Tycho's voice



  • edited November 2010
    Atcote88 wrote: »
    I never played TF1, but the Heavy probably didn't have a voice then either, so Strong Bad's pretty much the only one here that this protest can't be made against, so for the sake of fairness, I've taken a lot of words to say that I'm opinionated but not bothered.

    In TF1 they didn't speak much and the only real time they made noises was when, Dieing,Jumping,and calling for medic.

    And all those voices were the same.
  • edited November 2010
    TF1 came out in 1996. It's a completely different game. It's more like Quake than anything.
  • edited November 2010
    Okay, so got it working and been playing for a couple hours now. While still not quite what I think for Tycho, it's still pretty audio-erotica-ish.

    I thoroughly enjoy listening to him. Like, I eagerly wish for his next line with a voracity not unlike that of a Bengal tiger.
  • edited November 2010
    The first thing I thought of was "Bugeye is Tycho?"

    It kind of threw me off at first, but I got used to it and now he sounds good to me.
  • edited November 2010
    To be honest, I've never found Tycho actually "ADORABLE", until that very line (in which the VA helps with his cheerful voice tone);
    Tycho: Ooh... Ooh! Let's see what the next card is! :D!!!
  • edited December 2010
    xD I love it when he does that! My friend was watching me play and when Tycho blurted that out (and his facial expressions were to DIE for) he was just like...
    "..What the hell was that?!" 0.o
  • edited December 2010
    I mean it is good for tycho but i always imagined him sounding a lot angrier. Maybe he talks angry when gabe is around.
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    To be honest, I've never found Tycho actually "ADORABLE", until that very line (in which the VA helps with his cheerful voice tone);
    Tycho: Ooh... Ooh! Let's see what the next card is! :D!!!

    Chaikin sounded like Stuey Griffin at that point. Other than that, I've thought "American-accented Narrator" (Sam & Max) but now I think about it, it's almost identical to Bugeye.
  • edited December 2010
    Huh? Stewie Griffin? Tycho's never sounded like Stewie at all to me, with that line or any other.
  • edited December 2010
    deggey wrote: »
    xD I love it when he does that! My friend was watching me play and when Tycho blurted that out (and his facial expressions were to DIE for) he was just like...
    "..What the hell was that?!" 0.o

    It WAS a total OOC moment and for some reason I LOVE it.

    And he just sounds timid and childish in that line. It doesn't mean it makes him sound entirely like Stewie Griffin.
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    It WAS a total OOC moment and for some reason I LOVE it.

    The third panel of this strip may prove that it's not as OCC as you may believe...
  • edited December 2010
    OttersPod wrote: »
    The third panel of this strip may prove that it's not as OCC as you may believe...

    Or this one, for that matter.
  • edited December 2010
    Just 'cause it's happened in canon doesn't mean it's not OOC. In fact I think the humor in those two strips is because it seems OOC for Tycho.

    What makes the "let's see the next card!" for me is the way he suddenly gets all serious before the camera cuts away from him. Makes you wonder what's going on in his head when he says it...
  • edited December 2010
    Let's just say that they do make jokes based on OOC moments more oftenly than "just that one time".
  • edited December 2010
    Omegabegin wrote: »
    Or this one, for that matter.

    This one as well.
  • edited December 2010
    Long time reader of Penny Arcade, and no, I don't think it's OCC. Also, hilarious XD
  • edited December 2010
    So you guys are saying the real OOC moments are the times when he uses curse words and replies to Gabe in a sarcastic manner?

    Well... okay.
  • edited December 2010
    No, but a character doesn't have to be one-note ALL the time. Or at least not the good ones.
  • edited December 2010
    Exactly. The fact that such a cynical and sarcastic character as Tycho has these bottled moments of childish glee locked up inside makes him a more interesting character.

    The humor comes from the fact that it seems OOC, but that doesn't make it OOC.
  • edited December 2010
    Tycho is a creep.
  • edited December 2010
    I always thought he was being sarcastic in his glee, as evidenced by the fact that he goes stoic right after he says it.

    Also, just because a character usually swears and rants, it doesn't mean that he is required to be one-dimensional and always swear and rant.

    Moments of glee happen in the comic. Moments of glee happen int he game. It's not out of character.

    ...but I still say he really does seem sarcastic about it with the timing and that he's really not happy with his hand.
  • edited January 2011
    Out of sheer curiosity, does anyone imagine him sounding like this when they read the strips? Or did we all just keep our previous ideas for his voice?

    Personally, though I love Andrew Chaikin's portrayal dearly, I still imagine the Samuel L. Jackson/American Hugh Laurie/Tim Curry combination I mentioned earlier.
  • edited January 2011
    OttersPod wrote: »
    Out of sheer curiosity, does anyone imagine him sounding like this when they read the strips? Or did we all just keep our previous ideas for his voice?

    I do now that I've heard him in Poker Night, but since I've never heard Gabe that voice remains left to my imagination and until I hear him, that's how it will stay.
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