Connecting the Dots (MAJOR SPOILERS)



  • edited March 2007
    Hugh Bliss
    is an alien. When trying to give him the truth serum, he stutters in his refusal claiming he doesn't drink.
  • edited March 2007
    no doubt that hugh bliss is an alien, did anyone else notice that all of his facial hair looks like shaving cream?
  • edited March 2007
    Everyone's facial hair looks like shaving cream. It's a texture issue that I was hoping people would dismiss given the cartoon nature of the rendering.
  • edited March 2007
    no, i mean that it looks like he is disguising himself because he probably has no facial hair of his own because he is an alien
  • edited March 2007
    Who or whatever it is behind the mass hallucination conspiracy, there should be a big hint of it's identity at the end of episode 5.
  • edited March 2007
    i do not know if anyone else noticed this, but chuckles earpeice is diffrent from the rest of the secret service members comms............ as the end shows his has a big "G" on it

    could be irrevelant, or it could be some sort of logo for that computer that was communicating with chuckles
  • edited March 2007
    It was like that in Episode 3 as well. Silly me thought it was a visual pun on the term "G-man."
  • edited March 2007
    I posted this on a different forum, but it's worth repeating here.

    Top 12 reasons Hugh Bliss may be a scheming evil bad guy bent on world domination (some of these are spoilers, be warned):
    He can read your mind
    He can see the future
    He can teleport
    He can fly
    He can afford running an entire business that seems to be based on giving stuff away for free
    He's Burnt Sienna years old
    He claims to be out to make everyone happy
    He's immune to hypnosis
    He never cries... Ever
    He can change the color of his skin
    He's afraid to drink the truth serum in episode 4

    In short, he'd make a PERFECT scheming evil bad guy.
  • edited March 2007
    Maratanos wrote: »
    He's immune to hypnosis

    We don't know that yet. That's only an assumption because we have yet to see him like that.
  • edited March 2007
    Zeek wrote: »
    We don't know that yet. That's only an assumption because we have yet to see him like that.
    If he aren't already like that :p
  • edited March 2007
    Zeek wrote: »
    We don't know that yet. That's only an assumption because we have yet to see him like that.

    Huh. I could have sworn that had been mentioned somewhere... but it's probably true nonetheless...
  • edited March 2007
    fajerkaos wrote: »
    If he aren't already like that :p

    Good point. That'd be very funny if
    he was hypnotized and after you set him back to normal, his voice changes into a gruff deep man's voice who thinks Prismatology is a load of bull.
    But I doubt that will happen now that I thought of it.
  • edited March 2007
    Dangerzone wrote: »
    i do not know if anyone else noticed this, but chuckles earpeice is diffrent from the rest of the secret service members comms............ as the end shows his has a big "G" on it

    could be irrevelant, or it could be some sort of logo for that computer that was communicating with chuckles

    I think that is kind of the hint for the next game, seeing as the final camera shot zoomed in on the earpiece.
  • edited March 2007
    Yeah... I haven't been able to figure out what the "G" could mean. It's probably the first letter of some name.
  • edited March 2007
    AdamG wrote: »
    Yeah... I haven't been able to figure out what the "G" could mean. It's probably the first letter of some name.
    Isn't it obvious? The letter "G" associated with evil robot-type-voices points to only one thing... Gizmonics Institute!

    Next episode, Sam and Max will have to liberate a human and two robots from an orbiting spaceship prison/bad movie theater. ;)
  • edited March 2007
    ATMachine wrote: »
    Gizmonics Institute!
    Another hidden referance that I apparently didn't catch?
  • edited March 2007
    It's ATM who's making the reference. To MST3K.
  • edited March 2007
    Okay, so I think I figured out the new connections.

    Plan A was
    to produce HypnoBears and deliver them across the country. Chuckles obviously knows how to mass produce the hypnotic effect, and as such would oversee the production. Harry, for all apperance purposes, would take the role of Don Ted E. Bear to take the finger of blame off of him.

    Plan B was
    to turn the Puppet President into a nut while hypnotizing those foolish enough to watch his addresses to the union. Eventually, someone who didn't watch any of the Presidents's various hypnotic announcements would get so pissed off that they would attempt an assasination. Chances are once the rate of attempts got to an increased state, Chuckles would let someone kill the Puppet President so he could introduce Abe Lincon. Why there is no VP, I have no clue. Lincon has the same technology as the Puppet President and HypnoBears, but also has the appeal of the nation. And given that this is Sam & Max's world, chances are the nation would blindly love the robotic Lincon.

    I want to say that
    Brady somehow got a hold of the technology, possibly through Harry since he was a "success case" for the Home, and figured out how it worked before Chuckles and his superior(s) were able to put their plan into action
    , but that's a stretch even for this crazy crime fighting duo's universe.
  • edited March 2007
    Random tangent that I noticed.

    Check out Bosco's list of people that are out to get him and compare them with who Sam & Max had to go up against in each episode and/or their connections to each of them.

    The Media (Brady Culture & Myra)
    The Mafia (The Toy Mafia)
    The Government (Abe Lincon)
    Sentian (sp?) computers (The Internet)
  • edited March 2007
    Zeek wrote: »
    Random tangent that I noticed.

    Check out Bosco's list of people that are out to get him and compare them with who Sam & Max had to go up against in each episode and/or their connections to each of them.

    The Media (Brady Culture & Myra)
    The Mafia (The Toy Mafia)
    The Government (Abe Lincon)
    Sentian (sp?) computers (The Internet)

    Whizzer in Episode 1, Skinbodies in Episode 2... he also mistakes the Toy Mafioso outside his door with being a member of the CIA/Illuminati in Episode 3.
  • edited March 2007
    numble wrote: »
    Whizzer in Episode 1, Skinbodies in Episode 2... he also mistakes the Toy Mafioso outside his door with being a member of the CIA/Illuminati in Episode 3.

    Maybe he was in the CIA and Illuminati too... (erie music)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    Zeek wrote: »
    Random tangent that I noticed.

    Check out Bosco's list of people that are out to get him and compare them with who Sam & Max had to go up against in each episode and/or their connections to each of them.

    The Media (Brady Culture & Myra)
    The Mafia (The Toy Mafia)
    The Government (Abe Lincon)
    Sentian (sp?) computers (The Internet)

    I think you explained that poorly.
  • edited March 2007
    Yeah, I was kind of writing that as I was out the door. :p

    Doesn't matter anyway. It doesn't pertain to my original theory and purpose for this thread. I just thought it was a bit strange.
  • edited March 2007
    While talking about the trailer for Episode 5, I noticed something quite odd. Hugh Bliss has a striking resemblance to Yuri. Yuri is that insane, mind-controlling psychopath from Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2. This, if true, could prove that he's definitely a bad guy. (I haven't played RA2 in a long time, so I could be full of crap.)
  • edited March 2007
    wow telltale/steve purcell is good at making ppl think.
    you're making totally new storylines!!
  • edited March 2007
    It's definitely Hugh Bliss. After all, he's been in every episode to date.
    Episode 1: The Emetics TV commercial and the revelation that Brady Culture once practiced Prismatology.
    Episode 2: The planned promotion of Emetics on Myra and the impromptu guest hosting of Who's Never Going to Be a Millionaire.
    Episode 3: The Emetics billboard that you use to run the mafia off the road.
    Episode 4: The purchase of the Esperanto Bookstore and the Emetics copy in the Oval Office.
    Episode 5: His avatar running what seems to be an online Emetics store.
  • edited March 2007
    So's Jimmy, though...

    And Bosco

    And Sybil.

    Oh wait, also Sam & Max themselves...

  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2007
    no one even questions the empty lefty's building...
  • edited March 2007
    yes, I find that strange. I have been waiting for that place to open up since the first episode :)
  • edited March 2007
    NickTTG wrote: »
    no one even questions the empty lefty's building...

    Yeah... I really hope that it will happen' something there some time, also I would like to see something come out of that liver n' onions never seems to want to leave town... Hypnosis perhaps?
  • edited March 2007
    I thought Lefty's was some kind of control room now? :/
  • edited March 2007
    I think that was just when you wore the googles. I don't know what is there when one takes them off.
  • edited April 2007
    We TOTALLY called that...
    Roy G. Biv is clearly Hugh Bliss, the major bad guy for the season
  • edited April 2007
    I'm standing firmly by my belief that
    Hugh Bliss
    isn't the bad guy against all evidence.
    For a start we probably wouldn't get to see him in the next season if he is, and that'd be a shame. And isn't Roy G. Biv (Shorthand for the colours of the rainbow if anyone was wondering =P) and the moon face at the end a bit too much of a giveaway for an episode we don't even know the name of yet?

    My guess (ie, hope) is that he's been hypnotised himself if he does have any part in the evil.
  • edited April 2007
    Please do not kill Hugh, Telltale... Pretty please?
  • edited April 2007
    It may be old news, but I just found out Hugh Bliss is on Myspace now.
  • edited April 2007
    Roy G. Biv is Hugh Bliss. Proof here. For those who fear Wikipedia, Roy G. Biv is a mnemonic used for remembering the traditional colour spectrum (Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet). Sounds like Hugh Bliss! Telltale could be pulling our legs though.
  • edited April 2007
    I dunno, I still have my suspicions about that unnamed Director...
  • edited April 2007
    It doesn't necessarily mean that it is Hugh Bliss. I'm guessing there could be other Prismatologists, and they would likely also have color-related names. Roy G. Biv could be even higher up on the food chain than Hugh is.
  • edited April 2007
    Mm, I like... Maybe
    the two are actually fierce competitors and Hugh Bliss has been manipulating Sam and Max in order to counteract Roy G. Biv's evil machinations.
    Yes, that would actually make sense.
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