My date and I at the Dueling Piano Bar. They pianists basically take requests, mock the audience and each other. While also playing good covers.
Pretty much the first time I've been seriously interested in someone that also met my friends. The other girls in the picture are people I've known for years.
Be that as it may, people with jobs and hope don't riot. It's a symptom of societal unrest, by my analysis.
Yep, it's mostly in the poor areas dotted with housing estates. But they're stealing from their own community, and torching people's apartments. That's just... not ok.
Yep, it's mostly in the poor areas dotted with housing estates. But they're stealing from their own community, and torching people's apartments. That's just... not ok.
Not at all. It's rather like the '92 LA riots from what I can tell - slum dwellers stealing from slum dwellers. If only they could focus their rage and use it for something productive. Then again, I'm the rebellious sort so perhaps my brand of proactivity is different from most people's.
Not at all. It's rather like the '92 LA riots from what I can tell - slum dwellers stealing from slum dwellers. If only they could focus their rage and use it for something productive. Then again, I'm the rebellious sort so perhaps my brand of proactivity is different from most people's.
My reply to Puzzy got buried. Last page posting sucks.
I just replaced the rubber pads in the old DS lite today.
Now the buttons work properly, (they did before, but the rubber was very worn, and some buttons were not so responsive).
Cheap fix too! Cost me like £1.50! XD
Only thing is, I didn't put it back together right, and a tiny bit of circuitry is showing (I mean like a milimeter).
Its not affecting performance or anything, so I am not going to mess around with it at all.
(Those shoulder buttons are pretty annoying, and like to pop out a lot... )
Besides my Bleach DVDs have arrived today, so I want to get them converted onto my Caanoo.
(The Second 16gb card arrived today, so I can do it straight away! )
I also found out that despite my slight goof-ups converting the other videos (I made them a bit small), can be remidied in program, by simpy pressing a button which forces widescreen or stretched to screen video.
Still doesn't fix one of the series' audio "essing" though.
(But that my fault since I reduced the audio too much, and I really don't want to do all 6 dvds all over again!)
The other reason is depression, but that's not something I'd like to discuss at the moment.
Depression, that's hard, I've been there. You're a very important person right now. Those who get through depression are preachers for the soul light of others.
I need to hold back on watching it now. I only have 2 seasons and I need to save something for the holiday!
Can I suggest stopping at season 2? It really starts to fail in terms of pacing after that. You might want to continue on the Bount arc, that was pretty good, but anything past that is pretty bad.
Can I suggest stopping at season 2? It really starts to fail in terms of pacing after that. You might want to continue on the Bount arc, that was pretty good, but anything past that is pretty bad.
Yeah, I heard Bleach started to suck after a few seasons, so I was planning on only getting 2-4 season of it.
(Maybe 3, depends on how I feel after watching the first 2).
I'm going to move onto one of these:
- Paranoia Agent
- Shakagan no Shana
- My Hime
- Trigun
- Ghost in the Shell: SAC
- Soul Eater
- Death Note
The ones I want to watch but are unavailable at the moment in the UK are:
- To Love-Ru
- Fullmetal Alchemist (can't seem to find a complete set in this, though Brotherhood is on blue-ray... )
- Fist of the North Star (only the new version is available)
- Neon Genesis Evangelion (Well i could never afford the complete boxset...)
- Cowboy Bebop
- Ranma
EDIT: Wait a second? 51 episodes of Soul Eater for £28?!!?!
(I remember reading a bit of the Manga, and watched a few episodes a while back and I LOVED IT!)
Its probably an odd choice, but I already have a few serious animes, (Texhnolyze, Haibane Renmei, Noein), and I don't want to burn myself out on anything err.. Highschooly (I mean the characters are students, but from what I have watched, its doesn't have that generic "highschool" vibe coming from it)
GOD! Now I remember why I stopped watching anime!
I go bonkers over it!
Its even worse, now its affordable! X'O
(Since Blue-rays have come out its dropped the price of all DVDs, especially boxsets!)
My mind is not in a very logical state at 3:00 in the morning.
(Plus I'm kind of pumped up from watching anime)
People are asking me for help and I can't remember everything. I don't know where it comes from. I can't remember it all, I would though if it wouldn't make me loose my mind or kill this body i would , even if it hurt my brain and mind. If I could get through it and if I could help myself and others I'd agree to it, I'd prefer it to be nice and slow...not all at once.
But, I might just be crazy after all, XD...I don't know everything, some times it takes me a day's time to come up with my own opinions. I call it philosophy for a reason, because I don't want to come off egotistical or as if I do have all the answers, I don't want to look that important or feel that important. It's not good for anyone.
So I had my iPod on shuffle and Motherlover came on. This prompted me to realize that I couldn't remember any N Sync songs besides Bye Bye Bye. After refreshing my memory and getting distracted by Evolution of Dance, I've come to the following conclusions.
1. The Backstreet Boys were the better singers. At least all five of them could carry lead vocals, while N Sync always left it to Justin and JC. That said, Justin Timberlake is more talented in every way than any other member of either band.
2. I let my sister have her way with the TV and radio way too much when we were kids.
3. I need to stay the fuck away from Youtube at 3 in the morning.
So I had my iPod on shuffle and Motherlover came on. This prompted me to realize that I couldn't remember any N Sync songs besides Bye Bye Bye. After refreshing my memory and getting distracted by Evolution of Dance, I've come to the following conclusions.
1. The Backstreet Boys were the better singers. At least all five of them could carry lead vocals, while N Sync always left it to Justin and JC. That said, Justin Timberlake is more talented in every way than any other member of either band.
2. I let my sister have her way with the TV and radio way too much when we were kids.
3. I need to stay the fuck away from Youtube at 3 in the morning.
The guy who was supposed to install the phone between 13 and 15 called at 11 to ask if he could be there early. Thing is, I was still in the old place where I've been staying so I can get a reliable connexion. So I rushed to get here by 11h30, which I didn't make, but neither did the guy so it was alright.
Around noon it was all done, he installed the new line and here you go!
Now the Internet provider says it will take 3 days before I can use the Internet, but my friends who've gone through it say I should probably plan more like 3 weeks.
We'll see. Right now I have some access to a free wifi connexion so I'm good. But it's highly dependent on other people, which is why I wanted to get my own.
Or at least, they'd usually be on my mind. Atm, I'm preoccupied with having to move out of my mum's, only I don't have a place to move to yet. The cheapest single-bedroomed flats over here are £800pm+ and they're absolute shitholes. I earn £1,200pm (net) with two jobs (the full-time one is temporary), utilities would be about £200pm and food £150pm. When you factor in other things such as the occasional houseparty, night out, birthday gifts, yearly motorbike insurance, the evening course I plan to do at college in Sept and the councelling I'll inevitably have to pay for (also Sept. start), I'll not be able to cope. Not to mention flats are in much higher demand than supply here on this piece of rock the size of San Rafael.
Atm, I'm preoccupied with having to move out of my mum's, only I don't have a place to move to yet. The cheapest single-bedroomed flats over here are £800pm+ and they're absolute shitholes. I earn £1,200pm (net) with two jobs (the full-time one is temporary), utilities would be about £200pm and food £150pm. When you factor in other things such as the occasional houseparty, night out, birthday gifts, yearly motorbike insurance, the evening course I plan to do at college in Sept and the councelling I'll inevitably have to pay for (also Sept. start), I'll not be able to cope. Not to mention flats are in much higher demand than supply here on this piece of rock the size of San Rafael.
Or at least, they'd usually be on my mind. Atm, I'm preoccupied with having to move out of my mum's, only I don't have a place to move to yet. The cheapest single-bedroomed flats over here are £800pm+ and they're absolute shitholes. I earn £1,200pm (net) with two jobs (the full-time one is temporary), utilities would be about £200pm and food £150pm. When you factor in other things such as the occasional houseparty, night out, birthday gifts, yearly motorbike insurance, the evening course I plan to do at college in Sept and the councelling I'll inevitably have to pay for (also Sept. start), I'll not be able to cope. Not to mention flats are in much higher demand than supply here on this piece of rock the size of San Rafael.
Yeah, I couldn't move out even if I wanted to.
I think its something us young adults on the UK are going to have to accept.
Unless we get lucky, we are going to have to live with our parents for a long time, since the cost of independant living is getting ridiculously high.
I'm just lucky that I love being home with the family. I guess I'll probably never "grow up".
All the mates I have that have stable incomes already have a house full. With a stranger, it's a possibility but I have strange habits like wandering around in my dressing gown in the evenings and going for a dump at 2am. Not to mention I have a thing about communal areas (like kitchen and bathroom) being spotless or I start getting ratty.
Funnily enough, me and my best friend were talking about moving in together in a few years.
He suggested it, and I think its an excellent idea, (since we barely ever meet up since school finished, and we have so much fun together. We have such a great time, plus we probably wouldn't get in each others way really. My friend is normally a very late night, late morining person (by morning I mean afternoon! XD), whereas I normally go to bed around 2-3 am and get up at about 10-ish). Plus we both are quite reasonable and responsible people really, and we wouldn't do anything intentionally dickish.
I think its something us young adults on the UK are going to have to accept.
Unless we get lucky, we are going to have to live with our parents for a long time, since the cost of independant living is getting ridiculously high.
I'm just lucky that I love being home with the family. I guess I'll probably never "grow up".
Now you see, if my family and I got on, there wouldn't be a problem. I share the house with two messy teenage sisters, a mother who drinks and has peculiar OCD about some things that make no sense and a stepdad who behaves like a caveman.
I'd also like to have people round sometimes, and have a gf where she won't be continuously judged by my mother, who's been determined to think the worst in every girl I've introduced to her. I also want to do my own cooking and washing, so I can choose what I have and when they get done. I'd also like to play Guitar Hero without disturbing people (our walls allow every sound through, particularly my parents in bed next room).
That's just from my perspective and there are a few personal things I've left out. They find me difficult to tolerate.
Where do you live? In old towns/cities you often have all servant rooms, and in big places there is often small housing for students. Now depending on where you live it might still be super expensive, here in the North of France I found a 9m2 (a bit under 100 square feet) for only 200 euros a month when it would be triple that in Paris, so obviously the location matters a LOT.
About utilities, wow, how come it's that expensive? I'm honestly surprised, but it's also something you can't really do much about depending on where you live. Keep in mind smaller places require less electricity and heat though.
About the food, I've been having 10 euros a week left for groceries (food, cleaning stuff, hygiene stuff...), technically 20 euros but because I also use that money for clothing, laundry, transportation, etc, I usually only have half of it for the food itself.
Now, I know in Paris the food would cost more too. But I've never spent 150 pounds (or the equivalent) a month on just myself, is it that much pricier where you live?
Here there is a brand I've been using that's especially for people who struggle. It has basic food products but also stuff like dish soap or toilet paper. It's really, really cheap. (It's called €co+ if anyone cares). Maybe there is something similar for you? I always try that brand first. If their version of something doesn't taste good or doesn't work, I upgrade or do without.
This being said... If you don't hate living where you do, you might be better off saving up the money you earn. I'd say, try living at your parents' place while pretending you aren't. Try and set aside a "rent" amount, and one for utilities, etc. Of course you can actually pay them but the goal is to save up some of it, and mostly to learn to live on less so the shift isn't as big. If you're used to spending all the money you make, or a majority of it, on stuff like going out and entertainment, it's going to be really tough when you live alone despite working so hard.
Good luck with everything, I can absolutely relate with the need to be away from your parents and the need to have your intimacy respected. If you can find ways to make it work, good for you, but remember that any money you earn now that you don't have to pay all these bills is money that can help you later on, when you have to pay them and are a bit short. So, if you can delay and save up, go for it!
A few weeks shopping for a family of 5 costs around £200.
(200/5= £40 per person for about 2-3 weeks)
soooo.... yeah. Food, even when buying smart, is very pricey in the UK.
(And the utilities are soaring through the roof too! Funny that even before the price rise, these companies were reporting nice healthy profits, yet they always report that they are struggling... >:/)
A few weeks shopping for a family of 5 costs around £200.
(200/5= £40 per person for about 2-3 weeks)
soooo.... yeah. Food, even when buying smart, is very pricey in the UK.
(And the utilities are soaring through the roof too! Funny that even before the price rise, these companies were reporting nice healthy profits, yet they always report that they are struggling... >:/)
In old towns/cities you often have all servant rooms, and in big places there is often small housing for students. Now depending on where you live it might still be super expensive, here in the North of France I found a 9m2 (a bit under 100 square feet) for only 200 euros a month when it would be triple that in Paris, so obviously the location matters a LOT.
About utilities, wow, how come it's that expensive? I'm honestly surprised, but it's also something you can't really do much about depending on where you live. Keep in mind smaller places require less electricity and heat though.
About the food, I've been having 10 euros a week left for groceries (food, cleaning stuff, hygiene stuff...), technically 20 euros but because I also use that money for clothing, laundry, transportation, etc, I usually only have half of it for the food itself.
Now, I know in Paris the food would cost more too. But I've never spent 150 pounds (or the equivalent) a month on just myself, is it that much pricier where you live?
Here there is a brand I've been using that's especially for people who struggle. It has basic food products but also stuff like dish soap or toilet paper. It's really, really cheap. (It's called €co+ if anyone cares). Maybe there is something similar for you? I always try that brand first. If their version of something doesn't taste good or doesn't work, I upgrade or do without.
Seriously, the Channel Islands are ridiculously expensive, like Paris or London. There's limited space and a captive audience (travel to/from costs loads, we can live/work are not entitled to support in the UK and we're not allowed to work in the EU if our family going back two generations is all Island-bred without going through similar channels as to getting into the US), so the businesses and property owners can charge what they like.
A litre of milk costs £1.01 ($1.64/€1.15), the cheapest bread is about £1.30 ($2.10/€1.48) for 800g (about 2lb for US folks reading this). Most of the island uses imported oil for heating, which is getting too expensive. Electricity is mostly acquired via undersea cable link from France.
The typical buying prices for properties are as follows: £270k single-bedroom flat; 2-bed semi £350k; 3-bed family home £600k; converted farmhouses £1.3M+. Property owners charge rent based on property value rather than typical income.
Sales assistants in shops tend to earn £6.50-£8.50 per hour over 38-40 hours per week (some employers do higher Sunday rates, typically about £1.50/h more), foremen/labourers £10/h for 40 hours per week, junior office temps £10/h over 35 hours per week, Junior Office Admin £20k pa. Most young people fit into one of those categories. Hospitality jobs are mainly taken by foreign workers, who get paid about £7/h and they work up to 60 hours per week, working here for only 9 months at a time due to local housing law.
I work as a Compliance Assistant at £8.50/h over 35hpw (less than I should be getting) and 12 hours per week in a local supermarket chain, at £7.32/h, with more hours usually available somewhere if I want them. I used to work 22 hours for them but 3+ nights pw 6pm-midnight was making me very tired and falling asleep at my day job, so I had to reduce the nights to 1. So I went from £400pw net to £300pw net.
This being said... If you don't hate living where you do, you might be better off saving up the money you earn. I'd say, try living at your parents' place while pretending you aren't. Try and set aside a "rent" amount, and one for utilities, etc. Of course you can actually pay them but the goal is to save up some of it, and mostly to learn to live on less so the shift isn't as big. If you're used to spending all the money you make, or a majority of it, on stuff like going out and entertainment, it's going to be really tough when you live alone despite working so hard.
Good luck with everything, I can absolutely relate with the need to be away from your parents and the need to have your intimacy respected. If you can find ways to make it work, good for you, but remember that any money you earn now that you don't have to pay all these bills is money that can help you later on, when you have to pay them and are a bit short. So, if you can delay and save up, go for it!
Thank you for being understanding. Unfortunately me living with the family isn't pleasant, and that's when we're all trying our best and being tolerant.
My date and I at the Dueling Piano Bar. They pianists basically take requests, mock the audience and each other. While also playing good covers.
Pretty much the first time I've been seriously interested in someone that also met my friends. The other girls in the picture are people I've known for years.
Yep, it's mostly in the poor areas dotted with housing estates. But they're stealing from their own community, and torching people's apartments. That's just... not ok.
She looks lovely, hope it works out.
Not at all. It's rather like the '92 LA riots from what I can tell - slum dwellers stealing from slum dwellers. If only they could focus their rage and use it for something productive. Then again, I'm the rebellious sort so perhaps my brand of proactivity is different from most people's.
Not sure if the size is being communicated, but this is basically a bucket of Hurricane. It's for four people, but the two of us tackled it.
Thank you! I do too.
Well, there was a lot of laughter, followed by being disgusted. Somehow, these things are loads funnier when read out loud.
If you want to read it, I can send you the link, or attempt to get the Thunderdome MST started with this one. One or the other.
This is one of the reasons I am the way I am today.
Now the buttons work properly, (they did before, but the rubber was very worn, and some buttons were not so responsive).
Cheap fix too! Cost me like £1.50! XD
Only thing is, I didn't put it back together right, and a tiny bit of circuitry is showing (I mean like a milimeter).
Its not affecting performance or anything, so I am not going to mess around with it at all.
(Those shoulder buttons are pretty annoying, and like to pop out a lot... )
Besides my Bleach DVDs have arrived today, so I want to get them converted onto my Caanoo.
(The Second 16gb card arrived today, so I can do it straight away! )
I also found out that despite my slight goof-ups converting the other videos (I made them a bit small), can be remidied in program, by simpy pressing a button which forces widescreen or stretched to screen video.
Still doesn't fix one of the series' audio "essing" though.
(But that my fault since I reduced the audio too much, and I really don't want to do all 6 dvds all over again!)
I don't even know what I'm going to do with myself. What will probably happen, is I'll just go back to work.
The first time I have cried laughing in ages. X'D
I need to hold back on watching it now. I only have 2 seasons and I need to save something for the holiday!
Oh well, I got Bleach Season 2, Love Hina, and Noein left to convert. Maybe I'll finish off Bleach tomorrow, then maybe a few discs of Love Hina.
I may watch a few episodes of Love Hina on the sly, since I haven't watched any of it yet.
EDIT: Note to self: Do not forget to do Robot Chicken Season 4 and Star Wars specials as well.
Oh, you call that bad? Try reading some "Imma Wiserd".
EDIT: ARGH, stupid "new posts" thing taking me too far back.
Fired chinkin.
(For the mods wondering why we're flinging Chinese slurs at each other, It Makes Sense In Context.)
At first I thought its cos I put 17 in but later I tryed it with just Android and got the same messege! They think I'm looking up porn with androids.
They have porn with androids now? I'm definitely behind the times with those new fads...
This is one of the reason I have insomnia.
The other reason is depression, but that's not something I'd like to discuss at the moment.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry. My friend, truly I am.
I won't post anything like that again, without a warning.
This one has nothing scary in it.
Depression, that's hard, I've been there. You're a very important person right now. Those who get through depression are preachers for the soul light of others.
Can I suggest stopping at season 2? It really starts to fail in terms of pacing after that. You might want to continue on the Bount arc, that was pretty good, but anything past that is pretty bad.
Yeah, I heard Bleach started to suck after a few seasons, so I was planning on only getting 2-4 season of it.
(Maybe 3, depends on how I feel after watching the first 2).
I'm going to move onto one of these:
- Paranoia Agent
- Shakagan no Shana
- My Hime
- Trigun
- Ghost in the Shell: SAC
- Soul Eater
- Death Note
The ones I want to watch but are unavailable at the moment in the UK are:
- To Love-Ru
- Fullmetal Alchemist (can't seem to find a complete set in this, though Brotherhood is on blue-ray... )
- Fist of the North Star (only the new version is available)
- Neon Genesis Evangelion (Well i could never afford the complete boxset...)
- Cowboy Bebop
- Ranma
EDIT: Wait a second? 51 episodes of Soul Eater for £28?!!?!
(I remember reading a bit of the Manga, and watched a few episodes a while back and I LOVED IT!)
Its probably an odd choice, but I already have a few serious animes, (Texhnolyze, Haibane Renmei, Noein), and I don't want to burn myself out on anything err.. Highschooly (I mean the characters are students, but from what I have watched, its doesn't have that generic "highschool" vibe coming from it)
GOD! Now I remember why I stopped watching anime!
I go bonkers over it!
Its even worse, now its affordable! X'O
(Since Blue-rays have come out its dropped the price of all DVDs, especially boxsets!)
My mind is not in a very logical state at 3:00 in the morning.
(Plus I'm kind of pumped up from watching anime)
I think I should rest now for santy's sake.
But, I might just be crazy after all, XD...I don't know everything, some times it takes me a day's time to come up with my own opinions. I call it philosophy for a reason, because I don't want to come off egotistical or as if I do have all the answers, I don't want to look that important or feel that important. It's not good for anyone.
Sports fans. I have to buy a wedding gift tomorrow.
1. The Backstreet Boys were the better singers. At least all five of them could carry lead vocals, while N Sync always left it to Justin and JC. That said, Justin Timberlake is more talented in every way than any other member of either band.
2. I let my sister have her way with the TV and radio way too much when we were kids.
3. I need to stay the fuck away from Youtube at 3 in the morning.
Its a sin!
Around noon it was all done, he installed the new line and here you go!
Now the Internet provider says it will take 3 days before I can use the Internet, but my friends who've gone through it say I should probably plan more like 3 weeks.
We'll see. Right now I have some access to a free wifi connexion so I'm good. But it's highly dependent on other people, which is why I wanted to get my own.
Or at least, they'd usually be on my mind. Atm, I'm preoccupied with having to move out of my mum's, only I don't have a place to move to yet. The cheapest single-bedroomed flats over here are £800pm+ and they're absolute shitholes. I earn £1,200pm (net) with two jobs (the full-time one is temporary), utilities would be about £200pm and food £150pm. When you factor in other things such as the occasional houseparty, night out, birthday gifts, yearly motorbike insurance, the evening course I plan to do at college in Sept and the councelling I'll inevitably have to pay for (also Sept. start), I'll not be able to cope. Not to mention flats are in much higher demand than supply here on this piece of rock the size of San Rafael.
Yeah, I couldn't move out even if I wanted to.
I think its something us young adults on the UK are going to have to accept.
Unless we get lucky, we are going to have to live with our parents for a long time, since the cost of independant living is getting ridiculously high.
I'm just lucky that I love being home with the family. I guess I'll probably never "grow up".
All the mates I have that have stable incomes already have a house full. With a stranger, it's a possibility but I have strange habits like wandering around in my dressing gown in the evenings and going for a dump at 2am. Not to mention I have a thing about communal areas (like kitchen and bathroom) being spotless or I start getting ratty.
Funnily enough, me and my best friend were talking about moving in together in a few years.
He suggested it, and I think its an excellent idea, (since we barely ever meet up since school finished, and we have so much fun together. We have such a great time, plus we probably wouldn't get in each others way really. My friend is normally a very late night, late morining person (by morning I mean afternoon! XD), whereas I normally go to bed around 2-3 am and get up at about 10-ish). Plus we both are quite reasonable and responsible people really, and we wouldn't do anything intentionally dickish.
Now you see, if my family and I got on, there wouldn't be a problem. I share the house with two messy teenage sisters, a mother who drinks and has peculiar OCD about some things that make no sense and a stepdad who behaves like a caveman.
I'd also like to have people round sometimes, and have a gf where she won't be continuously judged by my mother, who's been determined to think the worst in every girl I've introduced to her. I also want to do my own cooking and washing, so I can choose what I have and when they get done. I'd also like to play Guitar Hero without disturbing people (our walls allow every sound through, particularly my parents in bed next room).
That's just from my perspective and there are a few personal things I've left out. They find me difficult to tolerate.
About utilities, wow, how come it's that expensive? I'm honestly surprised, but it's also something you can't really do much about depending on where you live. Keep in mind smaller places require less electricity and heat though.
About the food, I've been having 10 euros a week left for groceries (food, cleaning stuff, hygiene stuff...), technically 20 euros but because I also use that money for clothing, laundry, transportation, etc, I usually only have half of it for the food itself.
Now, I know in Paris the food would cost more too. But I've never spent 150 pounds (or the equivalent) a month on just myself, is it that much pricier where you live?
Here there is a brand I've been using that's especially for people who struggle. It has basic food products but also stuff like dish soap or toilet paper. It's really, really cheap. (It's called €co+ if anyone cares). Maybe there is something similar for you? I always try that brand first. If their version of something doesn't taste good or doesn't work, I upgrade or do without.
This being said... If you don't hate living where you do, you might be better off saving up the money you earn. I'd say, try living at your parents' place while pretending you aren't. Try and set aside a "rent" amount, and one for utilities, etc. Of course you can actually pay them but the goal is to save up some of it, and mostly to learn to live on less so the shift isn't as big. If you're used to spending all the money you make, or a majority of it, on stuff like going out and entertainment, it's going to be really tough when you live alone despite working so hard.
Good luck with everything, I can absolutely relate with the need to be away from your parents and the need to have your intimacy respected. If you can find ways to make it work, good for you, but remember that any money you earn now that you don't have to pay all these bills is money that can help you later on, when you have to pay them and are a bit short. So, if you can delay and save up, go for it!
A few weeks shopping for a family of 5 costs around £200.
(200/5= £40 per person for about 2-3 weeks)
soooo.... yeah. Food, even when buying smart, is very pricey in the UK.
(And the utilities are soaring through the roof too! Funny that even before the price rise, these companies were reporting nice healthy profits, yet they always report that they are struggling... >:/)
But sitcoms make it look so easy!
I live in Guernsey (you're one of the few I know who will actually read it), not far from where you are currently, when compared to North America.
Seriously, the Channel Islands are ridiculously expensive, like Paris or London. There's limited space and a captive audience (travel to/from costs loads, we can live/work are not entitled to support in the UK and we're not allowed to work in the EU if our family going back two generations is all Island-bred without going through similar channels as to getting into the US), so the businesses and property owners can charge what they like.
A litre of milk costs £1.01 ($1.64/€1.15), the cheapest bread is about £1.30 ($2.10/€1.48) for 800g (about 2lb for US folks reading this). Most of the island uses imported oil for heating, which is getting too expensive. Electricity is mostly acquired via undersea cable link from France.
The typical buying prices for properties are as follows: £270k single-bedroom flat; 2-bed semi £350k; 3-bed family home £600k; converted farmhouses £1.3M+. Property owners charge rent based on property value rather than typical income.
Sales assistants in shops tend to earn £6.50-£8.50 per hour over 38-40 hours per week (some employers do higher Sunday rates, typically about £1.50/h more), foremen/labourers £10/h for 40 hours per week, junior office temps £10/h over 35 hours per week, Junior Office Admin £20k pa. Most young people fit into one of those categories. Hospitality jobs are mainly taken by foreign workers, who get paid about £7/h and they work up to 60 hours per week, working here for only 9 months at a time due to local housing law.
I work as a Compliance Assistant at £8.50/h over 35hpw (less than I should be getting) and 12 hours per week in a local supermarket chain, at £7.32/h, with more hours usually available somewhere if I want them. I used to work 22 hours for them but 3+ nights pw 6pm-midnight was making me very tired and falling asleep at my day job, so I had to reduce the nights to 1. So I went from £400pw net to £300pw net.
Thank you for being understanding. Unfortunately me living with the family isn't pleasant, and that's when we're all trying our best and being tolerant.