Connecting the Dots (MAJOR SPOILERS)

edited May 2007 in Sam & Max
I would call this Bosco's Consperacy Theory Cornor, but I'm afraid that it would get a different kind of reply/reaction.

Anyway, I think I figured out a few things involving the connections between each episode that go deeper than how each episode ends.

I figure that
Hugh Bliss
is to blame for everything that is going on. Here's why:
Brady Culture's Easter Egg Bio on "Oh, Is He Still Alive?" meantions that he was in Prismatology for a while, the religon started by Hugh Bliss. It is possible that Hugh hypnotized him, possibly to create the Home for Child Stars to hypnotize people for whatever dimented reason that may be.

Harry Moleman must have apparently been a member of the "Home" somehow. Upon finding out who he really is, Hugh must have hypnotized and ordered him to replace the current Don Ted E. Bear in order to creat a factory of hypnobears.

As a distraction, Bliss had Culture hypnotize the Soda Poppers to create a distraction so that the police (reads: Sam & Max) won't suspect a thing.

Myra says that Hugh has been a guest on her show multiple times in the past. Chances are pretty high that he planted the Hypnobear after they were made and got her as well. Barring, of course, the line about the gift being from annoymous well-wishers.

Hey, it may be out of order as far as logic goes, but that's what I can piece right now.

And here are my assumptions as to what may end up happening:
That special bear that was delivered to Bosco may end up hypnotizing him. Same goes for any bears that were able to get delivered between when The Toy Mafia started to mass produce them and when Sam & Max blew up the factory.

I don't have a clue about what
Plan B
may be all about, but I have a feeling
given the next episode's title that it may involve an Lincon animatronic.
In which case, if that holds true, I say bring on the anti-Disney Jokes!:D

I'll add to this once the next episode comes out to the rest of the world, seeing how I don't have a GameTap membership. Here's hoping I get close to what the writers are really doing.


  • edited February 2007
    Aliens, the moon, and Bosco finally getting kidnapped by them.

    I think everybody should make 3 guesses.
  • edited February 2007
    Cockroaches, orbiting satellite and Sybill being murdered (properly).
  • edited February 2007
    What is this? Clue?
  • edited February 2007
    if the mole was under hypnosis by Hugh Bliss when he was replacing Ted E. Bear, would Sam have been able to hypnotize him?

  • edited February 2007
    if the mole was under hypnosis by Hugh Bliss when he was replacing Ted E. Bear, would Sam have been able to hypnotize him?

    He was able to do that with the Soda Poppers, so I don't see a reason why not?
    there are various levels of hypnosis in most of these kind of plots, and each can be overwriten in some kind of manner. I wouldn't be surprised if the real reason Max can't be hypnotized is because Hugh Bliss got to him first through the Emetics book, which would make an interesting puzzle since Max can't be KO'd to make him "destroy the intruder in your dream."

    My guess is
    the hierarchy is like Culture being the hack that he is got the weakest abilities passed on to him. Harry got the next level up, seeing how he was able to mass produce the hypnosis effects and effect Myra in the process without having her go all "zombie tone" like the Soda Poppers. If the Max theory holds true, then Bliss is the highest level of them all, because Max appears to be completely normal... well, as normal as he can get, at least.
  • edited February 2007
    Really? I don't recall
    Sam Ever hypnotizing the Soda Poppers
  • edited February 2007
    Technically, he didn't.
    But he was able to control them while they were hypnotized which should not have been the case if Culture was at the level of Harry.

    That being said,
    Harry being able to be hypnotized
    probably has something to do whatever will happen in Episode 4.
  • edited February 2007
    Oh, you mean in the final scene?
  • edited February 2007
    Sam didn't re-hypnotize them, though; he controlled them while they were hypnotized. In this case he used the bear to hypnotize the mole...

    I'm not being completely serious here, by the way, but I'm playing along.
  • edited February 2007
    In the ultimate irony, I predict that
    if Hugh Bliss really is behind all of this, it'll turn out that he really is an alien, too... See this post.
  • edited February 2007
    That wouldn't surprise me either.
  • edited February 2007
    In what episode will Chuckles be taken care of, if any?
  • edited February 2007
    Probably the very next... Remember,
    He was the undercover agent at the Mafia that recommended a switch to "Plan B" so that's probably going to tie into the next one...
  • edited February 2007
    Another thing to remember:
    After losing in "Embarassing Idol" Peepers said, he would go to Mount Rushmore. One of the sculptures there depicts Abraham Lincoln. And Episode 4 is called "Abe Lincoln Must Die!" So maybe this could be a hint at what that episode is about.
  • edited February 2007
    Mirko wrote: »
    Another thing to remember:
    After losing in "Embarassing Idol" Peepers said, he would go to Mount Rushmore. One of the sculptures there depicts Abraham Lincoln. And Episode 4 is called "Abe Lincoln Must Die!" So maybe this could be a hint at what that episode is about.

    Nice catch there... :)
  • edited February 2007
    Do you think we will still be able to bungee jump out of their noses?
  • edited February 2007
    Wow, I don't remember Peepers saying anything.
  • edited February 2007
    numble wrote: »
    Wow, I don't remember Peepers saying anything.
    After Sam wins he says something like: "Specs! I'll get you for that, even if it's the last thing I do! Right after I get back from Mount Rushmore."
  • edited February 2007
    I just remembered something that may cancel out my original theory.
    Max has a metal plate in his head. I don't know if there was a referance to that in the game so far, but it is mentioned both in Hit the Road and in the cartoon at one point or another.

    Chances are that you cannot be hypnotized
    if your brain is within close proximity to something metalic, just like how Sam had his Anti-Hypnosys helmet built into his hat when it was originally made out of nothing more but a stainless steel caulendor and an iron coat hanger.
  • edited February 2007
    Mirko wrote: »
    After Sam wins he says something like: "Specs! I'll get you for that, even if it's the last thing I do! Right after I get back from Mount Rushmore."

    Thanks Mirko. My original reaction was more of a "Wow, that was a really nice fact that I didn't catch" more than "Wow, I don't believe you" in case I didn't come off correctly.
  • edited February 2007
    Zeek wrote: »
    I just remembered something that may cancel out my original theory.
    Max has a metal plate in his head. I don't know if there was a referance to that in the game so far, but it is mentioned both in Hit the Road and in the cartoon at one point or another.

    Then maybe Max was referring to himself then he said
    that they should go and find somebody with a metalplate in his skull, and redecorate his forehead.
    That sick creature never stops to surprise me. :D
  • edited February 2007
    The funny thing is
    I tried to use the magnet on Max, but Sam wouldn't do it.
  • edited February 2007
    Found it in Episode 2!
    Put the plate on the cow's head and then state the obvious when Mr. Featherly asks who the guest is. Max will state that he has a plate in his head.

    Max's metal plate can also affect his head. Remember that pinging sensation he got from the Mystery Vortex? That means there may be a chance Max is really hypnotized if someone or something found the right frequency to affect Max's metal plate, thereby controlling him!
  • edited February 2007
    Support for my theory about SOMONE trying to hypnotize all the really famous people seems to continue to accrue. First the Soda Poppers, then Myra, then Abe Lincoln, who seems to still be president. :eek:
  • edited February 2007
    Maratanos wrote: »
    Support for my theory about SOMONE trying to hypnotize all the really famous people seems to continue to accrue. First the Soda Poppers, then Myra, then Abe Lincoln, who seems to still be president. :eek:

    He didnt look very Abe Lincoln-esque to me ;)

    perhaps....'Evil Lincoln is baaaack!!!'
  • edited February 2007
    We don't know if that is Mr. Lincon or not. For all we know, they may just call him "The President" so they can avoid the universe collapsing in on itself.

    Also, it seems that the people they are hypnotizing are not so much famous people, but people in some kind of power.
    Brady Culture and his Home kind of makes him the boss in a twisted kind of way, thereby making him an influance on washed-up child actors. Myra has the Opra effect working for her, so her sphere of influance affects anyone who watches her show. Harry as the mole had some power over the police in the matters of the Mafia, but he also had power over the Mafia since he did become the last Don Ted E. Bear.
    Hypnotizing The President just seems like a logical thing to do. Why didn't they do it sooner?!
  • edited February 2007
    Well, okay. But you have to admit that Abe Lincoln still being president would be suitably weird for this. Remember how Featherly says "I didn't realize Abe Lincoln was still alive". And in OUR world, Abe Lincoln is dead, so he can't be killed again. So although, given Sam & Max, the truth may be even weirder, it's too soon to tell, and there's no contrary evidence yet.
  • edited February 2007
    Well, Ep 4 ios out on GameTap and I'm wrong about Abe Lincoln... But I'm getting more and more convinced we're right about Hugh Bliss...
  • edited February 2007
    These are major story ruining spoilers, so don't look at it if you don't want to know the ending of episode 4, and theories about episodes 5 and 6. I warned you!!!
    At the end of episode 4, Chuckles the undercover Secret Service agent is, erm... Well, taken care of. His earpiece comes off and you can hear that his commands are comming from some kind of machine. So, apparently a machine is behind controlling the Secret Service. That must be why Episode 5 is called "Reality 2.0", because it's going to involve the computer. But there's probably something controlling the computer too, and probably an alien... Because there has been some hints from Telltale that there would be a setting in space or on other worlds or something.

    Also... More major spoilers!!!
    I doubt Brady Culture, Myra, were more then unwilling pawns. They were hypnotized by the bears that the factory run by the Mole was making, and the "Secret Service" was watching over the Mole's operation. And Chuckles, the "Secret Service" agent watching over the factory was taking orders from some kind of machine. Whatever or whoever the mastermind is, they're probably not even human or from Earth. They could be, but because of the rumors of a space setting it's possible they could be aliens. That would be fitting, with Sybil's alien tabloid and the refrences to aliens sprinkled around the season so far.
  • edited February 2007
    I have to remember to look at the posts above after March 8th.

    Gah... just a little under two weeks away for me.
  • edited February 2007
    Looking at your original post Zeek, I think you're right about Hugh...
    I think Hugh Bliss is an alien, who has some kind of super computer that gives orders to the "Secret Service", who are also probably aliens. Chuckles, the 2nd in command to Hugh Bliss (except for the computer), created the toy mafia to make the hypnobears, which were meant to hypnotise the victims so they would... Uh... Keep everyone busy I guess while the aliens took over the planet. I guess Brady Culture was really just a wannabee who wanted to take over the world for himself with his learned hypnopowers. Maybe Brady was a former partner of Hugh's, and was an alien as well? :/
  • edited March 2007
    The President has an Emetics book.

  • edited March 2007
    i am starting to veer away from my previous assumption that hugh bliss is behind the hypnosis ring............... he just seems too, i dont know........happy

    and if you recall all of the hypnosis schemes deal with control, money, and power.............. hugh bliss does not seem to need any of the 3

    although i think he is involved in some minor way, i now doubt that he is behind the take over the world hypnosis scheme (if that it what this is about) and thats assuming that the hypnosis cases are indeed connected.................. we all learned at an early age to ignore the obvious (unless the obvious puches you in the face and calls you a $*@%!)

    no, i think that we have yet to meet who (or what) is behind all this
  • edited March 2007
    I think that the series' overarching villain would have to be someone referenced to in every episode...which means that Hugh Bliss is the most obvious candidate.
  • edited March 2007
    Clearly, because Hugh Bliss appeared in Episode 2/4 with only a minor but mysterious role, he's NOT the one behind everything because it would be too obvious. But wait, that's what they expect us to think, so maybe he really IS behind everything. Then again...

    Well at the very least he's probably an important character somehow, just because we'd kill Telltale for the answer if we didn't get a hilariously expository backstory (or at least major plot involvement) on him.
  • edited March 2007
    Just found that on Google for Hugh Bliss ! Disturbing... :confused: !!
    (just search for hugh bliss on the page :) )
  • edited March 2007
    Hugu Bliss is an ex-hockey player, did dancing in the late 1800's and is now a kayaking teddy bear!
  • edited March 2007
    Ohhhhh, what a bizzare and awkward bit of information. I wonder if Telltale knows about Hugu Bliss and the real-life Hugh Bliss teddy bear.

    As Bosco would say, "I smell a conspiracy!" :p
  • edited March 2007
    Ah ok... Not what i predicted, but
    Mount Rushmore
    indeed was part of the plot!
  • edited March 2007
    Here's a new theory I have developed given Episode 4 that I think the developers would like:
    Chuckles is obviously a very high and powerful ranking person for whoever he is working for, because he was able to get into both the USSS and the Toy Mafia. He obviously wasn't hypnotized, but utilizes several hypnotic devices (the Puppet President... wow, I found a pun I didn't realize!... the HypnoBear, the Animatronic Abe Lincon). Chances are he knows how to machanically produce this hypnotic effect.

    As such, he probably found out about Harry Moleman and hypnotized him with the HypnoBear. I mean, hello? The Toy Mafia loves toys, right? And if he was any kind of a mole as we think he is, Harry had to have played the part of someone who would be infatuated by toys.

    From here, the chain is pretty much the same.
    Harry or Chuckles made the factory to mass produce the HypnoBears, Myra gets a hold of one and goes all crazy, and Harry gets to Culture through the Home for Formor Child Stars which gets to the Soda Poppers.

    However, I can't seem to place how Hugh Bliss fits in short of seeing his book all over the place (with the exception of Eps. 3 unless I didn't notice it). The connection to him seems to have run dry.

    That being said,
    when do you think Max hypnotized Sam
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