Unanswered Questions in 305...
So I finished the episode but there are some things this season that I am still wondering about...
1. What did Sal mean by DECADES???
2. Did Giant Max really explode?
3. Why did Girl Stinky suddenly want to help Skunkape?
4. What happened to Bluster Blaster's future vision?
5. When was Sal's future vision from 304? (The one where he tells someone to run)
1. What did Sal mean by DECADES???
2. Did Giant Max really explode?
3. Why did Girl Stinky suddenly want to help Skunkape?
4. What happened to Bluster Blaster's future vision?
5. When was Sal's future vision from 304? (The one where he tells someone to run)
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2. Yes
3. Skunkape was Stinky's bitch
4. Season 4, or he was on Skunkape's ship at the end
5. Don't remember that one
You clearly see
3: See The Highway's answer.
4: See The Highway's answer.
5: I don't remember such a thing.
I'm rather disappointed we didn't see a newborn Lincoln-Pandemik.
I don't think Stinky was faking. She grabbed onto Sal just before being taken by Skunkape and she was willing to kill Flint to get him off the trail... I'd like to hear some answers from Telltale on this...
Season 4
Yes, the Mermaid and the Cockroach. I'm guessing that's why Stinky has been alive for such a long time but what about Sal? (I mean that mermaids can probably live for a long time...)
Oh! Nice touch! I also kind of liked how Flint detailed Sal and Stinky's plan, and Stinky confirmed that she was a mermaid. It made Flint seem a lot more capable than he previously was.
Hecks, it seems like this entire episode was devoted to bringing Sam and Max closer to their comic book roots, from Flint's knife stuck in his back to Max grinning and saying "It was horrible!" at the end.
I wish I knew more about Sal and Stinky's backstory. Especially since Stinky was talking about the destruction in the city as if she and Sal planned it all along (even it's later implied that they didn't). And there's a lot of other things that aren't quite cleared up by the finale. This definitely calls for a season four, or at least a secret sixth episode.
Other question; due to the SFX when Sybil's water broke (and Norrington's comment), does anyone else think Abe isn't the father but either Bluster Blaster (machine or stone, whatever) or... ... ... BOSCO!
As mentioned by others, Abe's on the penny.
I like your thinking but Lombre is right.
...I kinda shoved that off as just a reference to them.
13 months is a long time. More than enough time for Government-Sanctioned sculptors to make him a new body.
My only real question would be, how could Sybil and Abe...you know...I think I'll prefer to leave the answer to that as "biology is disgustingly fascinating" like that fake Max said...
Like when Superball lets it be known he really really really wanted to see Featherly lay an egg. I know the whole watching thing was supposed to be funny but Superball had more of a 14yo boy wanting to see boobies air to it than scientific curiosity. You are extremely disturbing, Superball!
So many posts to catch up to...
I'm disappointed there was no office and no Bosco!
There was no way to incorporate these into the story. They did well with Sybil and Lincoln. A little too well.
Look around the cloning chamber in episode 305. It's explained. How can you even miss it if you've finished the game?
1. They're both red herrings created by The Narrator. He'd been planning to kill Max off with psychic energy for years, and he needed some pawns to throw Sam and Max (and everyone else) off his trail. He had Stinky pretend to be some nautical-themed Granddaughter of Grandpa Stinky, knowing that the Toybox was beneath the diner, where Stinky commissioned Molemen workers to create large tunnels leading from the diner to the toybox, and from the diner to everywhere the Toybox and toys would be. He got Sal to apply for jobs at Papierwaite's museum and the docks to make sure the Toybox didn't get into the wrong hands (i.e. Anyone but Max's). He also used Astral Projection to project them into the past through the "Mermaid and the Cockroach" poster, to give them some backstory (and to keep an eye on Max while he was in Maximus. Possibly also so they could get the film right after it was made.) He also made them lovers so that they could cover for each other while setting up the plan, and because every story needs a pair of star-crossed lovers. This would also explain why
2. Grandpa Stinky is really NEPTUNE, GOD OF THE SEA!!! Stinky is one of his granddaughters who disobeyed him and married a cockroach man she fell in love with. Grandpa punished her by turning her back into the dirt she was made from
So, what say you, forumites?
However, Grandpa Stinky's return and the fact that he fired Sal meant that Stinky had to come up with a new plan to get rid of him - a plan involving his death. She needed the power core for this plan (for reasons that I might have missed...) but in the end, could not get one. She constructed the secret tunnels under the diner to the museum to meet with Sal and also to Boscotech Labs to steal the technology from Momma Bosco. Charlie Ho-Tep took advantage of these tunnels.
In the end however, Sal began to feel more and more guilty. He didn't want to go along with Stinky's plan and struggled with his love for her and the ongoing guilt. In the end, he planned to ask Stinky to stop the plan or he would leave her. However, this was interrupted by his digestion and subsequent death.
The bitter Stinky, now believing Sal to be dead, realised that Skunkape had the necessary technology for her plan to work and so agreed to be his queen to help kill Grandpa Stinky. This plan failed, thanks to Sam, and as Stinky had no choice when faced with the giant space gorilla, she left the planet. Then, in space, she met her final justified fate.
I think that sums up the character of Girl Stinky to me...
1)Why did 'Girl Stinky' wanted the dinner so badly ?
2)What about 'Stinkycorp' refered in ep 204, wich had for permice that GS did take control of the diner and made a fortune out of Regular Stinky's recipe (to be considered an alternate timeline maybe ? Mind, if the possession of that dinner was what would make her that rich and succesfull, that certainly would explain why she wanted it so badly)
3) A question wich has already be asked but not yet answered, I believe: Why sal would be kilmled by radiation when Sam Junior was fine ? (I suspect laws of comedy on that one but that does acreate a bit of a plothole)
4)Superball *thunder crash*, still quite a few thing unexplained (season 4 maybe)
1. Maybe for the tar cake recipe? I think it's just a silly, funny motive that she would do all of that for the diner.
2. Timestream altered. (Probably because that future vision at the start never happened) Need I say more?
3. Sal didn't put up a fight against it because he was so overwhelmed with the guilt. And Sam. Jr came up way quicker. And did Sal really die? (I hope not
4. The only mystery I can think of is who were Superball's superiors in 304? My guess would be that they were the Soda Poppers but that that plotline was cut from 205. If not, I'm guessing it was dropped and may be brought back in Season 4.
Eh, guess it works, seems a little short an explanation for such a build up, though.
Well given the fact that, even if the radiation didn't take him out (and they seem to have did quite a job given his huddled up position (sign of a dead insect if I ever seen one) on the couch in max's mind), he was still inside when Giant Max when exploded.
So yeah, I think Sal is prety much R.I.Ped. (I must say it felt quite out of the Blue and somewhat disapointing, as far as character death goes.)
Of course, as seen in episode 502, death ain't such a final word. It's not like any character couldn't be brought back from hell with a bbit of effort. (seems in fact to have been quite invigorating to Bosco, Granpa Strinky and the Dessoto)
The soda poppers were killed... even in the deepest hell pit ! There were even floating eyebells to show they were disolved. I think that means they're pretty much 'everyone had enough of them' dead by now and thanks for that.
And yes I was refering to the mention of his superiors in 304 (and the fact he can't be mind readed) as well as what he does in 204 (why the time travel cover up). Not to meation where he got those mind eresing glasses
(they could be standart issue but somehow I doubt it)
Could be of course that telltale is making a running gag of superball being the 'mistery man in black' rather than a plotline, just as he was 'the guy alway guarding a door' in season 1 and 2.
(My own theory was that he was employed by alternate S and M from episode 204, but this has been prooved obviously false by 305 ending, and I can't think of any other likely candidate at the moment.) In season 4, perharps ? Wait and see, I suppose, all bets are opened.
The whole mind reading thing is just Superball. He's a secret agent. He's got classified information. It's just who he is! His shady personality has existed since Season 1 and it just fits with him...
.. Let's blame this on time travel.
Can't say I remember superball being paticulary Shaddy in season 1. (i mean he had an unfornate choice in bosses but that about it)
well I think that's all I got questions wise (.... for now ! Overthinking things is fun ! Weeee !). thanks for the answers.
I wonder about (1) too: how does the basically kind-natured Sal will want to put up with someone as nefarious as Girl Stinky for decades, acting as her accomplice, is a mystery.
As for the girl and Skunkape: Girl Stinky has no loyalty; she will latch on anyone who can further her plans. I think she is definitely on Skunkape's side in 301 (despite what she says), but when Skunkape proves useless, she ditches him mercilessly. Later, Sal has a change of heart and Skunkape is back with galactic ambitions, Stinky returns to Skunkape without hesitation.
However, now that Girl Stinky is presumed dead, the future where her StinkyCorp takes over the world will not come to be.