The "whatever's on your mind" thread



  • edited December 2011
    The only monster I remember drawing as a kid was The Blob. Because it was easy. I also gave it a smiley face because I thought it might be tired of looking angry all the time.
  • edited December 2011
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    Behold The Monster Engine: children's drawings of monsters, painted realistically.

    I love what's probably gone on in that kid's head to produce the last one.

    That's amazing.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2011
    The comments are kind of hilarious too.
    deb wrote:
    Kids’ drawings are fun to look at and the kids are using their developing skills in order to try to represent what they see or imagine. The fact that they are unable to render a true representation of this is what seems to have led to these slightly sinister paintings. They are not seeing or imagining such sinister things, they just do not yet have the skills needed to show us what they are seeing and imagining.
    Bob wrote:
    Yeah, the one with the skeleton on a crucifix was probably meant to be a bunny.

    On a crucifix.
  • edited December 2011
    Looking at the comments on that Monster Engine, I already don't like the person who said this was disrespectful of the children's artwork. Honestly, when I was a kid, I had someone turn my Blob drawings into professional looking comic book art and I was ecstatic. It made such a positive impression on me that I still remember it in great deal 15 years later.

    And puzzlebox...I think the guy that said kids are not imagining sinister things has forgotten what it was like to be a kid. Either that...or I'm a very strange and disturbing person.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2011
    Looking at the comments on that Monster Engine, I already don't like the person who said this was disrespectful of the children's artwork.

    Totally agree... it's a shame the main site seems to be unavailable at the moment, there's supposed to be an interview with DeVries on there where he explains how he went about it (having the kids explain the concept behind their drawings etc).
    Honestly, when I was a kid, I had someone turn my Blob drawings into professional looking comic book art and I was ecstatic. It made such a positive impression on me that I still remember it in great deal 15 years later.

    What an awesome thing to happen. Any chance you or your parents still have that stuff?
  • edited December 2011

    Well, this is frustrating. I want to pay with my credit card, but because I just set up my Paypal account to sell on eBay (by verifying my bank account, and then receiving payment, giving me a Paypal balance), Paypal won't let me use my credit card to pay for it if I log in, only my bank account or my Paypal balance. So I tried paying without logging in. Paypal won't let me use my own information without logging into my account. So I'm pretty much screwed.
  • edited December 2011
    WHOO!! After a month of e-mailing back and forth, I finally got something good from EA after telling them they are preventing consumers from doing business with them every time they issue an account suspension! It feels good to have someone in the higher ups go "Wow, uhm, oops. Our bad. We didn't know that was going on, and we'll fix it straight away, especially since it affects our bottom line."
  • edited December 2011
    puzzlebox wrote: »
    What an awesome thing to happen. Any chance you or your parents still have that stuff?

    My mom probably still has it. Basically, it was this comic book class at the local library that I went to when I was somewhere around seven or eight. It was intended for highschoolers, but they allowed me to come anyway with my Blob drawings. And at the end of the class (which was several weeks long) the instructor made a professional style comic book that used all the characters that we'd drawn, done in his art style. It was fantastic, though I do often wish I had been a bit older at the time so that I could have gotten more out of the class.
  • edited December 2011
    Well, this is frustrating. I want to pay with my credit card, but because I just set up my Paypal account to sell on eBay (by verifying my bank account, and then receiving payment, giving me a Paypal balance), Paypal won't let me use my credit card to pay for it if I log in, only my bank account or my Paypal balance. So I tried paying without logging in. Paypal won't let me use my own information without logging into my account. So I'm pretty much screwed.

    Resolved. As soon as my Paypal balance was empty, the credit card option reappeared. And even then, they still popped up with a warning box strongly encouraging me to use my bank account instead, which wasn't really an option, since the contents of my bank account are now my cousin's eBay profits. So yeah, if you give Paypal any other payment option, it's like pulling teeth to get them to let you use a credit card.
  • edited December 2011
    It's true. They have my bank account that is almost ALWAYS my least-preferred method of payment, and I can't set the credit card as the default payment. I have to change it EVERY TIME, and EVERY TIME they give me that warning box where they use misleading button colors to try and coax people into using the bank account.
  • edited December 2011
    As annoying as that is, I don't mind it compared to what happens when you try to pay with a balance on your Paypal account. If they're holding onto any of your money for you, you don't even get the option to pay with a credit card. Here's hoping we start to see Google Wallet start to edge Paypal out.
  • edited December 2011


    I have nothing to [SNIP].
  • edited December 2011
    The picture of the dude with ducks for eyes was rather horrifying.
  • edited December 2011
    I used to do doodles like that all the times as a kid.
    (In fact I still do the odd doodle here and there)

    I must have more doodles than actual notes in my secondary school notepads! XD

    I've always thought a good imagination is essential for growth, so I've tried to maintain mine over the years. Thinking up ideas, and doing the occasional drawing.

    I sometimes like to just do random scribblings, then try to build a picture out of them just to squeeze some creativity out of myself.

    *sigh* I wish I was just a bit better at art. I curse my clumbsy hands and lack of patience! >:/

    I think my creative spark is still there, I just need the focus and the resources to utilise it.
    (I could do with an artist to turn my doodles into art, thats for sure! XD (Maybe a good musician, and coder to go with eh?))
  • edited December 2011
    My college notebooks still have doodles in them. One of the reasons I keep all my notes. Couldn't care less about the actual information in them, but the doodles...

    I'll have to take a few pictures of the better ones to post in the art thread. Maybe the WTF ones as well. I have the entire cast of DBZ drawn in varied degrees of fail.
  • edited December 2011
    With this masterstroke, I make everyone on Telltale hate me... more.
  • edited December 2011
    1. Luckily I have my browser set up so that YouTube videos automatically are paused and have to be manually started by me.
    2. I read that as "Donkey Kong Rape", making me think for a split second that it was some entirely different form of monstrosity.
  • edited December 2011
    With this masterstroke, I make everyone on Telltale hate me... more.

    I use to love that song. :D Haven't heard it in ages.
  • edited December 2011
    With this masterstroke, I make everyone on Telltale hate me... more.

    Actually, I love that song, and game, so....FAILURE.
  • edited December 2011
    I used to enjoy overused memes.

    Then I heard about "took an arrow to the knee".
  • edited December 2011
    With this masterstroke, I make everyone on Telltale hate me... more.

    How about this masterstroke?
  • edited December 2011
    I used to enjoy overused memes.

    Then I heard about "took an arrow to the knee".

    I used to like took an arrow to the knee until I took an arrow to the knee.
  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni
    edited December 2011
    I had to check Know Your Meme.

    Then I had to make this.

  • edited December 2011
    Scnew wrote: »
    I used to like took an arrow to the knee until I took an arrow to the knee.

    I used to enjoy taking arrows to the knee until I actually took an arrow to the knee.
  • edited December 2011
    Hurt myself at work today... in a stupid way. -.- Messed up my bad knee again. Oh well. Tomorrow's my day off so I'm going to stay off it and bother people on the internet and watch movies.

    edit: I, actually, didn't read the posts before this one prior to posting. No, it wasn't an arrow.
  • edited December 2011
    [resists urge to ask if knee injury was in any way arrow related]

    That sucks, I hope you feel better. Long term injuries are no fun whatsoever. I haven't had much experience, outside my tendonitis that never seems to go away, but yeah...even that's not terribly great.
  • edited December 2011
    I'll be fine. It just takes time. Got almost all my shopping done already(the rest I can do online). Just going to relax, maybe have a few drinks, and do little else. Then back to work Thursday. I have painkillers if I need them.
  • edited December 2011
    To the person who said OCRemix needs to rethink the theme of their album projects: I now agree with you.

    Their latest album, BadAss: Boss Themes, is heavy on the rock and metal genre. Why? Because that's badass for a boss theme? I'm sorry, but no. And the best track on there is a cinematic orchestration of Dr. Wily's theme, which sounds more badass than the other 17 tracks on there!
  • edited December 2011
    That might have been me. OCRemix's authors, while sometimes talented, often lack vision.
  • edited December 2011
    I used to feel unique in this thread because I took an arrow to the knee

    Then I took an arrow to the knee.
  • edited December 2011
    Dog! I hathe deing sik.

    I got workt od to, but I swant ti splee.

  • edited December 2011
    Yo guys, remember this one?


    I bet not.
  • edited December 2011
    Skyrim: The Opera

    Make. It. Happen.


  • edited December 2011
    Skyrim: The Opera
    Why not? There's already a Mario Opera.
  • edited December 2011
    To all you forumites whom insist on using this latest Internet meme involving the phrase "shot by an arrow"; please take this friendly and polite piece of advice...

    Go fourth to your mother's pantry and have her direct you to the meats. In the relevant section, find and suck on the rear of a roast suckling sow. Please do then proceed to have your wicked way with the festering old hog, followed by the sow. Then devour the remaing scraps of meat that now reside in your own succulent, filthy juices.

    For you see, I know not of that which you refer to as the "arrow" meme. Nor do I care to educate myself on such matters. 'Tis not humouress but nowt but an annoyance. As an attempt to share my feelings of utter contempt for you handful rabble of shameful in-jokers, I communicate to you with these words and these words only...

    Nig noog a shoob, you bunch of mally koobers... yeah, you heard me!
    The only monster I remember drawing as a kid was The Blob. Because it was easy. I also gave it a smiley face because I thought it might be tired of looking angry all the time.

    Aaaaaannnnd... the most adorable moment of the year award, goes to Alcoremortis; for her story of the angry Blob who learned to smile by the grace of her creator's hand.
    GaryCXJk wrote: »
    Yo guys, remember this one?


    Hmm, I never did feel that the over-reliance upon CGI in the newer episodes of Scooby Doo panned out. I guess that they should have hired someone with a little more subtlety to executive produce than George Lucas. Still at least the Lucas empire is doing something with the Monkey Island brand.
  • edited December 2011
    Davies wrote: »
    Aaaaaannnnd... the most adorable moment of the year award, goes to Alcoremortis; for her story of the angry Blob who learned to smile by the grace of her creator's hand.

    Yay! I've never gotten an Adorable Moment of the Year Award before. First, I'd like to thank everyone who helped me...[insert long thank you list here...I'm lazy].
  • edited December 2011
    Yay! I've never gotten an Adorable Moment of the Year Award before. First, I'd like to thank everyone who helped me...[insert long thank you list here...I'm lazy].

    No, The Blob thanks you... The Blob thanks you.
  • edited December 2011
    And puzzlebox...I think the guy that said kids are not imagining sinister things has forgotten what it was like to be a kid. Either that...or I'm a very strange and disturbing person.

  • edited December 2011
    Alcoremortis wishes she could be as cool as me when she grows up.
This discussion has been closed.