The Voice Actor Discussion Thread



  • edited September 2010
    I hope he's doing another character because I honestly don't want to think of Tidus as Marty.

    That and not really a fan of the things he's done.
  • edited September 2010
    It's not like JAT will be mimicking Tidus' voice though, is it?
  • edited September 2010
    JAT will mimic MJ Fox, he proved he could do that on several occasions.

    A voice actor just doesn't have "one" voice (or he's a crappy one).

    JAT will be the perfect illusion.
  • edited September 2010
    jp-30 wrote: »
    It's not like JAT will be mimicking Tidus' voice though, is it?

    JAT has one of those voices where you can recognize it in his work, I'll be able to recognize.

    Mind you It's not going to make me not buy the game and play it religiously. Just a mi nut detail. I'm not fond of.
  • edited September 2010
    Yeah of course, cauze Obiwan's voice and Tidus' are totally similar >_> ...

    BTW, since he answered that to someone who said he would be great for the upcoming BTTF game two weeks ago.
    Thanks I auditioned for it haven't heard back yet. Perhaps everyone can e-mail the video game company and tell them they need me in the game. : )


    So that does confirm that he auditionned for Marty, and that he worked at Tell Tale for the BTTF game recently.

    1+1= ?
  • edited September 2010
    Strayth wrote: »
    Yeah of course, cauze Obiwan's voice and Tidus' are totally similar >_> ...

    BTW, he answered that to someone who said he would be great for the upcoming BTTF game two weeks ago.

    So that does confirm that he auditionned for Marty, and that he worked at Tell Tale for the BTTF game.

    1+1= ?

    Well they do sound similiar, well to me anyways.

    He probably signed an NDA. So he can't really say anything other than he auditioned.
  • edited September 2010
    He probably signed an NDA. So he can't really say anything other than he auditioned.

    Two weeks ago he didn't know if he was taken or not.

    But we do know he is now ^^.

    We knew he worked for Tell Tales on BTTF game, but we didn't know if it was for Marty for sure. Now it is :p .

    As for Obiwan and Tidus, I really don't think they sound similar.

    And his impersonation of Fox is pretty good, maybe you can hear JAT's real voice a little but there's nothing ruining the immersion, in my opinion.

    For me, the illusion will perfectly work. (and for many people too since they love his work)

    Though I didn't like Tidus. But I'm not sure the voice acting was the problem, the cheesy writing probably was.
  • edited September 2010
    @SeanSpengler09 I do my best my friend. BTW looks like I'll be playing "Young Doc Brown" in the BTTF game, thanks for your support

    Dunno if it was a joke. But was tweeted on his twitter page to a fan.
  • edited September 2010
    Oh Well, nevermind then.

    I guess he auditionned for Marty, but they thought they had a better actor doing that voice, but since JAT was good (and that they probably saw his video doing both voices) they asked him to try yound Doc.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited September 2010
    A MORE fitting voice actor than JAT to voice Marty McFly? That, on the other hand, would sound incredibly promising, because there_is_only_one. :D

    Young Doc... njarrghhhhhh, I don't know if I like the idea. In the very early survey, one of the four plots had a young Doc in it, and I wrote "Doc Brown is never young!!" regarding that. It's probably the 20s-30s time frame where you'll meet this character, but hopefully, nothing more is leftover from the survey plot.
  • edited September 2010
    Not really since he did say the game's story was awesome. That means he plays an important part of it ^^. (He's supposed to only have access to his lines and context for the voice acting session, to avoid any kind of leak)

    Maybe not "super important" but I'd say it's not just a cameo.

    But you're right, the fact that JAT tried to be Marty, and that they took someone else, means that the "new" guy is probably "perfect".

    But it can't be MJ Fox since there wouldn't be auditions in the first place ^^'.
  • edited September 2010
    I would suggest that JAT was lying but he seems to be really good with his fans and what not. So it'll be interesting to see who ends up doing Marty as I think he would have been a great candidate. I don't particularly see it in the Invader Zim guy that dude keeps whipping on about.
  • edited September 2010
    I didn't see this link posted on this thread yet, but apologies if you have already seen this:

    JAT Youtube

    It is James Arnold Taylor doing Marty and Doc, from BTTF. He is pretty good at both!
  • edited September 2010
    i liked his impression of MJF but tbh i didn't like his impression of The Doc.
  • edited September 2010
    Steve2000 wrote: »
    I didn't see this link posted on this thread yet, but apologies if you have already seen this:

    JAT Youtube

    It is James Arnold Taylor doing Marty and Doc, from BTTF. He is pretty good at both!

    And down in the comments, he mentions that he auditioned for Marty, and now he talks about doing work on the game. So I guess that it is as close to being official as it can be without an official word from Telltale.
  • jmmjmm
    edited September 2010
    It's not uncommon for actors to audition for one role, not getting that role but getting cast for another role.
  • edited September 2010
    If the tweet is not a red herring, then my money is on JAT doing both Marty and a young Emmett Brown.

    I don't know why some people seem to think he's not doing Marty just because he may also be doing young Emmett.
  • edited September 2010
    jp-30 wrote: »
    If the tweet is not a red herring, then my money is on JAT doing both Marty and a young Emmett Brown.

    I don't know why some people seem to think he's not doing Marty just because he may also be doing young Emmett.

    Good point there. They will probably start recording with Taylor soon for the first chapter, so we'll have some information or photos by then.

    The cast is shaping real nicely! Chris Lloyd, James Arnold Taylor... And I bet Roger Jackson and Kid Beyond will have some roles too! Maybe a character voiced by Dominic Armato too? :p

    Seriously though, the excitment is getting bigger and bigger! And I just can't wait for some casting news for the JP game. Who knows, maybe soon we'll see Sam Neill on the Telltale studios recording some stuff...
  • edited September 2010
    If the tweet is not a red herring, then my money is on JAT doing both Marty and a young Emmett Brown.

    I don't know why some people seem to think he's not doing Marty just because he may also be doing young Emmett.

    The ONLY thing that could confirm that he voices both of them, is that he didn't hesitate to say he was doing young Doc, but said "he couldn't say anything more than he's done some work for BTTF the game, that has an awesome story".

    Which would mean he doesn't want to reveal something that is secret, thus something he didn't tell ...

    Meeh I don't know. Anyway, he's great, if he voices Marty it's good for me, if he doesn't, that mean the other actor is even closer to Marty so we're not losing in the process.

    And maybe Vainamoinen was right then, yound Doc is a minor part and he had the whole "story" because he voices Marty...
  • edited September 2010
    I assume Telltale want to handle the announcement of the Marty voicing with much diplomacy, and very possibly with an endorsement and a soundbyte/quote from Fox.

    These things take time to organise and approve from all parties.
  • edited September 2010
    Still, I find it a bit odd. Michael J Fox recorded for both his books (audio book narrator is actually him) and that's not a small text...those are two big books!

    Even more, last year he played in a movie (don't remember the name), so it's not like he won't give it his best shot if asked.

    Maybe Telltale is searching for a younger voice for you said, Doc Brown is always old, but Marty was young in the movies. Maybe Michael could do it but his voice is not what Telltale is looking for. Who knows?

    What you write on the paper (script) is always a bit different from what you see (or hear) in the movie/game.
  • edited September 2010
    Still, I find it a bit odd. Michael J Fox recorded for both his books (audio book narrator is actually him) and that's not a small text...those are two big books!

    He has the time to do it, he's not limited in time, and he can also probably do that at home.
    Even more, last year he played in a movie (don't remember the name), so it's not like he won't give it his best shot if asked.

    It's not really the same thing. And we don't know how he's doing. His disease evolves very quickly ...
    Maybe Telltale is searching for a younger voice for you said, Doc Brown is always old, but Marty was young in the movies. Maybe Michael could do it but his voice is not what Telltale is looking for. Who knows?

    From what we know, there will be a young Doc voiced by another actor than Chris Lloyd ...

    And an actor can easily modulate his voice. Moreover, Micheal J fox is one of a kind who still has the same light voice, even as a 50 years old man.

    And, do you really think Telltales would ask MJ to come, give him the lines, then tell him "you know what ? It's not gonna work, see you".
  • edited September 2010
    sorry for double posting, a bug has occurred.
  • edited September 2010
    I don't know if this was previously mentioned, but if Fox can't do it, then Billy West would be a good option I think :)
  • edited September 2010
    Strayth, I truly agree with everything you said. But because you double posted, I don't like you anymore. Hmpf!


    (let's just hope for the best, man, I can't wait!!)
  • edited September 2010
    Strayth, I truly agree with everything you said. But because you double posted, I don't like you anymore. Hmpf!


    (let's just hope for the best, man, I can't wait!!)

    Huh, what a weird internet interaction, I didn't know that someone could agree with somebody else on the net. :p

    Yeah this double posting also makes me hate myself... Meh, that's life.

    You do can hope for the best. James Arnold Taylor auditionned for Marty and he (seemingly, might be wrong) wasn't picked up for this particular role, while many of us thought he was great for this part (though because he's very talented, they gave him another role). That means Telltales found somebody fitting Marty even better !
  • edited September 2010
    Strayth wrote: »
    You do can hope for the best. James Arnold Taylor auditionned for Marty and he (seemingly, might be wrong) wasn't picked up for this particular role, while many of us thought he was great for this part (though because he's very talented, they gave him another role). That means Telltales found somebody fitting Marty even better !

    Or he could you know, be playing multiple parts in the game.
    Like Marty and young doc.
    Because as you said he's very talented, and a experienced voice actor.

    I just hope this "young Doc" won't have a huge part, I want to hear Lloyd as Doc.
  • edited September 2010
    Still, I find it a bit odd. Michael J Fox recorded for both his books (audio book narrator is actually him) and that's not a small text...those are two big books!

    But you can also hear how wobbly his voice sounds, in his audiobooks.

    If Fox is still able to sound like Marty and wants to return, hire him on the spot, but don't do it out of some sense of duty. I really want to see him return, though, if nothing else, at least in a small part as old Marty or another McFly.
  • edited September 2010
    Santar wrote: »
    I just hope this "young Doc" won't have a huge part, I want to hear Lloyd as Doc.

    Definitely there needs to be more interaction with the *real* Doc than young Doc, otherwise it's going to feel like they created the character specifically so they could get away with using a different, cheaper voice actor.
  • edited September 2010
    Definitely there needs to be more interaction with the *real* Doc than young Doc, otherwise it's going to feel like they created the character specifically so they could get away with using a different, cheaper voice actor.

    I mean Lloyd played a younger Doc in the movies, why can't he play one in the games as well?
    Unless "young Doc" is really young like a teenager. Then again Lloyd could probably have played that too. Not everybody sounds very different from the did when they were young.
  • edited September 2010
    If JAT is even playing 'young doc' and not chucking red herrings out, maybe 'young doc' is even younger than a teenager?

    There's no way TT would hire a second actor to play Emmett having already secured Lloyd unless the role couldn't be done satisfactorily by Lloyd himself.
  • edited September 2010
    jp-30 wrote: »
    If JAT is even playing 'young doc' and not chucking red herrings out, maybe 'young doc' is even younger than a teenager?

    There's no way TT would hire a second actor to play Emmett having already secured Lloyd unless the role couldn't be done satisfactorily by Lloyd himself.

    Well Lloyd could be expensive. And remember, he is 72 years old now.
    There could be all sorts of reasons.
    But of course I hope that either "young Doc" is a red herring or it's a small part.
    It would be a huge let down if Taylor is only voicing a small part and we get another sub par voice for Marty.
  • edited September 2010
    I feel that this game could either be really awesome or the first TTG failure. I don't think there are any shades of gray here.

    In ToMI, if you don't like something, you like something else... here, everything is so connected that... you can't like it by parts, you can only like it as a whole. Of course, personal opinion here...

    Honestly, I just think that Christopher Lloyd was too expensive so Telltale found a work-around to voice young Doc. Which is a bit sad. If I was Christopher Lloyd, I'd probably do it for free...or peanuts...or a symbolic sum.
  • edited September 2010

    Honestly, I just think that Christopher Lloyd was too expensive so Telltale found a work-around to voice young Doc. Which is a bit sad. If I was Christopher Lloyd, I'd probably do it for free...or peanuts...or a symbolic sum.

    There you go, Telltale! When you make "Majus and Silverwolfpet: The Adventure Game" at least you know the guys will be doing the voice work for peanuts!
  • edited September 2010
    Hey a Silverwolfpet and Majus game I'd buy it! :D
  • edited September 2010
    Icedhope wrote: »
    Hey a Silverwolfpet and Majus game I'd buy it! :D

    How about a Game starring SilverwolfPet, Majus, and IcedHope?
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited September 2010
    I feel that this game could either be really awesome or the first TTG failure. I don't think there are any shades of gray here.

    In ToMI, if you don't like something, you like something else... here, everything is so connected that... you can't like it by parts, you can only like it as a whole. Of course, personal opinion here...

    Honestly, I just think that Christopher Lloyd was too expensive so Telltale found a work-around to voice young Doc. Which is a bit sad. If I was Christopher Lloyd, I'd probably do it for free...or peanuts...or a symbolic sum.

    I can relate to that idea. It's probably not true, though. ;)

    TTG has made it clear that they're taking this very, very seriously so they do not p'off the fans. No cheap references to other or previous games, no twisting and bending of the original movie material to fit their needs, something that really feels like a new BTTF story.

    Of course, there are fears attached to that philosophy. If there's always story first, maybe the gameplay just sucks (the Dreamfall phenomenon)? What if they're so attached, so careful about the beloved movies that the storyline doesn't innovate and surprise... and consequently also sucks?

    The budget is probably the highest TTG could ever work with; however, the firm is not the biggest player. Getting Christopher Lloyd to work on this and Bob Gale to contribute, that should be dream enough. Much can be done in one recording session, and what we saw was only the first of Lloyd's sessions. So I don't think that Taylor is a "cheap replacement", I really don't.

    It's obvious that James Arnold Taylor liked what he spoke; and I think it's also obvious that Christopher Lloyd liked his lines enough to be really enthusiastic about them.

    Oh, and one more thought that's been in my head these days: Isn't the Marty character, in some respects, maybe, possibly "Young doc"? :D :D

    And concerning the Majus and Silverwolfpet adventure game: If Suro and Mihai are too expensive for the voice-acting, maybe George Clooney and Brad Pitt might be good alternatives. Just sayin', it's the voices thread after all! ;)
  • edited September 2010
    Trenchfoot wrote: »
    There you go, Telltale! When you make "Majus and Silverwolfpet: The Adventure Game" at least you know the guys will be doing the voice work for peanuts!
    Icedhope wrote: »
    Hey a Silverwolfpet and Majus game I'd buy it! :D
    How about a Game starring SilverwolfPet, Majus, and IcedHope?
    And concerning the Majus and Silverwolfpet adventure game: If Suro and Mihai are too expensive for the voice-acting, maybe George Clooney and Brad Pitt might be good alternatives. Just sayin', it's the voices thread after all! ;)

    first video @ 2:42 and @ 4:33
    second video @ 2:28
  • edited September 2010
    Still, I find it a bit odd. Michael J Fox recorded for both his books (audio book narrator is actually him) and that's not a small text...those are two big books!

    I don't think that in this case the problem is *how much text* he has to read but *can he be available* and without health problem for 5 months in the tight scheme of Telltale's working?

    If you've played Sam&Max 3, you may have noticied that in the last episode David Nowlin got a cold and the voice is different... but probably TT couldn't wait to do other takes.

    In M.J.Fox case, it's a lot worse.... how can you ask to a man in such health conditions to sign a contract that implies to work under tight schedules for 5 months?
  • edited September 2010
    Expand the schedule? Quality over quantity? Heh, I dunno... I'm still trying to get used to the awesomeness of playing a BTTF game.
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