You were enjoying it up until you came up to a boss you had trouble with. At least choose to dislike the games on their own merits, rather than because they have "Metroid" in the title.
Also, the only person I still pay any attention to on TGWTG is Todd in the Shadows.
I think Linkara and Angry Joe do some good stuff still.
But apart from that I don't really watch much of it anymore.
(Actually playing some of my games tends to do that! XD)
I always wanted to try my hand at reviewing and LPs, but not only do I not have the right tech for it (don't know what I'd need, and I probably couldn't afford it anyway...), but I know I'd just slack off and never stick with anything.
(Remembering back to my stupid attempt at a blog, and my unfinished Legends of Grimrock LP)
That being said though, I DO have a lot of material...
Eh, too many reviewers these days.
(Then again, with the horrible mess that is Gamespot, Eurogamer and IGN, not many reviews are even being made, and many lack professionalism. We kind of need as many honest reviews as we can get!)
Busy couple of weeks ahead.
I have a lot of overtime booked up. Most the shifts are comfortable morning-afternoon shifts, so I will have say 2-3pm + to do my own stuff in.
Good thing is, is that I should get almost a months worth of money out of it.
It may even be enough, when combined with the overtime that hasn't been counted yet and my regular wage, to put me in the plus on my account.
A few hundred pounds in the plus would put me in a comfortable position whether I quit uni, transfer to a different course, or go on a placement.
(I'm hoping for the placement, and quitting is the last resort, but either way this time round I'm planning for such continuities)
Wow, SpoonyOne got let go from That Guy With the Glasses.
Aww. I might have been annoyed at him for beating into the ground his loathing for Final Fantasy 8, but he was still one of the few I paid any attention to on that site. (The few being Nostalgia Critic, Angry Joe, Spoony, Nostalgia Chick and Linkara. Though mostly NC and AJ.)
Nostalgia Critic did a crossover with Diamanda Hagan, and I have to say... I am not a fan. Creepy, stupid and annoying--that's all I'm saying.
Superman vs the Elite should be how a superman video game works insded of haveing a heath meater and kryptonite fog you have to save people and fight villains with out killing them maybe even having a limit you can beat them up for before they die and you get a game over.
Wow, SpoonyOne got let go from That Guy With the Glasses.
Spoony's losing his marbles big time. It's sorta at the point where I just feel bad for him. Needs to quit drinking and close that goddamned Twitter account for his dog.
He used to be like the best of the best as well, witty, atrractive, charismatic and cutting. Now he's just a husk I haven't checked up on his videos regularly in years.
I personally wouldn't spend my time watching anyone else on TGWTG except Ashens, who isn't really an active contributor anyway.
Quite possibly the greatest opening lines to a boss battle in any video game ever....except for the one from this game where Banjo gets mistaken for a pizza delivery boy and the boss gets pissed because they won't give him the pizza he ordered, and later, his brother recognizes Banjo as the "pizza delivery boy that beat up his brother".
I just wonder if these people would ever just take a step back, think about how stupid and pointless this whole affair is, calm down, apologise, and be friends again.
It really is that simple!
Then again, this is the internet and not everyone is so rational... ¬_¬
EDIT: If anything good has come of this, is the amusing thought of spoony literally being bounced out of the club.
(Like I dunno, on a spring or something...)
Thats how my mind works at least. (I'm "Special"! )
When I say "I pay attention to [...] Linkara," what I mean to say is I paid attention to him at one time. He was amusing with his Top 15 WTF Moments in Comics ("The alchemy machine in Sultry Teenage Super-Foxes #1... that turns dog poop into gold." ) among other videos.
But I do admit that I haven't watched any recent videos of his in months.
I don't regularly watch Nostalgia Chick, but I do watch her videos on occasion if I find the topic interesting. As I said, of late it's been mostly Angry Joe and Nostalgia Critic.
People pay attention to Linkara? That's disappointing. His views on comics are loathsomely bad.
His reviews of Ultimatum were pretty funny. Haven't read that series yet, but when I get around to them, I'll probably find much more amusement than if I went in cold.
Off and on, I have been working at ripping my DVD movies to .m4v files on my computer (only for myself; not to share). My initial idea was to be able to easily watch movies on my laptop when I'm away from home and and without WiFi access (which gets me to Netflix).
But now... today I discovered that my Wii can display said video files (currently on my desktop PC, which rips the data faster) using WiiMC, and all I needed to do was set up a network share.
What makes this fantastic is that I can watch fan edited movies on my TV without burning them to disc (as that is an annoying and unreliable process.)
Why did Lara Croft decide to surgically replace three of her fingers with breadsticks?! Oh well, at least she's reverted back on her Toblerone based breast implants; those things may have been full of nougaty goodness but they were a hazard to anyone not wearing safety goggles!
Sorry to depress you, if that’s whats happened. Go ahead and get back to whatever you want on this forum. No sense in me throwing out stuff about my personal life.
Sorry to depress you, if that’s whats happened. Go ahead and get back to whatever you want on this forum. No sense in me throwing out stuff about my personal life.
I don't think its just you dude.
Sunday is a pretty slow day in general. (I should know, I track the activity of this forum all the time, and I know the times when people post...)
The only thing I can talk about today is that I'm kind of annoyed my overtime at work for tomorrow was cancelled, (with NO explanation as to why. Don't I deserve THAT much... -_-), and how fun Patapon is.
Because Patapon is fun.
Gotta love those charasmatic little guys. They try hard against the extreme odds, with a cheery and almost insane optimism.
Just makes you want to help them. To turn them into an efficient fighting team.
Man, I hate to brag, but I really, really love my PSP. 128gb of memory, and a metric shit-ton of good games on there. (Good screen for movies, and a passable media player make it a good portable media device on top)
Oh, and Mutant Mudds. Great game. Hate the price (£8? Thats steep for a 3ds downloadable), but it has very good level design, (actually challenging and suprising deep at points) and its a solid, and addictive experience (though maybe a little shallow in the long-term, but being a donwloadable title, that can be forgiven).
EDIT: Maybe I should make a thread where people just make me play the games I own. Sometimes I feel like I need some external motivation to play them. It was easy when I was younger, since I had loads of friends to "pull" me towards decisions, but since most of my old friends have gone their seperate ways, I struggle to pick up a controller sometimes.
I'm terrible at making decisions. I choose spend more time sitting around deciding what to play rather than actually playing something.
(While my best friend is like completing almost everything he gets. (Then again he has a different environment, he has his own room, less interference from family (I am the guy everyone goes to for help on everything. GUUUUHHH!!! >:/), and doesn't need to share anything with others. Lucky bastard!))
Sorry to depress you, if that’s whats happened. Go ahead and get back to whatever you want on this forum. No sense in me throwing out stuff about my personal life.
Don't worry. This thread is a bit strange and it will always remain so. Sometimes members just need to say what's in their heart and if the conversation just continues with meaningless nonsense, it will always feel insulting. We've had massive conversation stoppers in these last years, but it's the thread for this as well.
My condolences, and all the best to you and your family!
Don't worry. This thread is a bit strange and it will always remain so. Sometimes members just need to say what's in their heart and if the conversation just continues with meaningless nonsense, it will always feel insulting. We've had massive conversation stoppers in these last years, but it's the thread for this as well.
My condolences, and all the best to you and your family!
^ The wise man here doth explain well.
We all have had our fair share of crap experiences over the years.
I mean, I have bitched about pretty much everything under a blue moon, but if I didn't have somewhere to get this off my chest, I would have truly gone past the boundaries of sanity!
I'm going to be honest, I haven't played anything Telltale in about a month. Its the community that brings me here. These fantastic like-minded individuals who are on the same level, and are great at "shooting the shit" with.
(or "skipping the stones" or other euthamisms for hanging out and talking about stuff)
That reminds me, I need to finish off the first episode of The Walking Dead. Maybe I should try to squeeze that in tomorrow...
Sorry to depress you, if that’s whats happened. Go ahead and get back to whatever you want on this forum. No sense in me throwing out stuff about my personal life.
Don't be sorry. People have always been using this place to vent their feelings to feel better. Sadly, loss of family members seems to be a recurring theme here.
Its time to put some mindless bravado back into this thread haha!
So raise your hands, and give a big smile.
Though the road is tough, we shall prevail!
(Yeah I've watched Baccano again. Love it. I got most of what went on, well, the stuff that had context. My older brother watched the whole lot and liked it as well, but him being of an inferior mind was still quite confused by it all, and wanted more! More! Much like I did before, but sadly there has been no more. Anime-wise anyway (though there is apparently another 15 light novel's worth of stuff to the story, (I wonder if I could get my hands on some... )))
EDIT: Oh Joy! I found some translations!
Looks like I have something to keep me busy tomorrow afterall. Heh...
Also, the only person I still pay any attention to on TGWTG is Todd in the Shadows.
But apart from that I don't really watch much of it anymore.
(Actually playing some of my games tends to do that! XD)
I always wanted to try my hand at reviewing and LPs, but not only do I not have the right tech for it (don't know what I'd need, and I probably couldn't afford it anyway...), but I know I'd just slack off and never stick with anything.
(Remembering back to my stupid attempt at a blog, and my unfinished Legends of Grimrock LP)
That being said though, I DO have a lot of material...
Eh, too many reviewers these days.
(Then again, with the horrible mess that is Gamespot, Eurogamer and IGN, not many reviews are even being made, and many lack professionalism. We kind of need as many honest reviews as we can get!)
I bet you would like to scew with him.
That sexy, michievous man muffin that he is!
I've watched him review enough porno...I don't need to think about one starring him and me.
I have a lot of overtime booked up. Most the shifts are comfortable morning-afternoon shifts, so I will have say 2-3pm + to do my own stuff in.
Good thing is, is that I should get almost a months worth of money out of it.
It may even be enough, when combined with the overtime that hasn't been counted yet and my regular wage, to put me in the plus on my account.
A few hundred pounds in the plus would put me in a comfortable position whether I quit uni, transfer to a different course, or go on a placement.
(I'm hoping for the placement, and quitting is the last resort, but either way this time round I'm planning for such continuities)
Like this?
Or would I actually have to do some work here?
Happy belated birthday, Daishi!
Nostalgia Critic did a crossover with Diamanda Hagan, and I have to say... I am not a fan. Creepy, stupid and annoying--that's all I'm saying.
Spoony's losing his marbles big time. It's sorta at the point where I just feel bad for him. Needs to quit drinking and close that goddamned Twitter account for his dog.
He used to be like the best of the best as well, witty, atrractive, charismatic and cutting. Now he's just a husk
I personally wouldn't spend my time watching anyone else on TGWTG except Ashens, who isn't really an active contributor anyway.
I only watch him for his Power Rangers reviews, and I haven't done that in months.
Same here. Im waiting to hear his option on Rita being
Fuck it! It's as good as done.
Internet drama is scary.
I just wonder if these people would ever just take a step back, think about how stupid and pointless this whole affair is, calm down, apologise, and be friends again.
It really is that simple!
Then again, this is the internet and not everyone is so rational... ¬_¬
EDIT: If anything good has come of this, is the amusing thought of spoony literally being bounced out of the club.
(Like I dunno, on a spring or something...)
Thats how my mind works at least. (I'm "Special"!
But I do admit that I haven't watched any recent videos of his in months.
I don't regularly watch Nostalgia Chick, but I do watch her videos on occasion if I find the topic interesting. As I said, of late it's been mostly Angry Joe and Nostalgia Critic.
His reviews of Ultimatum were pretty funny. Haven't read that series yet, but when I get around to them, I'll probably find much more amusement than if I went in cold.
So that was a success in my book.
But now... today I discovered that my Wii can display said video files (currently on my desktop PC, which rips the data faster) using WiiMC, and all I needed to do was set up a network share.
What makes this fantastic is that I can watch fan edited movies on my TV without burning them to disc (as that is an annoying and unreliable process.)
Just in time for the Steam Summer Sale.
Why did Lara Croft decide to surgically replace three of her fingers with breadsticks?! Oh well, at least she's reverted back on her Toblerone based breast implants; those things may have been full of nougaty goodness but they were a hazard to anyone not wearing safety goggles!
Aww. So sorry to hear that:(
I don't think its just you dude.
Sunday is a pretty slow day in general. (I should know, I track the activity of this forum all the time, and I know the times when people post...)
The only thing I can talk about today is that I'm kind of annoyed my overtime at work for tomorrow was cancelled, (with NO explanation as to why. Don't I deserve THAT much... -_-), and how fun Patapon is.
Because Patapon is fun.
Gotta love those charasmatic little guys. They try hard against the extreme odds, with a cheery and almost insane optimism.
Just makes you want to help them. To turn them into an efficient fighting team.
Man, I hate to brag, but I really, really love my PSP. 128gb of memory, and a metric shit-ton of good games on there. (Good screen for movies, and a passable media player make it a good portable media device on top)
Oh, and Mutant Mudds. Great game. Hate the price (£8? Thats steep for a 3ds downloadable), but it has very good level design, (actually challenging and suprising deep at points) and its a solid, and addictive experience (though maybe a little shallow in the long-term, but being a donwloadable title, that can be forgiven).
Also, since I don't have work tomorrow, I think I may play a GOG. Any suggestions. I pretty much have most of them.
EDIT: Maybe I should make a thread where people just make me play the games I own. Sometimes I feel like I need some external motivation to play them. It was easy when I was younger, since I had loads of friends to "pull" me towards decisions, but since most of my old friends have gone their seperate ways, I struggle to pick up a controller sometimes.
I'm terrible at making decisions. I choose spend more time sitting around deciding what to play rather than actually playing something.
(While my best friend is like completing almost everything he gets. (Then again he has a different environment, he has his own room, less interference from family (I am the guy everyone goes to for help on everything. GUUUUHHH!!! >:/), and doesn't need to share anything with others. Lucky bastard!))
Don't worry. This thread is a bit strange and it will always remain so. Sometimes members just need to say what's in their heart and if the conversation just continues with meaningless nonsense, it will always feel insulting. We've had massive conversation stoppers in these last years, but it's the thread for this as well.
My condolences, and all the best to you and your family!
^ The wise man here doth explain well.
We all have had our fair share of crap experiences over the years.
I mean, I have bitched about pretty much everything under a blue moon, but if I didn't have somewhere to get this off my chest, I would have truly gone past the boundaries of sanity!
I'm going to be honest, I haven't played anything Telltale in about a month. Its the community that brings me here. These fantastic like-minded individuals who are on the same level, and are great at "shooting the shit" with.
(or "skipping the stones" or other euthamisms for hanging out and talking about stuff)
That reminds me, I need to finish off the first episode of The Walking Dead. Maybe I should try to squeeze that in tomorrow...
EDIT: Here's another thing I'd like to add.
Things can be bad, but they can always be worse.
Especially if you have to face this guy at the same time.
Especially hearing this bit over and over again...
Don't be sorry. People have always been using this place to vent their feelings to feel better. Sadly, loss of family members seems to be a recurring theme here.
So raise your hands, and give a big smile.
Though the road is tough, we shall prevail!
(Yeah I've watched Baccano again. Love it. I got most of what went on, well, the stuff that had context. My older brother watched the whole lot and liked it as well, but him being of an inferior mind was still quite confused by it all, and wanted more! More! Much like I did before, but sadly there has been no more. Anime-wise anyway (though there is apparently another 15 light novel's worth of stuff to the story, (I wonder if I could get my hands on some...
EDIT: Oh Joy! I found some translations!
Looks like I have something to keep me busy tomorrow afterall. Heh...