Oh, so you all wanted to follow the latest Internet meme, as if it were Jesus Christ himself?! Well, now is the hour of judgement, now is the tolling of the bell, you sheep like mortals.
"Your use of tiresome memes shall be repaid with the blood of a thousand virgins."
From this day forth; the meme "bummed in the gob" shall be your shadow. It shall haunt you in your nightmares, it shall consume your every waking hour.
Nah. It should've been a longer list. If you're going to get banned, might as well rank everyone for bragging purposes.
I agree.
Getting banned is one of the things I've never achieved on this forum. Maybe I'm too accustomed to playing console games, where every significant action you perform earns you a trophy but not being banned from this dojo brings me sorrow.
You heard it here first; my new year's resolution is to get banned from this forum, in the vein hope of unlocking some kind of "troll master" trophy.
You're reward is a horrendous hangover and a feeling of deep regret.
And you are reward is a book of grammar. I am typing especially carefully so as to not fuck up and appear to be drunk even though... oh my god... my head... I am now out of booze. I need more booze. I am going to a party on Friday. Hopefully, they will let me take home the spare booze. Until then, soberchris. Also, fiancee is drinking more just to make me jealous because she is not as drunk as me. This is now a stream of consciousness blog. Shut up, don't look at me. Headdeskdie
What exactly is that supposed to mean?
It's the plural of Winslow. You can say Winslow, but not ******** for some probably related to Monkey Island reason.
To test this out, ********
Maybe It's like the **** Poppers
EDIT: Wow, I can't believe that actually worked.
********. Winslow's
Soda Poppers
I miss your looong signature!
Yeah, but this one whores out my web presence much more effectively.
You were not on the list.
"Your use of tiresome memes shall be repaid with the blood of a thousand virgins."
From this day forth; the meme "bummed in the gob" shall be your shadow. It shall haunt you in your nightmares, it shall consume your every waking hour.
Bummed in the gob.
Hoist by your own petard, you shall be.
Bummed in the gob.
And what sentence would that be? [/le me being a jackass]
That is a scary sentence!
I miss Telltaled there I wasn't judged!
Has anyone seen my plectrum?
I regularly piss in people's drinks and drink people's piss.
... Well, I've got to do something with my Saturday nights!
Theres so many fetishes I'm learning about tonight.
You must be new to this whole 'Internet' thing.
I can use the interweb as well as the next gnarly surfer!
"Dag nabit! I can can use this inter-ma-thingy-whatsist as well as the next young whipper-snapper hoodlum!"
"Ya hear me? You scruffy ruffians, with ya i-brain gizmos!"
"Back in my day, if we wanted to communicate; we wrote a letter and sent it by way of Her Majesty's Royal Mail."
"It would take 47 years for the recipient to receive their post."
"They were the days I tells ya."
I just chugged an eighth of a bottle of Maker's Mark just now to the A-Team theme song for my fiancee's amusal. Did I a win guys?
You're reward is a horrendous hangover and a feeling of deep regret.
I agree.
Getting banned is one of the things I've never achieved on this forum. Maybe I'm too accustomed to playing console games, where every significant action you perform earns you a trophy but not being banned from this dojo brings me sorrow.
You heard it here first; my new year's resolution is to get banned from this forum, in the vein hope of unlocking some kind of "troll master" trophy.
Not enough Drunk yet...
And you are reward is a book of grammar. I am typing especially carefully so as to not fuck up and appear to be drunk even though... oh my god... my head... I am now out of booze. I need more booze. I am going to a party on Friday. Hopefully, they will let me take home the spare booze. Until then, soberchris. Also, fiancee is drinking more just to make me jealous because she is not as drunk as me. This is now a stream of consciousness blog. Shut up, don't look at me. Headdeskdie