The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited March 2011
    Its my b-day
  • edited March 2011
    I got a USB Hub so there are no longer wires sticking out of the front of my computer. I feel accomplished.
  • edited March 2011
    Holy carp, apparently editors of cartoon wikis are either really young or just pretty lazy. An example from the Shark Creature entry of the Scooby-Doo! Wikia:
    Scooby and the gang meet a new character from another TV show. A Shark Creature attacks. After a long mystery, the Shark Creature was captured by the gang and unmasked. It was an evil villain and was sent to jail.

    Worst part, I'm not even kidding.
  • edited March 2011
    They could be shortbussers...
  • edited March 2011
    GaryCXJk wrote: »
    Holy carp, apparently editors of cartoon wikis are either really young or just pretty lazy. An example from the Shark Creature entry of the Scooby-Doo! Wikia:

    Scooby and the gang meet a new character from another TV show. A Shark Creature attacks. After a long mystery, the Shark Creature was captured by the gang and unmasked. It was an evil villain and was sent to jail.

    Hey! Spoiler tags, please!
  • edited March 2011
    seibert999 wrote: »
    its my b-day

    you are justin bieber?
  • edited March 2011
    Ribs wrote: »
    you are justin bieber?

    Ribs that is the worst thing you could say to ANYONE!!!!!!!!!
    But yeah Seibert. Sorry to say, but today is also Justin Beiber's birthday.
    Or was that yesterday.
  • edited March 2011
    For a bunch of people who have something against Justin Bieber, you guys sure do know a lot about him.
  • edited March 2011
    I couldn't be more sick of that name if I tried. Bieber jokes just aren't funny anymore.
  • edited March 2011
    GaryCXJk wrote: »
    For a bunch of people who have something against Justin Bieber, you guys sure do know a lot about him.

    Doesn't help that it was trending on twitter all day...
  • edited March 2011
    Well, I bet he sure has a great Bieberthday.
  • edited March 2011
    I couldn't be more sick of that name if I tried. Bieber jokes just aren't funny anymore.

    I really can't help but agree. It's a teen fad, just like Aaron Carter a few years ago. He'll be gone within another year or two, but people feel just because we have the internet now that this is the generation to complain the most about. In addition, he's really not that terrible. I'm not a fan, but I also understand some people can't stand music I like as well. If the person likes the music, then they can go ahead. Anyone mad at the media coverage can blame the media, but not the kid. In addition, his appearances on the Talk Circuit and such are usually at least somewhat enjoyable, and definately watchable.
    In short, Justin Bieber is an overmarketed teen who can be good at times but has a "career" that means he does very little of the good.
  • edited March 2011
    I'm going to admit, his bit on the Daily Show was actually pretty funny.
  • edited March 2011
    I couldn't be more sick of that name if I tried. Bieber jokes just aren't funny anymore.

    You're wrong, Fawful.

    Your post implies that there was once a time when they were funny. Bieber jokes were NEVER funny.
  • edited March 2011
    (it's ron weasley's birthday too)

    Sitting at my desk, syncing iPods to a new computer, prepping for a 5 hour car drive to Killington, VT. This is taking way too long. Gotta love iTunes.
  • edited March 2011
    I should have been in bed hours ago. Curse you D&D for making me spend hours generating things and Characters I will not ever use yet sound completely kickass!
  • edited March 2011
    One hundred and ninety-three pages of reading. One Hundred and Ninety-Three pages! And not fun let's-read-a-classic-novel type reading. Reading about bacteria. And archaea.

    And this is just the first assignment of my genetics module...
  • edited March 2011
    Maybe you can pass the time by making up a story about those wacky single-celled organisms.

    "Yum, a virus! Ack!"
  • edited March 2011
    I did that once instead of studying for my AP Bio exam back in high school. My dad asked me what reverse transcriptase was and I answered that it was "an enzyme that cannot be found, except by those who already know where it is."

    Thus followed an epic re-imagining of Pirates of the Caribbean in biological terminology. I think Jack Sparrow was a bacteriophage and Will Turner was a Helper T-Cell. Barbossa was probably E. Coli. It was a long time ago and I had a lot of time on my hands.
  • edited March 2011
    I just spent the last hour or two playing in Excel. What was I doing? Creating a more efficient duplicate of a document I already have. Clearly there is something wrong with me.

    To clarify, I was working on my master video game checklist. The old spreadsheet had a sheet up front where I entered data and got results, then a sheet in the background doing calculations. Not only was the extra sheet annoying, it also made it so I couldn't rearrange titles on my list, so everything I owned before creating the list was grouped by console and in alphabetical order, but everything I got after that was added to the list in the order I got it.

    Well, I discovered the COUNTIF function and life got so much simpler. So I took some time to recreate the sheet from scratch, using the COUNTIF function to condense that whole extra sheet I used to have into a few cells on the main sheet, and unlike the old sheet, those few cells don't care if I move things around. I also took the time to update a couple things and save spots for a few games I know I'll be getting, like Portal 2, Puzzle Agent 2, and Pokemon White.

    So yeah, I just wasted a shitload of time in Excel, but I don't mind at all and I have a much nicer checklist now.
  • edited March 2011
    Just did an inventory of my food so I can go grocery shopping today. I have exactly nothing. How did I not notice this earlier?
  • edited March 2011
    Hello, Horny. My name is Fawful.
  • edited March 2011
    Browsing the minecraft forums, it seems the majority of users there are assholes. Don't you hate it when you ask for help on a forum, and all you get are stupid replies, or people who aren't sure/don't know the answer but reply anyway?

    Poster: Hey guys I don't know how to do *task*, could you help out?
    Replier: Uhh, dunno but i never bother doing that anyway LOL!
  • edited March 2011
    doodo! wrote: »

    Thank god I'm home alone, or else my parents would think I was watching some porn or something. What is that crap anyway?
  • edited March 2011
    GeorgeC wrote: »
    Thank god I'm home alone, or else my parents would think I was watching some porn or something. What is that crap anyway?

    LOL that would be pretty hard core. I've read comments where you'd think it was porn..DUN A DUN DUN DUNNNNNN

    That's The Agonist. It's music with a SOULLLL



    LOVE IT!
  • edited March 2011
    doodo! wrote: »
    LOL that would be pretty hard core. I might beat off to it some time, never have. DUN A DUN DUN DUNNNNNN

    That's The Agonist. It's music with a SOULLLL



    LOVE IT!

    I can appreciate why people like their music (even justin bieber fans) but that stuff really isn't for me, I can't see the appeal in screaming a song about raping limbless cadavers (Yes, I was actually shown a song with those exact lyrics) Each to their own though!
  • edited March 2011
    *whisper* Does history guide you or do you set out to change it? *whisper*

    GUITAR !!! ROARRRR!!!!


    Hold up, this is not about raping legless anything, as far as I know...Dude, you're generalizing base on sound, not the actual sound though.
  • edited March 2011
    Unrelated: What is it with people thinking it's awesome to dress up as an elf as their every day lives? I saw a guy walking around today, he had the whole getup, elf boots, elf hat, a sheath for his elf-sword, big enourmous blue elf penis too! (joking)
  • edited March 2011
    George C, I think you can listen to this one with your mommy around...
  • edited March 2011
    doodo! wrote: »
    George C, I think you can listen to this one with your mommy around...

    Not clicking. Sexist pig!
  • edited March 2011
    Duh, never heard that kind of growl from a female singer! Impressive :eek:

    They're quite enjoyable :)
  • edited March 2011
    GozzoMan wrote: »
    Duh, never heard that kind of growl from a female singer! Impressive :eek:

    They're quite enjoyable :)

    I love them.:)Arch Enemy is similar but I think the lyrics are too dark for me.
  • edited March 2011
    coolsome wrote: »

    I agree. It looks like this Mortal Kombat is going all the way!
    (Though I still think Deception was a pretty fun game too with its adventure mode)
  • edited March 2011
    I agree. It looks like this Mortal Kombat is going all the way!
    (Though I still think Deception was a pretty fun game too with its adventure mode)

    If only Shujinko wasn't the most gullible man in existence.
  • edited March 2011
    coolsome wrote: »
    If only Shujinko wasn't the most gullible man in existence.

    If you ask me, I recon they made him so gullible as a joke.
    Think about it, when you play a RPG, does anybody (the main characters, and in many cases you, the player) question what their mission?

    I think given the lack of context and general good nature most people had, I'd bet we would probably do the same!
    (Only those with genre chavyness would probably realise the cliche!)

    Shujinko is a particularily funny example because the whole adventure is pretty ridiculous really.

    Also according to the wiki
    ■"Shujinko" is Japanese for "protagonist".
  • edited March 2011
    If you ask me, I recon they made him so gullible as a joke.
    Think about it, when you play a RPG, does anybody (the main characters, and in many cases you, the player) question what their mission?

    I think given the lack of context and general good nature most people had, I'd bet we would probably do the same!
    (Only those with genre chavyness would probably realise the cliche!)

    Shujinko is a particularily funny example because the whole adventure is pretty ridiculous really.

    Also according to the wiki
    ■"Shujinko" is Japanese for "protagonist".

    Damashi the guy he is listing to was japanese for Deception or can be translated even more literally "I am tricking you"
  • edited March 2011
    coolsome wrote: »
    Damashi the guy he is listing to was japanese for Deception or can be translated even more literally "I am tricking you"

    At least in Jade Empire they made it more subtle....

This discussion has been closed.