My mother just bought a mini cooper s, it's SUPERCHARGED, which is totally not the kind of car she would normally go for. I had a word in about whether she should get the standard cooper or the S.
I haven't seen that in years! I had this Doctor Demento CD when I was a kid, and that was on it. I just nostalgia'd so hard. Although when I heard it, the song was considerably different. The skit portion was entirely the same, though.
I had that CD, too! I was just lazy and went with the first youtube video that had an actual video. But yeah, one of my favorite sketches from Dr. Demento, the other favorite being the Bulbous Bouffant one.
As a side note, I also just noticed there is another Blinky avatar. Klatuu has it. The revolution is still spreading!
Wait. You challenged me. That means I get to name weapons. Therefore, we will battle using nothing but TI-83 calculators with no preprogrammed calculus formulae. The trial will be integrating the space between two lines, which will be randomly determined, swiveled around the axis of your choosing (to be fair) into a solid shape.
First one to complete this task wins.
That's just not fair, I'm an English Major! I have a natural aversion to numbers it's in my class features. >.<
I had that CD, too! I was just lazy and went with the first youtube video that had an actual video. But yeah, one of my favorite sketches from Dr. Demento, the other favorite being the Bulbous Bouffant one.
HOLY FRAK! Someone else owned that CD! I have never met anyone else who owned it. My favorite? They're Coming To Take Me Away! Or possibly Yoda.
Expected to get up early and go to Home Depot. Ended up getting woken up late and spent the day cutting up a chokecherry bush to fit it in the trash. My right hand hurts so much it's essentially useless.
HOLY FRAK! Someone else owned that CD! I have never met anyone else who owned it. My favorite? They're Coming To Take Me Away! Or possibly Yoda.
Ah, yes, I forgot that one! Always weirded me out a bit, but my brother and I still occasionally quote it just for fun. Yoda...I confess I actually memorized that song. Just because it was fun to sing.
I actually have several Dr. Demento CD's on my Ipod right now...hmm... I always did like "Do the Picard".
Ah, yes, I forgot that one! Always weirded me out a bit, but my brother and I still occasionally quote it just for fun. Yoda...I confess I actually memorized that song. Just because it was fun to sing.
I actually have several Dr. Demento CD's on my Ipod right now...hmm... I always did like "Do the Picard".
Do the Picard? I feel inspired to find more albums. Glorious! I think I had every song memorized on that album.
Do the Picard? I feel inspired to find more albums. Glorious! I think I had every song memorized on that album.
Yeah. That one is from Hits from Outer Space, which is my favorite of their albums. It has such classics as "Star Trekkin'", "The Saga Begins", and "Twinkle Twinkle Little Earth".
There's also Dementia 2000 which has tons of songs as well...I can't even begin to list my favorites to that one. Well..."Carrot Juice is Murder" does stand out of the crowd...
Yeah. That one is from Hits from Outer Space, which is my favorite of their albums. It has such classics as "Star Trekkin'", "The Saga Begins", and "Twinkle Twinkle Little Earth".
There's also Dementia 2000 which has tons of songs as well...I can't even begin to list my favorites to that one. Well..."Carrot Juice is Murder" does stand out of the crowd...
That's a rather similar method to how I acquired them. Though mine was more my brother becoming obsessed, buying the albums, and then me stealing them from his computer several years later.
Okay, not stealing. He just gave it to me along with a whole lot of other random music albums.
That's a rather similar method to how I acquired them. Though mine was more my brother becoming obsessed, buying the albums, and then me stealing them from his computer several years later.
Okay, not stealing. He just gave it to me along with a whole lot of other random music albums.
You shouldn't have corrected. It sounded far more interesting before. :P
You shouldn't have corrected. It sounded far more interesting before. :P
I suppose so. Well, I did steal his lucky rabbit foot when I was eight and hid it at the bottom of my sock drawer. It's still there, if that counts for something.
I suppose so. Well, I did steal his lucky rabbit foot when I was eight and hid it at the bottom of my sock drawer. It's still there, if that counts for something.
Which is why theft is obviously the greatest thing ever!
It's somehow more amusing when it's a sibling. Ahh, yes, the days of sibling rivalry...those were fun. Now, its all only meeting up over breaks and trying to convince each other that our gaming genre is the best. I've almost got him sold on Mass Effect, but he's desperately clinging to LOL and Starcraft II.
It's somehow more amusing when it's a sibling. Ahh, yes, the days of sibling rivalry...those were fun. Now, its all only meeting up over breaks and trying to convince each other that our gaming genre is the best. I've almost got him sold on Mass Effect, but he's desperately clinging to LOL and Starcraft II.
He will break.
My brother stopped being a nerd. At least, overtly. Sure, he plays guitar, drives his Monte Carlo and plays sportsball with his friends... but he can still name the most obscure of Sith Lords. I am confident I will drag him to DragonCon one of these days.
My brother stopped being a nerd. At least, overtly. Sure, he plays guitar, drives his Monte Carlo and plays sportsball with his friends... but he can still name the most obscure of Sith Lords. I am confident I will drag him to DragonCon one of these days. brother is an Electrical Engineering Computer Science major, which basically carries with it the geek title. One that he can never run away from.
But I take pride that despite his nerdy major, I still have him beat in the geek department with my excessive knowledge in a bunch of things that aren't all that relevant. Like when I found I could describe the plot of any Stargate episode, but only in association with the organic chemistry concept I studied while watching that episode. brother is an Electrical Engineering Computer Science major, which basically carries with it the geek title. One that he can never run away from.
But I take pride that despite his nerdy major, I still have him beat in the geek department with my excessive knowledge in a bunch of things that aren't all that relevant. Like when I found I could describe the plot of any Stargate episode, but only in association with the organic chemistry concept I studied while watching that episode.
Brilliant. That's the greatest sibling story I've ever heard. I wept. A++ would read again. All you need to do is find something nerdier to major in, maybe get a job post college at Los Alamos or Oak Ridge or some other lab with major nerd cred. DO EET.
So, since I can't play BttF ep3 any time soon for a variety of reasons including the one computer that could play it decently being dead and having to literally stay for like a week at school, without being spoiled, how does it compare to the previous 2 and are the puzzles getting better?
Brilliant. That's the greatest sibling story I've ever heard. I wept. A++ would read again. All you need to do is find something nerdier to major in, maybe get a job post college at Los Alamos or Oak Ridge or some other lab with major nerd cred. DO EET.
If I got a job at Los Alamos I wouldn't be able to tell anyone what I did! It would be invisible nerd cred. Nah, Caltech is the place to be.
I don't really like the health plan at Aperture Laboratories. Call me picky, but I'm allergic to lethal neurotoxins.
Well, we're all out of openings here at Black Mesa. Sorry about that. It's not that I think you'd be an awful coworker - on the contrary! It's just that between bespectacled crowbar junkies and suited teleporting stutterers our HR department really has its hands full.
Well, we're all out of openings here at Black Mesa. Sorry about that. It's not that I think you'd be an awful coworker - on the contrary! It's just that between bespectacled crowbar junkies and suited teleporting stutterers our HR department really has its hands full.
Try CyberDyne! I hear they're always hiring!
Darn! That's what the last secret organization I applied to said!
CyberDyne, you say? Guess I could send them a resume.
Just this one.
I had that CD, too! I was just lazy and went with the first youtube video that had an actual video. But yeah, one of my favorite sketches from Dr. Demento, the other favorite being the Bulbous Bouffant one.
As a side note, I also just noticed there is another Blinky avatar. Klatuu has it. The revolution is still spreading!
That's just not fair, I'm an English Major! I have a natural aversion to numbers it's in my class features. >.<
Ah, yes, I forgot that one! Always weirded me out a bit, but my brother and I still occasionally quote it just for fun. Yoda...I confess I actually memorized that song. Just because it was fun to sing.
I actually have several Dr. Demento CD's on my Ipod right now...hmm... I always did like "Do the Picard".
Do the Picard? I feel inspired to find more albums. Glorious! I think I had every song memorized on that album.
Yeah. That one is from Hits from Outer Space, which is my favorite of their albums. It has such classics as "Star Trekkin'", "The Saga Begins", and "Twinkle Twinkle Little Earth".
There's also Dementia 2000 which has tons of songs as well...I can't even begin to list my favorites to that one. Well..."Carrot Juice is Murder" does stand out of the crowd...
I'm going to *cough* buy *cough* them!
That's a rather similar method to how I acquired them. Though mine was more my brother becoming obsessed, buying the albums, and then me stealing them from his computer several years later.
Okay, not stealing. He just gave it to me along with a whole lot of other random music albums.
You shouldn't have corrected. It sounded far more interesting before. :P
I suppose so. Well, I did steal his lucky rabbit foot when I was eight and hid it at the bottom of my sock drawer. It's still there, if that counts for something.
Suddenly: interesting again. Was that so hard?
It was surprisingly easy! Especially since he was only about six at the time and couldn't even reach my sock drawer. were talking about the interesting thing...yeah, that was easy, too.
Which is why theft is obviously the greatest thing ever!
It's somehow more amusing when it's a sibling. Ahh, yes, the days of sibling rivalry...those were fun. Now, its all only meeting up over breaks and trying to convince each other that our gaming genre is the best. I've almost got him sold on Mass Effect, but he's desperately clinging to LOL and Starcraft II.
He will break.
My brother stopped being a nerd. At least, overtly. Sure, he plays guitar, drives his Monte Carlo and plays sportsball with his friends... but he can still name the most obscure of Sith Lords. I am confident I will drag him to DragonCon one of these days. brother is an Electrical Engineering Computer Science major, which basically carries with it the geek title. One that he can never run away from.
But I take pride that despite his nerdy major, I still have him beat in the geek department with my excessive knowledge in a bunch of things that aren't all that relevant. Like when I found I could describe the plot of any Stargate episode, but only in association with the organic chemistry concept I studied while watching that episode.
Brilliant. That's the greatest sibling story I've ever heard. I wept. A++ would read again. All you need to do is find something nerdier to major in, maybe get a job post college at Los Alamos or Oak Ridge or some other lab with major nerd cred. DO EET.
Also, yay, two all-nighters in a row </sarcasm>
If I got a job at Los Alamos I wouldn't be able to tell anyone what I did! It would be invisible nerd cred. Nah, Caltech is the place to be.
That would appear to be a catch, yes. Caltech it is. Or Aperture Laboratories.
I don't really like the health plan at Aperture Laboratories. Call me picky, but I'm allergic to lethal neurotoxins.
Well, we're all out of openings here at Black Mesa. Sorry about that. It's not that I think you'd be an awful coworker - on the contrary! It's just that between bespectacled crowbar junkies and suited teleporting stutterers our HR department really has its hands full.
Try CyberDyne! I hear they're always hiring!
Darn! That's what the last secret organization I applied to said!
CyberDyne, you say? Guess I could send them a resume.
I hear they're working on a computer networking system for combat androids that's really promising!
I'll have to check it out. But do they have any room for biochemists?
I would imagine so. They're looking for ways to bond bioengineered, cloned flesh to titanium exoskeletons... or so I heard.
Can we make this nerdier in any way, at all?
Oh good! I'll definitely look them up, then. Thanks for the tip!
Also, yes....yes, I'm sure we could.
Kids, don't do two all-nighters in a row unless absolutely necessary.