Why am I still trying to catch the time-specific Pokemon in Crystal when I have a GameShark? Seriously, if I wanted a Umbreon, I could just hack it. It's not like I'm going to play with with anyone else that still plays this game.
Damn, that is a hell of a way better song. But it's SO good I can't go to sleep now. Seems you're trying to take the piss out of me too. Ah, you're all against me. Shit. Piss.
I'm filling out an OKCupid profile right now and was at a loss for what to put for "The first things people usually notice about me". I'm just gonna quote this.
Oh DAISHI, I'd never live up to the likes of what you're used to.
In other news, I'm getting my costume together for SantaCon this weekend. I already knew I didn't want to go as a Santa, but only just decided that I'm not quite game enough to go as Jesus. So reindeer it is.
I wonder if I'll actually have a job after the holidays, because I keep getting laughed at every time I ask if a place is hiring for the last few days.
This is a Justice League of America comic...I'm an American....League implies a secret group. JLA are always lawful....Secret lawful....the first person to be shot with the beam is The Flash...and his name begins with an F. If you replace the first letter in lawful with an f, you get SECRET FAWFUL.
But WAIT....there's more....this comic is about a giant wheel of misfortune....a wheel is generally used as a tool for moving things...generally on asphalt....wait a minute....separate asphalt to ass and fault... He's saying that I, Secret Fawful, am an ass and a tool, everything is my fault, and he hopes I get NOTHING BUT MISFORTUNE. And if the wheel also represents the circle of life, and it ends with the death of a superhero I love, that's his way of also telling me he hopes my life ends soon.
This is a Justice League of America comic...I'm an American....League implies a secret group. JLA are always lawful....Secret lawful....the first person to be shot with the beam is The Flash...and his name begins with an F. If you replace the first letter in lawful with an f, you get SECRET FAWFUL.
But WAIT....there's more....this comic is about a giant wheel of misfortune....a wheel is generally used as a tool for moving things...generally on asphalt....wait a minute....separate asphalt to ass and fault... He's saying that I, Secret Fawful, am an ass and a tool, everything is my fault, and he hopes I get NOTHING BUT MISFORTUNE. And if the wheel also represents the circle of life, and it ends with the death of a superhero I love, that's his way of also telling me he hopes my life ends soon.
This officially makes you more of a conspiracy theorist than me and I'm the one that made my forum handle mean "Death Star".
This is a Justice League of America comic...I'm an American....League implies a secret group. JLA are always lawful....Secret lawful....the first person to be shot with the beam is The Flash...and his name begins with an F. If you replace the first letter in lawful with an f, you get SECRET FAWFUL.
But WAIT....there's more....this comic is about a giant wheel of misfortune....a wheel is generally used as a tool for moving things...generally on asphalt....wait a minute....separate asphalt to ass and fault... He's saying that I, Secret Fawful, am an ass and a tool, everything is my fault, and he hopes I get NOTHING BUT MISFORTUNE. And if the wheel also represents the circle of life, and it ends with the death of a superhero I love, that's his way of also telling me he hopes my life ends soon.
With completing my assignment, I have allowed myself to open Tales of the Abyss, further increasing my 3DS collection to 10 titles.
(well 11, if you include Shinobi, but thats a christmas present! ;D)
I have to say the best 3DS game for me so far is definately Mario Kart 7.
Its just so damn fun!
The worst one is Ghost Recon Shadow Warrior.
Not that its a bad game, its just no where near as good as Advance Wars, and every time I play it, I just want to play Dual Strike again.
It was a tough ride, but the 3DS is really beginning to catch its stride now.
Just keep releasing more solid first party titles Nintendo, and the good 3rd party stuff will begin to keep rolling in.
Two minutes on the way out of the house. And Josh didn't even reply. This only furthers to prove that he thinks me so lowly an insect I'm not even worthy of a response even if I find out his evil plans.
Two minutes on the way out of the house. And Josh didn't even reply. This only furthers to prove that he thinks me so lowly an insect I'm not even worthy of a response even if I find out his evil plans.
Fool! Here I was, stunned at your deductive prowess, and yet here you are now, missing the critical final clue! How did you not realize that my lack of a response was a clue in and of itself? The rabbit hole goes deeper than you know, grasshopper, and I'm not sure you want to know what is at the bottom of its twisting, labyrinthine passageways. But then, you were always too inquisitive for your own good, Fawful. I suspect you will follow the riddles and passageways, to your own demise!
Two minutes on the way out of the house. And Josh didn't even reply. This only furthers to prove that he thinks me so lowly an insect I'm not even worthy of a response even if I find out his evil plans.
Serves you right for not replying to Rock Me Amadeus. I've been waiting months for the right opportunity to use that.
Fool! Here I was, stunned at your deductive prowess, and yet here you are now, missing the critical final clue! How did you not realize that my lack of a response was a clue in and of itself? The rabbit hole goes deeper than you know, grasshopper, and I'm not sure you want to know what is at the bottom of its twisting, labyrinthine passageways. But then, you were always too inquisitive for your own good, Fawful. I suspect you will follow the riddles and passageways, to your own demise!
Now that you've done this for me, there's only one song that describes you and me....
Guru Guru, Dreaaaaam Weaver-
Unlike Dashing. He only wants to take the piss out of me for no conceivable reason.
I tried to listen, but the first chords are horrible and I got distracted by the link to Fleetwood Mac's You Can Go Your Own Way (yaaay).
You are full on mad.
Anyways, the superior link was Dreadlock Holiday by 10cc.
Fleetwood Mac always reminds me of my tipsy mother telling me how Albatross actually sounded like an albatross flying.
You win. Now I bed myself.
Well, rock me Amadeus!
I'm filling out an OKCupid profile right now and was at a loss for what to put for "The first things people usually notice about me". I'm just gonna quote this.
Oh hey, that was cool. Especially since I was downloading Caribbean-inspired selections from the Fool's Gold soundtrack (shuddup) earlier today.
Oh DAISHI, I'd never live up to the likes of what you're used to.
In other news, I'm getting my costume together for SantaCon this weekend. I already knew I didn't want to go as a Santa, but only just decided that I'm not quite game enough to go as Jesus. So reindeer it is.
...or pony lack-of-science as it seems.
Jumps in for this.
Oh hey that's funn- WAIT A MINUTE.
This is a Justice League of America comic...I'm an American....League implies a secret group. JLA are always lawful....Secret lawful....the first person to be shot with the beam is The Flash...and his name begins with an F. If you replace the first letter in lawful with an f, you get SECRET FAWFUL.
But WAIT....there's more....this comic is about a giant wheel of misfortune....a wheel is generally used as a tool for moving things...generally on asphalt....wait a minute....separate asphalt to ass and fault... He's saying that I, Secret Fawful, am an ass and a tool, everything is my fault, and he hopes I get NOTHING BUT MISFORTUNE. And if the wheel also represents the circle of life, and it ends with the death of a superhero I love, that's his way of also telling me he hopes my life ends soon.
This should be everyone's theme song.
This officially makes you more of a conspiracy theorist than me and I'm the one that made my forum handle mean "Death Star".
Bravo. How long did you spend on that one?
(well 11, if you include Shinobi, but thats a christmas present! ;D)
I have to say the best 3DS game for me so far is definately Mario Kart 7.
Its just so damn fun!
The worst one is Ghost Recon Shadow Warrior.
Not that its a bad game, its just no where near as good as Advance Wars, and every time I play it, I just want to play Dual Strike again.
It was a tough ride, but the 3DS is really beginning to catch its stride now.
Just keep releasing more solid first party titles Nintendo, and the good 3rd party stuff will begin to keep rolling in.
Two minutes on the way out of the house. And Josh didn't even reply. This only furthers to prove that he thinks me so lowly an insect I'm not even worthy of a response even if I find out his evil plans.
Knowing this is critical.
Serves you right for not replying to Rock Me Amadeus. I've been waiting months for the right opportunity to use that.
You responded almost too easily. I don't like it.
Only you...