They have already did an avp game and avp 2 so why not a
Aliens game off the original movie with the original 4 movies
In them? Or the thing game. But not like the gay one they
Made for xbox but like John carpenters movie with kurt Russell
A fps game or third person?
Please let me know thank you!!!!!
Hey here's an idea: how about we just treat women like regular people and see what happens.
You lot have to be manipulated through a series of pyschological mind-games, first we have to compliment your dress then say your nails are shitty, then we have to stand at a 60-80 degree angle, then ignore you a bit. Eye contact must be made for PRECISELY THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF TIME.
This regime must be practiced regularly, because you have to practice talking to the opposite sex these days.
I just registered 2 3DS games on the UK Club Nintendo (I had like 5 to do and this promo was perfect! ), so I'm eligable for a free copy of 3D Classics: Kid Icarus for my 3DS in January!
(Plus it enters you into a contest to win a unique Mario 3DS. I want the one on the left!)
For us early 3DS adopters, we now have:
3D Classics: Excitebike
The Legend of Zelda: 4 Swords
10 Free NES Games
10 Free GBA Games
3D Classics: Kid Icarus
You lot have to be manipulated through a series of pyschological mind-games, first we have to compliment your dress then say your nails are shitty, then we have to stand at a 60-80 degree angle, then ignore you a bit. Eye contact must be made for PRECISELY THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF TIME.
It's like you have a window into my soul. TAKE ME NOW
In other words no person has any sort of inherently greater significance to you until you've actually created a realistic bond with them, so it's futile to put anyone on a pedestal.
I think the core idea of communicating "don't be creepy" and "be aware that women can be intimidated by you" aren't bad. The silly rules about eye contact length and the degree of your standing angle seem a bit silly, though. I think there *are* people who appear creepy and ultimately make people uncomfortable without realizing it, but I also wonder how much of that would be fixed simply through understanding that women are, you know, people? And you can talk to them like anyone else? Even the hot ones?
You lot have to be manipulated through a series of pyschological mind-games, first we have to compliment your dress then say your nails are shitty, then we have to stand at a 60-80 degree angle, then ignore you a bit. Eye contact must be made for PRECISELY THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF TIME.
This regime must be practiced regularly, because you have to practice talking to the opposite sex these days.
I think the core idea of communicating "don't be creepy" and "be aware that women can be intimidated by you" aren't bad. The silly rules about eye contact length and the degree of your standing angle seem a bit silly, though. I think there *are* people who appear creepy and ultimately make people uncomfortable without realizing it, but I also wonder how much of that would be fixed simply through understanding that women are, you know, people? And you can talk to them like anyone else? Even the hot ones?
I really don't think anyone's that odd that they need advice on how to look at people though, maybe i'm being naive on this one. But even the really weird people I know (and I know some really weird people) aren't that bad.
Yea no one beats Robotic Cyborg Coolsome..the cop.
I know of one guy who disagrees.
Okay, not much of a hypothethical question as it is an evaluation of some sorts.
I'm currently working on creating a basis for a small engine which I call the Zholhu engine, which, coincidentally, will be used for the Zholhu game series I'll be creating. I'm planning on beginning with Zholhu ZERO, which is not only a prologue to the entire series but also a sort of tech demo of some sorts, or rather a sort of alpha version of the engine, to see if the entire game concept actually works.
The gameplay is basically a platform point & click text adventure game. See it as a mix between Bermuda Syndrome and King's Quest. It won't be action oriented. The platforming element is only there to get around the pathfinding.
Basically you move around like a regular platform game, but you interact with stuff by pointing and clicking. However, if using the mouse isn't your style you can always directly activate objects, either by standing near them or by using the freeform input box, which allows you to enter commands. I have decided to go with the action wheel, so if you interact with an object, you'll see an action wheel with stuff like LOOK AT or USE.
Graphically, I'm either aiming at either CGA graphics (only sixteen colors to choose from) or I'll just go with the graphics from the VGA era (take Indiana Jones or Prince of Persia). I want it to have a very retro look, which goes with the style of the story.
I haven't fully fleshed out the story, but in essense, the story takes place on a planet called Zholhu, which is in a solar system called Digit-5, a solar system where six planets revolve around a sun in the same elipse. Zholhu however is the only of the six on which there is a lot of supernatural activities (although it's hard to define supernatural, given that one of the planets has magic). Basically it's a cosmic horror story. It's not a serious series, in fact, it's more of a parody of the cosmic horror and the puzzle adventure game genre, but it will play the horror element straight.
I do have some main characters in mind. For example, the main character of Zholhu I: LOOK AT ELDER GOD will be Henry Chiles, and I might give the main character of Zholhu ZERO the name Zachary Jones. Basically, all main characters will try to find out what the mystery is about Zholhu and why suddenly all the Ancient Ones are so interested in its inhabitants.
But anyway, what do you guys think? Do you think it could work, a platform point & click text adventure game? Do you think I should continue my work on it?
Your all a bunch of fucking assholes. You know why? because you don't have the guts to be what you want to be. You need people like me....You need people like me to point your fucking fingers at me and say thats the troll guy! So whats that make people like you huh? Good? Your not good! You just know how to hide the truth when you lie. Me.. I don't got that power...Me...I always tell the truth...Even when i lie!
last time your ever going to see a troll like me let me tell you
A girl just told me she didn't feel she could be in a relationship with me, then kissed me and got out of my car.
What the hell am I supposed to do with that?
It's a kick to the balls because we've been going out for a few months in varying capacity. I'm not one to pressure anyone to get into a relationship too soon, since I like dating a lot of people myself, but this has been getting steadily more intense. So it finally gets in the open, and I get this for my closer on the night.
Guess it's just as well the One Girl to Rule Them All is coming back into town soon. You may remember me posting about her, and dropping hundreds of dollars on her back in the summer on the night before she left town. She's nothing less than the best, I just wish she'd hurry up and move back into town.
Making a mountain out of a mole hill resulted in discovering the inner workings of a software feature that is actually broken. Too bad I have no way of talking to any of the developers that actually MADE said program, or else I'd tell them what I found and ask what other information they need in order to fix the issue.
That does not make any sense.
I have to do a clean reinstall of a program, complete with going through the registry to kill the hidden files there so it is a 100% clean reinstall.
Aliens game off the original movie with the original 4 movies
In them? Or the thing game. But not like the gay one they
Made for xbox but like John carpenters movie with kurt Russell
A fps game or third person?
Please let me know thank you!!!!!
You lot have to be manipulated through a series of pyschological mind-games, first we have to compliment your dress then say your nails are shitty, then we have to stand at a 60-80 degree angle, then ignore you a bit. Eye contact must be made for PRECISELY THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF TIME.
This regime must be practiced regularly, because you have to practice talking to the opposite sex these days.
All aboard the Nintendo freebie train!
I just registered 2 3DS games on the UK Club Nintendo (I had like 5 to do and this promo was perfect!
(Plus it enters you into a contest to win a unique Mario 3DS. I want the one on the left!)
For us early 3DS adopters, we now have:
3D Classics: Excitebike
The Legend of Zelda: 4 Swords
10 Free NES Games
10 Free GBA Games
3D Classics: Kid Icarus
I'd say.....worth it.
Obvious bot is obvious...
EDIT: Ok, so you maaaay not be a bot.
Though your post has no context....
Beep BOOP!!! ERROR!!...Beeeeep.....EXTERMINATE!! form detected!
Choose your weapon mechanical beast!
I choose....
It's like you have a window into my soul. TAKE ME NOW
I choose the stair lift!!!!
In other words no person has any sort of inherently greater significance to you until you've actually created a realistic bond with them, so it's futile to put anyone on a pedestal.
He's catching up....
Take this logic bomb!
"this statement is a lie"
Sorry to get your hopes up there P.Box, I was just getting my practice in.
Don't wanna get rusty, you know how it is.
Ummm true I'm gonna go with true.
Dammit! This robot is so stupid it doesn't even know what a paradox is...
Wait... I heard Killbot's have a limit to the amount of humans they can kill...
I'll just have to send my men to attack it, until it deactivates itself.
I have ∞ on my design and as Metal Gear Solid teaches that gives you infinite stuff.
Oh well, I guess I'll go and get assimilated or something...
Attachment not found.
oh okay
You watch yourself, I already complimented your garment in thon other thread
Watch were you park your hopes and dreams in future!
I really don't think anyone's that odd that they need advice on how to look at people though, maybe i'm being naive on this one. But even the really weird people I know (and I know some really weird people) aren't that bad.
How big was the bug? any bigger than a pea and you chuck it. I'm drinking my wine from a mug that reads "0-Bitch in 60 seconds"
Great, so now I have to worry about more people beating me up.
I know of one guy who disagrees.
Okay, not much of a hypothethical question as it is an evaluation of some sorts.
I'm currently working on creating a basis for a small engine which I call the Zholhu engine, which, coincidentally, will be used for the Zholhu game series I'll be creating. I'm planning on beginning with Zholhu ZERO, which is not only a prologue to the entire series but also a sort of tech demo of some sorts, or rather a sort of alpha version of the engine, to see if the entire game concept actually works.
The gameplay is basically a platform point & click text adventure game. See it as a mix between Bermuda Syndrome and King's Quest. It won't be action oriented. The platforming element is only there to get around the pathfinding.
Basically you move around like a regular platform game, but you interact with stuff by pointing and clicking. However, if using the mouse isn't your style you can always directly activate objects, either by standing near them or by using the freeform input box, which allows you to enter commands. I have decided to go with the action wheel, so if you interact with an object, you'll see an action wheel with stuff like LOOK AT or USE.
Graphically, I'm either aiming at either CGA graphics (only sixteen colors to choose from) or I'll just go with the graphics from the VGA era (take Indiana Jones or Prince of Persia). I want it to have a very retro look, which goes with the style of the story.
I haven't fully fleshed out the story, but in essense, the story takes place on a planet called Zholhu, which is in a solar system called Digit-5, a solar system where six planets revolve around a sun in the same elipse. Zholhu however is the only of the six on which there is a lot of supernatural activities (although it's hard to define supernatural, given that one of the planets has magic). Basically it's a cosmic horror story. It's not a serious series, in fact, it's more of a parody of the cosmic horror and the puzzle adventure game genre, but it will play the horror element straight.
I do have some main characters in mind. For example, the main character of Zholhu I: LOOK AT ELDER GOD will be Henry Chiles, and I might give the main character of Zholhu ZERO the name Zachary Jones. Basically, all main characters will try to find out what the mystery is about Zholhu and why suddenly all the Ancient Ones are so interested in its inhabitants.
But anyway, what do you guys think? Do you think it could work, a platform point & click text adventure game? Do you think I should continue my work on it?
You should defiantly Finnish it soon!!!
cool story bro
So the scale right now is coolguy(s)<Sweating Bullets music video<<<<<<<<<<All the money in the world<coolsome, then?
What the hell am I supposed to do with that?
It's a kick to the balls because we've been going out for a few months in varying capacity. I'm not one to pressure anyone to get into a relationship too soon, since I like dating a lot of people myself, but this has been getting steadily more intense. So it finally gets in the open, and I get this for my closer on the night.
Guess it's just as well the One Girl to Rule Them All is coming back into town soon. You may remember me posting about her, and dropping hundreds of dollars on her back in the summer on the night before she left town. She's nothing less than the best, I just wish she'd hurry up and move back into town.
...God, why am I not a bug tester?