Do we need so many spoiler tags in a triple spoiler marked topic? @__@
I asked the same thing, but nobody listened. Even if anybody missed the multiple mentions of spoilers, they would have to know what happened to have read this far. Chuck even agreed. Can we please knock it off with the tags?
I asked the same thing, but nobody listened. Even if anybody missed the multiple mentions of spoilers, they would have to know what happened to have read this far. Chuck even agreed. Can we please knock it off with the tags?
I agree that there should not be spoiler tags in a spoiler forum made for people who have completed the game or for those who don't care about spoilers. To put the tags in is just a waste of time.
The Max that appeared at the end was not Max Prime since he talked about destroying an electromagnetic powered Sam. So your theory is ruled out.
What I meant was from 205 onward Sam was with Max A, not Max prime. Max prime was with Sam A, somewhere else in time. We only saw Sam prime and Max A's adventure and have no idea what Max prime was up to. In the end Sam A and Max A died because they were paradoxes. (I partially got the idea from Futurama, so of course it does not make perfect sense.)
I understood what you meant, but even so max is still not the one from 102, because max follows you everywhere, i think we'd notice if the other max suddenly followed us around in 204 instead.
I understood what you meant, but even so max is still not the one from 102, because max follows you everywhere, i think we'd notice if the other max suddenly followed us around in 204 instead.
Really? So if a completely identical copy of you took your place at work, how many would notice? How many of your friends would question it? Think about it...the copy has your same personality, looks, and traits.
Really? So if a completely identical copy of you took your place at work, how many would notice? How many of your friends would question it? Think about it...the copy has your same personality, looks, and traits.
its not the max from 102, stop with this pointless argument
I didn't know whether or not to start a new thread but I just decided to continue where all the action is. I'm brand new here because now that I'm all caught up with the SnM games and cartoon series,I feel worthy(?) enough to post! And I love this thread's conversation.
Now that my intro is out of the way....
OMFGWTFBBQLMAO!!! This latest season blew me away! Moreover, with the finale, TellTale opened an unbelievably HUGE can of worms by introducing this paradoxical plot. I'm nearly inconsolable after the ending. But there is SO much potential! Case in point; the character development in this season was amazing, TellTale couldn't just throw that all out the window. I NEED to see what happens next. Sam's increased cynicism and this alternate/extra Max are begging for some elaboration. These are just a few of the things I saw left open ended.
I'm sure everyone's got a theory in their head right now (lookin at Guru) and so do I. I'll save mine for another post. It involves Astral Projection. Anyone agree with me though?
OMFGWTFBBQLMAO!!! This latest season blew me away! Moreover, with the finale, TellTale opened an unbelievably HUGE can of worms by introducing this paradoxical plot. I'm nearly inconsolable after the ending. But there is SO much potential! Case in point; the character development in this season was amazing, TellTale couldn't just throw that all out the window. I NEED to see what happens next..............Anyone agree with me though?
You betcha! I feel like Telltale makes every season better than the last. This seaon was a big change in gameplay from the first two, so I was scared it would be bad, but as per usual, Telltale proved that they are the adventure game masters.
What's your theory???
its not the max from 102, stop with this pointless argument
What I never understood is that if either Max was the one from 102, wasn't there a Sam and Max on T.H.E.M.'s ship when it blew up? If so, no theory makes sense.
Is anyone out there skilled enough to make a montage of clips of all the dying characters from TDP and whack some sad music on it and put it on youtube?
Is anyone out there skilled enough to make a montage of clips of all the dying characters from TDP and whack some sad music on it and put it on youtube?
I think it'd be quite cool.
Only 5 people die, and 4 of them are on the spaceship when it explodes so you don't really see them die. You only see Sal die from the radiation inside Max. The people who die are skunkape, stinky, sammun-mak and one of skunkape's minions inside grandpa stinky's body. So what clips could be used?
What I never understood is that if either Max was the one from 102, wasn't there a Sam and Max on T.H.E.M.'s ship when it blew up? If so, no theory makes sense.
They escape through the time elevator, i've been told, i'll have to do that episode again and try to escape through the time elevator, i'll see them escape then.
Oh right, I thought I remembered seing 9 on the first post (is actually 8). You seem militantly against the idea of a youtube vid though I just thought it'd be kinda cool.
i forgot about the beginning post and that it says 8 died (its 7 if you rescue sam jr). I forgot to add Max and the narrator. So its Sal, Skunkape's minion, Skunkape, Stinky, Sammun-mak, Max and The Narrator. And i'm not against the idea, its just that you don't see anyone die apart from Sal
You betcha! I feel like Telltale makes every season better than the last. This seaon was a big change in gameplay from the first two, so I was scared it would be bad, but as per usual, Telltale proved that they are the adventure game masters.
What's your theory???
Thanks for the reply!
Well of course my theory's a little convoluted but until TellTale makes the game I say; play ball!
-First I want to say that Guru's chart is right on the mark about Alt Sam and Max. After Prime Sam and Max were forced to relive their past 1 1/2 years they created an entirely new extra set of Sam and Max with a destiny of their own.
-Now we don't know what the heck happened to the alternates when they ran off with the machine but apparently Alt Sam was transformed into an electromagnetic monster that Alt Max was forced to destroy.
With Alt Max and Prime Sam united I guess you could say that the time stream corrected itself.
-But it's too sad to imagine the Max we've come to know and adventured with is exploded into trillions of pieces. And the character development is so extensive! The same can be said for Alt Max meeting a Sam undoubtedly different from his. So here comes my convoluted theory;
-Chuck, a reputable poster on this forum, mentioned that Max has a "hive mind" meaning that he's connected to every other existence of himself and is aware of it. I laughed at first but then I thought, wait!
I remembered an old Jet Li movie called 'The One'. Jet Li plays multiple roles of different versions of himself. An evil version of him discovered a way to become all powerful; by destroying the other versions of himself across dimensions and absorbing their life essence/spirits. (Awesome movie by the way!)
-Now maybe just MAYBE all Maxes and Sams are connected but with their life essences spread across dimensions. When one dies the life transfers to another Sam or Max persona. This theory can be loosely backed up with the astral projection ability in 302 when they used it to project themselves across a time dimension to complete the films. Also in 305 when Sam needed to use the clones to move quickly he used astral projection. But it had to be HIS BODY. Jake, another reputable poster and Tell Tale Team mentioned that
Alt Sam and Max were in the same time stream as their Prime counterparts during this season.
Do you see where I'm going with this?;)
I'll let this all sink in then I'll be back to explain the rest of my theory:cool:
Tell Tale feel free to use these as reference points! I'd hate for you to have to scrap our Max and develop a new one!!!
maybe something will come for max seeing as max should be dead. Maybe max x needs to be saved by sam in a later episode, and also sam should be dead 2 as an electromagnetic version of him is dead.
As crazy as this sounds, but Max had control over his psychic powers, what if, after teleporting to Skunkapes ship, he Asteral Projected himself into another Max somewhere else? And would now be trapped in that body since his original body is dead.
As crazy as this sounds, but Max had control over his psychic powers, what if, after teleporting to Skunkapes ship, he Asteral Projected himself into another Max somewhere else? And would now be trapped in that body since his original body is dead.
that could have happened, but the only other max he could occupy is himself, and he wasn't in that time when that happened. Unless he could astral project to different times, then he may end up in max x's body in the future
Something just occurred to me. This is all Superball's fault. He runs off crying in the end when he's the bastard with the itchy trigger finger that did Max Prime in. I was never a huge fan of him before, but this is unforgivable.
Did you stop to think that he ran off crying because he realized Max and the city would have been fine otherwise? It was a heavy decision and he forced himself to do it because he thought there was no choice, and then that happened.
He did didn't he, maybe he is the one behind the scenes manipulating Sam and max.
I thought he cried because he actually cared about max and was sad he was killed. I never knew superball organised the attack on max, i thought it was abe lincoln.
Abe did some ordering around on the lower level, but it's Superball as Acting President who was the higher-ranking guy and made the call to bring in and deploy the nuclear-armed Maimtrons at all.
Abe did some ordering around on the lower level, but it's Superball as Acting President who was the higher-ranking guy and made the call to bring in and deploy the nuclear-armed Maimtrons at all.
So how exactly was blowing up max saving the city? that makes no sense to me. That would have killed everyone in radius if max never teleported away to stinky.
So how exactly was blowing up max saving the city? that makes no sense to me. That would have killed everyone in radius if max never teleported away to stinky.
I think the bombs were relatively low-yield; they would have wiped out a lot, but not as much as Max if he had kept on rampaging indefinitely.
/\ what your saying is it's prime max in max a's body?
Looks like I've raised some intrigue! I was waiting for Mooshiiii to reply but I'll go ahead anyway.
Essentially yes jaden! How? I'm still not so sure:( BUT that awkward pause at the end indicated SOMETHING. Alt Max looked racked with guilt and so did Sam. Honestly it would take an entire thread to do a psychoanalysis of these two, but they both seemed a little too complacent/satisfied about their situation.
The Adventuring ending is the default ending as far as I know if you don't open the conversation to pick Crime Fighting.
THIS all could mean they've got something planned with that Time elevator. That elevator can travel anywhere from what we can tell.
Who knows where else Alt Max may have went before arriving behind Sam.
Alt Max may have seen a certain blue haired woman and space ape before realizing 'OH SH*T a crash!' and traveled ahead a little...
Of course it's all speculation. I just want more! Sam is so cynical now and we don't know what this Alt Max may have been through to affect his personality
And like Trick_bluefox said they'll think of something. Tell Tale has always improved
I think the bombs were relatively low-yield; they would have wiped out a lot, but not as much as Max if he had kept on rampaging indefinitely.
maybe. i suppose he had to do what he felt was best at the time, he couldn't rely on sam incase he failed, little did he know that if max had 2 more minutes he could have been saved, although stinky and skunkape would have escaped.
Did you stop to think that he ran off crying because he realized Max and the city would have been fine otherwise? It was a heavy decision and he forced himself to do it because he thought there was no choice, and then that happened.
I did consider this, but just because he can't forgive himself for it doesn't mean that I can't not forgive him too. Besides, he was itching to pull the trigger from way early on in the episode, and made it clear that he had no faith whatsoever in Sam's ability to fix the situation.
I think all those multiple negatives work out the way I meant...
I did consider this, but because he can't forgive himself for it means that I can't forgive him too. Besides, he was itching to pull the trigger from way early on in the episode, and made it clear that he had no faith whatsoever in Sam's ability to fix the situation.
Thats what your multiple negatives mean, and it actually makes sense.
I did consider this, but just because he can't forgive himself for it doesn't mean that I can't not forgive him too. Besides, he was itching to pull the trigger from way early on in the episode, and made it clear that he had no faith whatsoever in Sam's ability to fix the situation.
I think all those multiple negatives work out the way I meant...
Thats what your double negatives mean, and it actually makes sense.
I know I've just been blabbing theories. But you guys brought up something interesting!
Superball knows about the Time Stream! When the Prime Sam and Max let their past selves take the time machine they made a paradox! Superball found out about the extra Sam and Max duo and had to make some 'minor adjustments' to fix the paradox. I wouldn't be surprised if he had something to do with the destruction of the electromagnetic Sam and getting Past Max and Prime Sam together. Its the perfect plan and he can time travel!!!
I asked the same thing, but nobody listened. Even if anybody missed the multiple mentions of spoilers, they would have to know what happened to have read this far. Chuck even agreed. Can we please knock it off with the tags?
What I meant was from 205 onward Sam was with Max A, not Max prime. Max prime was with Sam A, somewhere else in time. We only saw Sam prime and Max A's adventure and have no idea what Max prime was up to. In the end Sam A and Max A died because they were paradoxes. (I partially got the idea from Futurama, so of course it does not make perfect sense.)
Really? So if a completely identical copy of you took your place at work, how many would notice? How many of your friends would question it? Think about it...the copy has your same personality, looks, and traits.
I reject your reality and replace it with mine.
Now that my intro is out of the way....
OMFGWTFBBQLMAO!!! This latest season blew me away! Moreover, with the finale, TellTale opened an unbelievably HUGE can of worms by introducing this paradoxical plot. I'm nearly inconsolable after the ending. But there is SO much potential! Case in point; the character development in this season was amazing, TellTale couldn't just throw that all out the window. I NEED to see what happens next. Sam's increased cynicism and this alternate/extra Max are begging for some elaboration. These are just a few of the things I saw left open ended.
I'm sure everyone's got a theory in their head right now (lookin at Guru)
You betcha! I feel like Telltale makes every season better than the last. This seaon was a big change in gameplay from the first two, so I was scared it would be bad, but as per usual, Telltale proved that they are the adventure game masters.
What's your theory???
What I never understood is that if either Max was the one from 102, wasn't there a Sam and Max on T.H.E.M.'s ship when it blew up? If so, no theory makes sense.
I think it'd be quite cool.
Only 5 people die, and 4 of them are on the spaceship when it explodes so you don't really see them die. You only see Sal die from the radiation inside Max. The people who die are skunkape, stinky, sammun-mak and one of skunkape's minions inside grandpa stinky's body. So what clips could be used?
They escape through the time elevator, i've been told, i'll have to do that episode again and try to escape through the time elevator, i'll see them escape then.
What 9 characters, i said 4 of them die on the ship plus Sal who died in Max so how is that 9?
Thanks for the reply!
Well of course my theory's a little convoluted but until TellTale makes the game I say; play ball!
-First I want to say that Guru's chart is right on the mark about Alt Sam and Max. After Prime Sam and Max were forced to relive their past 1 1/2 years they created an entirely new extra set of Sam and Max with a destiny of their own.
-Now we don't know what the heck happened to the alternates when they ran off with the machine but apparently Alt Sam was transformed into an electromagnetic monster that Alt Max was forced to destroy.
With Alt Max and Prime Sam united I guess you could say that the time stream corrected itself.
-But it's too sad to imagine the Max we've come to know and adventured with is exploded into trillions of pieces. And the character development is so extensive! The same can be said for Alt Max meeting a Sam undoubtedly different from his. So here comes my convoluted theory;
-Chuck, a reputable poster on this forum, mentioned that Max has a "hive mind" meaning that he's connected to every other existence of himself and is aware of it. I laughed at first but then I thought, wait!
I remembered an old Jet Li movie called 'The One'. Jet Li plays multiple roles of different versions of himself. An evil version of him discovered a way to become all powerful; by destroying the other versions of himself across dimensions and absorbing their life essence/spirits. (Awesome movie by the way!)
-Now maybe just MAYBE all Maxes and Sams are connected but with their life essences spread across dimensions. When one dies the life transfers to another Sam or Max persona. This theory can be loosely backed up with the astral projection ability in 302 when they used it to project themselves across a time dimension to complete the films. Also in 305 when Sam needed to use the clones to move quickly he used astral projection. But it had to be HIS BODY. Jake, another reputable poster and Tell Tale Team mentioned that
Alt Sam and Max were in the same time stream as their Prime counterparts during this season.
Do you see where I'm going with this?;)
I'll let this all sink in then I'll be back to explain the rest of my theory:cool:
Tell Tale feel free to use these as reference points! I'd hate for you to have to scrap our Max and develop a new one!!!
So how exactly was blowing up max saving the city? that makes no sense to me. That would have killed everyone in radius if max never teleported away to stinky.
Looks like I've raised some intrigue! I was waiting for Mooshiiii to reply but I'll go ahead anyway.
Essentially yes jaden! How? I'm still not so sure:( BUT that awkward pause at the end indicated SOMETHING. Alt Max looked racked with guilt and so did Sam. Honestly it would take an entire thread to do a psychoanalysis of these two, but they both seemed a little too complacent/satisfied about their situation.
The Adventuring ending is the default ending as far as I know if you don't open the conversation to pick Crime Fighting.
THIS all could mean they've got something planned with that Time elevator. That elevator can travel anywhere from what we can tell.
Who knows where else Alt Max may have went before arriving behind Sam.
Alt Max may have seen a certain blue haired woman and space ape before realizing 'OH SH*T a crash!' and traveled ahead a little...
Of course it's all speculation. I just want more! Sam is so cynical now and we don't know what this Alt Max may have been through to affect his personality
And like Trick_bluefox said they'll think of something. Tell Tale has always improved
I did consider this, but just because he can't forgive himself for it doesn't mean that I can't not forgive him too. Besides, he was itching to pull the trigger from way early on in the episode, and made it clear that he had no faith whatsoever in Sam's ability to fix the situation.
I think all those multiple negatives work out the way I meant...
Thats what your multiple negatives mean, and it actually makes sense.
But people died. It made me sad.
Jake out.
I know I've just been blabbing theories. But you guys brought up something interesting!
Superball knows about the Time Stream! When the Prime Sam and Max let their past selves take the time machine they made a paradox! Superball found out about the extra Sam and Max duo and had to make some 'minor adjustments' to fix the paradox. I wouldn't be surprised if he had something to do with the destruction of the electromagnetic Sam and getting Past Max and Prime Sam together. Its the perfect plan and he can time travel!!!