So, in the book of my life, if anyone were to read it... I mean, would finding out that there are people this stupid be considered a sympathetic reason to hang myself? People, man. God dammit.
That's a stupid reason and you should be hanged for that.
So, in the book of my life, if anyone were to read it... I mean, would finding out that there are people this stupid be considered a sympathetic reason to hang myself? People, man. God dammit.
Hey, it's not as bad as the outraged Twitter posts when people found out that Rue from the Hunger Games was going to be played by a black girl. Even though the book pretty explicitly states that she is, in fact, black.
And folks try and say that racism is gone from this country...
And folks try and say that racism is gone from this country...
I don't think anyone says that. I've wasted much time arguing against the proverbial brick wall of ignorance and intolerance that makes up a fair chunk of society.
Hey, it's not as bad as the outraged Twitter posts when people found out that Rue from the Hunger Games was going to be played by a black girl. Even though the book pretty explicitly states that she is, in fact, black.
And folks try and say that racism is gone from this country...
Okay, this made me try to read the sidebar, too. Pants, how can your location be a socialist Jarl? Like, are you inside the Jarl or sitting on his lap or something? Cause, that's kinda weird.
Okay, this made me try to read the sidebar, too. Pants, how can your location be a socialist Jarl? Like, are you inside the Jarl or sitting on his lap or something? Cause, that's kinda weird.
Ankh-Morpork is a real place! It's on the disc on the back of the four elephants on top of the giant turtle, A'tuin, who flies on an endless journey through space.
Ankh-Morpork is a real place! It's on the disc on the back of the four elephants on top of the giant turtle, A'tuin, who flies on an endless journey through space.
Its true that there are still a lot of stupid racist bigots out there.
And thats why its our responsibility, as ascended citizens of the internets, to point them out and laugh at their stupidity! XD
(I've been loving the whole Penny Arcade affair. Man that guy is so ridiculouly dumb, it makes you wonder how he ever got any work in the first place! XD)
Oh dear. I checked a few of the accounts... they're real.
Urgh, what a load of uneducated idiots. I literally have trouble accepting that people can be that stupid.
I suppose that next they're going to be surprised to learn that the Star Wars of 1605 were real too. Kids today just don't know their galactic history. Yoda must be spinning in his grave.
Been playing Silent Hill 2 today.
(Got the HD Collection in the post. Not a brilliant port from the reviews, but for £15 I can't grumble at all! Besides I wanted to get Silent Hill 3 in particular, though playing I'm playing 2 first because I'm too lazy to dig out the old xbox and play my original version of 2 on there (I'm planning to play 2,3 and 4. Maybe 1 if I buy it of PSN and stick it on the PSP))
Even though I'm playing it during a bright and sunny day, I am nervous.
Not at the monsters, they haven't scared me at all. Just some mangled corpses, but I'm in the first apartments, on the third floor, and there is a key behind some bars.
I just know as soon as I take that key something bad is going to happen. I have a feeling I'm going to run into Pyramid Head. Horror pacing dictates it.
I'm dreading it. I only have managed to find 2 healing things and my heath is red, so I'm worried that my panicing might cause me to die, and to be honest I don't want to really.
EDIT: Okay. So why would Capcom focus on a sequel to Lost Planet, which the second game, admittadely was pretty damn aweful, yet cancel something that was likely to be pretty darn good like Megaman Legends 3.
Capcom just don't make any sense anymore...
EDIT 2: Oh and its being made by Spark Unlimited.
They couldn't even get a GOOD developer to make it!!
I love survival horror games but I really really suck at 2.5 shooting, run out of ammo quickly and die. They're one of the few video games instances where I'm almost more content watching other people play them. Yep, I'm going to admit on a video game forum that I'm so bad that there are probably many 5 year olds that can kick my ass at them. I remember picking up Resident Evil 2 for N64 and I could barely get my ass into the police station without dying. I did eventually beat it and love it... after I discovered there were cheat codes for relative invincibility. Yeah, definitely not my niche genre and I've heard they've only become more difficult.
All the presidential candidates are just more of the same bullshit. Well, except for Vermin Supreme. Other than that, take a look at them and you'll see why I want a revolution so much.
All the presidential candidates are just more of the same bullshit. Well, except for Vermin Supreme. Other than that, take a look at them and you'll see why I want a revolution so much.
All politicians are power-hungry whores the world over, the desire to be one should void you from ever being allowed to become one.
Just live your life in international waters, we can live on an oil rig and throw the wildest hootenannys and run a pirate radio station playing the finest music of yesteryear.
Only in certain areas. Their approach to firearms, free speech, and Internet liberties is atrocious. Besides, there are several areas of the Chinese system that work far better for the various cultures in China than they ever could in Western countries.
That's one of the reasons why Communism has continued in much of Asia, you know. Asian cultures tend to put less stress on individual desires and more on the community. Due to this, Communism is much less likely to be rejected.
No, what I think would ultimately work best for the United States is a minarchist based structure with most decision making made on the community level with rights assured by a central state. Social aid would be given by communities to their most vulnerable members, counties would enforce and create laws and the federal government would be responsible for ensuring communities don't slide into totalitarianism whilst ensuring that the rights of minorities are protected in regions like the South that are more prone to racial or sexual prejudice.
Under this system, secession would be a guaranteed right, as one of the failings of the United States is the inability to leave it. With this inability in place, the federal government has nothing to stop them from trampling over states' and counties' sovereignty.
All politicians are power-hungry whores the world over, the desire to be one should void you from ever being allowed to become one.
Just live your life in international waters, we can live on an oil rig and throw the wildest hootenannys and run a pirate radio station playing the finest music of yesteryear.
Just live your life in international waters, we can live on an oil rig and throw the wildest hootenannys and run a pirate radio station playing the finest music of yesteryear.
RetroVortex, I like your Spider-Man/Instant Rice thingy in your sig.
It made me laugh.
Man you noticed that just now? o_O
I mean, how long was it since I changed to the whole spiderman theme?
(When was the mature thread created? I think it was around that time (coolsome made my avatar. Well he made that picture, but I stole it because it was worth stealin'! ))
EDIT: That reminds me! I need to finish my Spiderman marathon.
Well... after I watch the rest of Red Dwarf!
(Only 1 season left to go! Shame its the worst season, but the worst of Red Dwarf is like a nice cream puddin' compared to some steaming turds I have watched! XD)
That's a stupid reason and you should be hanged for that.
Not if I hang you first!
Hey, it's not as bad as the outraged Twitter posts when people found out that Rue from the Hunger Games was going to be played by a black girl. Even though the book pretty explicitly states that she is, in fact, black.
And folks try and say that racism is gone from this country...
I don't think anyone says that. I've wasted much time arguing against the proverbial brick wall of ignorance and intolerance that makes up a fair chunk of society.
Racists gonna racist.
I can't read one thing on your profile sidebar. Jarl? Perennial? What is this shit?
Yours is just as bad!
Ankh-Morpork is a real place! It's on the disc on the back of the four elephants on top of the giant turtle, A'tuin, who flies on an endless journey through space.
The Jarl Space, I suppose.
Oh great. Now I'm imagining this. THE IMAGES!
And thats why its our responsibility, as ascended citizens of the internets, to point them out and laugh at their stupidity! XD
(I've been loving the whole Penny Arcade affair. Man that guy is so ridiculouly dumb, it makes you wonder how he ever got any work in the first place! XD)
That's the shortest post you've made in a long time.
Surely it just means he's further left than all the other Jarls?
Urgh, what a load of uneducated idiots. I literally have trouble accepting that people can be that stupid.
I suppose that next they're going to be surprised to learn that the Star Wars of 1605 were real too. Kids today just don't know their galactic history. Yoda must be spinning in his grave.
Please could you elaborate.
(Got the HD Collection in the post. Not a brilliant port from the reviews, but for £15 I can't grumble at all! Besides I wanted to get Silent Hill 3 in particular, though playing I'm playing 2 first because I'm too lazy to dig out the old xbox and play my original version of 2 on there (I'm planning to play 2,3 and 4. Maybe 1 if I buy it of PSN and stick it on the PSP))
Even though I'm playing it during a bright and sunny day, I am nervous.
Not at the monsters, they haven't scared me at all. Just some mangled corpses, but I'm in the first apartments, on the third floor, and there is a key behind some bars.
I just know as soon as I take that key something bad is going to happen. I have a feeling I'm going to run into Pyramid Head. Horror pacing dictates it.
I'm dreading it. I only have managed to find 2 healing things and my heath is red, so I'm worried that my panicing might cause me to die, and to be honest I don't want to really.
EDIT: Okay. So why would Capcom focus on a sequel to Lost Planet, which the second game, admittadely was pretty damn aweful, yet cancel something that was likely to be pretty darn good like Megaman Legends 3.
Capcom just don't make any sense anymore...
EDIT 2: Oh and its being made by Spark Unlimited.
They couldn't even get a GOOD developer to make it!!
Sure. Any opportunity for the Government to put people into an unnecessary panic and boost the economy.
Also, been watching the Halloween special of 'The Simpsons' on C4, Coolsome? Well, there's a surprise!
Your stalking me!
*shrug* But it doesn't matter to me. I wouldn't vote for them, even if they did.
That would be a terrible idea.
I have my excuse.
All politicians are power-hungry whores the world over, the desire to be one should void you from ever being allowed to become one.
Just live your life in international waters, we can live on an oil rig and throw the wildest hootenannys and run a pirate radio station playing the finest music of yesteryear.
Only in certain areas. Their approach to firearms, free speech, and Internet liberties is atrocious. Besides, there are several areas of the Chinese system that work far better for the various cultures in China than they ever could in Western countries.
That's one of the reasons why Communism has continued in much of Asia, you know. Asian cultures tend to put less stress on individual desires and more on the community. Due to this, Communism is much less likely to be rejected.
No, what I think would ultimately work best for the United States is a minarchist based structure with most decision making made on the community level with rights assured by a central state. Social aid would be given by communities to their most vulnerable members, counties would enforce and create laws and the federal government would be responsible for ensuring communities don't slide into totalitarianism whilst ensuring that the rights of minorities are protected in regions like the South that are more prone to racial or sexual prejudice.
Under this system, secession would be a guaranteed right, as one of the failings of the United States is the inability to leave it. With this inability in place, the federal government has nothing to stop them from trampling over states' and counties' sovereignty.
I like this plan.
...I will slow-clap anyone who gets that reference.
And I'm still kind of depressed and pissed off at Capcom!
EDIT: Oh HI Coolsome!
It's no underwater city, but it'll do?
Hey! Thish plan ish waaay bedda that some underwater cityplace.
I went to Atlantis once, and it Suuuuuucked!
The food was crap, the people were all noisy and rude.
And you don't wanna know where all the bits and bobs were.
Wermaidds might look cute on the top, but on the bottom its a whole different story!
The gills were not where I expected them to be thats for shure.
They didn't even have a Pool!
Hows a guy suppose to find a good spot to get a tan?
And the sand just got everwhere. I mean everywhere.
Its that gritty sand too! The sort of stuff that doesn't wash off easy.
Blech! Atlantis.
Give me Asgard any day. Now those guys! They know how to throw a party!
It made me laugh.
Man you noticed that just now? o_O
I mean, how long was it since I changed to the whole spiderman theme?
(When was the mature thread created? I think it was around that time (coolsome made my avatar. Well he made that picture, but I stole it because it was worth stealin'!
EDIT: That reminds me! I need to finish my Spiderman marathon.
Well... after I watch the rest of Red Dwarf!
(Only 1 season left to go! Shame its the worst season, but the worst of Red Dwarf is like a nice cream puddin' compared to some steaming turds I have watched! XD)
I noticed that ages ago and I agree that's it's very funny. It's definitely one of the better signatures upon this site.