Your all a bunch of fucking assholes. You know why? because you don't have the guts to be what you want to be. You need people like me....You need people like me to point your fucking fingers at me and say thats the troll guy! So whats that make people like you huh? Good? Your not good! You just know how to hide the truth when you lie. Me.. I don't got that power...Me...I always tell the truth...Even when i lie!
last time your ever going to see a troll like me let me tell you
I know you'll still be kicking about here after your next ban and I think you need to know this.
You are a pathetic troll, absolutely terrible. You make posts that'll be deleted on sight and wind up absolutely nobody, the most incovenience you provide this board with is having to get a mod spend 2 seconds hitting those delete and ban buttons. I am fairly certain that you (along with far too many people on this board to be frank) don't really know the meaning of the word.
I really do hope it's the last time I see another pathetic troll like you, Andy Kauffman you ain't.
Thanks all for the help on the bug situation... I ended up chucking it and fetching myself a fresh lot, although had that been the last of the bottle I would've gone fishin'.
Man, I was drinking my wine from a tumbler and thought that was the height of class (some days, it's a highball).
Shame! The woman who lectured me on adulterating whiskey with soda can't even get her glassware right? For shame! I may not have but three plates in my apartment, but I've always got the right glass for the right drink. Maybe because I'm a boozehound. Ionno
Oh dear, my Caanoo's heaphone port has somehow broken.
Well its got a loose connection.
You can only hear it in one ear, unless you push the heaphones towards you a bit.
(It seems to have worn on one side a bit, and if the cable gets knocked a bit it moves in the port and the sound goes back to one ear... )
Its probably an easy fix, maybe even get my old man to fix it.
While he's at it, he can trim some of the casing, so I can see all the pixels on the screen.
(The canoo has some plastic that obstructs a few pixel lines on the top. Which is particularily annoying...)
Shame! The woman who lectured me on adulterating whiskey with soda can't even get her glassware right? For shame! I may not have but three plates in my apartment, but I've always got the right glass for the right drink. Maybe because I'm a boozehound. Ionno
You can use a mixer if the whiskey you're drinking's cack though.
You can use a mixer if the whiskey you're drinking's cack though.
This is true. I usually buy Jack but I might buy something really naff if it's late in the month, I'm broke enough for vodka, and I haven't got much moneys. That's when the cheapness happens. NOTE: Nobody should ever drink Popov. EVER.
The context of Puzzy's lecture was my discussing a drink I like to call "The Stoned Infidel."
See, you take 1 portion of whiskey or a neutral spirit - I prefer vodka and mix it with an equal portion of specially made halal for Islam soda - (Islam Cola, Mecca Cola, Qibla Cola.)
It's blasphemously delicious! Also, Islam Cola's makers specifically tell you not to mix it with booze, so I took it as a personal challenge to my principals. I had to drink something whilst making my bacon idol of the alleged prophet Muhammed, right?
Interesting dialogue I overheard at the gas station while picking up the newspaper for my Dad.
Person: "I don't see what the big deal is about with 'Soap-pa' or whatever it's called."
Second Clerk: "Do you like using YouTube?"
P: "Yeah."
SC: "Do you regularly use Facebook or twitter?"
P: "Pfft, who doesn't these days?"
SC: "How would you feel if they turned those off and arrested you because you posted a YouTube video you found funny on your facebook page?"
P: "Get real. They wouldn't do that. This is America!"
I so wanted to say something, but the guy had tattoos and biceps the size of my head. That, and I remembered that I live in the Bible Belt's Buckle...
I wouldn't be afraid to raise my voice at the guy if I were you. Granted, I'd probably run like hell if he stared at me with even the slightest hint of malice, but I wouldn't regret speaking my mind.
Soap is like, my everyday life at Job Corps, albeit the censorship is for different reasons. It is why I haven't been on for the past 6 months or so. At one point, job searching sites were blocked. A+ DOL. BLOCKING JOB SEARCHING. FOR PEOPLE SPECIFICALLY SEARCHING FOR JOBS.
Also things can be blocked for education and cultural awareness. No, I don't know why.
Shame! The woman who lectured me on adulterating whiskey with soda can't even get her glassware right? For shame! I may not have but three plates in my apartment, but I've always got the right glass for the right drink.
I don't even have a table.
Should probably sort that out at some point. But really, why get all fancypants with a table and such when there's already a perfectly serviceable floor right there.
Should probably sort that out at some point. But really, why get all fancypants with a table and such when there's already a perfectly serviceable floor right there?
Ah, see, I have a desk. I take all my meals there. Not sure where I'll eat when Weishan is here, but I'll sort that out when she gets here. In the meantime, I must ask what you type/write/whatever off of.
Ugh, a bug flew into my glass of wine. Do I tip the lot and get a fresh one, or get thrifty and just fish the bug out and carry on?
Bugs in your drink mean you either have to switch to something with enough alcohol in it to be confident that any germs have been killed immediately, or start drinking faster or from the bottle.
I'm currently working on creating a basis for a small engine which I call the Zholhu engine, which, coincidentally, will be used for the Zholhu game series I'll be creating. . . . Basically it's a cosmic horror story. It's not a serious series, in fact, it's more of a parody of the cosmic horror and the puzzle adventure game genre, but it will play the horror element straight. . . . Do you think it could work, a platform point & click text adventure game? Do you think I should continue my work on it?
As long as you're not planning to make millions on it. It really depends on the story, and of course, the difficulty of the puzzles. It could be excellent, or it could be a disaster. I've seen both. I'd say to go ahead with your pilot/prequel episode, and see the reaction to that. Then decide what you want to do.
A girl just told me she didn't feel she could be in a relationship with me, then kissed me and got out of my car. What the hell am I supposed to do with that?
Guess you weren't standing at the right angle when you talked to her. Bring a protractor next time.
Only half joking. There's a difference between "picking up girls" just for fun or with the desire for a long-term relationship. Some of the things you've posted recently edge on the just-for-fun end, and she may be seeing this on that wavelength. Nothing wrong with that, I've had "we both know this is just for fun and not going anywhere in the long run" girlfriends in the past, too. Anything serious has always started differently.
As long as you're not planning to make millions on it. It really depends on the story, and of course, the difficulty of the puzzles. It could be excellent, or it could be a disaster. I've seen both. I'd say to go ahead with your pilot/prequel episode, and see the reaction to that. Then decide what you want to do.
I don't even expect anybody to buy it anyway, I just want to get started as an independent developer. Hence the reason Zholhu ZERO will be free. It would also be a good thing for me to get to know a little bit SDL.
Eventually though, if I want to make a complete saga out of another idea I have, I actually DO need to finish the entire series either way.
This could help, as can any of the articles tagged with the subject of fashion. Hell, his "Shop like a Girl" article helped me pick out a job interview suit that was within my limited budget!!
Look at the developer's homepage for a bugfix an then ... oh wait
Is that a yellow for some reason Sonic the Hedgehog necklace?
No its worse.
Far, far worse....
I know you'll still be kicking about here after your next ban and I think you need to know this.
You are a pathetic troll, absolutely terrible. You make posts that'll be deleted on sight and wind up absolutely nobody, the most incovenience you provide this board with is having to get a mod spend 2 seconds hitting those delete and ban buttons. I am fairly certain that you (along with far too many people on this board to be frank) don't really know the meaning of the word.
I really do hope it's the last time I see another pathetic troll like you, Andy Kauffman you ain't.
How dare you! It's a medallion.
In my mind, you said this in the same sort of way that Obi-wan Kenobi said "That's no moon..."
Thats exactly the way I intended it young padawan...
Heh, I wrote my name in the snow... It's the simple things...
Depends on how good it is, and how much more of it you have...
Man, I was drinking my wine from a tumbler and thought that was the height of class (some days, it's a highball).
It is not a deliberate decision, or so I was told.
Shame! The woman who lectured me on adulterating whiskey with soda can't even get her glassware right? For shame! I may not have but three plates in my apartment, but I've always got the right glass for the right drink. Maybe because I'm a boozehound. Ionno
Well its got a loose connection.
You can only hear it in one ear, unless you push the heaphones towards you a bit.
(It seems to have worn on one side a bit, and if the cable gets knocked a bit it moves in the port and the sound goes back to one ear...
Its probably an easy fix, maybe even get my old man to fix it.
While he's at it, he can trim some of the casing, so I can see all the pixels on the screen.
(The canoo has some plastic that obstructs a few pixel lines on the top. Which is particularily annoying...)
You can use a mixer if the whiskey you're drinking's cack though.
This is true. I usually buy Jack but I might buy something really naff if it's late in the month, I'm broke enough for vodka, and I haven't got much moneys. That's when the cheapness happens. NOTE: Nobody should ever drink Popov. EVER.
The context of Puzzy's lecture was my discussing a drink I like to call "The Stoned Infidel."
See, you take 1 portion of whiskey or a neutral spirit - I prefer vodka and mix it with an equal portion of specially made halal for Islam soda - (Islam Cola, Mecca Cola, Qibla Cola.)
It's blasphemously delicious! Also, Islam Cola's makers specifically tell you not to mix it with booze, so I took it as a personal challenge to my principals. I had to drink something whilst making my bacon idol of the alleged prophet Muhammed, right?
She sir is a he sir.
Person: "I don't see what the big deal is about with 'Soap-pa' or whatever it's called."
Second Clerk: "Do you like using YouTube?"
P: "Yeah."
SC: "Do you regularly use Facebook or twitter?"
P: "Pfft, who doesn't these days?"
SC: "How would you feel if they turned those off and arrested you because you posted a YouTube video you found funny on your facebook page?"
P: "Get real. They wouldn't do that. This is America!"
I so wanted to say something, but the guy had tattoos and biceps the size of my head. That, and I remembered that I live in the Bible Belt's Buckle...
I wouldn't be afraid to raise my voice at the guy if I were you. Granted, I'd probably run like hell if he stared at me with even the slightest hint of malice, but I wouldn't regret speaking my mind.
Also things can be blocked for education and cultural awareness. No, I don't know why.
I don't even have a table.
Should probably sort that out at some point. But really, why get all fancypants with a table and such when there's already a perfectly serviceable floor right there.
Because... those things are bad?
Ah, see, I have a desk. I take all my meals there. Not sure where I'll eat when Weishan is here, but I'll sort that out when she gets here. In the meantime, I must ask what you type/write/whatever off of.
Winning tourneys by daylight,
Never running from a pay fight,
He is the one Sailorcuteness.
He will never turn his back on Dashing,
He is always somewhat smashing,
He is the one on whom we can depend,
She is the one Sailorcuteness.
He is the one...
I'm not proud of this.
I guess this makes StrongBrush Tuxedo Mask, just because this is a lulzy idea to me.
Heres how there fight would go.
Gee, want some audio to go with your compression artifacts?
It didn't involve me so I wasn't wasting good quality on them.
Bugs in your drink mean you either have to switch to something with enough alcohol in it to be confident that any germs have been killed immediately, or start drinking faster or from the bottle.
As long as you're not planning to make millions on it. It really depends on the story, and of course, the difficulty of the puzzles.
Guess you weren't standing at the right angle when you talked to her. Bring a protractor next time.
Only half joking. There's a difference between "picking up girls" just for fun or with the desire for a long-term relationship. Some of the things you've posted recently edge on the just-for-fun end, and she may be seeing this on that wavelength. Nothing wrong with that, I've had "we both know this is just for fun and not going anywhere in the long run" girlfriends in the past, too. Anything serious has always started differently.
Nonsense! When you changed your username it was like if Sailor Moon suddenly regenerated into the Fonz, increasing your Megafonzie count so much!
I don't even expect anybody to buy it anyway, I just want to get started as an independent developer. Hence the reason Zholhu ZERO will be free. It would also be a good thing for me to get to know a little bit SDL.
Eventually though, if I want to make a complete saga out of another idea I have, I actually DO need to finish the entire series either way.
Hey, why do I die?
Well, at least I die with grace.