Connecting the Dots (MAJOR SPOILERS)



  • edited April 2007
    i have the strange feeling that episode 6 will spoof
    corporate america, and the space program
  • edited April 2007
    Dangerzone wrote: »
    i have the strange feeling that episode 6 will spoof
    corporate america, and the space program

    That would make sense.

    If one take the episiodes progressively. The first episode was
    concentrated around The Soda Poppers, which have been brain washed by Brady Culture. When you enter the Brady Culture home for former child stars, you see the mole man from episode 3 is listed on a poster on the outside as a success story. There the focus is locally on Brady Culture and how he hypnotize The Soda Poppers to turn them into people who work for him into getting his fame back.

    Then in episode two the focus has now moved
    to that Myra Stumps are holding her audiance captured, and later one found out she was hypnotized by the bear.

    Then in episode three the focus has now moved to the group that was behind what happened in episode one and two, at least indirectly since
    the mole man who was posted as a success story in the first game,and they obviously hypnotized Myra Stumps too with the hypnobear

    Then in episode four the hypno problem has
    moved on to a national level, getting the president replaced by a hypno puppet, and getting charge of Sargent Chuckels. Also, I remember a reference to an earlier episode when I first talked with Sargent Chuckels. I seem to remember something like "Weren't you the guy who was the greeter at the toy mafia?" or something like that... and they are all shocked he is the presidents body guard. I don't remember all the detailes, and I didn't understand the reference fully. But in any case, he is probably controlled through the toy mafia as well, which again was controlled by reality 2.0.

    Then in the fifth episode, the job is to
    take down the entire Internet, because it turns out that's what's behind all the other things that happened earlier. Anyway, so Internet are everywhere.
    From episode to episode the area which is being controlled by the hypno ray expands. Since the last episode was about the Internet, which is everywhere, logically speaking the next episode must move to space, unless they get some idea who is behind all of it and the episode is mainly about finding that person and arresting him or her, or it. Anyway, because of Hugh Bliss in the moon, and the multi-colored name, also because Hugh Bliss was able to turn green, which was good enough for Sybil to say he was an alien. In fact, I believe Hugh Bliss is an alien, but I have a strange feeling somebody else are the puppetmaster behind him, or that he is working to prevent the disaster Brady Culture has started, because it would just be too obvious if he was the one. I am not sure who else it could be though, because all the others I can think of from the earlier episodes, except for the reoccuring characters, have been offed. The only exception is Brady Culture, since they only took his hair(correction: he's in jail, so can't be him either)... and Hugh Bliss(at least if the Internet was in fact the same woman as the director, and was offed in reality 2.0 with the Internet). It would be too strange if it turns out some reoccuring character like Sybil or Bosco was the one behind it all. The only who I would buy as that would be Jimmy, but I don't think he got the brains for such a mega operation
    also, it would be rather fun if they returned to the moon on the last episode, since they got that moon picture on the wall and Hugh Bliss seems to be from/on/or of the moon.

    Anybody who can think of anybody I have forgotten to include that could've done it? Anyway, all this speculations makes me want to re-play all the episodes, and look for more clues or for people I have forgotten to consider ;)

    has nobody else than me found it strange that the soda poppers keep appear in the strangest positions after the first episode? in the second episode they are the jury for the idol competition... and in the 4th they are suddenly senators... I am suspecting that the soda poppers are involved with prismathology, and that's how they get these positions.
  • edited April 2007
    I get the feeling that the
    wink from hugh bliss in the moon
    at the end is hinting that in fact
    they have not been ejected from reality 2.0 or at least some kind of simulation of the world
    which hints to me at a
    plotline for episode 6.
    Agent Smith anyone?
  • edited April 2007
    that would make sense. I remember something from the gametap trailer to Reality 2.0: "our videogames are a colossal waste of time?". I never heard that line in this episode, maybe it's from episode 6? In which case it would make sense that they at that time actually discover they are inside a videogame.
  • edited April 2007
    marsan wrote: »
    I remember something from the gametap trailer to Reality 2.0: "aren't videogames are a colossal waste of time?". I never heard that line in this episode
    No, it's definitely in there. I heard it.
  • edited April 2007
    you're probably right. I've only played it through one time, so I've probably missed some pieces of dialog. If you remember how you got it, don't be a stranger. I thought that was so funny in the trailer.
  • edited April 2007
    marsan wrote: »
    you're probably right. I've only played it through one time, so I've probably missed some pieces of dialog. If you remember how you got it, don't be a stranger. I thought that was so funny in the trailer.
    Try talking to Sybil after you
    return her to Reality 1.0
    (not really a spoiler, considering it's one of the first things you have to do, but better to be safe than sorry).
  • edited April 2007 summarise the hierarchy so far, we've got:
    Roy. G. Biv (possibly Hugh Bliss) controlled the Internet, which presumably controlled Chuckles, who controlled the Government and the Toy Mafia, who controlled WARP TV.

    This leaves a few loose ends.
    Firstly, how does Brady Culture fit into this?
    Well...we know that his Home trained the Mole who infiltrated the Mafia. We can assume that the Mole and Chuckles were partners, but Brady Culture's actions don't seem to fit in. He's trying to start his own brainwashed cult, for his own personal benefit, in a similar method to Hugh Bliss. Perhaps they are rivals, and he stole Hugh's hypontising technology (again, assuming that Hugh is the villain)?
    Either way, he seems too 'small time' to be part of the 'big operation'.

    Secondly, I'm not entirely sure why
    the Director of WARP TV's face was the face of the Internet. She hates Myra, so she probably isn't the 'big bad' (Why would she force people to watch Myra's show via hypnosis if she didn't want people to watch it?)...yet she can teleport, so maybe she is another alien?

    Or...maybe I'm just paranoid. Either way, the season looks like it will end very well.
  • edited April 2007
    This leaves a few loose ends.
    Firstly, how does Brady Culture fit into this?

    Yes. That's something I've wonder about.
    Sure, you got the hair of Brady Culture in the closet, but they never said exactly what happened to him after they shaved off his hair. It could be that he will make a comeback in the next episode.
    Maybe I am sucker for traditional endings, but I really like it when the beginning(introduction, pilot) and ending match along with each other. Considering that
    Hugh Bliss wasn't in the first episode, it would be a perfect decoy to use to make sure everybody got suprised when a person from the first episode that everybody thought was gone made a comeback and suddenly was the one behind all of it.

    All of this makes me think back to Broken Sword 1 and Khan.
    How he kept popping up in the places George always was... and then in the end it turned out he was one of the good guys, but for other reasons.
    It wouldn't suprise me if something similar was the case with Hugh Bliss
    vs Brady Culture. Like, perhaps Brady Culture is an outcast and was the one behind the toy mafia hypnosis, and Hugh Bliss is just trying to fix what he has done without drawing too much attention to himself. In that case Brady Culture could be Roy G. Biv if he used to be a prismatologist.
    Not sure, I think I'm going to have to play through the first episodes again to look for any other mentions of Brady Culture
  • edited April 2007
    It could simply be that
    Brady created the tools for hypnosis, for his own small-time plan, but the Toy Mafia (and by extension, whoever was puppeting them) got their hands on it, likely through the mole.
  • edited April 2007
    LuigiHann wrote: »
    It could simply be that
    Brady created the tools for hypnosis, for his own small-time plan, but the Toy Mafia (and by extension, whoever was puppeting them) got their hands on it, likely through the mole.

    Wow, didn't think of that.
  • edited April 2007
    Mr. Roy G. Biv
    is....... he is feeding money into the entire scheme, his account is connected to every one of the previous episode plots

    he is connected to.......
    Digital Buissness (A.K.A. The Internet)
    The Toy Mafia
    The Government
    Bosco (this may be why everyone is targeting him)

    the only boxes we have not seen connected yet are....
    Pro Lobby, Lobbyists (most likely just a joke)
    Kittens For Peace (could hugh bliss be connected to these guys)
    Online Gambling (could possibly be connected to toy mafia)
    Grandma Bosco? (could be anoher joke)

    P.S. am i the only person who did not realise that you can talk to max while standing in the bank?........... i just saw this and i feel stupid right now.... i am going to add it to my play it again list
  • edited April 2007
    Well I don't think the plot for season 1 would be too complicated..
    so I'd say roygbiv is hugh bliss.. he'd got whole rainbow thing going on and he's the mastermind behind it all..and he probably is an alien..
  • edited April 2007
    has anyone mentioned that in Hugh Bliss's MySpace page he lists
    Roy G. Biv as one of his heroes
  • edited April 2007
    I'm pretty sure Brady got the glasses from Roy G. Biv, who we think is Hugh, since they said in the documentary that Brady was into prismatology for a while.
    And we don't know for sure that the mole from episode 3 is the same one from the poster outside the "Home". After all, if you'll recall, there were two other moles in Sam and Max Hit the Road...
  • edited April 2007
    I believe sam & max
    goes up against prismatology on the last episode. Somewhat I feel prismatology is out of this world, because Hugh Bliss seems pretty much out of this world. All the other characters in the episodes that one can classify under "enemies" have been connected in one way or another with prismatology. But I am getting a feeling that The soda poppers are deeper involved with prismatology than they admit. I mean, how did they suddenly become senators? Maybe through the help of prismatology, which was taking control over the white house through the reality 2.0. Also, how did they "accidently" get called in to be judges on the worst idol contest(which was sent on the channel which it seems that prismatology was trying to take control over, through myra stumps)? Even though they got hypnoticed in the first episode to do Brady Cultures evil biddings, it could just be that Brady Culture was trying to misuses the powers of the prismatologist for his own personal agendas, and that the soda poppers are still a part of prismatology. Has anybody noticed how all the people who gets affected are famous people who at least seems to have a lot of influence potential? What the Internet says at the end of the episode: "I just want everybody to be happy" sounds like exactly like something Hugh Bliss would say.

    I believe one either goes up against Hugh Bliss in the last episode, or one of the soda poppers(or some leader which is unknown at this time, but from the episodic nature I have a strong belief that the last episode will uncover somebody we know as the leader of prismatology). I am not sure, but something tells me the soda poppers are not as innoncent in all of this as they are trying to make it seem. But from the evidence I would go for Hugh Bliss or somebody who are misusing prismatolog for his own personal agendas(a.k.a a prismatologist run wild, which Hugh Bliss is out to stop). If it's somebody we know already, which is not Hugh Bliss, then it must be one of the soda poppers(since they apparently out of nowhere get these awesome positions, without ever explaining how it really happened, please correct me if I'm wrong.)

    Anyway. Who else are left that haven't been arrested or put away already?
  • edited April 2007
    I too think
    Hugh Bliss is ROYGBIV. I mean for those who don't know, particular those that don't have english as their primary language. ROYGBIV is Red, orange, yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violent; The colors of a rainbow. Besides, all the villains expect ep 5 are introduced at the end of the episode (Myra was seen in ep 1, the toy mafia bear was seen in ep 2, Chuckles was seen in 3, and Hugh in ep 5.) However, Telltale can pull a fast one on us, though the Hugh Bliss as a villain can be a "you least expect it" sort of thing.
  • edited April 2007
    ROYGBIV is Red, orange, yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violent; The colors of a rainbow.
    VERY nice catch.
  • edited April 2007
    Thanks, Galfisk

    I might be over analysing here, but anyone see a connecting of hugh Bliss and George Carlin? I mean, but has the same physical appearance. Also, George Carlin was Mr. Conductor in the live action Thomas Tank Engine show. Didn't the Conductor in the show was all nice and teleported with the use of rainbows and such? If so, I can see a connection. For those who don't know, George Carlin is a stand up commedian who is vugar and mean. However, in the Tank engine show, his character has a different personality.

    I wouldn't be suprised if Hugh's real personality is the opposite of what we have seen before.

    Also, I am sure ppl pointed this out, but doesn't Brady Culture looks a bit like Bob Ross, the guy who does paintings on PBS? If this was Telltale's intent on basing Brady's physical appearance off of Ross, I can see the connection. The theme of season1 is hypnothesis and rainbows, and Bob Ross is known to paint paintings with full of colors and happy things. Even though Culture isnt nice and all, the era where his tv show was shown, was in the 70's, which is known as the decade of free live and all that colorful happy crap.

    I wouldn't be suprised if Hugh and Culture are siblings since they have the same sort of traits; tall, skinny, and white. LOL

    Lastly, I like the symbolisms in the season. Prisimatology is basically a rip on Scientology. I tend to think that the staff decided to spoof Scientology after all the pubilicity it had from the Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes hoopla.

    Anyways, Emetics(the book by hugh bliss) seems to be the same as L. Ron Hubbard's Dianetics. Both books are self help books that claims to rid the reader of bad thoughts, diseases, and other crap.

    In real life, L. Ron is looked up as a god with magical powers; Hugh Bliss has magical powers. Both ppl seem to have a questional religion.

    Also, Hypotism is the main tool used by Scientology to control their followers. Scientologist would brainwash new members in believing that psychology is crap and that the real reason we get depressed is because the alien leader, Xenu killed off a bunch of his slaves in Hawaii and the souls of the dead slaves inhabit our bodies, makin us feel sad and bad.

    In real life, Scientology is in hollywood, on the internet, and within parts of our government(this part I am guessing.)

    Oh yeah, Scientologist do not believe that L. Ron is dead, but that he left his human vessel to teach scientology to aliens in other words. No lie.
  • edited April 2007
    I think
    Philo Pennyworth
    is the REAL mastermind. ;)
  • edited April 2007
    GameTap's infocard for episode 6 at one time explicitly stated Hugh Bliss to be the Bad Guy.

    You guys are WAY overanalyzing this.
  • edited April 2007
    True, but that's what makes this fun.:D
  • edited April 2007
    i like the episodic game format for just that reason. when you play a conventional game, you finish a level (you think, wow that was cool) and then you move on to the next level.... (you also miss a lot of things in that level, and you may not understand the story because you are going through the game so fast)

    but in an episodic game the space between episodes gives you time to replay that episode and really savor it, and convoluted conspiracy theories are sure to follow because everyone has their 2 cents about what they think is going on, who the villan is, what will happen next, etc....

    sam and max is not known for being in-depth, mysterious, or complex in its stories, but i hope that in season 2 they really cater to us conspiracy theorists and give us a storyline so "out-there" that not even we can guess it, this will be much easier than they think if they add more evil reoccuring characters.... most of us had our eye on
    hugh bliss
    since episode 3-4 and it seems that we were right according to gametaps episode 6 infocard *grumble*
  • edited April 2007
    Hugh Bliss has left an interesting message on Sam & Max's MySpace

    as he states
    I'm positively over the moon!
  • edited April 2007
    Well, my suspicions have been confirmed with the screen shots here of Sam & Max on that Rainbow Butterfly ride.

    Now to just see if my connections were right when I play through the last episode.
  • edited April 2007
    after watching the gametap trailer, hearing about spoilers from the gametap infocard, piecing together everything from playing the other five episodes again, seeing the rainbow butterfly ride and reading the myspace comment, it's obvious to me who's behind all of this. Anyway, I was already getting rather suspicious of this person ever since our first encounter, so it was not a big shock. But I'm mainly in it for the jokes, though, so I didn't really want some unsolvable detective story. I would have found it annoying if the season ending reveals somebody nobody expected, to be the mastermind behind all of this.
    It's obvious now that the butler did it!
  • jmmjmm
    edited May 2007
    Another thing, Emetics "is a substance that induces vomiting when administered orally or by injection."
    And the guy on the Emetics book is barfing a rainbow. Coincidence?
    Also some diseases causes vomiting and delusions (and maybe some changes in color)...and most diseases are caused by "alien organisms"...which are destroyed by substances like alcohol.....which is found on a certain "truth serum"
  • edited May 2007
    jmm wrote: »


  • edited May 2007
    Emetics is an orally introduced substance that induces vomitting? Ewww...
  • edited May 2007
    AdamG wrote: »
    Emetics is an orally introduced substance that induces vomitting? Ewww...

    Yeah. Very few writers can cause vomitting simply just by reading aloud.
  • edited May 2007
    So was
    Harry Moleman the moleman that was on the poster outside brady's theater?
    because that lead me to believe
    that we'd find out that Hugh was also a long forgotten child star who had gone evil.
    I had even thought
    for a while that Brady and Hugh might have been the same person.
    I dunno,
    it just seems to me the whole space bacteria thing came out of nowhere.
    Anyhow, I can't wait for season 2.
  • jmmjmm
    edited May 2007
    The Emetics->Bacteria plot was not that farfetched. But I felt that it could have ended in a better way (ie: Hugh using bacteria to conquer the world). Plus I really liked the Hugh Bliss character, and now he is gone (or is he?). I really am going to miss the 'Hi, I'm Hugh Bliss' line.

    Brady was always a bit off with the main plot (other than the hypnotic link) and turned only as an oportunistic SOB that stole the hypnotic glasses prototype and tried to use them for his own *plan* which turned to be quite similar to Hugh's.

    Now, the wait for Season 2: Episode 1 ("War at the Dakotas" perhaps??) begins...
  • edited May 2007
    ^ Which means Nick better get cracking on the inevitable E3 trailer...
  • edited May 2007
    We should at least give the duo some time to rest. Max seemed pretty pissed that they've been "working" for seven months striaght.:D
  • edited May 2007
    If Season 2 started any sooner then, say, 6-9 months from now, I think Sam & Max would start to stagnate. The humor and shock effect would wear out really quick if people get too used to it.
  • edited May 2007
    I'm a little late to this discussion, but I think the origin of Hugh Bliss' name is a play on the word hubris. The classical definition doesn't really apply to Hugh, but I could see the writers coining the term hublis = hubris + bliss, having excessive bliss to a tragic fault.

    I like to disinventeminate words too!
  • edited May 2007
    Hugh does seem to have a "serious case of narcissism"...
  • edited May 2007
    I commented on the awesomeness of Hugh's name when Episode 2 was first announced. It has a lot of layers for a two-syllable name.
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