Well, I know him well enough to know that I could drop kick this guy out the door if I had to. Actually, I could even probably outrun him pretty easily, he's not really in shape. I'm not worried about being assaulted or anything. He just really annoys me.
Tell him to bugger off then! XD
(maybe show him a diagram of how much you actually care about Star Trek, and another depicting how annoying he is for additional laughs!
Bonus points for putting them both on the same graph.)
Whatever issues there are with the books/films, it wouldn't be nearly as bad if not for the more extreme sector of the fanbase. Take away the Twihards and you end up with a piece of writing that most people find mediocre at best but don't really care much about. But throw in that overzealous fanbase and you give people (and by people, I mean the internet) something to hate on and ridicule.
That's the only reason to hate any movie/book really. There are a whole bunch of poorly developed stories which are insulting, naive, demeaning etc to the audience that are very easy to ignore because nobody cares. We're not talking JAWS: The Revenge here. There are people who believe these are the best movies/books ever made.
(maybe show him a diagram of how much you actually care about Star Trek, and another depicting how annoying he is for additional laughs!
Bonus points for putting them both on the same graph.)
That would be hilarious, but here we have my fatal flaw of not wanting to be the first one to strike. If he goes over the boundaries or gives me any immediate reason to retaliate, I will. Like if it gets to the point where I find myself avoiding facebook because I don't want to run into this guy or something. But as long as he remains an occasional annoyance I'll leave him be.
But this whole experience has taught me not to go bandying about my nerdiness with random dudes I meet in the dining hall. And certainly not giving them my real name. I should have just given him the same treatment as the dude who hated video games and kept on going on about Kiera Knightley's nipples.
I just read this article and was rather frightened when I realized how true it was. It made me analyze things that I do almost unconsciously every single day, like plan walking routes based on safety, judge every person I meet to see if they are a potential threat, and cut off all communication with anyone who appears that way. It also made me realize that guys don't really think about these things and often don't have close family members who warn them about assault stories all the time.
TL;DR: All guys should read this article. Girls too, I guess. It's eye-opening.
After reading this article I understand why all my approaches in the last five years have failed and I realise that my decision to give up on flirting and dating was absolutely the right one. Saved the women and me much trouble.
I just read this article and was rather frightened when I realized how true it was.
Reminds me of a couple of months ago when I walked into a Barnes & Noble in a strange city (so they'd never seen me before) and asked one of the ladies to look something up on the computer, while I stood behind her on the right. She asked me to move to her left.
"Huh?" I asked, "What difference does that make?"
She replied that she was weaker on the right side and felt more nervous when people were on that side.
"Well, it isn't like I came into the bookstore here to attack you." Which she understood, but she said she was just making sure.
Not the kind of thing I ever think about as a guy. Of course, I had no way to know, and if I had stood on her left, it could just as well have been her weaker side.
I grew up with a lot of trust issues with men for personal reasons. I knew that some of my fears were ridiculous, but I couldn't help but feel that way. I'm significantly better now, but if someone creeps on me or other girls, it really REALLY bothers me. (And nine times out of ten, it bothers the other girl too.) I've noticed the best way to avoid this is for someone to treat a girl no different than a guy. But that's my personal opinion. Idk.
Though I do have this one guy who still facebook messages me constantly because I once said that I liked Star Trek. I didn't even like the same series that he did. But I don't have the heart to unfriend him...unless he starts messaging me again late at night when I'm trying to go to sleep.
Wonder which big corporation will attempt to play the white knight this time and drop out at the last second to look like Internet Jesus swaying decision. It's like a giant game of publicity.
I just read this article and was rather frightened when I realized how true it was. It made me analyze things that I do almost unconsciously every single day, like plan walking routes based on safety, judge every person I meet to see if they are a potential threat, and cut off all communication with anyone who appears that way. It also made me realize that guys don't really think about these things and often don't have close family members who warn them about assault stories all the time.
TL;DR: All guys should read this article. Girls too, I guess. It's eye-opening.
Fortunately I already do this. The body language one made me laugh. I always stand at an angle to a woman and have my drink at almost a sidelong perspective. And obviously smiling is very important.
Also gentleman, make this your best friend:
They have a swagger in their walk. Their chests puff out. Their heads are held high. Their presence fills a room. They take up space. They speak loudly. They know, deep down in their souls, that they are, frankly, the shit. Their posture and body language tells you that this is a man who can’t hear you over the sound of how awesome he is.
Contrast this with your typical Orbiter. Your archetypal “nice guy”. They tend to be a little hunched over. They’re soft-spoken. They’re hesitant. They seem to fold in slightly on themselves. They don’t want to make too much trouble or attract too much notice. They prefer being alone with “their” girl because they know instinctively they can’t hold off any competition.
Nice guys have a tendency to be risk averse and a corresponding fear of rejection. They don’t want to take the chance that they’ll make a move and ruin everything, not when they could take their time and live in the vague hope that “maybe she’ll learn how awesome I am and come to me,” This frequently springs from a scarcity mentality, or what I like to call One-itis: the idea that there’s only this one girl who can be this perfect and if it falls apart, it’s all over and they’ll never know love again.
Bad boys? They know that they can have that woman if they want. They aren’t following women around, hoping for crumbs of approval, looking for the slightest hint that there is a chance that she likes him. They assume it’s already a foregone conclusion and make their move accordingly. If she doesn’t like him? Well, hell, there’s more women out there; time to move on and find someone better. This sort of abundance mentality keeps them from being completely hung up on the idea that they have one shot."
Except both of these attitudes treat women like commodities. Dating shouldn't be a matter of human fishing. I think a big issue is that society puts such a pressure on dating and that if you're single you must be a miserable horrible person who isn't "whole", which pressures the guy into a certain group of rules and makes a person fumble and act unnaturally in attempt to get a date.
If that's so, why do they say there are enough fish in the sea?
And before you ask, yes, I am joking. It's a sad world when I have to actually explain that I'm joking, but sadly, people on the Internet are incapable of seeing such things. Now you all might be a little bit more intelligent than that, but just to be sure, here's a heads up.
I sorta agree with what DAISHI's saying there, but for different reasons. I mean, I really dislike being the only girl that a guy talks to because it suddenly feels far too serious and like too much is expected of me. Also, I tend to find that guys who have a lot of girl friends are more natural to talk to because they don't really set girls on a pedestal. Which is pretty awkward thing to happen to a person.
My good example is one of my IRL guy friends whose best friends are all girls. The result is that he's super comfortable around girls and whoever he marries is going to be the luckiest woman ever.
Wonder which big corporation will attempt to play the white knight this time and drop out at the last second to look like Internet Jesus swaying decision. It's like a giant game of publicity.
It's sickening. America used to be better than this. They're only in power because we allow it and they would do well to remember that.
I imagine that America has always had problems with bickering politicians even since the original colonies were still around.
I'm not a historian but if the play and/or movie 1776 (which is about the American Continental Congress officially declaring independence from England) is to be believed, much of the time back then the Congress was bogged down in quibbling about trivial matters. So much so that even the Declaration of Independence (once they got around to making it) was picked apart and argued over about things even as unimportant as whether or not it made mention of fishing rights.
I imagine that America has always had problems with bickering politicians even since the original colonies were still around.
I'm not a historian but if the play and/or movie 1776 (which is about the American Continental Congress officially declaring independence from England) is to be believed, much of the time back then the Congress was bogged down in quibbling about trivial matters. So much so that even the Declaration of Independence (once they got around to making it) was picked apart and argued over about things even as unimportant as whether or not it made mention of fishing rights.
I would agree that bickering politicians has been something America (and let's face it any government) has and probably will always have, but I'd also say this is the worse that it's been at least in my lifetime.
Politicians are supposed to bicker, but they aren't supposed to be bought by industry. This sort of system is cancerous to democracy and it's high time we take those whores to task with a round of chemo I like to call insurrection.
Making friends with girls is definately not my problem, since I get on with girls just fine...
(I had about 2 or 3 female friends last year, and 2 this year, compared with only 1 new guy friend last year)
Though, I do have to contain myself quite a bit though, since some of the gals that are friendly to me are so freakin' hot!
eh. Why I always gush over pretty women is beyond me, since 90% of the time, I'm just being ridiculous.
(Most of the good girls are in happy, well adjusted relationships, (and I would never want to do anything to disrupt that (I just don't have it in me)), and the ones that aren't are not likely looking for anything particularily serious...)
Heh. Knowing me, if I had a girl, she'd likely get cheesed off at how slow I am.
I'd be thinking I was a gentleman and being reasonably cautious (read: petrified of error) by taking each stage slow, and she would think I'm not interested.
If its not that, then it would be the gaming and internet use likely. XD
(I'm sorry girls, but video games are my one true love, so expect me to talk about that A LOT! If I'm not playing a game, I'll likely be referring to one, once every 5 minutes, or a film reference, or maybe an occasional meme. I talk a lot. A LOT. The gals I was working with I could tell were getting a little frustrated at me, since I am a very open book, once I relax, and I will talk about myself if prompted, (sometimes saying a little too much... XD), and I tend to goof off or get sidetracked when doing work, which annoys Completer-finisher types (its just my way of blowing off steam, and trust me, one of the Swedish girls was so mindblowingly attractive and awesome, I was literally struggling to think sometimes. (I won't talk about her anymore, since I could talk about her all day. Probably the worst crush I've ever had)))
Look, I know this all makes sense to a degree, but standing at the right fucking angle doesn't make you some kind of sex god. If I read this i'm gonna over analyze ever little thing I do around women, and I won't be myself.
At the end of the day you'll always be caught out if you're pretending to be something you're not.
I would agree with not putting women on a pedestal though, this doesn't always work out in my favour but I can't help myself. As such I recently told the object of my desires that I had to excuse myself because her trousers were so hideous I had to go to a private place and poke out my eyes.
I'm going to go with JedEx's opinion on this one. He's Irish, after all. Also, he's a certified badass with medals for heroism from the Crimean War. Totally true, that.
Look, I know this all makes sense to a degree, but standing at the right fucking angle doesn't make you some kind of sex god. If I read this i'm gonna over analyze ever little thing I do around women, and I won't be myself.
At the end of the day you'll always be caught out if you're pretending to be something you're not.
I would agree with not putting women on a pedestal though, this doesn't always work out in my favour but I can't help myself. As such I recently told the object of my desires that I had to excuse myself because her trousers were so hideous I had to go to a private place and poke out my eyes.
I'm still available ladies!!
If you're aware of what you're doing then you're doing it wrong. The more men talk to tons of women at least two nights a week, you should find your groove. No woman is special until she's special.
Tell him to bugger off then! XD
(maybe show him a diagram of how much you actually care about Star Trek, and another depicting how annoying he is for additional laughs!
Bonus points for putting them both on the same graph.)
That's the only reason to hate any movie/book really. There are a whole bunch of poorly developed stories which are insulting, naive, demeaning etc to the audience that are very easy to ignore because nobody cares. We're not talking JAWS: The Revenge here. There are people who believe these are the best movies/books ever made.
That would be hilarious, but here we have my fatal flaw of not wanting to be the first one to strike. If he goes over the boundaries or gives me any immediate reason to retaliate, I will. Like if it gets to the point where I find myself avoiding facebook because I don't want to run into this guy or something. But as long as he remains an occasional annoyance I'll leave him be.
But this whole experience has taught me not to go bandying about my nerdiness with random dudes I meet in the dining hall. And certainly not giving them my real name. I should have just given him the same treatment as the dude who hated video games and kept on going on about Kiera Knightley's nipples.
You've met Orlando Bloom?!
What about the greatest president in history?
Honestly, I'm willing to bet that Orlando Bloom would be a much better conversationalist than this guy.
:eek: Wow, just wow!
"This" guy must suck harder than a Vietnamese prostitute during happy hour, whist simultaneously vacuuming her pad with a hoover set to "super suck"!
... That's a lot of suckage!
Once again, Coolsome, you astound me with your brilliance.
After reading this article I understand why all my approaches in the last five years have failed and I realise that my decision to give up on flirting and dating was absolutely the right one. Saved the women and me much trouble.
Reminds me of a couple of months ago when I walked into a Barnes & Noble in a strange city (so they'd never seen me before) and asked one of the ladies to look something up on the computer, while I stood behind her on the right. She asked me to move to her left.
"Huh?" I asked, "What difference does that make?"
She replied that she was weaker on the right side and felt more nervous when people were on that side.
"Well, it isn't like I came into the bookstore here to attack you." Which she understood, but she said she was just making sure.
Not the kind of thing I ever think about as a guy. Of course, I had no way to know, and if I had stood on her left, it could just as well have been her weaker side.
Good thing I wasn't trying to hit on her.
So those steely eyed, shiftless traitors lied. Again. Figures.
So... I heard you like Star Trek.
pfft girls don't like star trek, that's ridiculous.
So... I heard you're a girl.
Fortunately I already do this. The body language one made me laugh. I always stand at an angle to a woman and have my drink at almost a sidelong perspective. And obviously smiling is very important.
Also gentleman, make this your best friend:
They have a swagger in their walk. Their chests puff out. Their heads are held high. Their presence fills a room. They take up space. They speak loudly. They know, deep down in their souls, that they are, frankly, the shit. Their posture and body language tells you that this is a man who can’t hear you over the sound of how awesome he is.
Contrast this with your typical Orbiter. Your archetypal “nice guy”. They tend to be a little hunched over. They’re soft-spoken. They’re hesitant. They seem to fold in slightly on themselves. They don’t want to make too much trouble or attract too much notice. They prefer being alone with “their” girl because they know instinctively they can’t hold off any competition.
Nice guys have a tendency to be risk averse and a corresponding fear of rejection. They don’t want to take the chance that they’ll make a move and ruin everything, not when they could take their time and live in the vague hope that “maybe she’ll learn how awesome I am and come to me,” This frequently springs from a scarcity mentality, or what I like to call One-itis: the idea that there’s only this one girl who can be this perfect and if it falls apart, it’s all over and they’ll never know love again.
Bad boys? They know that they can have that woman if they want. They aren’t following women around, hoping for crumbs of approval, looking for the slightest hint that there is a chance that she likes him. They assume it’s already a foregone conclusion and make their move accordingly. If she doesn’t like him? Well, hell, there’s more women out there; time to move on and find someone better. This sort of abundance mentality keeps them from being completely hung up on the idea that they have one shot."
Soap doesn't smell like shit.
pfft girls aren't girls that's ridiculous
Or indeed on the internet at all.
So... I heard... uh... hmm.
Well, I'm not sure what I heard, but I am sure that I heard it.
I'm broke.
Except both of these attitudes treat women like commodities. Dating shouldn't be a matter of human fishing. I think a big issue is that society puts such a pressure on dating and that if you're single you must be a miserable horrible person who isn't "whole", which pressures the guy into a certain group of rules and makes a person fumble and act unnaturally in attempt to get a date.
If that's so, why do they say there are enough fish in the sea?
My good example is one of my IRL guy friends whose best friends are all girls. The result is that he's super comfortable around girls and whoever he marries is going to be the luckiest woman ever.
I'm not a historian but if the play and/or movie 1776 (which is about the American Continental Congress officially declaring independence from England) is to be believed, much of the time back then the Congress was bogged down in quibbling about trivial matters. So much so that even the Declaration of Independence (once they got around to making it) was picked apart and argued over about things even as unimportant as whether or not it made mention of fishing rights.
I would agree that bickering politicians has been something America (and let's face it any government) has and probably will always have, but I'd also say this is the worse that it's been at least in my lifetime.
That's my take on it, though.
Making friends with girls is definately not my problem, since I get on with girls just fine...
(I had about 2 or 3 female friends last year, and 2 this year, compared with only 1 new guy friend last year)
Though, I do have to contain myself quite a bit though, since some of the gals that are friendly to me are so freakin' hot!
eh. Why I always gush over pretty women is beyond me, since 90% of the time, I'm just being ridiculous.
(Most of the good girls are in happy, well adjusted relationships, (and I would never want to do anything to disrupt that (I just don't have it in me)), and the ones that aren't are not likely looking for anything particularily serious...)
Heh. Knowing me, if I had a girl, she'd likely get cheesed off at how slow I am.
I'd be thinking I was a gentleman and being reasonably cautious (read: petrified of error) by taking each stage slow, and she would think I'm not interested.
If its not that, then it would be the gaming and internet use likely. XD
(I'm sorry girls, but video games are my one true love, so expect me to talk about that A LOT! If I'm not playing a game, I'll likely be referring to one, once every 5 minutes, or a film reference, or maybe an occasional meme. I talk a lot. A LOT. The gals I was working with I could tell were getting a little frustrated at me, since I am a very open book, once I relax, and I will talk about myself if prompted, (sometimes saying a little too much... XD), and I tend to goof off or get sidetracked when doing work, which annoys Completer-finisher types (its just my way of blowing off steam, and trust me, one of the Swedish girls was so mindblowingly attractive and awesome, I was literally struggling to think sometimes. (I won't talk about her anymore, since I could talk about her all day. Probably the worst crush I've ever had)))
No no no no. Close page, delete, burn hard drive.
Look, I know this all makes sense to a degree, but standing at the right fucking angle doesn't make you some kind of sex god. If I read this i'm gonna over analyze ever little thing I do around women, and I won't be myself.
At the end of the day you'll always be caught out if you're pretending to be something you're not.
I would agree with not putting women on a pedestal though, this doesn't always work out in my favour but I can't help myself. As such I recently told the object of my desires that I had to excuse myself because her trousers were so hideous I had to go to a private place and poke out my eyes.
I'm still available ladies!!
If you're aware of what you're doing then you're doing it wrong. The more men talk to tons of women at least two nights a week, you should find your groove. No woman is special until she's special.