KABOOM!* because it's "overdone" to be safe?
I've ran out of whiskey!!! - as an 18 year old you'd think I'd be drinking beer and whatnot but for some reason I prefer straight whiskey! It's yum to the max
Hurgh, tired and kind of drunk. Should not have had that last Gin and Tonic. Still i'm doing music for our 80s party and I will be making sure it's AWESOME.
I've had maybe 3 drinks ever, and none of them in the last year, and I find I'm usually the odd one. And yeah, it's partially a choice, but also I haven't found anything I actually enjoy drinking.
But hey, at least I'll never be involved in an argument over who's the designated driver.
I'm glad to hear that your cat's doing well after that wait. I may be wrong, but didn't you have two cats? What did you do with the other? You've only mentioned the one so far.
There is Sissi, who I have with me know and who is 6 and has always been my cat (met her when she was just two weeks old, she never had another human). And the other cat I've talked about is Lumpy, who my husband and I found a bit over a year ago and became our cat, but mostly his. Lumpy's with him in Canada still.
Note that I said he's in Canada. Meaning I'm not. Where am I? In the US! (I start with the end so you guys don't worry about me).
Okay, I kept you informed during my staying at the airport. So now for the customs. They happened in Canada for some reason, BEFORE I went through regular security, after check in but before they took my suitcase.
I first went through the regular booth thing, and the guys asked me a few questions, then he had my prints and iris taken, and told me to follow him. He went to a different area, told me "wait here" pointing to a waiting room full of chair but empty of people, and I waited.
Then someone called my name, and pronounced it right. That was fairly amazing, considering he was American and they usually pronounce at least Alice the American way.
I went there with my cat and all my luggage, he asked me to put it all on the table next to him (yay 65 pounds suitcase!), then asked me questions again ("where are you going? Why? How long are you staying? Where? With whom? How do you know him? When did you meet? Where? Did you meet in person? How many times? When was the last time? What's your job? How much money do you have on you right now? How much money do you have access to?") etc, etc, can't remember them all.
He looked through all my paperwork (visa waiver form, pet paperwork, passport, boarding pass, customs questionnaire) then asked to see my wallet. Looked through everything. I had pictures of friends and family, he asked who they were, how I met them, etc. He looked at all my bank cards, my fidelity cards, anything you can think of, looked at my money as well.
Then he made me open my suitcase, asked me to list what was in it, then asked if I also had (list of stuff including alcohol and weapons, drugs, etc). Then he looked through it, asked questions about it (why do you have two laptops? What's that? What's in that?) and so on.
Small parenthesis to say these guys must have a heck of a training. No facial expression, no voice expression, looking at you straight in the eyes without blinking or purposely not looking at you at all, depending. Man, I was sweating bullets the whole time just by being in the same room as that guy. At some point he asked a question, I asked "what do you mean?" and he did not answer and kept looking at me straight in the eyes. I ended up answering anyways, but I had no clue if I was actually answering his question or not and after that I didn't dare ask anything at all.
Anyway, after going through my stuff, he asked me for Sean's name and number, and re-asked some details of my stay with him (for how long, things like that), wrote everything down, then told me to wait in the waiting room again because he "had a phone call to make" (duh, I wonder who he wanted to call?).
Then I waited for a while, and he called me back. At that point he started filling some green form. I didn't dare ask if he had called Sean or what Sean had said. Another officer arrived and asked me the basic questions. The they looked at each other and nodded and the second officer went away telling me I wasn't allowed to stay more than 90 days.
The first one made me fill and sign a declaration about all the stuff I wasn't allowed to do (work, study, try to extend my stay) and the things I wasn't supposed to have ever done (being a spy or a traitor, things like that).
Then he looked at me and said that the program for visitors was meant for people who fill a certain set of conditions. He paused, kept looking at me, and added "you fill none of them".
Oh crap.
He kept looking at me and said "we're giving you a break, but if you [do any of the things from before] you won't be allowed in the US again, do you understand?"
I said I did. He stapled a piece of the green form in my passport and added "you need to return this when you leave the US, the 10th of May at the latest. If you fail to do so, you won't be allowed back into the US. If you stay longer, you will be deported and won't be allowed back into the US. Do you understand?"
I said I did.
He stamped my passport and the green thing and added the date by which I have to leave the territory. I asked if I could pack my things (everything was left unpacked) and he told me I could, so I did.
Then he handed me back my documents and told me I had to go through regular security. I'll tell you about that in our next installment!
Wow. That's a lot of hassle. You have to do that every time you go to the U.S in the future?
I doubt it. I was using the visa waiver program and staying for the longest possible amount of time allowed under that program, so they were checking me out more as a result. If you go for a shorter amount of time or with a visa, I'm sure it more straightforward. Next time I go to the US, it'll probably be with a visa (I would have this time but I don't think I could have gotten one from Canada since I'm French, and I didn't want to go back to France first).
I plan to travel on the Visa waiver program, but possibly getting interrogated at the airport like you did is putting me off of it now.
Seriously, i'd brand that as harassment
If you have a source of income, that shouldn't be a problem. That was one of their main concerns, that I don't have a job, didn't have one when in Canada and don't have one waiting for me in France. I think that makes them fear that I'll try to work in the US, which I'm not allowed to do. It also means I have less of reason to leave the country (I don't have a job I need to get back to), things like that. Seriously, I don't think you'd have as much trouble as I did. I certainly wouldn't want to discourage you from going to the US because of that.
The first time we went to Canada, everyone was very nice to us, people were speaking english and french.
The first time we went to da USA, our luggage was sent to Casablanca instead of New York, they asked us stupid questions in a aggressive way, which made me cynical and playing a badass european. The chairs in those shuttle buses also were very small and, it just was a bad start.
"She's got her lipstick on
Here I come, da da dum
She's got her lipstick on
Hit and run, then I'm gone
Check my collar, collar, hey, hey, ey
Check my collar, collar, hey, hey, ey"
Hahah, I'd love to actually be allowed to smash plates, shame they ran out though
I actually think I should consider counselling at times, but I don't think I really need it, but I always get really paranoid and suspicious, I cant go shopping without thinking everyones watching me and looking at what I'm buying. Sometimes I hear voices in my head saying strange things relavent to what's going on, I don't think it's my thoughts - these voices sort of interupt anything I'm thinking and sound more "real" than a thought, they actually feel like someons going up to my ear and saying something
Whether it is throwing crates, breaking crap, or playing Just Cause 2.
Speaking of Just Cause 2, what kind of idiot throws a grenade at you ON A NARROW ROOFTOP!!!! Sheesh I thought Yahtzee was joking there with the satalite, but that happened too.
Paranoid delusions and hearing voices are symptoms of schizophrenia, which most commonly manifests in late adolescence / early adulthood. You should talk to a doctor.
(also bonus points to me for the sam and max book on the desk)
Oh shi- :eek:
Doctors can cure it right? It's not that much of a problem right now, comparing my symptoms to some people on the internet (thinking people want to kill them etc) but I hope it doesn't get any worse
EDIT: (Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! I just couldn't help myself, (the drink has made me silly tonight!))
EDIT 2: I think a lot of people do seem to be a little mad. (I think you have to be to survive sometimes). I personally sometimes have an anti-concious. (Its a sort of darker persona that makes me think quite mean, and sometimes borderline evil thoughts).
Never act on it though, and usually ignore it. Sometimes I do laugh to myself if its a funny dark thought.
I'm generally a very bizzare person though. I act completely differently to the average 20 year old.
My tastes, my values, the way I learn and think are mostly imcompatible with my peers.
Sorry, this is cruel but I had to laugh because you have "throw baby" as your avatar
Most of the time our mentally challenged clients aren't so.... zesty. Sometimes they make you feel sad or awestruck by how they're so independent
Where do you work?
Also does anyone else have a blackberry phone? I got one the other day and I keep thinking I see the red LED flashing telling me I've got a new message in the corner of my eye, but it's not
Yeah there's a lot of stigma over mental illness.
In most people its pretty minor, and usually very treatable and non-threatening.
My little brother has a pretty strong case of autism, but he's definately not dumb or emotionally unresponsive (some ignorant people seem to thing people with autism are either cold or stupid, or violent).
He keeps himself to himself, but he'll definately let you know what he wants, and when he wants it.
Absolutely brilliant with dates too. We normally kind of haggle with him with what he wants, sometimes having to reschedule events or treats.
He knows when movies, or games are out, and normally gives us the occasional update on stuff we have arranged with him.
He does get mad, but he normally takes it out on himself. Normally he's incredibly happy and helpful.
I personally have seen the Psychiatrist a few times over confidence issues.
Most of my child life, I was bullied and socially excluded. It hurt my confidence really bad.
But I am alot more confident now, made huge progress once I went to uni.
I still am quite cautious around people I don't know (especially if they are about the same age), and eye contact is an issue, but I warm up eventually.
The anonymity of the internet obviously provides me with no problems.
EDIT: Basically I've dealt with sort of similar issue, but I'm the kind of guy who thinks its better to try to make a bit of a joke about things to deal with it easier.
Afterall, comedy is just tragedy plus time.
Whats the difference between a dead baby and a sports car.
I dont have a sports car in my garage:D
The Pentagon.
Anyone wanna rub my unicorn?
I would, but I've got work in the morning! XD
How about tomorrow evening? You must be at least level red to rub it though
I won't just be red. I'll be OMEGA RED!
Just got to pick up my steel tentacles from the dry cleaners and then:
Must I? Can I not just go home and take a nap?
But hey, at least I'll never be involved in an argument over who's the designated driver.
Personally I wouldn't, I much prefer civ 4, Civ 5 changes a lot of stuff that didn't need changing and somehow oddly doesn't feel as polished!
There is Sissi, who I have with me know and who is 6 and has always been my cat (met her when she was just two weeks old, she never had another human). And the other cat I've talked about is Lumpy, who my husband and I found a bit over a year ago and became our cat, but mostly his. Lumpy's with him in Canada still.
Note that I said he's in Canada. Meaning I'm not. Where am I? In the US! (I start with the end so you guys don't worry about me).
Okay, I kept you informed during my staying at the airport. So now for the customs. They happened in Canada for some reason, BEFORE I went through regular security, after check in but before they took my suitcase.
I first went through the regular booth thing, and the guys asked me a few questions, then he had my prints and iris taken, and told me to follow him. He went to a different area, told me "wait here" pointing to a waiting room full of chair but empty of people, and I waited.
Then someone called my name, and pronounced it right. That was fairly amazing, considering he was American and they usually pronounce at least Alice the American way.
I went there with my cat and all my luggage, he asked me to put it all on the table next to him (yay 65 pounds suitcase!), then asked me questions again ("where are you going? Why? How long are you staying? Where? With whom? How do you know him? When did you meet? Where? Did you meet in person? How many times? When was the last time? What's your job? How much money do you have on you right now? How much money do you have access to?") etc, etc, can't remember them all.
He looked through all my paperwork (visa waiver form, pet paperwork, passport, boarding pass, customs questionnaire) then asked to see my wallet. Looked through everything. I had pictures of friends and family, he asked who they were, how I met them, etc. He looked at all my bank cards, my fidelity cards, anything you can think of, looked at my money as well.
Then he made me open my suitcase, asked me to list what was in it, then asked if I also had (list of stuff including alcohol and weapons, drugs, etc). Then he looked through it, asked questions about it (why do you have two laptops? What's that? What's in that?) and so on.
Small parenthesis to say these guys must have a heck of a training. No facial expression, no voice expression, looking at you straight in the eyes without blinking or purposely not looking at you at all, depending. Man, I was sweating bullets the whole time just by being in the same room as that guy. At some point he asked a question, I asked "what do you mean?" and he did not answer and kept looking at me straight in the eyes. I ended up answering anyways, but I had no clue if I was actually answering his question or not and after that I didn't dare ask anything at all.
Anyway, after going through my stuff, he asked me for Sean's name and number, and re-asked some details of my stay with him (for how long, things like that), wrote everything down, then told me to wait in the waiting room again because he "had a phone call to make" (duh, I wonder who he wanted to call?).
Then I waited for a while, and he called me back. At that point he started filling some green form. I didn't dare ask if he had called Sean or what Sean had said. Another officer arrived and asked me the basic questions. The they looked at each other and nodded and the second officer went away telling me I wasn't allowed to stay more than 90 days.
The first one made me fill and sign a declaration about all the stuff I wasn't allowed to do (work, study, try to extend my stay) and the things I wasn't supposed to have ever done (being a spy or a traitor, things like that).
Then he looked at me and said that the program for visitors was meant for people who fill a certain set of conditions. He paused, kept looking at me, and added "you fill none of them".
Oh crap.
He kept looking at me and said "we're giving you a break, but if you [do any of the things from before] you won't be allowed in the US again, do you understand?"
I said I did. He stapled a piece of the green form in my passport and added "you need to return this when you leave the US, the 10th of May at the latest. If you fail to do so, you won't be allowed back into the US. If you stay longer, you will be deported and won't be allowed back into the US. Do you understand?"
I said I did.
He stamped my passport and the green thing and added the date by which I have to leave the territory. I asked if I could pack my things (everything was left unpacked) and he told me I could, so I did.
Then he handed me back my documents and told me I had to go through regular security. I'll tell you about that in our next installment!
I'm glad the other one's fine then! Curiousity got me and I just had to ask.
Wow. That's a lot of hassle. You have to do that every time you go to the U.S in the future?
I doubt it. I was using the visa waiver program and staying for the longest possible amount of time allowed under that program, so they were checking me out more as a result. If you go for a shorter amount of time or with a visa, I'm sure it more straightforward. Next time I go to the US, it'll probably be with a visa (I would have this time but I don't think I could have gotten one from Canada since I'm French, and I didn't want to go back to France first).
Seriously, i'd brand that as harassment
If you have a source of income, that shouldn't be a problem. That was one of their main concerns, that I don't have a job, didn't have one when in Canada and don't have one waiting for me in France. I think that makes them fear that I'll try to work in the US, which I'm not allowed to do. It also means I have less of reason to leave the country (I don't have a job I need to get back to), things like that. Seriously, I don't think you'd have as much trouble as I did. I certainly wouldn't want to discourage you from going to the US because of that.
The first time we went to da USA, our luggage was sent to Casablanca instead of New York, they asked us stupid questions in a aggressive way, which made me cynical and playing a badass european. The chairs in those shuttle buses also were very small and, it just was a bad start.
I like this cover:
Nothing to do where I live.
Just sit around, and pray something happens like Shigaru Miyamoto comes to my house to play 3DS.
Here I come, da da dum
She's got her lipstick on
Hit and run, then I'm gone
Check my collar, collar, hey, hey, ey
Check my collar, collar, hey, hey, ey"
Jedward for Ireland in the Eurovision XD