I got Shinobi (3DS), £30 worth of Nintendo eShop credit (already spent 1/2 on Tetris (GB), Mighty Switch Force, and Pullbox), a very nice Ultraviolet man Aftershave set, a cheap lynx set, a cheap adidas set, and a pair of cheap gloves.
Overall, a nice christmas for me!
(Though I knew what I was getting already! XD)
Just have the Roast Turkey dinner to look forward to!
(I hope I get extra sprouts. I love sprouts! (most people make the mistake of undercooking them. They are like 10x better when they are a bit mushy))
EDIT: Got £10 from my Nan, and I'll get a hand-me-down iPhone 3GS from my mother, now that she has the new iPhone 4S from her contract renewal.
(But the phone isn't really a Christmas present...)
Christmas completed. I got Portal 2 on steam, some Swedish Fish, a slightly used iPhone, an iTunes gift card, a guitar tuner, 2 visa gift cards, 2 Starbucks Gift cards, 2 target gift cards, a new wallet, a Lego Collectible minifigure, a house key shaped like a guitar, and about $100.
Christmas completed. I got Portal 2 on steam, some Swedish Fish, a slightly used iPhone, an iTunes gift card, a guitar tuner, 2 visa gift cards, 2 Starbucks Gift cards, 2 target gift cards, a new wallet, a Lego Collectible minifigure, a house key shaped like a guitar, and about $100.
My fiancee's parents are complete assholes. Not just to me, but to her. Any advice?
I'm only a teenager, but I DO know how to deal with assholes.
You might have to put up with her parents' crap for a while, but if you can get through those first few months, you might be able to marry her and then proceed to move VERY far away. In the meantime, just keep your cool and try to make as little contact with her folks as possible. Then, you two are pretty much free to do whatever you want.
Sheesh. What happened to guitar tuners. The last one I've seen(granted, a good decade ago) was just a black bar with five lights...the middle being green.
My fiancee's parents are complete assholes. Not just to me, but to her. Any advice?
Technically, after she graduates, they'll be powerless over her life. And she's graduating in a few months. So just sit tight and wait for the moment when you can gloat about their failure to be able to affect the course of events. Hell, you can even invite them to the wedding (just make sure to take out the "speak now or forever hold your peace" bit) and let them witness how little actual power they now have...especially because the social situation will force them to act like they approve.
Technically, after she graduates, they'll be powerless over her life. And she's graduating in a few months. So just sit tight and wait for the moment when you can gloat about their failure to be able to affect the course of events. Hell, you can even invite them to the wedding (just make sure to take out the "speak now or forever hold your peace" bit) and let them witness how little actual power they now have...especially because the social situation will force them to act like they approve.
I like your idea. You get us. You'd think you associated with us both outside of the forums or something. Weird.
I'm only a teenager, but I DO know how to deal with assholes.
You might have to put up with her parents' crap for a while, but if you can get through those first few months, you might be able to marry her and then proceed to move VERY far away. In the meantime, just keep your cool and try to make as little contact with her folks as possible. Then, you two are pretty much free to do whatever you want.
While this is typically how to do it, it's a lot easier said than done. As a general warning for you, Brushie. Also, unless the parent is really bad (serious emotional or physical abuse), it's not typically a good thing to completely cut them out of the picture. Call them once a while. Typically parents are only assholes until you are no longer living with them and/or under their jurisdiction. Either you realize that "oh hey i was the asshole" or they realize that they were. Usually it's a bit of both. It doesn't always turn out this way, but it typically does.
When my mom married my dad, my Taiwanese grandparents shunned my mom. They were already very upset that she converted to a western religion, let alone married a western man. It took a while just for them to even talk. Right around when my sister was born though, their views lightened up and even became open to my father. It's been pretty good since.
It did take separation and time, but it eventually became good again.
Gloating about how your parents have no control in your life, however, can really effect things for the worst. I do not advice it at all, no matter how tempting.
While this is typically how to do it, it's a lot easier said than done. As a general warning for you, Brushie. Also, unless the parent is really bad (serious emotional or physical abuse), it's not typically a good thing to completely cut them out of the picture. Call them once a while. Typically parents are only assholes until you are no longer living with them and/or under their jurisdiction. Either you realize that "oh hey i was the asshole" or they realize that they were. Usually it's a bit of both. It doesn't always turn out this way, but it typically does.
When my mom married my dad, my Taiwanese grandparents shunned my mom. They were already very upset that she converted to a western religion, let alone married a western man. It took a while just for them to even talk. Right around when my sister was born though, their views lightened up and even became open to my father. It's been pretty good since.
It did take separation and time, but it eventually became good again.
Gloating about how your parents have no control in your life, however, can really effect things for the worst. I do not advice it at all, no matter how tempting.
That's actually REALLY close to what this situation is, only, you know, sans religion. It's more the fact that I'm disabled than that I'm white, apparently. However, given the entirety of the situation - which I am afraid I won't go into detail with here - cutting them out entirely seems to be the best solution here. They have quite a history of dickishness.
Is that better, or worse than buying a big central Christmas present at 11 PM Christmas Eve and then having it wrapped by midnight?
Hmm. I dunno. If it changes anything, I didn't end up getting the presents wrapped and going to bed until around 7:15 am, after I'd already fallen asleep in my chair.
That's actually REALLY close to what this situation is, only, you know, sans religion. It's more the fact that I'm disabled than that I'm white, apparently. However, given the entirety of the situation - which I am afraid I won't go into detail with here - cutting them out entirely seems to be the best solution here. They have quite a history of dickishness.
Honestly, they just believe they're doing the best for their kid. And if she's their only kid, they're just worried that they won't be supported when they get old. It's not right, but instead of cutting them out of the picture for it, keep in contact and if they see that you two are happy, they will likely have their hearts turn. Don't be all: OMG LOOK AT HOW HAPPY WE ARE AND YOU WERE WROOOONG, for obvious reasons. Completely cutting them out of the picture, the way I see it, is cutting out opportunities.
I mean, it's WAAAAAAAY easier to cut them out, but not necessarily the best choice.
That's actually REALLY close to what this situation is, only, you know, sans religion. It's more the fact that I'm disabled than that I'm white, apparently. However, given the entirety of the situation - which I am afraid I won't go into detail with here - cutting them out entirely seems to be the best solution here. They have quite a history of dickishness.
Reading what everyone's written, I think I have to agree that you'll need to cut them off mostly if not completely. It doesn't have to be forever, just long enough to demonstrate you can take care of their daughter and be happy together. Don't gloat or retaliate, just don't respond to anything negative. It's not like you have the ability to sprout legs to meet them halfway.
My fiancee's parents are complete assholes. Not just to me, but to her. Any advice?
Play along as long as you have to, then cut communication as much as your fiancé's comfortable with. It's the holidays, those times are necessarily worst because families are forced together (I'm thankful I don't have to eat THAT kind of crap over here, but still there's piles). But you won't get around the family completely, Tope is so right about that. It's impossible. In some rare cases, they will recognize that they're losing their daughter by what they're doing to you, but that is about the ONLY way that this will end in peace, and you must not tell them, and you must not tell her.
From my perspective, you personally can do NOTHING about it except uphold your loyalty to your fiancé whatever happens. Be friendly to the family even if they spit at you. This stuff must be sat through with never ending patience.
Well, they haven't even MET Pants yet and they've already decided to hate him from what I've gathered. And they've been awful to Mortis for some time from what she's told me. It's hard to deal with this sort of situation through traditional methods.
Though, Pants, I will also add to my original post that my grandfather didn't approve of my mom marrying my dad and tried everything to break them up (nearly succeeded). Thing is, my mom basically told him that he wasn't marrying my dad, so it didn't really matter what he thought of it. And now, twenty-five years later, my grandpa has started bragging about how he was the one responsible for them meeting in the first place (which he sorta was). So really, who knows what will happen in time.
Well, they haven't even MET Pants yet and they've already decided to hate him from what I've gathered. And they've been awful to Mortis for some time from what she's told me. It's hard to deal with this sort of situation through traditional methods.
Though, Pants, I will also add to my original post that my grandfather didn't approve of my mom marrying my dad and tried everything to break them up (nearly succeeded). Thing is, my mom basically told him that he wasn't marrying my dad, so it didn't really matter what he thought of it. And now, twenty-five years later, my grandpa has started bragging about how he was the one responsible for them meeting in the first place (which he sorta was). So really, who knows what will happen in time.
I hope it DOES turn out well. It's rather bizarre, though, that my parents indeed up being loving and supporting in this. Unexpected. They're both completely adoring of Comrade Mortis though, and are really working hard to help get her a job here. They seem ecstatic at the idea of having her as a daughter in law.
Or maybe they're just relieved that I'm not gay. I dunno.
I'd tell you about the fantastically depraved sex she and I had, but
A: You don't want to hear about it.
B: I don't really want to tell about it.
C: Comrade Mortis probably doesn't want me telling about it. Also, b&hammer.
E: You really don't want to hear about it.
I'd tell you about the fantastically depraved sex she and I had, but
A: You don't want to hear about it.
B: I don't really want to tell about it.
C: Comrade Mortis probably doesn't want me telling about it. Also, b&hammer.
E: You really don't want to hear about it.
OH Please do tell!
It will give me ideas!
(Though knowing the forces of irony, and my lack of sanity, those ideas will likely have nothing to do with the topic at hand!)
(I'm that sort of person that can watch open heart surgery on TV, but eventually wondering if I can still touch my head with my foot (I can jussst manage it with one foot while sitting down these days. Funny how one leg can be more fleixble than the other...))
I can sympathise though. My family are kind of worried, to the point of being a little ashamed, that I am completely inactive. (I kind of worry about that myself! XD)
Its pretty much why my older brother gave me expensive aftershave for christmas.
Oh well, the joys of being married to your hobby I suppose! XD
(Though knowing the forces of irony, and my lack of sanity, those ideas will likely have nothing to do with the topic at hand!)
I can sympathise though. My family are kind of worried, to the point of being a little ashamed, that I am completely inactive. (I kind of worry about that myself! XD)
Its pretty much why my older brother gave me expensive aftershave for christmas.
Oh well, the joys of being married to your hobby I suppose! XD
As your attorney, I advise you to hire hookers, pretend to have a social life. IT'S WHAT ALL THE COOL KIDS ARE DOING!
As your attorney, I advise you to hire hookers, pretend to have a social life. IT'S WHAT ALL THE COOL KIDS ARE DOING!
An interesting proposition.
But where can one find a good prostitute these days?
I mean I'm not particularily picky, but I wouldn't want one too heavily used. Would have to have to be a good runner, and have to have a clean body.
(Wouldn't want to get any of those nasty little crawlies. I have enough problems to deal with these days. Definately don't want to spend my time cleaning out the carpet)
I hope it DOES turn out well. It's rather bizarre, though, that my parents indeed up being loving and supporting in this. Unexpected. They're both completely adoring of Comrade Mortis though, and are really working hard to help get her a job here. They seem ecstatic at the idea of having her as a daughter in law.
Or maybe they're just relieved that I'm not gay. I dunno.
That's how my dad's parents were. They were just happy he was getting married. Finally. At thirty-five.
EDIT: Sillyness aside. I am curious as to why most women, at least in the UK, and at least at my Uni in particular, seem to expect the man to make the first move as it were.
I'm not an attractive man, and I admit, though I hate myself for being a bit shallow, I am secretly a little picky when it comes to women, (though I find most women I've seen attractive), but I would like it if a girl genuinely asked me out.
(Maybe more women do than I think. Maybe its my general oddness that puts people off. Maybe I come off as bold when I get talking, as I become usually very honest, and they just assume that if I'm interested I'll make a move. Maybe I'm just not good enough for most women)
Even if the girl wasn't attractive, It would still make my day.
(Though I don't know, or have met many women who aren't attractive. In fact most of the female friends I make have been drop dead gorgeous, and have lovely personalities and quirks... and normally have boyfriends in happy relationships... )
I'd go to a club or something, but I don't know, I guess it wouldn't be a good fit for me.
I'm not closed minded, but I know I'd just hate it.
The music is horrid, the booze is expensive, and the people that generally tend to go to these things aren't really looking for the same sort of thing as I am.
(I guess I'm an old romantic type. Want to do a few dates and take it slow. God, I'd have a heart attack if someone tried to rush me. I'd definately have to get to know a person first. Know quite a bit actually I guess. You know: hobbies, likes and dislikes, family, job, blood type
Basic stuff, but I feel thats important.
(I need to "fall in love" as it were with the person, not the body or the ideal... )
Man, it just makes me wonder. If my early years had just some minor changes here and there, would I be an entirely different person?
Maybe so.
I know my fear of rejection is rooted in the years of bullying, and the teasing of a girl I fancied, (who was a very mean tease. She just loved tormenting me with overflirting as it were. I didn't want to make my situation worse by making a move, as the embarassment would have intensified the bullying, (which I can confirm, as I was a few years later, planning to make a move on another girl, but I chickened out as I realised I was making myself blatantly obvious, and people were teasing me over it big time, but that "harmless fun" was resparking that trauma, and secretly knocking me for six real hard).
Maybe if that never happened, or if I was bullied less, I'd be more confident now.
I'm so close. So very close. The words almost came out of my mouth several times with the Swedish girl, but its that doubt, that irrational fear and warped logic that is pulling me back still.
I just hope that I continue to progress in the next few years. I guess I will, no, I'm sure I will, but for now its going to be a lingering annoyance.
Because nothing new from Sam & Max has come out since last fall. People stop talking about things when there's nothing new to talk about.
So it's 10:15 PM and I'm getting ready for bed. I can't remember the last time this happened. I think I might've been six. Of course, I've never had to start my day at 3:30 AM. PM, maybe, but never AM.
It's a shame, too, since I've only gotten to try out my new TV today for one song in Rock Band.
MK7, Dead Rising, and Sonic Generations about sums up my X-mas.
Now to avoid my family ont he day of celebrating with my family.
I got Shinobi (3DS), £30 worth of Nintendo eShop credit (already spent 1/2 on Tetris (GB), Mighty Switch Force, and Pullbox), a very nice Ultraviolet man Aftershave set, a cheap lynx set, a cheap adidas set, and a pair of cheap gloves.
Overall, a nice christmas for me!
(Though I knew what I was getting already! XD)
Just have the Roast Turkey dinner to look forward to!
(I hope I get extra sprouts. I love sprouts! (most people make the mistake of undercooking them. They are like 10x better when they are a bit mushy))
EDIT: Got £10 from my Nan, and I'll get a hand-me-down iPhone 3GS from my mother, now that she has the new iPhone 4S from her contract renewal.
(But the phone isn't really a Christmas present...)
EDIT: What guitar tuner did you get?
I got one of these and it does a pretty good job:
Are you jealous or just impressed?
Also, this one.
I'm only a teenager, but I DO know how to deal with assholes.
You might have to put up with her parents' crap for a while, but if you can get through those first few months, you might be able to marry her and then proceed to move VERY far away. In the meantime, just keep your cool and try to make as little contact with her folks as possible. Then, you two are pretty much free to do whatever you want.
Technically, after she graduates, they'll be powerless over her life. And she's graduating in a few months. So just sit tight and wait for the moment when you can gloat about their failure to be able to affect the course of events. Hell, you can even invite them to the wedding (just make sure to take out the "speak now or forever hold your peace" bit) and let them witness how little actual power they now have...especially because the social situation will force them to act like they approve.
By telling them to not be a dick?
I like your idea. You get us. You'd think you associated with us both outside of the forums or something. Weird.
While this is typically how to do it, it's a lot easier said than done. As a general warning for you, Brushie. Also, unless the parent is really bad (serious emotional or physical abuse), it's not typically a good thing to completely cut them out of the picture. Call them once a while. Typically parents are only assholes until you are no longer living with them and/or under their jurisdiction. Either you realize that "oh hey i was the asshole" or they realize that they were. Usually it's a bit of both. It doesn't always turn out this way, but it typically does.
When my mom married my dad, my Taiwanese grandparents shunned my mom. They were already very upset that she converted to a western religion, let alone married a western man. It took a while just for them to even talk. Right around when my sister was born though, their views lightened up and even became open to my father. It's been pretty good since.
It did take separation and time, but it eventually became good again.
Gloating about how your parents have no control in your life, however, can really effect things for the worst. I do not advice it at all, no matter how tempting.
That's actually REALLY close to what this situation is, only, you know, sans religion. It's more the fact that I'm disabled than that I'm white, apparently. However, given the entirety of the situation - which I am afraid I won't go into detail with here - cutting them out entirely seems to be the best solution here. They have quite a history of dickishness.
Hmm. I dunno. If it changes anything, I didn't end up getting the presents wrapped and going to bed until around 7:15 am, after I'd already fallen asleep in my chair.
Honestly, they just believe they're doing the best for their kid. And if she's their only kid, they're just worried that they won't be supported when they get old. It's not right, but instead of cutting them out of the picture for it, keep in contact and if they see that you two are happy, they will likely have their hearts turn. Don't be all: OMG LOOK AT HOW HAPPY WE ARE AND YOU WERE WROOOONG, for obvious reasons. Completely cutting them out of the picture, the way I see it, is cutting out opportunities.
I mean, it's WAAAAAAAY easier to cut them out, but not necessarily the best choice.
Reading what everyone's written, I think I have to agree that you'll need to cut them off mostly if not completely. It doesn't have to be forever, just long enough to demonstrate you can take care of their daughter and be happy together. Don't gloat or retaliate, just don't respond to anything negative. It's not like you have the ability to sprout legs to meet them halfway.
Don't be an ass, Davies.
Play along as long as you have to, then cut communication as much as your fiancé's comfortable with. It's the holidays, those times are necessarily worst because families are forced together (I'm thankful I don't have to eat THAT kind of crap over here, but still there's piles). But you won't get around the family completely, Tope is so right about that. It's impossible. In some rare cases, they will recognize that they're losing their daughter by what they're doing to you, but that is about the ONLY way that this will end in peace, and you must not tell them, and you must not tell her.
From my perspective, you personally can do NOTHING about it except uphold your loyalty to your fiancé whatever happens. Be friendly to the family even if they spit at you. This stuff must be sat through with never ending patience.
Though, Pants, I will also add to my original post that my grandfather didn't approve of my mom marrying my dad and tried everything to break them up (nearly succeeded). Thing is, my mom basically told him that he wasn't marrying my dad, so it didn't really matter what he thought of it. And now, twenty-five years later, my grandpa has started bragging about how he was the one responsible for them meeting in the first place (which he sorta was). So really, who knows what will happen in time.
I guess she's all tuckered out from the excitement!
(Or just all the booze... Yeah... probably the booze...)
I hope it DOES turn out well. It's rather bizarre, though, that my parents indeed up being loving and supporting in this. Unexpected. They're both completely adoring of Comrade Mortis though, and are really working hard to help get her a job here. They seem ecstatic at the idea of having her as a daughter in law.
Or maybe they're just relieved that I'm not gay. I dunno.
or ARE you????
I'd tell you about the fantastically depraved sex she and I had, but
A: You don't want to hear about it.
B: I don't really want to tell about it.
C: Comrade Mortis probably doesn't want me telling about it.
E: You really don't want to hear about it.
OH Please do tell!
It will give me ideas!
(Though knowing the forces of irony, and my lack of sanity, those ideas will likely have nothing to do with the topic at hand!)
(I'm that sort of person that can watch open heart surgery on TV, but eventually wondering if I can still touch my head with my foot (I can jussst manage it with one foot while sitting down these days. Funny how one leg can be more fleixble than the other...))
I can sympathise though. My family are kind of worried, to the point of being a little ashamed, that I am completely inactive. (I kind of worry about that myself! XD)
Its pretty much why my older brother gave me expensive aftershave for christmas.
Oh well, the joys of being married to your hobby I suppose! XD
As your attorney, I advise you to hire hookers, pretend to have a social life. IT'S WHAT ALL THE COOL KIDS ARE DOING!
You know it, buddy.
An interesting proposition.
But where can one find a good prostitute these days?
I mean I'm not particularily picky, but I wouldn't want one too heavily used. Would have to have to be a good runner, and have to have a clean body.
(Wouldn't want to get any of those nasty little crawlies. I have enough problems to deal with these days. Definately don't want to spend my time cleaning out the carpet)
That's how my dad's parents were. They were just happy he was getting married. Finally. At thirty-five.
EDIT: Sillyness aside. I am curious as to why most women, at least in the UK, and at least at my Uni in particular, seem to expect the man to make the first move as it were.
I'm not an attractive man, and I admit, though I hate myself for being a bit shallow, I am secretly a little picky when it comes to women, (though I find most women I've seen attractive), but I would like it if a girl genuinely asked me out.
(Maybe more women do than I think. Maybe its my general oddness that puts people off. Maybe I come off as bold when I get talking, as I become usually very honest, and they just assume that if I'm interested I'll make a move. Maybe I'm just not good enough for most women)
Even if the girl wasn't attractive, It would still make my day.
(Though I don't know, or have met many women who aren't attractive. In fact most of the female friends I make have been drop dead gorgeous, and have lovely personalities and quirks... and normally have boyfriends in happy relationships...
I'd go to a club or something, but I don't know, I guess it wouldn't be a good fit for me.
I'm not closed minded, but I know I'd just hate it.
The music is horrid, the booze is expensive, and the people that generally tend to go to these things aren't really looking for the same sort of thing as I am.
(I guess I'm an old romantic type. Want to do a few dates and take it slow. God, I'd have a heart attack if someone tried to rush me. I'd definately have to get to know a person first. Know quite a bit actually I guess. You know: hobbies, likes and dislikes, family, job, blood type
Basic stuff, but I feel thats important.
(I need to "fall in love" as it were with the person, not the body or the ideal...
Man, it just makes me wonder. If my early years had just some minor changes here and there, would I be an entirely different person?
Maybe so.
I know my fear of rejection is rooted in the years of bullying, and the teasing of a girl I fancied, (who was a very mean tease. She just loved tormenting me with overflirting as it were. I didn't want to make my situation worse by making a move, as the embarassment would have intensified the bullying, (which I can confirm, as I was a few years later, planning to make a move on another girl, but I chickened out as I realised I was making myself blatantly obvious, and people were teasing me over it big time, but that "harmless fun" was resparking that trauma, and secretly knocking me for six real hard).
Maybe if that never happened, or if I was bullied less, I'd be more confident now.
I'm so close. So very close. The words almost came out of my mouth several times with the Swedish girl, but its that doubt, that irrational fear and warped logic that is pulling me back still.
I just hope that I continue to progress in the next few years. I guess I will, no, I'm sure I will, but for now its going to be a lingering annoyance.
This song is one of my favourites, and kind of matches this post:
So it's 10:15 PM and I'm getting ready for bed. I can't remember the last time this happened. I think I might've been six. Of course, I've never had to start my day at 3:30 AM. PM, maybe, but never AM.
It's a shame, too, since I've only gotten to try out my new TV today for one song in Rock Band.
Oh, right, posted on my tumblr. Because apparently all the cool kids are doing it now.
Don't be a tit, StrongBrush; lest I lead you to under the mistletoe and bum you in the gob!