Looks like I got a use for one of those 32gb Micro SD cards already!
Okay, so I'll put it in a SD adapter and stick it in the...
Well, my 3DS already has a pretty decent 4gb SD.
BUT! I just found out that you can watch videos and listen to music on the 3DS.
Its a bit hacky, but it works pretty well.
For MP3's its simple. You just make a folder called "music" in your DCIM folder on your SD card then just copy whatever you want on there.
(If the MP3 doesn't work, it needs to be opened up in Audacity and resaved as a MP3. (need to make sure the kbps needs to be the set to the same as the MP3 file in prefernces, else you'll lose quality. Also may need to redo the tags, since I converted some songs and their titles have turned into hashes... )
For video, you need a converter called 3DS Video v1.32
It can convert 2D and 3D videos to be played as 3DS video AVI files.
Unfortunately the only problem is that the 3DS stupidly limits video files to about 10mins in length, so the final files will be split into 10 minute segments.
Also there is no way to sort the files, (apart from editing their date), so when you stick them in the 3DS SD card, (in the DCIM directory, in one of the subfolders), they won't be sorted and will likely be jumbled up.
But setting the quality slider to about 10, produces a very nice video file at the end, which looks great on the 3DS.
(Family Guy in particular looks fantastic on it. Shame the video timer won't go away though... )
I hope Nintendo give us proper media playback eventually though. Since the PSP and probably the Vita as well had very good playback, and Nintendo need to stop living in the past...
EDIT: You can get rid of the playback timer in options. Thats slightly better now.
Time to watch Ah! My Goddess.
The 1950s had better music and clothes. Also, a better government, less debt, things were cheaper and the mood was generally more optimistic. However, in this state I wouldn't be able to marry my fiancee due to miscegenation laws and lingering eugenics laws over my disability, so, you know. Good with the bad, yeah?
The 1950s had better music and clothes. Also, a better government, less debt, things were cheaper and the mood was generally more optimistic. However, in this state I wouldn't be able to marry my fiancee due to miscegenation laws and lingering eugenics laws over my disability, so, you know. Good with the bad, yeah?
Also, people in the 50's didn't take too kindly to socialists. Or African-Americans. Or gay people. Or Latinos. Or Asians...
The 1950s had better music and clothes. Also, a better government, less debt, things were cheaper and the mood was generally more optimistic. However, in this state I wouldn't be able to marry my fiancee due to miscegenation laws and lingering eugenics laws over my disability, so, you know. Good with the bad, yeah?
I don't know if they'd care too terribly because there were also laws that forbid Chinese people to intermarry with white people, I think. So... breaking two laws makes it legal?
Also, no internet. And I wouldn't be able to major in my major because it didn't exist yet. I'd have to be a chemist.
I don't know if they'd care too terribly because there were also laws that forbid Chinese people to intermarry with white people, I think. So... breaking two laws makes it legal?
Interracial marriage was legally barred until 1967. The 1950s were fucked up in a lot of ways socially, and the music people remember so well reflects a very strong selection bias. Oh, we don't listen to ALL music from the 50s, only the stuff that people remember 50 years later. That's not an unfair comparison against every piece of pop music released that is forgotten in the next *week* or anything. It's not like the 1950s and the 2000s had different business models or an artistically homogeneous culture or anything, either.
I don't know if they'd care too terribly because there were also laws that forbid Chinese people to intermarry with white people, I think. So... breaking two laws makes it legal?
Those were the two laws I was perturbed by, yeah. In any case, me being a Communist - Socialist - Marxist - social malcontent would likely be unwelcome, as well. Also, as you mentioned, no Internet. Also, I've got gay friends, black friends, and hispanic friends. Really, I'd take any move against their rights as something of a problem as well.
Still, the music was generally better since big band was still around and pop music still involved real instruments. Also, people wore suits and hats because they had more taste back then.
Those were the two laws I was perturbed by, yeah. In any case, me being a Communist - Socialist - Marxist - social malcontent would likely be unwelcome, as well. Also, as you mentioned, no Internet. Also, I've got gay friends, black friends, and hispanic friends. Really, I'd take any move against their rights as something of a problem as well.
Still, the music was generally better since big band was still around and pop music still involved real instruments. Also, people wore suits and hats because they had more taste back then.
Oy! I usually wear a fedora and waistcoat to lecture. Gotta stay classy!
Those were the two laws I was perturbed by, yeah. In any case, me being a Communist - Socialist - Marxist - social malcontent would likely be unwelcome, as well. Also, as you mentioned, no Internet. Also, I've got gay friends, black friends, and hispanic friends. Really, I'd take any move against their rights as something of a problem as well.
But that's the thing. If you'd grown up in the 50s without internet and exposure to lots of different ideas, maybe you'd have the 50s outlook on race, creed, and sexual orientation as well.
Also, people wore suits and hats because they had more taste back then.
idk i still see people wearing this. just because there's variety and everything isn't one-noted doesn't mean everything is bad. it means you appreciate one part of fashion, that still exists mind you.
there always seems to be this idea that the past is better when in reality it's easy to say that because we can look back an pick all the best parts at once because it all already happened and sorta ignore all the bad ones.
I think he's referring to fully synthesised music (not sample based music, its that sort of bassy crap my older brother likes to play at maximum volume) and autotune.
(I hate both. Mostly due to them being used so poorly)
But that's the thing. If you'd grown up in the 50s without internet and exposure to lots of different ideas, maybe you'd have the 50s outlook on race, creed, and sexual orientation as well.
This is rather a scary thought.
Considering he was a belligerent Conservative Southern Baptist before he was a belligerent Marxist Atheist with a seemingly contradictory romanticization of 50s Americana, I believe this would be the case.
so you hate them inherently because popular examples use them wrong?
the pinnacle of fashion
Look most of the time, it doesn't matter what something is made of, (unless it was made of something inherantly bad like poo), its HOW its made, or in other words, the overall quality/properties that are important.
Its kind of the same in videogames.
Its the overall experience that matters. If the game shows some genuine effort behind it, then it really shows in the end.
I'd rather hear a bad song with thoughtful lyrics, then a "good" song with bland meaningless "aw gurl imma sex u up" or "look at how badass I am" lyrics that I'm sure everyone has heard thousands of times.
I'd rather hear a bad song with thoughtful lyrics, then a "good" song with bland meaningless "aw gurl imma sex u up" or "look at how badass I am" lyrics that I'm sure everyone has heard thousands of times.
I'm honestly am not sure if you're implying that modern day music don't have thoughtful lyrics, but if you are, I think you're not looking hard enough if you want to find them.
I'm not saying I like all of pop music, and coming from a place where the radio was quite literally playing the same modern pop music over and over again, I really don't like a whole lot of stuff that gets played on the radio. I guess what I'm saying is that despite this, life isn't a binary of good or bad and that you can find good and bad things everywhere. Writing off an entire genre or time period or methods based off some examples seems a bit silly. To me at least.
I feel that creating this sort of binary of good and bad sorta closes a lot of doors.
I'm honestly am not sure if you're implying that modern day music don't have thoughtful lyrics, but if you are, I think you're not looking hard enough if you want to find them.
I'm not saying I like all of pop music, and coming from a place where the radio was quite literally playing the same modern pop music over and over again, I really don't like a whole lot of stuff that gets played on the radio. I guess what I'm saying is that despite this, life isn't a binary of good or bad and that you can find good and bad things everywhere. Writing off an entire genre or time period or methods based off some examples seems a bit silly. To me at least.
I feel that creating this sort of binary of good and bad sorta closes a lot of doors.
Oh no. Trust me, I get exposed to A LOT of this music. And some pop music isn't that bad. But that music is normally of a more traditional genre, (or pulls a lot from it), with a little modern pop-ish twist to it.
That being said though, I LOATHE some of the bastardisations of classic songs.
I'm sorry but using a sample of a song completely out of its context is... well... disrespectful.
(especially when the rest of that song is generic repetition of the same crappy beat with some stupid lyrics pasted over it)
Modern pop music in the end of the day is like a pie chart of different types of songs. there's a good 10-20 percent wedge of good stuff with real thought and effort put behind it.
The rest is just generic garbage.
(But thats just what life is like in general really, no matter what the era. Nostalgia is just us remembering the good bit and chucking the rest of the crap into the eternal abyss
(Just a shame that idiots and unscrupulous business men puppet masters are brainwashing the young to actually LIKE these turds))
I thought today was the day that The Doctor invented to slow the progress of the human race just enough to avoid colliding with a particularily bad bunch of aliens that they never stood a chance against.
Hence we are "leaping" out of the way of cosmic disaster.
EDIT: Look before you go on raging dude, let me explain a little.
Sometimes people are illogical. Can't be helped.
If you want a videogame analogy. Then try the idea of Order vs. Chaos.
You can have too much of both. Too much Order restricts creativity and progress, and makes people miserable.
Too much Chaos, then its all cats and dogs living together. Mass histeria.
Just don't take it personally. You yourself like to express that creative side of your head right?
Some people like to do that with words.
Hell I say a load of crap I don't necessarily mean.
(Its a balancing thing. A crazy kind of venting us kooky inclusive types like to do! )
Homo sapiens are imperfect beings, but it is those imperfections that make us so gosh darn endearing.
(After all, if everyone was the same then it would be a bit freaky. (reminds me of a Doctor Who episode actually...))
Interracial marriage was legally barred until 1967. The 1950s were fucked up in a lot of ways socially, and the music people remember so well reflects a very strong selection bias. Oh, we don't listen to ALL music from the 50s, only the stuff that people remember 50 years later. That's not an unfair comparison against every piece of pop music released that is forgotten in the next *week* or anything. It's not like the 1950s and the 2000s had different business models or an artistically homogeneous culture or anything, either.
"Today's Music Is All Derivative Trash."
The Complaint:
"Two words: 'Justin Bieber.' Turn on a classic rock station and you can listen for hours without hearing one bad song. Now turn on a Top 40 station and try not to gouge out your ears. Today's music is just a bland product mass-produced by corporations. Don't take my word for it -- ask any music critic. They'll tell you the stuff that sells today is generic garbage. Not the music back in the day, like Zeppelin, Elvis, The Beatles, Pink Floyd ... bands like that would never top the charts today."
The Reality:
There are two things that skew our cultural memory on things like music.
OK, three.
First of all, you have the fact that the crap from previous eras gets forgotten, leaving only the great stuff behind. Those songs on classic rock stations are obviously cherry-picked as the best and most indicative of an entire era; it's not a random sampling of all the music available at the time. Modern rock or pop stations, on the other hand, have to play whatever's come out in the past six months or so.
So there is a filter applied to the old stuff. Even most of the music in Mozart's day was bullshit. And because it was bullshit, nobody felt the need to keep copies. And what was preserved isn't played today. Because it's bullshit. So it's easy to look back at Mozart's era (or the 1960s, or whatever) and assume that because only the classics survive in our memory, everything made back then was a classic.
The other problem is we assume that what gets remembered over time is whatever was the most popular. Not true.
For instance, what survives from the Vietnam era (thanks mostly to Vietnam movies) are songs like the badass protest song "Fortunate Son" by Creedence Clearwater Revival and "Gimme Shelter" by the Rolling Stones. Both were released in 1969, after the war started going bad.
Now look at the Billboard year-end singles charts from 1946 to today. The top song in 1969? "Sugar, Sugar" by the Archies. Let us quote the entire lyrics of that song:
Sugar, ah honey honey
You are my candy girl
And you've got me wanting you.
Honey, ah sugar sugar
You are my candy girl
And you've got me wanting you.
I just can't believe the loveliness of loving you
(I just can't believe it's true)
I just can't believe the one to love this feeling to.
(I just can't believe it's true)
Ah sugar, ah honey honey
You are my candy girl
And you've got me wanting you.
Ah honey, ah sugar sugar
You are my candy girl
And you've got me wanting you.
When I kissed you, girl, I knew how sweet a kiss could be
(I know how sweet a kiss can be)
Like the summer sunshine pour your sweetness over me
(Pour your sweetness over me)
Sugar, pour a little sugar on it honey,
Pour a little sugar on it baby
I'm gonna make your life so sweet, yeah yeah yeah
Pour a little sugar on it oh yeah
Pour a little sugar on it honey,
Pour a little sugar on it baby
I'm gonna make your life so sweet, yeah yeah yeah
Pour a little sugar on it honey,
Ah sugar, ah honey honey
You are my candy girl
And you've got me wanting you.
Oh honey, honey, sugar sugar ..
You are my candy girl .
At least Britney Spears is most of a real person.
"Fortunate Son" got no higher than No. 14 on the charts. "Gimme Shelter"? It was never released as a single at all.
Go ahead, look down the list. There is some great music on there, but it's mixed in with a lot of stuff you've probably never even heard of. And do you know what you don't see on there? Queen, Led Zeppelin and a lot of other great musicians. Groups that are well-remembered now, when classic rock radio stations wouldn't be caught dead playing some of the shit that outsold them. Even Elvis and The Beatles are only on there twice, tying for the most No. 1 year-end singles with none other than George Michael.
And that's not even considering that, thanks to the Internet, we have far more access to all kinds of niche music genres and independent artists that we'd have never heard in the past.
And as for the critics, you have to keep in mind that there will always, always be critics who hate whatever the latest trend is. Rock music as a whole was blasted pretty harshly when it first got popular. Melody Maker called it "one of the most terrifying things to have ever happened to popular music." The Daily Mail decided to up the ante by mixing in some good old-fashioned racism: "[Rock music] is deplorable. It is tribal. And it is from America. It follows ragtime, blues, jazz, hot cha-cha and the boogie-woogie, which surely originated in the jungle. We sometimes wonder whether this is the negro's revenge."
Hell, even The Beatles weren't safe. The Daily Telegraph said that they were "something Hitler might find useful."
Holy shit, music critics of the 50s and 60s sound oddly like the Glenn Beck of today.
Why? Because it's easier to be negative. That part will never change
People still dress shittily these days, though. A T shirt and jeans? As daily attire? Fucking seriously? People in the 50's seemed to have a much better sense of taste, by and large. People should go back to wearing suits and hats every day. I'd do it were dry cleaning not so expensive.
People still dress shittily these days, though. A T shirt and jeans? As daily attire? Fucking seriously? People in the 50's seemed to have a much better sense of taste, by and large. People should go back to wearing suits and hats every day. I'd do it were dry cleaning not so expensive.
Oh hey, you answered your own question as to why people don't do it that much anymore. It is far too much effort to: put on girdle, put on stockings, wear slip, put on petti, wear dress, put hair up in pin curls the night before, do make up perfectly, ect. all combined, that's about 3-4 or more hours of work, not including making sure your husband had his outfit all put together. And that's something you did every single day. We don't have time for that at all these days unless it's a special event. Things go out of style and berating other people for not sticking with the past seems like a wasted effort.
Also, jeans and a t-shirt STARTED in the 1950's, bro.
Charity work is the most depressing kind of rewarding. Sure the intrinsic value of helping your fellow man is great, but to see people in such a horrible condition does little for my faith in humanity and the world. /mytwocents
People still dress shittily these days, though. A T shirt and jeans? As daily attire? Fucking seriously? People in the 50's seemed to have a much better sense of taste, by and large. People should go back to wearing suits and hats every day. I'd do it were dry cleaning not so expensive.
Yes, because people in the 1950's NEVER wore jeans and t-shirts.
Yes, because people in the 1950's NEVER wore jeans and t-shirts.
Nope, never.
The right sort of people did. Further, suits and hats were much more common back then. I will admit though, that suits and hats were much more common in the 40s. So was good music.
Things go out of style and berating other people for not sticking with the past seems like a wasted effort.
But the present sucks! It seems to have none of the class or substance of the past and none of the high tech wonder that the future is sure to hold. Add to that a decaying society, impotent government and increasingly shitty environment and geopolitical stage and you're in for a lousy, lousy period in time.
Further, suits and hats were much more common back then. I will admit though, that suits and hats were much more common in the 40s. So was good music.
uh that's not what my grandma who grew up in the 40s and 50s says. it's okay to like suits and hats from the 50s and wear them, but it's kinda weird when you insist on something that isn't based in reality.
Okay, so I'll put it in a SD adapter and stick it in the...
Well, my 3DS already has a pretty decent 4gb SD.
BUT! I just found out that you can watch videos and listen to music on the 3DS.
Its a bit hacky, but it works pretty well.
For MP3's its simple. You just make a folder called "music" in your DCIM folder on your SD card then just copy whatever you want on there.
(If the MP3 doesn't work, it needs to be opened up in Audacity and resaved as a MP3. (need to make sure the kbps needs to be the set to the same as the MP3 file in prefernces, else you'll lose quality. Also may need to redo the tags, since I converted some songs and their titles have turned into hashes...
For video, you need a converter called 3DS Video v1.32
It can convert 2D and 3D videos to be played as 3DS video AVI files.
Unfortunately the only problem is that the 3DS stupidly limits video files to about 10mins in length, so the final files will be split into 10 minute segments.
Also there is no way to sort the files, (apart from editing their date), so when you stick them in the 3DS SD card, (in the DCIM directory, in one of the subfolders), they won't be sorted and will likely be jumbled up.
But setting the quality slider to about 10, produces a very nice video file at the end, which looks great on the 3DS.
(Family Guy in particular looks fantastic on it. Shame the video timer won't go away though...
I hope Nintendo give us proper media playback eventually though. Since the PSP and probably the Vita as well had very good playback, and Nintendo need to stop living in the past...
EDIT: You can get rid of the playback timer in options. Thats slightly better now.
Time to watch Ah! My Goddess.
That's on me son. My bad. Word.
But you're an East Asian politics student :P I learned this a long time ago but just felt like posting it.
pow pow
(Sim City 5 screenshots)
Also, people in the 50's didn't take too kindly to socialists. Or African-Americans. Or gay people. Or Latinos. Or Asians...
(Banner Saga announcement trailer)
I don't know if they'd care too terribly because there were also laws that forbid Chinese people to intermarry with white people, I think. So... breaking two laws makes it legal?
Also, no internet. And I wouldn't be able to major in my major because it didn't exist yet. I'd have to be a chemist.
Those were the two laws I was perturbed by, yeah. In any case, me being a Communist - Socialist - Marxist - social malcontent would likely be unwelcome, as well. Also, as you mentioned, no Internet. Also, I've got gay friends, black friends, and hispanic friends. Really, I'd take any move against their rights as something of a problem as well.
Still, the music was generally better since big band was still around and pop music still involved real instruments. Also, people wore suits and hats because they had more taste back then.
Oy! I usually wear a fedora and waistcoat to lecture. Gotta stay classy!
But that's the thing. If you'd grown up in the 50s without internet and exposure to lots of different ideas, maybe you'd have the 50s outlook on race, creed, and sexual orientation as well.
This is rather a scary thought.
pop music does still involve real instruments. even then, i don't see how electric instruments are not real. *shruuuug*
idk i still see people wearing this. just because there's variety and everything isn't one-noted doesn't mean everything is bad. it means you appreciate one part of fashion, that still exists mind you.
there always seems to be this idea that the past is better when in reality it's easy to say that because we can look back an pick all the best parts at once because it all already happened and sorta ignore all the bad ones.
(I hate both. Mostly due to them being used so poorly)
so you hate them inherently because popular examples use them wrong?
the pinnacle of fashion
Look most of the time, it doesn't matter what something is made of, (unless it was made of something inherantly bad like poo), its HOW its made, or in other words, the overall quality/properties that are important.
Its kind of the same in videogames.
Its the overall experience that matters. If the game shows some genuine effort behind it, then it really shows in the end.
I'd rather hear a bad song with thoughtful lyrics, then a "good" song with bland meaningless "aw gurl imma sex u up" or "look at how badass I am" lyrics that I'm sure everyone has heard thousands of times.
I'm honestly am not sure if you're implying that modern day music don't have thoughtful lyrics, but if you are, I think you're not looking hard enough if you want to find them.
I'm not saying I like all of pop music, and coming from a place where the radio was quite literally playing the same modern pop music over and over again, I really don't like a whole lot of stuff that gets played on the radio. I guess what I'm saying is that despite this, life isn't a binary of good or bad and that you can find good and bad things everywhere. Writing off an entire genre or time period or methods based off some examples seems a bit silly. To me at least.
I feel that creating this sort of binary of good and bad sorta closes a lot of doors.
Oh no. Trust me, I get exposed to A LOT of this music. And some pop music isn't that bad. But that music is normally of a more traditional genre, (or pulls a lot from it), with a little modern pop-ish twist to it.
That being said though, I LOATHE some of the bastardisations of classic songs.
I'm sorry but using a sample of a song completely out of its context is... well... disrespectful.
(especially when the rest of that song is generic repetition of the same crappy beat with some stupid lyrics pasted over it)
Modern pop music in the end of the day is like a pie chart of different types of songs. there's a good 10-20 percent wedge of good stuff with real thought and effort put behind it.
The rest is just generic garbage.
(But thats just what life is like in general really, no matter what the era. Nostalgia is just us remembering the good bit and chucking the rest of the crap into the eternal abyss
(Just a shame that idiots and unscrupulous business men puppet masters are brainwashing the young to actually LIKE these turds))
I thought today was the day that The Doctor invented to slow the progress of the human race just enough to avoid colliding with a particularily bad bunch of aliens that they never stood a chance against.
Hence we are "leaping" out of the way of cosmic disaster.
Speak for yourself.
I was speaking for myself. Think about what you say before you say it, buddy.
Shut up, I'm a cripple. I totes have an excuse.
any particular reason why?
There's too many different reasons why, but mainly it comes down to the lack of logic behind half of these comments.
Don't be a dick, Retro. This is how wars get started.
EDIT: Look before you go on raging dude, let me explain a little.
Sometimes people are illogical. Can't be helped.
If you want a videogame analogy. Then try the idea of Order vs. Chaos.
You can have too much of both. Too much Order restricts creativity and progress, and makes people miserable.
Too much Chaos, then its all cats and dogs living together. Mass histeria.
Just don't take it personally. You yourself like to express that creative side of your head right?
Some people like to do that with words.
Hell I say a load of crap I don't necessarily mean.
(Its a balancing thing. A crazy kind of venting us kooky inclusive types like to do!
Homo sapiens are imperfect beings, but it is those imperfections that make us so gosh darn endearing.
(After all, if everyone was the same then it would be a bit freaky. (reminds me of a Doctor Who episode actually...))
"Today's Music Is All Derivative Trash."
The Complaint:
"Two words: 'Justin Bieber.' Turn on a classic rock station and you can listen for hours without hearing one bad song. Now turn on a Top 40 station and try not to gouge out your ears. Today's music is just a bland product mass-produced by corporations. Don't take my word for it -- ask any music critic. They'll tell you the stuff that sells today is generic garbage. Not the music back in the day, like Zeppelin, Elvis, The Beatles, Pink Floyd ... bands like that would never top the charts today."
The Reality:
There are two things that skew our cultural memory on things like music.
OK, three.
First of all, you have the fact that the crap from previous eras gets forgotten, leaving only the great stuff behind. Those songs on classic rock stations are obviously cherry-picked as the best and most indicative of an entire era; it's not a random sampling of all the music available at the time. Modern rock or pop stations, on the other hand, have to play whatever's come out in the past six months or so.
So there is a filter applied to the old stuff. Even most of the music in Mozart's day was bullshit. And because it was bullshit, nobody felt the need to keep copies. And what was preserved isn't played today. Because it's bullshit. So it's easy to look back at Mozart's era (or the 1960s, or whatever) and assume that because only the classics survive in our memory, everything made back then was a classic.
The other problem is we assume that what gets remembered over time is whatever was the most popular. Not true.
For instance, what survives from the Vietnam era (thanks mostly to Vietnam movies) are songs like the badass protest song "Fortunate Son" by Creedence Clearwater Revival and "Gimme Shelter" by the Rolling Stones. Both were released in 1969, after the war started going bad.
Now look at the Billboard year-end singles charts from 1946 to today. The top song in 1969? "Sugar, Sugar" by the Archies. Let us quote the entire lyrics of that song:
Sugar, ah honey honey
You are my candy girl
And you've got me wanting you.
Honey, ah sugar sugar
You are my candy girl
And you've got me wanting you.
I just can't believe the loveliness of loving you
(I just can't believe it's true)
I just can't believe the one to love this feeling to.
(I just can't believe it's true)
Ah sugar, ah honey honey
You are my candy girl
And you've got me wanting you.
Ah honey, ah sugar sugar
You are my candy girl
And you've got me wanting you.
When I kissed you, girl, I knew how sweet a kiss could be
(I know how sweet a kiss can be)
Like the summer sunshine pour your sweetness over me
(Pour your sweetness over me)
Sugar, pour a little sugar on it honey,
Pour a little sugar on it baby
I'm gonna make your life so sweet, yeah yeah yeah
Pour a little sugar on it oh yeah
Pour a little sugar on it honey,
Pour a little sugar on it baby
I'm gonna make your life so sweet, yeah yeah yeah
Pour a little sugar on it honey,
Ah sugar, ah honey honey
You are my candy girl
And you've got me wanting you.
Oh honey, honey, sugar sugar ..
You are my candy girl .
At least Britney Spears is most of a real person.
"Fortunate Son" got no higher than No. 14 on the charts. "Gimme Shelter"? It was never released as a single at all.
Go ahead, look down the list. There is some great music on there, but it's mixed in with a lot of stuff you've probably never even heard of. And do you know what you don't see on there? Queen, Led Zeppelin and a lot of other great musicians. Groups that are well-remembered now, when classic rock radio stations wouldn't be caught dead playing some of the shit that outsold them. Even Elvis and The Beatles are only on there twice, tying for the most No. 1 year-end singles with none other than George Michael.
And that's not even considering that, thanks to the Internet, we have far more access to all kinds of niche music genres and independent artists that we'd have never heard in the past.
And as for the critics, you have to keep in mind that there will always, always be critics who hate whatever the latest trend is. Rock music as a whole was blasted pretty harshly when it first got popular. Melody Maker called it "one of the most terrifying things to have ever happened to popular music." The Daily Mail decided to up the ante by mixing in some good old-fashioned racism: "[Rock music] is deplorable. It is tribal. And it is from America. It follows ragtime, blues, jazz, hot cha-cha and the boogie-woogie, which surely originated in the jungle. We sometimes wonder whether this is the negro's revenge."
Hell, even The Beatles weren't safe. The Daily Telegraph said that they were "something Hitler might find useful."
Holy shit, music critics of the 50s and 60s sound oddly like the Glenn Beck of today.
Why? Because it's easier to be negative. That part will never change
Read more: 5 Complaints About Modern Life (That Are Statistically B.S.) | Cracked.com http://www.cracked.com/article_18983_5-complaints-about-modern-life-that-are-statistically-b.s._p2.html#ixzz1no2sztLE
That's a very vague answer, but whateve. Ever considered charity work?
Oh hey, you answered your own question as to why people don't do it that much anymore. It is far too much effort to: put on girdle, put on stockings, wear slip, put on petti, wear dress, put hair up in pin curls the night before, do make up perfectly, ect. all combined, that's about 3-4 or more hours of work, not including making sure your husband had his outfit all put together. And that's something you did every single day. We don't have time for that at all these days unless it's a special event. Things go out of style and berating other people for not sticking with the past seems like a wasted effort.
Also, jeans and a t-shirt STARTED in the 1950's, bro.
Yes, because people in the 1950's NEVER wore jeans and t-shirts.
Nope, never.
The right sort of people did. Further, suits and hats were much more common back then. I will admit though, that suits and hats were much more common in the 40s. So was good music.
Anyway, they look like rubbish.
But the present sucks! It seems to have none of the class or substance of the past and none of the high tech wonder that the future is sure to hold. Add to that a decaying society, impotent government and increasingly shitty environment and geopolitical stage and you're in for a lousy, lousy period in time.
Also, the music and fashion still suck.
uh that's not what my grandma who grew up in the 40s and 50s says. it's okay to like suits and hats from the 50s and wear them, but it's kinda weird when you insist on something that isn't based in reality.