Its Jan 5th...



  • edited January 2007
    It just turned to midnight here in California, aka Telltale Standard Time. And they won't be releasing it until tomorrow morning, so that's another 9-11 hours of waiting.

    (Basically, try to do something else, because you'll still be waiting a long time).
  • edited January 2007
    I'm sitting at home ill, surrounded by those nice tissues covered in balm that stop your nose going red and waiting...
  • edited January 2007
    5th?..Jep it is! about its exactly 9:27 UTC
    so we have a time, timezone or not :-)

    How do i download die season when i have already bought the episodenpack??
    Does it gives aextra link or something?? I do not find anything in my account, exept, the information that i had bougt it :-(

    wait,wait,wait.. does they say 5th of 2007 or 2008??? :eek: :D
  • edited January 2007
    numble wrote: »
    (Basically, try to do something else, because you'll still be waiting a long time).

    Do something else? hm.... I know! I'll play Episode 1 again!!!
  • edited January 2007
    if i'm not much mistaken, episode 1 aired at 19:25 Central European Time.
    That's about 8:15h left
  • edited January 2007
    That means you should be able to play episode 1 at least 3 times while you wait!! :D
  • edited January 2007
    Wow, 3 pages already, I'm impressed guys:D
    10:30 here in Blighty so I reckon another 7.5 hours to go. I'll be back then!
  • edited January 2007
    How do i download die season when i have already bought the episodenpack??
    Does it gives aextra link or something?? I do not find anything in my account, exept, the information that i had bougt it :-(

    Interesting question - I had the same thought yesterday while digging through the emails, cart, etc. looking for a way to download Ep2 as soon as it comes out but I found no solution.
    Nevertheless I am VERY sure that ther will be an easy way :D

    It is now 11.35 AM in Germany and another 5 1/2 hours to work and if the former entries are right, there's stil further 2 1/2 hours of wait until the game comes out... Worst thing: I don't hape time to play it tonight anyhow and it doesn't make that big difference, whether I play it tonight, tomorrow, on Sunday or during 1-2 nights next week.

    But stil there is this strong need deep in myself to get the game... must get S&M II, Ep2.. have to fight he feeling... think about thomething else... get back to work!...

    Honestly: It is good to know tomorrow at which time the episode was released, so that for Ep3 we all know that it doesn't make sense to be too excited when getting up in Australia, Japan, Germany or wherever on the release-date... (if they don't install a counter until then) :rolleyes:
  • edited January 2007
    if episode 2 is online
    get i a mail
    or can i see it if i get in de start menu of the game

    gr peter
  • edited January 2007
    it´s been 5th Jan. Here in Denmark (Europe) for about 12 hours now....

    And i just CAN'T wait for Episode 2 to be released........ i've been a very BIG fan since they released the very game, and i´m so sorry, that LUCAS ART cancelled the Second SAM & MAX game (SAM & MAX:FREELANCE POLICE)!

    i hope that they will make the game in a near future or another Game Developer will buy the rights to make it instead....
  • edited January 2007
    RoHa4800 wrote: »
    i hope that they will make the game in a near future or another Game Developer will buy the rights to make it instead....

    I don't get it ...
  • edited January 2007
    I assume he means Freelance Police. Which presumably won't happen because Lucasarts probably hold the rights to the storyline of that game.
  • edited January 2007
    how are you guy going to spend time waiting? :o

    18:25 Universal Time (my estimation, i think the last time it was something like that); AKA Greenwich, London, England; that's a lot to wait

    thank god, it's the school holidays!!! :p

    i'm going to continue playing star wars knights of the old republic 2, i'm ashammed i haven't finished the game yet. i finished the first one on my pc, the second one i'm playing on my xbox (i'm not buying 360, i'm sticking to the old one, i'll buy ps3 when it comes to europe, or perhaps wii, i haven't decided yet) :eek:

    maybe read a book, conquer the known galaxy (boring), or something like that, i'm bored, can't wait for the new Sam and Max, gotta buy it!!!
  • edited January 2007
    I've been waiting for 12 hours now.. Patiently, of course :)
  • edited January 2007
    Germany = 13:08 right now
  • edited January 2007
    I think it's like episode 1!
    About 8pm in France so H-7!
  • edited January 2007
    I started playing Broken Sword 4, while waiting for this. It is nice that they returned to point&click interface but why oh why did they drop the past tense narration?
  • edited January 2007
    I totally agree with Scho. They need a countdown timer on the front page!
  • edited January 2007
    Boy... This is excruciating (#4 favourite word in Sam's idiolect).
  • edited January 2007
    Well its now officially the 6th of January in most of Eastern Australia. :P
  • edited January 2007
    it is now the 6th jan here in aus :(
  • edited January 2007
    Hmm... well this page now say January 7th for episode 2:

  • edited January 2007
    Just a quick announcement... I know some of you are excited, but please don't e-mail support asking what time the game will be out.
  • edited January 2007
    jpfgiii wrote: »
    Hmm... well this page now say January 7th for episode 2:


    The apostrophe indicates the year, not the day.

    "Jan. '07" is January 2007
  • edited January 2007
    No it says January '07, as in 2007.
  • edited January 2007
    ahh... ok thanks
  • edited January 2007
    This would be FAR less painful if the front page still didn't have "THE WAIT IS OVER" come up when it loads.
    Every time I see it I think "YES!...oh wait, damn.."
  • edited January 2007
    jpfgiii wrote: »
    Hmm... well this page now say January 7th for episode 2:


    twit! i nearly had a heart attack when i read your post :mad:
  • edited January 2007
    tabacco wrote: »
    Just a quick announcement... I know some of you are excited, but please don't e-mail support asking what time the game will be out.

    whee! someone from telltale games is up! It's working guys - keep all those e-mails going! Can't give up now!!! :p

    Seriously folks, start pacing up the replies in here. We need about 600 more posts to break the record from last time:
  • edited January 2007
    The anxiety is killing me, I think Ill go play ep 1 again.
  • edited January 2007
    twit! i nearly had a heart attack when i read your post :mad:

    LOL ... that would be interesting news ...
  • edited January 2007
    twit! i nearly had a heart attack when i read your post :mad:

    allright! downloading at 2%! Now if only I had a faster connection...

    Can't wait till this new wallpaper is installed ...

    Boo! lol
  • edited January 2007
    Oh c'mon....

    It's 2PM here in england, still no sign....
  • edited January 2007
    Hm, there's another interesting point... The traffic that will come up once the games is available. As the game is ready (it has to be because as far as I understood it is available since 15 days on this Gametap-Thing which isn't available from Germany), it should be possible to start an automatic release at 00.01 AM ttg-time.
    Then most of the Asian and European would have already downloaded when the US-guys and girls wake up. Therefore the traffic would be much more divided and everyone would profit.
    (I am not sure wheter a download will be possible in the first hours... we'll see...).
  • edited January 2007
    Well so much for my play to play it during lunch!

    I hope it's here before I go home from work, or I won't be able to play it over the weekend either!!!

    I hope telltale are paying attention, why release a game 2 weeks after american gametap release? I hope there getting a fat subsidy from GameTap for this exclusive, otherwise I dread to think how much TellTale have lost through delaying global release like this....
  • edited January 2007
    Can anyone give a 'Telltale Time' report? ie what time it is in telltale land? Handy for those that a) don't live there and b) can't be bothered to find out themselves. Also interesting to find out just how early Doug got into work.
  • edited January 2007
    Expect the game to be out at around 8pm GMT.

    Simple as that.
  • edited January 2007
    Yeah, but it's more fun to sit expectantly at the computer sharing stories with other waitees.
  • edited January 2007
    I just got to work, and it's 6:30 am. We're GMT -8, so if you're in the UK you just need to subtract 8 hours.
  • edited January 2007
    6:30 is keen. You won't find me awake at 6:30, let alone starting to work. Nice to see such committed people at the helm of the Sam and Max games.
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