I was a mod once...of an actual professional website. It's true. I was until they shut their forum down due to a serious conflict between an employee and their top sponsor. Sometimes employees taking a stand against someone they don't know doesn't work out so well.
Just ignore it. It's a banned user trying to bring people from here to his own little forum.
Or do go there and read the chilling tale about The REAL Deal, Not the REAL Deal, Totally the REAL Deal, The REAL Deal not Guru, and the REAL Deal with addons.
My best friend just sent me a "I'm still alive" message on Facebook.
Its great, you know, having a friend like that.
Someone that, despite how busy they are, will take some time out of their hectic schedule to send a message to their friends.
I guess maybe he thought I was worried he had forgotten about me, and if so, then he certainly think less of me than he should! *pouts*
Looks like our next meetup in March will be a big one, since he's taken a whole week off. We have some catching up to do thats for certain.
If he comes here, then I'm sure the Sega Saturn will catch him off guard.
(He'll be like: "WOAH! You got a Sega Saturn! When did you get that?")
If I go over his place, then I need to get him a little something. (Its kind of a "friendship" rule when you go to a friends house for their birthday!)
Won't be as big as the spare SNES I got him last year. (I wonder if he's ever played it. He probably hasn't but its a nice gesture at least, and would make a good piece of decor for his "den"! XD)
I wonder if the work environment has matured him a bit?...
NAH! Thats ridiculous! He's just like me. No matter how old we get, or how much work/repsonsibilities we have, we will always be big goofballs. You can't ever take that child-like spirit out of us, (if I ever lost that, well... life wouldn't be worth living!).
That definatley has made me feel better about being hungry to say the least!
(Though I am still hungry. Might make myself a Bacon sarnie! )
EDIT: So this is going to be completely unrelated, but I thought of another reason why Monster Hunter is one of the best games ever made.
You see in most multiplayer games, to progress, you can choose to work with others to succeed.
In Monster Hunter you HAVE to work with others. You had to have faith in other's abilities, and even people with the best gear were still potentially vulnerable to getting killed.
And that is just brilliant. People who are actually motivated to form teams and work together to fight a common foe.
I played with people who didn't speak a lick of English but it didn't matter. The language was universal.
The UI kept track of our vitals, and when someone was hurt, someone was always there to draw the enemy away so that they could heal.
You had people with guns and traps setting up, while others were keeping the monsters distracted.
Luring a massive dragon into an elaborate trap was one of the greatest experiences I ever had with the game.
But the best part, was that everyone was rewarded equally.
No one got the lion share. (Unless they killed the most monsters obviously), but everyone got a good cut of the materials, that they could then use to make better equipment.
(and trust me. The materials you could get from group missions, were miles better than offline missions)
Also important was pacing, environment, and the fact that groups couldn't be changed during a mission, (so if anyone dropped out, then it made the mission harder).
The pacing is great. Its slower than most MMOs, but when combined with the more imaginative environments it makes for a better experience.
Travelling through a large map to get to the big monster builds up excellent tension. (Especially since the monsters had their own behaviours, and would move around and do things independantly, so sometimes just going to a monster wasn't enough. You had to know where it would settle and rest. Or it would just bugger off)
Some missions have the monster just there as soon as you leave camp. No time to prepare and gather resources, just get thrown in.
Its a game I miss so much, and I'm literally begging Capcom to release the 3DS games over here in Europe, (and the US).
Not doing so, is just robbing gamers of something special.
Hell I'd pay double current MMO rates to play it. It really is that valuable.
Funny you should mention that Dashing. I'm seeing Arietty tonight!
Good! I hope you enjoy it. Oh, a quick warning: While there are some lovely bits of ambient animation over the credits, there is ONE really obnoxious autotuned american pop-style song that fades into them pretty early. It's not as bad as the rap used for Ponyo, but I kind of wish I hadn't heard it. Kind of put a sour note at the end of what was really a lovely film.
idk just because he has a lot of fans doesn't mean he's untouchable. Ponyo, though pretty, was pretty substanceless and would have been better as a short, if that.
People should go see Arriety, which is masterful, rather than some shoddy piece of pro-war propaganda.
They actually use real soldiers as actors! So I would have to wait and see(real life soldiers as in the government changes their names, and things like that).
Yes, they do use actual(uncredited) Navy SEALs as part of a recruitment tool used to sell warfare to a relatively young audience. It's shoddy, mindless propaganda and the idea of going to see it is sickening.
Yes, they do use actual(uncredited) Navy SEALs as part of a recruitment tool used to sell warfare to a relatively young audience. It's shoddy, mindless propaganda and the idea of going to see it is sickening.
Ah, you just don't like seeing actual war movies!:rolleyes:
Ah, you just don't like seeing actual war movies!:rolleyes:
Some of my favorite films are "war" movies. The Grand Illusion, Grave of the Fireflies, Waltz With Bashir, etc. What I don't support are state-sponsored aggrandizement of war, creating a romance out of war. Though two of my mentioned favorite "war" movies are animated, they are in many ways more "real" than any piece of state-sponsored propaganda that utilizes live ammunition and military-grade equipment.
Some of my favorite films are "war" movies. The Grand Illusion, Grave of the Fireflies, Waltz With Bashir, etc. What I don't support are state-sponsored aggrandizement of war, creating a romance out of war. Though two of my mentioned favorite "war" movies are animated, they are in many ways more "real" than any piece of state-sponsored propaganda that utilizes live ammunition and military-grade equipment.
So your saying Attack of Pearl Harbor was a bad movie?
So your saying Attack of Pearl Harbor was a bad movie?
There is no film by that title. If you mean "Tora! Tora! Tora", yes it is a bad film. If you mean the 2001 film "Pearl Harbor", yes, that is one of the worst pieces of shit I've ever had to sit through.
It's good for what it is, but I'd feel better about the movie if it wasn't essentially state sponsored propaganda. The Pentagon specifically funded the movie in order to increase recruitment.
There really isn't anyone that ever went to war in here is there? Besides the point I could be going into war next year! But more for suppleness like a military trucker.
There really isn't anyone that ever went to war in here is there? Besides the point I could be going into war next year! But more for suppleness like a military trucker.
My brother has, but has not seen combat- nor will he ever with his position. He's a trainer pilot for the air force. ( he teaches others how to fly cargo planes and has done some on- site training. )
My brother has, but has not seen combat- nor will he ever with his position. He's a trainer pilot for the air force. ( he teaches others how to fly cargo planes and has done some on- site training. )
Hm being a trucker(semi truck) or cargo plane? So hard to choose!
There really isn't anyone that ever went to war in here is there? Besides the point I could be going into war next year! But more for suppleness like a military trucker.
One of the moderators here has been to war (and I won't name him if he doesn't want to be named), so I would shut up now if I were you.
For me, it's time to sleep. I work in the morning... because I hate god or something. Not sure how that works, but I get nasty looks from catholics... then they complain if places are closed. Oh well.
So Saucerfoot? Pepsiboy? Are you allowed to say?
I don't find it offensive so much as "meh."
Or do go there and read the chilling tale about The REAL Deal, Not the REAL Deal, Totally the REAL Deal, The REAL Deal not Guru, and the REAL Deal with addons.
They were so young...
Chili Cheese Fries!!!!!!;)
Oh man.. That sounds delicious...
Shame everything is closed up at the moment.
(Its about 10pm here)
That sucks.:(
i did not know that
Its great, you know, having a friend like that.
Someone that, despite how busy they are, will take some time out of their hectic schedule to send a message to their friends.
I guess maybe he thought I was worried he had forgotten about me, and if so, then he certainly think less of me than he should! *pouts*
Looks like our next meetup in March will be a big one, since he's taken a whole week off. We have some catching up to do thats for certain.
If he comes here, then I'm sure the Sega Saturn will catch him off guard.
(He'll be like: "WOAH! You got a Sega Saturn! When did you get that?")
If I go over his place, then I need to get him a little something. (Its kind of a "friendship" rule when you go to a friends house for their birthday!)
Won't be as big as the spare SNES I got him last year. (I wonder if he's ever played it. He probably hasn't but its a nice gesture at least, and would make a good piece of decor for his "den"! XD)
I wonder if the work environment has matured him a bit?...
NAH! Thats ridiculous! He's just like me. No matter how old we get, or how much work/repsonsibilities we have, we will always be big goofballs. You can't ever take that child-like spirit out of us, (if I ever lost that, well... life wouldn't be worth living!).
That definatley has made me feel better about being hungry to say the least!
(Though I am still hungry. Might make myself a Bacon sarnie!
EDIT: So this is going to be completely unrelated, but I thought of another reason why Monster Hunter is one of the best games ever made.
You see in most multiplayer games, to progress, you can choose to work with others to succeed.
In Monster Hunter you HAVE to work with others. You had to have faith in other's abilities, and even people with the best gear were still potentially vulnerable to getting killed.
And that is just brilliant. People who are actually motivated to form teams and work together to fight a common foe.
I played with people who didn't speak a lick of English but it didn't matter. The language was universal.
The UI kept track of our vitals, and when someone was hurt, someone was always there to draw the enemy away so that they could heal.
You had people with guns and traps setting up, while others were keeping the monsters distracted.
Luring a massive dragon into an elaborate trap was one of the greatest experiences I ever had with the game.
But the best part, was that everyone was rewarded equally.
No one got the lion share. (Unless they killed the most monsters obviously), but everyone got a good cut of the materials, that they could then use to make better equipment.
(and trust me. The materials you could get from group missions, were miles better than offline missions)
Also important was pacing, environment, and the fact that groups couldn't be changed during a mission, (so if anyone dropped out, then it made the mission harder).
The pacing is great. Its slower than most MMOs, but when combined with the more imaginative environments it makes for a better experience.
Travelling through a large map to get to the big monster builds up excellent tension. (Especially since the monsters had their own behaviours, and would move around and do things independantly, so sometimes just going to a monster wasn't enough. You had to know where it would settle and rest. Or it would just bugger off)
Some missions have the monster just there as soon as you leave camp. No time to prepare and gather resources, just get thrown in.
Its a game I miss so much, and I'm literally begging Capcom to release the 3DS games over here in Europe, (and the US).
Not doing so, is just robbing gamers of something special.
Hell I'd pay double current MMO rates to play it. It really is that valuable.
you would expect that from the creators of ponyo
say that to the thouands of fans and haio mihaaki
They actually use real soldiers as actors! So I would have to wait and see(real life soldiers as in the government changes their names, and things like that).
Ah, you just don't like seeing actual war movies!:rolleyes:
So your saying Attack of Pearl Harbor was a bad movie?
It's good for what it is, but I'd feel better about the movie if it wasn't essentially state sponsored propaganda. The Pentagon specifically funded the movie in order to increase recruitment.
My brother has, but has not seen combat- nor will he ever with his position. He's a trainer pilot for the air force. ( he teaches others how to fly cargo planes and has done some on- site training. )
Hm being a trucker(semi truck) or cargo plane? So hard to choose!
How? How did you manage to spell Hayao Miyazaki that badly?
One of the moderators here has been to war (and I won't name him if he doesn't want to be named), so I would shut up now if I were you.
This bodes well for his adventure game that will never happen.
hey guys
it's time to make tater tots
I'm not high I promise.