Who else is at a point that they don't care M.J. Fox isn't doing the voice?

edited December 2010 in Back to the Future
Maybe this topic is redundant but I thought it was worth mentioning how TellTale delivered with the voice for Marty.

Remember a while back? Remember when we were so worried about who would do the voice of Marty? We wouldn't accept anyone other that M.J. Fox himself. Even for a while when AJ was cast some people had somewhat mixed feelings about it not being MJ himself.
But now....it all seems so natural for AJ LoCascio to be Marty. Everyone is glad and accepted it.
I haven't even read a post for a couple of weeks now expressing their disappointment that M.J. Fox isn't in it anymore or even any mention of him.
0_o Almost as if we're like 'Naah....we don't need MJ anymore. We have this other great guy." lol...
It's amazing how everybody unanimously now considers this new voice to be Marty's.
Just think about it for a sec...and be thankful :D.

Now let's hope we can see a repeat in that process with the voice of Biff. It's going to be somewhat harder though.

But props to TellTale for pulling this off.


  • edited December 2010
    Origami... I tend to agree with you on a lot of topics. But now you're just being silly... Nobody cares about Mj Fox ?! HE IS SICK. Aj is talented, he's a good replacement. But in NO way is he the "new" Marty ...

    Now, for Tom Wilson, it's a whole différent matter. They didn't even contact him !!!! That's irrespectful ans I don't see why we should be ok with the new guy... ( actually I really don't mind myself, I think he's good, but I speak for Most people )
  • edited December 2010
    Please don't twist what I said Strayth.
    I am not saying nobody cares about M.J. Fox.

    It just doesn't bother me at the slightest he isn't doing the voice anymore though.
    And I am not saying AJ is the new Marty. Ofcourse we will always picture MJ.Fox when we see Marty. After all the in-game model is build to resemble him.

    It's just that they managed to do the voice of Marty so well that there is never an instant that I am thinking 'Meh...this is not Marty.' There is just really nothing off with this games Marty for me.
    It's just THAT convincing imho.
  • edited December 2010
    I just wished Eddie Murphy voiced Marty.
  • edited December 2010
    Well id rather have Michael J. Fox be able to do it and do it, but if he can't, what's the point in argueing about it?

    And i would never say "Nah... we dont need him anymore.". That would be kinda mean.
  • edited December 2010
    It's only mean if you want to interpret it that way.

    Okay this topic can be deleted. I was wrong. I guess I am the only one thinking about it this way.
  • edited December 2010
    Strayth wrote: »
    Now, for Tom Wilson, it's a whole différent matter. They didn't even contact him !!!! That's irrespectful ans I don't see why we should be ok with the new guy...

    1. Alan said they DID try to contact him. His agents didn't pass along the message.
    2. "Irrespectful" is not a word.
    3. The "new guy" has been in almost every Telltale game. We know he's talented, even if the imitation isn't perfect.
  • edited December 2010
    AJ doing the voice of Marty is fine in my eyes, His voice acting is perfect for the role, its a TRIBUTE to MJ Fox. Imagine the honor it is. YOUR the guy that gets to continue the role of Marty and making BTTF be a continuing success. Thats no small order and that deserves a good deal of respect. =)

    We all wish MJ Fox would be able to be the role again, but least he was contacted, and gave permission for telltale to use his likeness so the story can continue.
  • edited December 2010
    first i thought otherwise, but actually martys voice done by aj is very confusing for me.

    when i watched the trailer i saw aj's face in my mind everytime when marty was talking, not mj fox's.

    i wish i would not know how aj looks like... damn you, internet, DAMN YOU!!
  • edited December 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    It's only mean if you want to interpret it that way.

    I guess so. You probably didnt mean it the way it sounded.

    And AJ doing this is fine with me.
    Well i do think it's a shame that MJF cannot do it, but since it can't be helped...
    At least this way BttF can continue ... which is, you know ... awesome. :D
  • edited December 2010

    That is very sad to hear. I was under the impression people didn't have things like that.
  • edited December 2010
    Seeing how AJ LoCascio probably does a better voice for Marty than MJFox could do even if he was healthy, I don't really mind the fact that MJFox doesn't voice Marty.
    And furthermore, I have grown up with the German dubs anyway, so MJFox isn't even the "real" Marty voice for me.
  • edited December 2010
    first i thought otherwise, but actually martys voice done by aj is very confusing for me.

    when i watched the trailer i saw aj's face in my mind everytime when marty was talking, not mj fox's.

    i wish i would not know how aj looks like... damn you, internet, DAMN YOU!!

    Yeah me too, they made too many interviews with him. And since I'm watching Spin City at the moment (and AJ sounds nothing like this MJ), it doesn't help.
    1. Alan said they DID try to contact him. His agents didn't pass along the message.
    2. "Irrespectful" is not a word.
    3. The "new guy" has been in almost every Telltale game. We know he's talented, even if the imitation isn't perfect.

    1. Well I didn't know about that, sorry then.

    2. I'm not a native english speaker, sorry for the mistake, though I'm pretty sure you got what I meant.

    3. He never voiced Biff. Thus, he's the new guy voicing Biff. O_o I never said the guy wasn't talented, I said he's not Tom Wilson. Obviously they weren't gonna pick a talentless guy who's never done any voice acting before... How is that wrong in any way ? Please tell me I'd love to actually know.
    Seeing how AJ LoCascio probably does a better voice for Marty than MJFox could do even if he was healthy

    What ?

    It's not as if Mj Fox had a totally different voice right now ...

    Hearing him on talk shows or Spin city, even if he has a slightly deeper voice, it's still pretty much the same voice ...
  • edited December 2010
    The Wallace and Gromit games by TellTale didn't feature Peter Sallis (Wallace), but the stand in sounded just like him. I expect BTTF to be the same and most people probably won't even realize it's not Michael J Fox as Marty. TellTale are perfectionists, remember.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    Maybe this topic is redundant

    Yes! Yeeesss! YEEEEEESSS!!
  • edited December 2010
    I don't think the non-involvement of MJF is an issue... it was always going to be doubtful that he would take part, all things considered. On the other hand -
    there's one character unrevealed on the website. All we see is a sillouhette (sp) which looks very like Marty. Perhaps alternative/evil Marty from another timeline? Perhaps he might only appear briefly, with a slightly different voice?!
    The Wallace and Gromit games by TellTale didn't feature Peter Sallis (Wallace), but the stand in sounded just like him.

    I thought he was very good, but the voice came and went a bit. Although - is it true that Telltale didnt case him per se, but that he was Aardman's official stand-in, voicewise, for Sallis, already?

    As to this business with Tom Wilson, I don't think it's worth our speculating and apportioning "blame". There is a story that Paul McGann's agent (NOT Janet Fielding, though) refused to pass on offers from Big Finish to reprise the 8th Doctor on audio - the first he knew of it, it is alleged, was when he answered his agent's phone!
  • edited December 2010
    tredlow wrote: »
    I just wished Eddie Murphy voiced Marty.

  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited December 2010
    tredlow wrote: »
    I just wished Eddie Murphy voiced Marty.

    So you want that to finally happen:
  • edited December 2010
    So you want that to finally happen:

    That's great, Scott! :p
  • edited December 2010
    Strayth wrote: »
    3. He never voiced Biff. Thus, he's the new guy voicing Biff. O_o I never said the guy wasn't talented, I said he's not Tom Wilson. Obviously they weren't gonna pick a talentless guy who's never done any voice acting before... How is that wrong in any way ? Please tell me I'd love to actually know.

    You said you didn't see why we should be okay with Andrew as Biff; a statement that came off as attacking to a man who's just doing his job. I'm merely saying his relationship with Telltale and the other roles we liked him in is a good reason to at the very least tolerate him.
  • edited December 2010
    I may be attacked now that I say it, but... to hell with Wilson. I respect the actor, don't get me wrong. But. TellTale tried to get him, TellTale, regretfully, didn't manage to get him for one reason and another (the reason itself is irrelevant at the moment), they got Andrew Chaikin, who's a very good actor nontheless. End of story.

    Adam Harrington was sucker-punched with LeChuck in the name of fan-service (thankfully, his role was minimal in Chapter 1 of Tales), but Tannens will clearly play a MUCH bigger role straight from the early parts of the game, meaning that Andrew most likely worked hard and recorded a lot already. Sucker-punching him in the name of fan-service too will be a very harsh, disrespectful, and inappropriate thing to do, so I hope TellTale won't do it.
  • edited December 2010
    Farlander wrote: »
    to hell with Wilson.
    (the reason itself is irrelevant at the moment)
    It is relevant, because Telltale says they tried to contact him, and Wilson says he was never contacted, as well as implying he would have been open to doing the voice had he been contacted. Something went wrong somewhere. If Wilson had been contacted and he said "no", then I'd be all for saying "to hell with Wilson", but since he wasn't, I can't just dismiss him that easily.
    End of story.
    Again, no. Alan Johnson said that the BTTF team was aware of the comments Wilson posted on YouTube that he'd never been contacted. So, it's possible that they are still trying to contact him.

    Sucker-punching him in the name of fan-service too will be a very harsh, disrespectful, and inappropriate thing to do, so I hope TellTale won't do it.
    Andrew was already replaced once as the voice of Max, apparently due to illness (which is sad and completely out of his control). But, it was a permanent replacement. He didn't come back as the voice of Max later that season or in the subsequent seasons. So, in a way, he's already been "sucker-punched" due to his permanent replacement after he was healthy again (BTW, I love William Kasten as Max, but the point still stands).
  • edited December 2010

    Seriously. Though in a not 'Why so serious' way :p
    It is relevant, because Telltale says they tried to contact him, and Wilson says he was never contacted, as well as implying he would have been open to doing the voice had he been contacted. Something went wrong somewhere. If Wilson had been contacted and he said "no", then I'd be all for saying "to hell with Wilson", but since he wasn't, I can't just dismiss him that easily.
    Again, no. Alan Johnson said that the BTTF team was aware of the comments Wilson posted on YouTube that he'd never been contacted. So, it's possible that they are still trying to contact him.

    It's not long till the first episode is out. As far as I understand, the voices of the second are already recorded (or recording is in progress). Andrew is listed as voice of Biff on the recent site update. It's too late for Wilson to appear, it's something that should've been taken care of a few months earlier. So, Biff's voice in the first episode will be Andrew's.

    However, I want to point out that I will be quite content with the following situation: they WILL manage to get Wilson, have him re-record only the lines of the original Biff Tannaen, but leave all the other Tannens (like Kid, who I understand will play a very important role in the story) with Andrew's voice.
  • edited December 2010
    Well to be honest, i think it's not so bad that MJF is not the original Marty Voice in this game. Because its just the way as it is and how its arranged.

    But more the fact that we just don't hear anything from MJF, no involvement, no message .. just nothing. We as diehard fans should be already glad with a simple message from MJF with like "Have fun with the game, hope you like it!" or just something really small so that we all know he's still out there somewhere!

    Hell, i would be happy if he'd say something like "I'm gonna watch Christopher Lloyd play BTTF game for me" :D

    I know he's sick, and these kind of topics about MJF has repeatedly been posted on this forum in the past, or was it the future? Anyway! ;) We've been over this tons of times.

    I think its more about the involvement then the voice itself.
  • edited December 2010
    I hope you guys understand that AJ's impersonating Michael J. Fox as Marty McFly. Idk how you can hear AJ's Marty and not hear MJF mannerisms in there..MJF is Marty McFly, the character has his likeness. I'm not disappointed that he can't do the game, but i'm glad they found the closest and best replacement!

    I'm not gonna judge the Biff voice until I hear some actual classic Biff lines.. Idk what happened with the communication between Telltale and Tom Wilson, but I thought for sure he would be able to voice Biff, I mean come on..is he really that busy???
  • edited December 2010
    Could be, if his stand-up comedian stuff goes well. dunno.
  • edited December 2010
    I don't mind Michael not voicing Marty anymore.
  • edited December 2010
    Yeah, this new guy's pretty good. Micheal J. Fox IS Marty McFly, but this guy's a pretty good replacement. He seems to be doing a near perfect Marty voice, in my opinion. Fox has his medical problems, and that's probably why he's unavailable. This is totally okay with me.
  • edited December 2010
    I think it would have been great if Michael J. Fox could have voiced the character, but I understand that Michael has his health problems and isnt available, but Telltale managed to get the best possible replacement to voice the character, I mean he sounds just like him.
  • harringtonvoharringtonvo Verified
    edited December 2010
    Origami wrote: »
    Maybe this topic is redundant but I thought it was worth mentioning how TellTale delivered with the voice for Marty.

    Remember a while back? Remember when we were so worried about who would do the voice of Marty? We wouldn't accept anyone other that M.J. Fox himself. Even for a while when AJ was cast some people had somewhat mixed feelings about it not being MJ himself.
    But now....it all seems so natural for AJ LoCascio to be Marty. Everyone is glad and accepted it.
    I haven't even read a post for a couple of weeks now expressing their disappointment that M.J. Fox isn't in it anymore or even any mention of him.
    0_o Almost as if we're like 'Naah....we don't need MJ anymore. We have this other great guy." lol...
    It's amazing how everybody unanimously now considers this new voice to be Marty's.
    Just think about it for a sec...and be thankful :D.

    Now let's hope we can see a repeat in that process with the voice of Biff. It's going to be somewhat harder though.

    But props to TellTale for pulling this off.

    I'm glad this worked out for AJ, that makes one of us. :o

    Cut Andrew some slack folks, Wilson has one of those voices that isn't as distinctive as a Michael J Fox or Peter Sallis, thus more difficult to match. I didn't even bother auditioning for Biff. I started out, got to the mic, and realized I had no idea how to do this guys voice. Uhhhh, maybe I should've done the same thing with LeChuck. Harr Harrrr Harrrrrr! :D
  • edited December 2010
    I think AJ was a really great stand in.... BUT that was not Marty... only MJF can be the true Marty... AJ did a great job but its hard to compete with what MJF did in the movies..
  • edited December 2010
    Irishmile wrote: »
    I think AJ was a really great stand in.... BUT that was not Marty... only MJF can be the true Marty... AJ did a great job but its hard to compete with what MJF did in the movies..

    This completely reflects my thoughts on the situation.

    AJ does a wonderful job and makes a new truly likable character named Marty, but it's not truly Marty McFly... I dunno, maybe that's also because I feel like the 3D model of Marty is too short.

    Or, you know what, this model and AJ does a better Marty McFly in one sense because Marty McFly is known to be going to highschool. And in the movies I ALWAYS had a bad time acknowledging that Michael J Fox was going to highschool. He looked definitely more mature than that. But this Marty looks really young, AND sounds really young thanks to AJ.
  • edited December 2010
    markeres wrote: »
    Wilson says he was never contacted, as well as implying he would have been open to doing the voice had he been contacted.

    Can you show me the quote where this implied statement originated? Because I think fans have been reading too much into Wilson's statements.
  • edited December 2010
    jp-30 wrote: »
    Can you show me the quote where this implied statement originated? Because I think fans have been reading too much into Wilson's statements.


    It's in the pile of comments under this video. I'm too lazy to find myself but I did see it in Uploader's Comments section a month ago or so.
  • edited December 2010
    Yeah, and he never actually says he's open to doing the voice for the game, iirc. And he doesn't really even imply it.
  • edited December 2010
    Oh, my bad, I thought you only asked for the comment.

    Well, he does say "Surely they're going for an inferior product" or something like that, so this makes me believe he would join the crew if he got the message of Telltale. He does not imply anything about not doing any voice work for his former character, if anything he slightly implies the complete opposite.
  • edited December 2010
    sure it would've been nice to get mjf to do it, but this guy has NAILED the voice. probably better than fox would be able to, considering he's almost 50. so i dont mind one bit.
  • edited December 2010
    shref wrote: »
    sure it would've been nice to get mjf to do it, but this guy has NAILED the voice. probably better than fox would be able to, considering he's almost 50. so i dont mind one bit.

    Now that you mention it. AJ sounds more like Marty from the first BttF (I say the first because even MJF sounds different in comparison to himself in others) than Christopher Lloyd sounds as Christopher Lloyd from any of the BttFs. Kinda ironic (Don't get me wrong, CL still does an awesome job).
  • edited December 2010
    It is sad that MJ Fox has such health issues that he was not able to voice Marty. I feel sad for him. I am glad that 1 $ for every game bought from Telltale will go to the MJ Fox Foundation.
    AJ did a great job, I really like his voice acting in the game. Telltale made a very good decision by hiring him for the game.
  • harringtonvoharringtonvo Verified
    edited December 2010
    Farlander wrote: »
    I may be attacked now that I say it, but... to hell with Wilson. I respect the actor, don't get me wrong. But. TellTale tried to get him, TellTale, regretfully, didn't manage to get him for one reason and another (the reason itself is irrelevant at the moment), they got Andrew Chaikin, who's a very good actor nontheless. End of story.

    Adam Harrington was sucker-punched with LeChuck in the name of fan-service (thankfully, his role was minimal in Chapter 1 of Tales), but Tannens will clearly play a MUCH bigger role straight from the early parts of the game, meaning that Andrew most likely worked hard and recorded a lot already. Sucker-punching him in the name of fan-service too will be a very harsh, disrespectful, and inappropriate thing to do, so I hope TellTale won't do it.

    I was bummed when I lost the role, but I totally get it. It's tough to stand in for such a memorable performer. When Earl came out of retirement TT HAD no choice but to slip him right back into that green skin. Not doing so would be like George telling James Earl Jones... "It's OK Mr. Jones, we have a new kid voicing Vader.

    I'm more than happy with all the other work they throw my way. Like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUErDpw6YG4 :D
  • edited December 2010
    I was bummed when I lost the role, but I totally get it. It's tough to stand in for such a memorable performer. When Earl came out of retirement TT HAD no choice but to slip him right back into that green skin. Not doing so would be like George telling James Earl Jones... "It's OK Mr. Jones, we have a new kid voicing Vader.

    I'm more than happy with all the other work they throw my way. Like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUErDpw6YG4 :D

    Mr. Harrington, are you sure Star Wars is a good example? :p After all, David Prowse (the actor who actually PLAYED Vader) wasn't told that some 'censored word?' would voice him and re-record all his lines until he actually saw the movie. Some kind of sketchy history there. Perhaps you should choose another example? :)
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