The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited August 2011
    How long are you planning to do this?

    I'm guessing the rest of the alphabet.

    Davies, you should use Xenial for X. Because it took me a really long time to find a dictionary that had that word.
  • edited August 2011
    Davies, you should use Xenial for X.

    How about this instead: "I'm looking at your X-Rays, and I'm afraid you SUCK!"
  • edited August 2011
    I'm guessing the rest of the alphabet.

    Davies, you should use Xenial for X. Because it took me a really long time to find a dictionary that had that word.

    'You've got it Kiddo.'
    How about this instead: "I'm looking at your X-Rays, and I'm afraid you SUCK!"

    How about...

    X is for... XD.

    XD = Hey you xenopus, why don't I take you on a xebec and sail you to an island where you can get some X-chromosome action and quit with the testosterone fuelled aggression, you son of a xenophobe.
  • edited August 2011
    I can't believe I just paid to change my Xbox live gamertag.

    Well I guess RetroGamer91 was a bit stale and generic.

    At least I managed to get a name without any numbers in it.

    From now on, I shall now be knows on Xbox Live as "Big Head Mode"

    (Which is pretty much on all the time for me, since I do have a pretty big head)

    One of the funniest cheats ever!
  • edited August 2011
    [Stop that. This thread is getting very silly.]

  • edited August 2011
    Davies wrote: »
    'You've got it Kiddo.'

    Yay! It's a very underrated "X" word and deserves some time in the spotlight instead of 'xylophone" and "X-ray" and "xenophobe", which usually get all the glory.
  • edited August 2011
    ...instead of 'xylophone" and "X-ray" and "xenophobe", which usually get all the glory.

    Yeah! The limelight hogging shits. :mad: I hate those guys.
  • edited August 2011
    Xanadu would be incredible if it wasn't so tainted by that 1980 film. I'm also incredibly fond of xyster and xyloid, and my Scrabble-playing has me very well acquainted with xi and xu(my second favorite piece of Vietnamese currency, next to the dông).
  • edited August 2011
    Xanadu would be incredible if it wasn't so tainted by that 1980 film. I'm also incredibly fond of xyster and xyloid, and my Scrabble-playing has me very well acquainted with xi and xu(my second favorite piece of Vietnamese currency, next to the dông).

    You can't use foreign words in Scrabble. It's against the rules, you know.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2011
    You can't use foreign words in Scrabble. It's against the rules, you know.

  • edited August 2011
    puzzlebox wrote: »

    I need to track down all the people from my last Scrabble game and demand a rematch.
  • edited August 2011
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    Exactly. Alcore, don't fuck with me in terms of Scrabble know-how, especially when it comes to two-letter words or words that cantain "x" or the letter "q" without using a "u". I'm quite up to date on the latest edition of the dictionary thanks.
  • edited August 2011
    Exactly. Alcore, don't fuck with me in terms of Scrabble know-how, especially when it comes to two-letter words or words that cantain "x" or the letter "q" without using a "u". I'm quite up to date on the latest edition of the dictionary thanks.

    Well, I'm stuck playing Scrabble with a REAL dictionary that my parents gave me for Christmas after searching through many many bookshops in order to find one that included "xenial". I call it The Footstool because it could be used as one in a pinch. It does not include many words that the Scrabble dictionary insists are real things.

    In any case, the people who I routinely play Scrabble with refuse to let me use foreign words of any sort. Since they are mainly family, I cannot argue with them.
  • edited August 2011
    I just go with Words with Friends. It doesn't let you play a word at all unless it's in the games dictionary.

    It's how I learned the word Aurar.
  • edited August 2011
    My favorite x words are Xenu and x-rated. If x-ray counts, so does x-rated. So there.
  • edited August 2011
    I compliment the powers of whoever can put hippopotomonstrosusquipidaliophobia into scrabble.
  • edited August 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    I compliment the powers of whoever can put hippopotomonstrosusquipidaliophobia into scrabble.

    There aren't even enough spaces to put it! Such an individual would have to be able to distort the spatial relationships of the known Universe to accomplish such a feat...and if they could do that, why would they waste it on Scrabble?
  • edited August 2011
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    I compliment the powers of whoever can put hippopotomonstrosusquipidaliophobia into scrabble.
    It is not acceptable in the dictionary, and therefore would be challenged and removed from the board if anyone was actually capable of warping space-time to their will.
    why would they waste it on Scrabble?
    WASTE? Nay, Scrabble is wasted on THEM if they think there is a better use for cosmic space-bending powers!
  • edited August 2011
    WASTE? Nay, Scrabble is wasted on THEM if they think there is a better use for cosmic space-bending powers!

    I could think of a few. I guess I'm just too cool for Scrabble then.
  • edited August 2011
    I just got word from IGN that Peter Parker is being replaced by another character, a new character named Miles Morales, who is half-African-American and Half-Hispanic.

    I am also beginning to think that Marvel has run out of good ideas.
  • edited August 2011
    Davies wrote: »
    D is for.. Dago Dodo.
    Dago Dodo says; 'Que? Hello, ManuelTowers. Is nice day. Goodbye.'

    E is for.. Elephant.
    Elephant says; 'I will soon rule your pathetic species, puny mortal.'
    F is for.. Faggot.

    Faggot says; 'Taste my salty balls and tell Chef from South Park that he owes me ten bucks.

    Heres a fun way to learn the alphabet.
  • edited August 2011
    Oh god, nostalgia attack. Anyone remember Letterland?

  • edited August 2011
    Hairy hat man frightens and confuses me!

    Holy shit he just disappeared!
  • edited August 2011
    Let's do this thang...
    G is for.. Green Giant.

    Green Giant says; 'Ho Ho Ho.'

    H is for.. Hiccup Harry.

    Hiccup Harry says; *hic*

    I is for.. Ignoramus.

    Ignoramus says; 'i iz wearing glasses, so how iz i stoopid?'
  • edited August 2011

    Ripping and converting DVDs is never an easy process!

    Especially getting it to work on a non-standard device like a Caanoo.
    (which is very fussy since it only accepts AVI's!)

    I haven't even done one DVD yet, but once its all done and on my new 16gb SD card, its going to be worth it!
  • edited August 2011
    Is Dragonball Kai worth getting?
  • edited August 2011
    Ah. 3 discs done! :D

    Only 27 more to go!

    (Well. 3 more for this series. But I have another 6 disc, a 5 disc, a 4 disc, and a 6 disc that has another 3 specials)

    But at least 6 discs only comes to about 3 gigs with my current method.

    So when my 16gb SD card arrives, I'll be able to have about 32 discs worth of DVDs on there (So a bit less than 48 hours worth of video, so there should be enough for all of it and more! :D).

    EDIT: In fact, if that is the case, then I guess I could chuck another couple of DVDs in there too.
    (Though I may move some stuff of the Caanoo's current 16gb card, as that has 3 seasons of Robot Chicken, so it would make sense to put the 4th one and the 2 specials on that one)

    Hell. Maybe I'll buy another 16gb SD card (since they are only about £10-15 these days) so i won't have to worry about space ever.
    (Maybe could stick blade runner on there. Would be nice to watch that on the beach next month)

    EDIT 2: Ordered another one! XD

    So thats 3 16gb SD cards, (one is a micro in a converter) for my Caanoo.

    Could move the stuff off the 4gb one that came with the Caanoo to this new one, then move the 3ds stuff of its 2gb card to the 4gb card. Then that will have double the space to play with.

    God! I am insane! XD
  • edited August 2011
    Well then. Woke up to discover that my grandmother just disowned my mother. ... holy shit.

    This puts me in an impossible spot that I won't get into here. If (and I mean "if"... I have no idea what's going to happen) I disappear from the forum, temporarily or even permanently, that's why, if anybody cares.
  • edited August 2011
    coolsome wrote: »
    Is Dragonball Kai worth getting?
    Not even close. Toei took a concept which wasn't terrible by any means(a new cut of Dragonball that is closer to the manga) and botch it horribly. First, they go an extremely cheap route and use the original animation for "Z". This restrains them and makes a lot of things they can't do, while also redefining most of what they CAN do as defiling the source material. We're dealing with a show that has been cropped and messed with to look "new", like Funimation's Season Sets but handled slightly better overall. The problem is that, because the show is NOT new, the techniques used to make the show look new simply make it look worse. Cropping is bad, mmkay, and while they do some limited "re-drawing" in order to mitigate the negative effects of this, it's a mixed bag at best. Usually, the redrawn stuff does not look like it "fits" with the old footage. Further, the show is censored relative to its original counterpart, with the holes through Goku's and Raditz's chests after the Makankosappo blasts RIGHT THROUGH THEM are reduced to minor burns or bruises that also happen to kill them, for example. The new score, too, is pretty lifeless, and I didn't really take anything all that great from it(one absolutely brilliant image song aside). Further, while the cuts to the show do INCREASE the pace, that seems to be their only goal, to the point of zealotry. I'm sorry, but Dragon Ball Z is not SO overflowing with crappy filler that you can cut the episode count in half and not lose something valuable. In this case, what we lose is ANY sense of pacing to the fights. The original pacing is replaced with an ADD-riddled frantic madness. This genre DOES require SOME stare-downs, SOME pauses. Does the original material take it too far at times? Sure. But there's something to be said about going so far in the other direction that the very feeling of the show itself is entirely transformed into something it was never intended to be. And then there's the voice cast, and frankly, I'll take the original voice cast in mono over a new one in stereo any day. They do keep as much of the principle cast as they could, but this is a series that aired 20 years ago, so we're not going to have everybody, and the fact that the cast that DID return has to re-do their lines that many years later gives the whole thing a really weird vibe for anyone that has actually watched this series to any real extent. And hell, they even fail at their stated goal of making a "Toriyama Cut", because they leave out the entire Boo arc.

    That's all I can think up right now in terms of reasons I don't care for Kai, but I'm sure there are more lying about in my head somewhere.
  • edited August 2011
    Thanks I was only really interested cos of the no filler stuff but I agree that the fights would look over the top and too fast paced with out some of them. And your other points like the wounds being toned down. Although the no Buu saga isn't a no selling point since I hated that saga XD.
  • edited August 2011
    Oh dear.

    From the few vids I've tested, it seems that for some odd reason, the "S" sound seems lispy whenever anyone talks.

    Eh, can't be bothered to change it, (I think I know why its doing it. I downsampled the sound quite a bit, which I think is causing it).

    EDIT: ah seems my theory was correct. However, I don't seem to be able to find a program or plugin that can "de-ess" avi's.

    Its not that bad I guess. Got to keep the filesize down to a reasonable level.

    EDIT 2: Also I have a question for the anime buffs out there.

    Is the first 2-3 seasons of Bleach worth watching?

    Because I notice they are dirt cheap on amazon.

    If not can anyone from the UK at least reccomend me a nice cheap set.

    EDIT 3: Forgot to list the animes I have on DVD

    I got:

    Daphne in the Brilliant Blue
    Haibane Renmei
    Love Hina (with specials)

    EDIT 4:

    Looked a bit more on amazon, and I think its between:

    - First 2 seasons of Bleach
    - Mai-HiME
    - Planetes

    Don't want to spend more than £20.
    (I am VERY cheap! XD)


    I fancy a more actiony anime. Plus I liked the DS games.
  • edited August 2011
    ShaggE wrote: »
    Woke up to discover that my grandmother just disowned my mother.

    Congratulations. You're now collateral damage. Take notes for your future memoir.

    The best thing to do in this situation is be as diplomatic as possible. Tell each side that you're secretly on theirs, but you have to remain in the other side's good graces, so you will attempt to take the middle road whenever you can.

    Good luck.
  • edited August 2011
    WarpSpeed wrote: »
    Congratulations. You're now collateral damage. Take notes for your future memoir.

    The best thing to do in this situation is be as diplomatic as possible. Tell each side that you're secretly on theirs, but you have to remain in the other side's good graces, so you will attempt to take the middle road whenever you can.

    Good luck.

    Trust me, I've been diplomatic with my grandmother for years. It's either that or start a shitstorm of epic proportions as I call her out on a lifetime of lies.

    My kingdom to shed this forced dependency. I'm 25 for crying out loud. This shouldn't be my problem anymore.
  • edited August 2011
    Xanadu would be incredible if it wasn't so tainted by that 1980 film. I'm also incredibly fond of xyster and xyloid, and my Scrabble-playing has me very well acquainted with xi and xu(my second favorite piece of Vietnamese currency, next to the dông).
    You can't use foreign words in Scrabble. It's against the rules, you know.
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    Exactly. Alcore, don't fuck with me in terms of Scrabble know-how, especially when it comes to two-letter words or words that cantain "x" or the letter "q" without using a "u". I'm quite up to date on the latest edition of the dictionary thanks.



    You can't use Xanadu in Scrabble anyway, as it's always capitalized. Also, depending upon the agreed dictionary of choice, certain foreign words may not be included. Note that it says words of foreign origin, not all foreign words.
  • edited August 2011
    Xanadu was separate from the Scrabble discussion and was just a favorite "x" word. Scrabble is brought up later, and that's where xu and xi come in. I was and am well aware that "Xanadu" could not be played on a Scrabble board(legally, anyway, if it went unchallenged then it could be scored).
  • edited August 2011
    I'm doing the DVD I'm most worried about now.

    You see I have two copies of the second volume of Texhnolyze. One of them doesn't work and looks dodgy, the other does work and looks dodgy.

    You see I complained about the first, and got another disc sent to me for free.

    (anime-online's customer service is pretty great, though the prices on there aren't so much at the moment, (Amazon has jumped ahead of them now), but they are the official UK supplier of MVM)

    I think I picked the right one to rip.
    (I'm pretty sure I put the dodgy one back in its case...)

    Also have managed to reduced the essing a bit now, which is good.

    EDIT: Ah good, looks like I picked the right one! :D
  • edited August 2011
    Davies wrote: »
    As I stand here acting as the piper at the gates of dawn, upon the dark side of the moon, all I can say is that I wish you were here my good friend Mr. Ummagumma.

    I hate to meddle, but for a momentary lapse of reason, that was the final cut.

    ...Too much work lately, but I had to make an appearance.
  • edited August 2011

    What the hell?


  • edited August 2011
    What the hell?


    LlES! ALL LlES!
  • edited August 2011

    Ees not possible. Truly, you are master of the Photoshopping, but not master of the deception.
This discussion has been closed.