From what I've been reading, many people in Congress realize just how stifling this bill would be to the technology sector of American industry.
You seem to be mistaking Congress for something that passes intelligent legislation.
If it does pass, it won't be the first time they've passed something blatantly unconstitutional that will be eventually shot down. One thing they may not be counting on, though: The more they do this sort of thing, the more the rest of the world will realize that they need to make arrangements to reduce the U.S.'s ability to affect their Internet connectivity.
"In the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms. The first is freedom of speech and expression—everywhere in the world. The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way—everywhere in the world. The third is freedom from want—which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy peacetime life for its inhabitants—everywhere in the world. The fourth is freedom from fear—which, translated into world terms, means a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor—anywhere in the world. That is no vision of a distant millennium. It is a definite basis for a kind of world attainable in our own time and generation. That kind of world is the very antithesis of the so-called new order of tyranny which the dictators seek to create with the crash of a bomb.—Franklin D. Roosevelt, excerpted from the State of the Union Address to the Congress, January 6, 1941"
Was reminded from the framed Norman Rockwell prints my grandparents have in their computer room. I think more people need to remember.
The problem is that the people that need to remember also happen to abhor FDR because he created "socialist entitlement programs" or whatever other buzzwords they're throwing around these days.
I dunno. The very same grandparents who have this stuff up are pretty libertarian and are against socialism, not that I agree with them, but that doesn't mean they don't hold up and support these freedoms.
It seems most politicians (and even several political civilians), no matter which political view they take, purposely spread fear for their own benefit which clouds a normal person's capacity to reason. Because of this, other freedoms start being stripped away. Sensationalism is ruining this country and we let it rule over us.
On a side note, it's starting annoying to hear people say liberal or conservative as a slur. It's completely stupid. Or throwing around communist and fascist in general.
On a side note, it's starting annoying to hear people say liberal or conservative as a slur. It's completely stupid. Or throwing around communist and fascist in general.
I agree. I largely blame the media and political pundits (eg. Rush Limbaugh) for this.
To be perfectly honest, anyone who says "Rush Limbaugh/Sean Hannity said the other day..." gives me an overwhelming urge to roll my eyes in annoyance.
It also occurs to me that if the government regulated business as little as the Libertarian ideal would have them do so, we would go right back to the laissez-faire period in the past, where small children worked long hours in dangerous jobs; and sweat shop workers died in textile factory fires, having been locked inside.
I blame Congress and their high school behavior. Seriously, tweeting about how the Senator who has the floor is boring while she's speaking? That's not a politician; that's a high school student.
And last I check, I didn't elect a high school student to represent my district.
I blame Congress and their high school behavior. Seriously, tweeting about how the Senator who has the floor is boring while she's speaking? That's not a politician; that's a high school student.
And last I check, I didn't elect a high school student to represent my district.
Rush Limbaugh said the other day; "think what you may about my political beliefs but you simply can not deny that my name is awesome. Whoop whoop."
lol. I mean anyone who refers to something he said as though he's sincere or has any idea what he's talking about. Personally, I think he's just a well funded troll.
Not Lincoln. He only freed the slaves out of political conveniece and suspended habeas corpus whilst invading a sovereign nation.
Abe Lincoln, New York Tribune, 22 August, 1862
"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that."
He was a politician and a tyrant, not an emancipator.
I just read this article and was rather frightened when I realized how true it was. It made me analyze things that I do almost unconsciously every single day, like plan walking routes based on safety, judge every person I meet to see if they are a potential threat, and cut off all communication with anyone who appears that way. It also made me realize that guys don't really think about these things and often don't have close family members who warn them about assault stories all the time.
TL;DR: All guys should read this article. Girls too, I guess. It's eye-opening.
True, but high schoolers know how to use the internet and why it is an important creative tool for expression, which these politicians clearly don't. All they think the internet is full of is pirates and thieves because that's what the entertainment industry tells them.
Hell, the Regal Cinema I went to last week to watch Hugo had an anti-streaming bumper in front of their trailer pack! They visually said in about 30 seconds "Don't stream movies. Either watch them here in our overpriced theater or don't come at all."
He is awesome. I was reading this article and I really had a hard time believing it was a dude writing it, because he was so right. I realized that by the time I was in high school, I had the story from my mother about how she was assaulted twice, a story about another female student from my school who was raped, and the story of my cousin who abused by her boyfriend and then had to hide with my father for awhile until he went away. And I'm from a relatively well off professional class family in a decent part of town! I can't imagine what the stories must be like from poorer neighborhoods. Why doesn't society talk about these sorts of things instead of whether two men want to get married?
I just read this article and was rather frightened when I realized how true it was. It made me analyze things that I do almost unconsciously every single day, like plan walking routes based on safety, judge every person I meet to see if they are a potential threat, and cut off all communication with anyone who appears that way. It also made me realize that guys don't really think about these things and often don't have close family members who warn them about assault stories all the time.
TL;DR: All guys should read this article. Girls too, I guess. It's eye-opening.
BOOKMARKED for when I have less pressing matters which require my attention. Someone has go on a lone wolf rampage against the Thalmor, after all.
He is awesome. I was reading this article and I really had a hard time believing it was a dude writing it, because he was so right. I realized that by the time I was in high school, I had the story from my mother about how she was assaulted twice, a story about another female student from my school who was raped, and the story of my cousin who abused by her boyfriend and then had to hide with my father for awhile until he went away. And I'm from a relatively well off professional class family in a decent part of town! I can't imagine what the stories must be like from poorer neighborhoods. Why doesn't society talk about these sorts of things instead of whether two men want to get married?
Because people are petty and afraid to tackle the shit that matters?
The article about perception was interesting yet nothing really new and surprising. I, myself, am actually perceived(once you get to know me, not just random posts) as a really great guy....while I don't really think I am. Obviously, how you act and what you think are two separate thing. Now, I was raised proper and hit for what was deemed improper behaviour. I may not always think ethically or what is perceived as nicely, I guess I do restrain "properly". Generally, if someone gains my respect and admiration, I go out of my way to treat them better than they treat me.... no matter how far I have to go. Personally, I think I'm bordering on "crazy" rather than "greatness", but I suppose everyone likes to feel better about themselves.
I just read this article and was rather frightened when I realized how true it was. It made me analyze things that I do almost unconsciously every single day, like plan walking routes based on safety, judge every person I meet to see if they are a potential threat, and cut off all communication with anyone who appears that way. It also made me realize that guys don't really think about these things and often don't have close family members who warn them about assault stories all the time.
TL;DR: All guys should read this article. Girls too, I guess. It's eye-opening.
BOOKMARKED for when I have less pressing matters which require my attention. Someone has go on a lone wolf rampage against the Thalmor, after all.
He is awesome. I was reading this article and I really had a hard time believing it was a dude writing it, because he was so right. I realized that by the time I was in high school, I had the story from my mother about how she was assaulted twice, a story about another female student from my school who was raped, and the story of my cousin who abused by her boyfriend and then had to hide with my father for awhile until he went away. And I'm from a relatively well off professional class family in a decent part of town! I can't imagine what the stories must be like from poorer neighborhoods. Why doesn't society talk about these sorts of things instead of whether two men want to get married?
Because people are petty and afraid to tackle the shit that matters?
REPOSTING because I hate when my posts get buried.
The funny thing about Dr. Nerdlove is that he's been getting a lot of attention now that Kotaku caught sight of his Nerd Male Privilege article. (Which he admits he threw together at the last second because he didn't know what to write about for that week.)
Before then? He suffered the wrath of the Twilight fans by releasing an article about how bad of a influence that movie will be to teenage relationship mentality... ON THE RELEASE WEEKEND OF BREAKING DAWN!
fore then? He suffered the wrath of the Twilight fans by releasing an article about how bad of a influence that movie will be to teenage relationship mentality... ON THE RELEASE WEEKEND OF BREAKING DAWN!
...those movies actually have an effect on people?
Yeah the Male Privilege article was how I found the one that I linked to. It was pretty damn good, but I felt like it didn't really apply to me so much because I'm of the jeans and T-shirt wearing nerd-girl crowd and mainly meet people with my interests on the internet. I mean, there's always a bit of a to do when I announce I'm a girl and stuff but by this point, I honestly don't care anymore. Though I do have this one guy who still facebook messages me constantly because I once said that I liked Star Trek. I didn't even like the same series that he did. But I don't have the heart to unfriend him...unless he starts messaging me again late at night when I'm trying to go to sleep.
[Dr. Nerdlove] suffered the wrath of the Twilight fans by releasing an article about how bad of a influence that movie will be to teenage relationship mentality... ON THE RELEASE WEEKEND OF BREAKING DAWN!
My mother likes the Twilight books and movies a lot, and she even reads various Twilight fan-fiction stories. She asked me a couple of weeks ago why it is that many people are so ugly and mean about the Twilight series. I told her it's because many people are trolls, and Twilight has become the most recently popular thing to troll about.
Yeah the Male Privilege article was how I found the one that I linked to. It was pretty damn good, but I felt like it didn't really apply to me so much because I'm of the jeans and T-shirt wearing nerd-girl crowd and mainly meet people with my interests on the internet. I mean, there's always a bit of a to do when I announce I'm a girl and stuff but by this point, I honestly don't care anymore. Though I do have this one guy who still facebook messages me constantly because I once said that I liked Star Trek. I didn't even like the same series that he did. But I don't have the heart to unfriend him...unless he starts messaging me again late at night when I'm trying to go to sleep.
Occasionally, heartlessness has its uses. Go for it. Better yet, change your password and let me do it for you and then change it back. Your hands will be clean of the matter and I get to be useful! Everyone wins! Except him.
For the record, I have read the Twilight books and didn't really like them that much. However, I can see the value in my mother wanting to enjoy something and to share in her enjoyment of it with other people without having to deal with hearing/reading people crap on it all the time.
Though I do have this one guy who still facebook messages me constantly because I once said that I liked Star Trek. I didn't even like the same series that he did. But I don't have the heart to unfriend him...unless he starts messaging me again late at night when I'm trying to go to sleep.
Thats....pretty damn creepy...
If you don't know the person. I'd say make a Facebook post saying your going to purge the friend list of people you don't know too well, to unclutter your news feed, then remove him and some other people. Only fair.
I wouldn't be upset if someone removed me from their friend list.
Especially if it wasn't someone I knew too well.
(I have a few people on mine added for group work convenience. I haven't removed them yet, since I suspect they wouldn't care about what I post, since I don't care about what they post...)
Besides, the only Star Trek series worth watching is Next Generation! XD
My mother likes the Twilight books and movies a lot, and she even reads various Twilight fan-fiction stories. She asked me a couple of weeks ago why it is that many people are so ugly and mean about the Twilight series. I told her it's because many people are trolls, and Twilight has become the most recently popular thing to troll about.
I read Twilight and found it to be rather insulting to me as a woman. Bella is a completely useless Sue who has an unhealthy dependence on her boyfriend. I didn't get the romance at all. What I got was a rather shallow girl who ignores all the "real" boys, some of whom I found to be rather nice and endearing in the story to go after the hottest one who then likes her because of her...smell?
I don't know. It's not that I hate the story because it's got sparkly vamps in it (though I did burst out laughing when I read that). It's that this story sums up everything that I hate about attitudes towards women. Even though everyone preaches equality and shit, if a woman isn't married by the time she turns thirty, she has failed. It's alright for a man to be a bachelor forever, but a woman becomes an old maid. And the emphasis that the Twilight books put on having a boyfriend, as well as the way Bella ceases to function when that boyfriend is taken away from her simply reinforces this societal ideology. And I hate that.
If you don't know the person. I'd say make a Facebook post saying your going to purge the friend list of people you don't know too well, to unclutter your news feed, then remove him and some other people. Only fair.
I wouldn't be upset if someone removed me from their friend list.
Especially if it wasn't someone I knew too well.
(I have a few people on mine added for group work convenience. I haven't removed them yet, since I suspect they wouldn't care about what I post, since I don't care about what they post...)
Besides, the only Star Trek series worth watching is Next Generation! XD
Well, I know him well enough to know that I could drop kick this guy out the door if I had to. Actually, I could even probably outrun him pretty easily, he's not really in shape. I'm not worried about being assaulted or anything. He just really annoys me.
My mother likes the Twilight books and movies a lot, and she even reads various Twilight fan-fiction stories. She asked me a couple of weeks ago why it is that many people are so ugly and mean about the Twilight series. I told her it's because many people are trolls, and Twilight has become the most recently popular thing to troll about.
For the record, I have read the Twilight books and didn't really like them that much. However, I can see the value in my mother wanting to enjoy something and to share in her enjoyment of it with other people without having to deal with hearing/reading people crap on it all the time.
Dr. Nerdlove is in a very odd position from what he's said about the books and film. I'm honestly not sure if he is in True Neutral territory or not. His fiance, who is THE hot librarian that fantasies come from, is in True Neutral territory from what I understand. She doesn't like the stories or the books, but understand their place for some people as pure romantic fantasy on the "It's so bad, it's good" level for some. A modern Harlequin Romance, if you will. However, the two of them both agree that these books and their movies are going to be the source of influencing and supporting bad relationship choices among teenagers of this generation, mostly because the message they will take away from them is "Does my boyfriend love me?"
For the record, I have read the Twilight books and didn't really like them that much. However, I can see the value in my mother wanting to enjoy something and to share in her enjoyment of it with other people without having to deal with hearing/reading people crap on it all the time.
Whatever issues there are with the books/films, it wouldn't be nearly as bad if not for the more extreme sector of the fanbase. Take away the Twihards and you end up with a piece of writing that most people find mediocre at best but don't really care much about. But throw in that overzealous fanbase and you give people (and by people, I mean the internet) something to hate on and ridicule.
Try to take over the world!!!
America doesn't care about the rest of the world, so why should the rest of the world care about America?
Everybody knows trying isn't enough. You have to do it. Believe it!
Also, check 4:00.
Congratulations! You'll be spending that on all your Telltale friends, right?
You seem to be mistaking Congress for something that passes intelligent legislation.
If it does pass, it won't be the first time they've passed something blatantly unconstitutional that will be eventually shot down. One thing they may not be counting on, though: The more they do this sort of thing, the more the rest of the world will realize that they need to make arrangements to reduce the U.S.'s ability to affect their Internet connectivity.
...notice no one's asking for the Blackberry pie?
Was reminded from the framed Norman Rockwell prints my grandparents have in their computer room. I think more people need to remember.
It seems most politicians (and even several political civilians), no matter which political view they take, purposely spread fear for their own benefit which clouds a normal person's capacity to reason. Because of this, other freedoms start being stripped away. Sensationalism is ruining this country and we let it rule over us.
On a side note, it's starting annoying to hear people say liberal or conservative as a slur. It's completely stupid. Or throwing around communist and fascist in general.
I agree. I largely blame the media and political pundits (eg. Rush Limbaugh) for this.
To be perfectly honest, anyone who says "Rush Limbaugh/Sean Hannity said the other day..." gives me an overwhelming urge to roll my eyes in annoyance.
It also occurs to me that if the government regulated business as little as the Libertarian ideal would have them do so, we would go right back to the laissez-faire period in the past, where small children worked long hours in dangerous jobs; and sweat shop workers died in textile factory fires, having been locked inside.
And last I check, I didn't elect a high school student to represent my district.
Hey, that's not fair to high school students.
Rush Limbaugh said the other day; "think what you may about my political beliefs but you simply can not deny that my name is awesome. Whoop whoop."
lol. I mean anyone who refers to something he said as though he's sincere or has any idea what he's talking about. Personally, I think he's just a well funded troll.
1. Theodore Roosevelt
2. Franklin Delano Roosevelt
3. Richard Milhous Nixon
4. Dwight David Eisenhower
5. George Washington
He was a politician and a tyrant, not an emancipator.
TL;DR: All guys should read this article. Girls too, I guess. It's eye-opening.
True, but high schoolers know how to use the internet and why it is an important creative tool for expression, which these politicians clearly don't. All they think the internet is full of is pirates and thieves because that's what the entertainment industry tells them.
Hell, the Regal Cinema I went to last week to watch Hugo had an anti-streaming bumper in front of their trailer pack! They visually said in about 30 seconds "Don't stream movies. Either watch them here in our overpriced theater or don't come at all."
He's a friend of mine.
He is awesome. I was reading this article and I really had a hard time believing it was a dude writing it, because he was so right. I realized that by the time I was in high school, I had the story from my mother about how she was assaulted twice, a story about another female student from my school who was raped, and the story of my cousin who abused by her boyfriend and then had to hide with my father for awhile until he went away. And I'm from a relatively well off professional class family in a decent part of town! I can't imagine what the stories must be like from poorer neighborhoods. Why doesn't society talk about these sorts of things instead of whether two men want to get married?
BOOKMARKED for when I have less pressing matters which require my attention. Someone has go on a lone wolf rampage against the Thalmor, after all.
Because people are petty and afraid to tackle the shit that matters?
BOOKMARKED for when I have less pressing matters which require my attention. Someone has go on a lone wolf rampage against the Thalmor, after all.
Because people are petty and afraid to tackle the shit that matters?
REPOSTING because I hate when my posts get buried.
Before then? He suffered the wrath of the Twilight fans by releasing an article about how bad of a influence that movie will be to teenage relationship mentality... ON THE RELEASE WEEKEND OF BREAKING DAWN!
...those movies actually have an effect on people?
Stupid people.
Ah. The same demographic that enjoys those movies. I understand the problem now. They must be stopped!!!
My mother likes the Twilight books and movies a lot, and she even reads various Twilight fan-fiction stories. She asked me a couple of weeks ago why it is that many people are so ugly and mean about the Twilight series. I told her it's because many people are trolls, and Twilight has become the most recently popular thing to troll about.
The worst part is that they then breed and raise their children to be idiots.
Occasionally, heartlessness has its uses. Go for it. Better yet, change your password and let me do it for you and then change it back. Your hands will be clean of the matter and I get to be useful! Everyone wins! Except him.
Thats....pretty damn creepy...
If you don't know the person. I'd say make a Facebook post saying your going to purge the friend list of people you don't know too well, to unclutter your news feed, then remove him and some other people. Only fair.
I wouldn't be upset if someone removed me from their friend list.
Especially if it wasn't someone I knew too well.
(I have a few people on mine added for group work convenience. I haven't removed them yet, since I suspect they wouldn't care about what I post, since I don't care about what they post...)
Besides, the only Star Trek series worth watching is Next Generation! XD
I read Twilight and found it to be rather insulting to me as a woman. Bella is a completely useless Sue who has an unhealthy dependence on her boyfriend. I didn't get the romance at all. What I got was a rather shallow girl who ignores all the "real" boys, some of whom I found to be rather nice and endearing in the story to go after the hottest one who then likes her because of her...smell?
I don't know. It's not that I hate the story because it's got sparkly vamps in it (though I did burst out laughing when I read that). It's that this story sums up everything that I hate about attitudes towards women. Even though everyone preaches equality and shit, if a woman isn't married by the time she turns thirty, she has failed. It's alright for a man to be a bachelor forever, but a woman becomes an old maid. And the emphasis that the Twilight books put on having a boyfriend, as well as the way Bella ceases to function when that boyfriend is taken away from her simply reinforces this societal ideology. And I hate that.
Well, I know him well enough to know that I could drop kick this guy out the door if I had to. Actually, I could even probably outrun him pretty easily, he's not really in shape. I'm not worried about being assaulted or anything. He just really annoys me.
Dr. Nerdlove is in a very odd position from what he's said about the books and film. I'm honestly not sure if he is in True Neutral territory or not. His fiance, who is THE hot librarian that fantasies come from, is in True Neutral territory from what I understand. She doesn't like the stories or the books, but understand their place for some people as pure romantic fantasy on the "It's so bad, it's good" level for some. A modern Harlequin Romance, if you will. However, the two of them both agree that these books and their movies are going to be the source of influencing and supporting bad relationship choices among teenagers of this generation, mostly because the message they will take away from them is "Does my boyfriend love me?"
The above video is not a joke. This is the genuine reaction of a Twilight fan to the trailer to Breaking Wind Dawn.
And the following video is the genuine reaction of Professor Fansworth to the fan's reaction...
... I'm with Professor Fansworth on this one.
Whatever issues there are with the books/films, it wouldn't be nearly as bad if not for the more extreme sector of the fanbase. Take away the Twihards and you end up with a piece of writing that most people find mediocre at best but don't really care much about. But throw in that overzealous fanbase and you give people (and by people, I mean the internet) something to hate on and ridicule.