Free episode not available before Febuary



  • edited December 2010
    LordRiker wrote: »
    Thats the problem with fanboys, they bend over and cheerfully take it from corporations.

    That was 100% uncalled for. I didn't say a thing to you so don't insult me.
    LordRiker wrote: »
    You can defend underhanded practices if you want,

    I'm not defending it. Like I said they could've let us know back in October when they first made the offer available. But I'm not going to let not being able to get a freebie when I want it prevent me from playing a game that I've been looking forward to playing for far longer than I've known about the free offer.
  • edited December 2010
    LordRiker wrote: »
    Thats the problem with fanboys, they bend over and cheerfully take it from corporations. Its why Activision is still in business despite their atrocities. The fact remains it doesnt matter if its free or not, Telltale willfully mislead customers in this situation.

    The responsible thing to do, if they had planned this was to make the offer next year or put a notice in with the promotion, the fact they didnt is a real Scrooge thing to do especially so close to the holidays. You can defend underhanded practices if you want, but that doesnt mean people who got shafted have to support this company.

    The "problem" with us fanboys in this case is that we already bought the game, so this problem doesn't affect us, Pre-Ordering from Telltale offered some brilliant bonuses such as some of the money being donated to MJF's charity and even giving back to us, the fans, by giving us 80% off everything on the TellTale store, so most of us that did pre-order got our moneys worth multiple times over.

    Yeah, it does seem a bit weird to hold the free episode back til next year but that's just a small change, at least they didn't cancel the free episode.

    Besides, If you don't like it, you're not going to buy it, so it doesn't matter if you're pissed off at Telltale, you're still not buying the game. On the flip side, if you do like the game, you'll then be kicking yourself for not pre-ordering it and getting all the bonuses. So either way, those of you who came for the Free Episode Only ARE in a Lose/Lose situation and personally you don't have a right to dictate what the company does because you're just going to complain no matter what.
  • edited December 2010
    What bonuses? Puzzle Agent was a bad game (I own it as part of the adventure bundle). I also never said I wouldn't buy it, but I said I'd buy it when its in the bargain bin instead of paying full price.

    I'll answer their underhandedness with my wallet, I was willing to pay full price previously as I mentioned, as soon as I found out if it worked on my PC and if I liked the style of the game, but this betrayal ensures they dont get as much money as they could have from me.

    The fanboy remark was directed at the other folks who have the "I bought the game, so Im self important, and everyone complaining needs to shut up" I wasnt directing it at the person whom was offended.
  • edited December 2010
    LordRiker wrote: »
    but I said I'd buy it when its in the bargain bin instead of paying full price.

    So you're still paying Telltale for the game, you're just punishing yourself by waiting even LONGER for it? If you really wanted to show em, you should just not play the game at all, citing this Ultimate Betrayal of your Trust and Values as the sole reason, and make a stand "NO TELLTALE NO, BECAUSE YOU MAKE ME WAIT, I'LL MAKE YOU SUFFER BY WAITING LONGER AND NOT PLAYING THE GAME! HAH"
  • edited December 2010
    LordRiker wrote: »
    The fanboy remark was directed at the other folks who have the "I bought the game, so Im self important, and everyone complaining needs to shut up" I wasnt directing it at the person whom was offended.

    Okay, thanks for letting me know. I mistakenly assumed since your post was immediately after mine.
  • edited December 2010
    I signed up to be able to play the 1st episode for free, and now it tells me I have to wait til Feb 2011? That kind of sucks cause I registered a few months ago in order to try the 1st episode.

    Hmm, Looks like I posted in the wrong section.
  • edited December 2010
    Ash735 wrote: »
    So you're still paying Telltale for the game, you're just punishing yourself by waiting even LONGER for it? If you really wanted to show em, you should just not play the game at all, citing this Ultimate Betrayal of your Trust and Values as the sole reason, and make a stand "NO TELLTALE NO, BECAUSE YOU MAKE ME WAIT, I'LL MAKE YOU SUFFER BY WAITING LONGER AND NOT PLAYING THE GAME! HAH"

    Im not suffering at all, Telltale looses out on making a good profit from me, and until its in the bargain bin (and it will be, ALL Telltales games end up there) I have much better games to play in the mean time like Dragon Age 2 and Deus Ex as a small example, so the only people that gets hurt in the end is Telltale for alienating potential customers and loosing out on the profit that comes from people paying full price.

    I would have had no problem with this if it was noted up front, thats my issue. Its just slimey to quietly do this on the eve of release, after the initial promotion was offered.
  • edited December 2010
    How can people complain about a FREE episode?!
    This isn't underhanded. If the original promotion had explicitly stated you'd be able to play this as soon as it was released THEN it would be underhanded.
  • edited December 2010
    Well it seems some people have trouble understanding what the term "FREE" means. Why should people play the free episode at the same time as us paying customers anyway?
    Lord by the time the free episode is available, the 2nd episode will soon be available. Then you can purchase the season if you enjoy it, and you won't have to wait very long for the 2nd episode, like the rest of us.
    What is wrong with that? Just be grateful that you get to try before you buy.
  • edited December 2010
    Masta23 wrote: »
    Well it seems some people have trouble understanding what the term "FREE" means. Why should people play the free episode at the same time as us paying customers anyway?
    Lord by the time the free episode is available, the 2nd episode will soon be available. Then you can purchase the season if you enjoy it, and you won't have to wait very long for the 2nd episode, like the rest of us.
    What is wrong with that? Just be grateful that you get to try before you buy.

    Nothing is free, they are running a business not a charity. The goal is to make people want to buy their products and they are failing by pulling stuff like this.

    Fanboys who pre bought the entire game arent entitled to lord over other people, and make claims of being more 'deserving' to get it first, thats just childish. There is legitimate outcry here, if you dont like it, your welcomed to your opinion as is anyone, but your not going to convince people to just keep quiet about their dissatisfaction with this new Policy.
  • edited December 2010
    LordRiker wrote: »
    Nothing is free, they are running a business not a charity. The goal is to make people want to buy their products and they are failing by pulling stuff like this.

    Nothing is free? What do you call a free episode then? How the hell is that not free?
    Pulling stuff like this? What? Offering free stuff? The assholes!
  • edited December 2010
    linorn wrote: »
    Nothing is free? What do you call a free episode then? How the hell is that not free?
    Pulling stuff like this? What? Offering free stuff? The assholes!

    Its a demo to encourage people to purchase the full season, its amazing how much children are on these forums they dont understand simple economics. Back to the future probably came out before alot of these Fanboys were born.
  • edited December 2010
    Um... The ones who complain and ones who defend the marketing tactic Telltale has used BOTH have valid points. It's just sad that both sides always think like the other one has no acceptable argument, like, ever.

    You can complain about a free game because it wasn't told it was going to be delayed until the last week, so people made their budget plans according to that. It was also -maybe jokingly- called as a demo version of the whole season, which is not the issue right now since demo versions usually come out before or with the actual game's release.

    However, you cannot tell others that they're being fanboys just because they preordered the game beforehand. They did get their bonuses that they wanted, and it had a lot of advantages for them too. 80% off of everything in the store was also a great deal. But you can't please everybody; 80% discount coupon has no use for some people too. Like me, I already ordered a t-shirt and some posters in Telltale's 30-day holiday 50% discount deal and I have no other spare cash to buy me some more merch, EVEN with such a discount.

    People at my side, let's just let it go. Let's not get jealous of people who got to play it in the first day, too. They did nothing but catching the train. And the ones at other side, don't just bash the people just because they want the free game they were promised for. You should also try to think how much of a disappointment you'd feel if that happened to you, too.
  • edited December 2010
    LordRiker wrote: »
    Fanboys who pre bought the entire game arent entitled to lord over other people, and make claims of being more 'deserving' to get it first, thats just childish.
    Forget "fanboys". People who actually buy something are entitled to get it first before people who get it for free.
  • edited December 2010
    LordRiker wrote: »
    Its a demo to encourage people to purchase the full season, its amazing how much children are on these forums they dont understand simple economics. Back to the future probably came out before alot of these Fanboys were born.

    Yes, it's encouraging people to buy the full season, but it's still FREE. You aren't required to buy the season if you don't want to. And please don't get personal with me. I haven't done it to you.
    Falanca wrote: »
    And the ones at other side, don't just bash the people just because they want the free game they were promised for. You should also try to think how much of a disappointment you'd feel if that happened to you, too.

    They WILL BE getting it though, not as soon as they expected (and I admit that must really suck) but TellTale never said it would be available to them on release date.
  • edited December 2010
    linorn wrote: »
    They WILL BE getting it though, not as soon as they expected (and I admit that must really suck) but TellTale never said it would be available to them on release date.

    You gotta take it into account that the game is not free for those who want to buy it in the next month, before the release of the second episode. It wouldn't be like that if the free game was unlocked the same time with everyone else.
  • edited December 2010
    Well, I posted the links to download episode one in another thread but they got deleted.

    Seriously though, why are we waiting until February? Why would TellTale email me and say it was out now, only to then not have a working activation code (why is it shorter then the other keys, TellTale?) or a download button?

    This is all very fishy. It's like the game isn't ready (Seriously the activation window is definitely not ready, it looks hideous and is horribly broken) but TellTale is pushing it out anyways.
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    You gotta take it into account that the game is not free for those who want to buy it in the next month, before the release of the second episode. It wouldn't be like that if the free game was unlocked the same time with everyone else.

    They can buy it after the release of the 2nd ep.
  • edited December 2010
    Ninja wrote: »
    Well, I posted the links to download episode one in another thread but they got deleted.

    Seriously though, why are we waiting until Feburary? Why would TellTale email me and say it was out now, only to then not have a working activation code (why is it shorter then the other keys, TellTale?) or a download button?

    This is all very fishy.

    My guess is that preorders didn't go well so they wanted to raise the counter up.

    Some says "it's just fair", though, which is something I strongly disagree with.
  • edited December 2010
    I have the free edition on my games list AND i pre-ordered the game. ONLY the free version is on my games list, not the full season and I cannot play the game. I have emailed customer service for over a week now and they have not fixed this problem. !!! TELLTALE FAIL! this longtime telltale fan is very disappointed.
  • edited December 2010
    linorn wrote: »
    They can buy it after the release of the 2nd ep.

    As I said, there are plans, noone really wants to wait but the difficulties or other personal reasons force them to wait to buy the game. It makes more sense for people to buy the whole game before the second episode because it's simply the new month, which means new salary and stuff.
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    As I said, there are plans, noone really wants to wait but the difficulties or other personal reasons force them to wait to buy the game. It makes more sense for people to buy the whole game before the second episode because it's simply the new month, which means new salary and stuff.

    Your signature is huge.

    Also, is the second episode ready? I see the binary on their CDN.
  • edited December 2010
    Ninja wrote: »
    Your signature is huge.

    Also, is the second episode ready? I see the binary on their CDN.

    Nope. It'll be ready in Feb.
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »
    As I said, there are plans, noone really wants to wait but the difficulties or other personal reasons force them to wait to buy the game. It makes more sense for people to buy the whole game before the second episode because it's simply the new month, which means new salary and stuff.

    If they KNOW they're buying the game they can save the money up. Having more time is better (monetarily).
  • edited December 2010
    You know what, TellTale should have just announced from the start that the Free ep is coming later, I mean, look at the PS3 people, they were told from the start it would be out later and they're all like "Ok, cool, we'll wait".
  • edited December 2010
    linorn wrote: »
    If they KNOW they're buying the game they can save the money up. Having more time is better (monetarily).

    Noone really can tell if they make a season discount between EP1 and EP2. They did it for the latest season for Sam and Max, so people just wonder.
    Ash735 wrote: »
    You know what, TellTale should have just announced from the start that the Free ep is coming later, I mean, look at the PS3 people, they were told from the start it would be out later and they're all like "Ok, cool, we'll wait".

  • edited December 2010
    Ash735 wrote: »
    You know what, TellTale should have just announced from the start that the Free ep is coming later, I mean, look at the PS3 people, they were told from the start it would be out later and they're all like "Ok, cool, we'll wait".

    Even though I didn't use the free episode, I agree. The only legitimate reason for doing something like this that I can think of is if the decision was a result of some mandate from Universal.
  • edited December 2010
    doggans wrote: »
    Even though I didn't use the free episode, I agree. The only legitimate reason for doing something like this that I can think of is if the decision was a result of some mandate from Universal.

    Perhaps. *leans back in chair*
  • edited December 2010
    Falanca wrote: »

    On the plus side though, Free episode complainers are the new Xbox 360 Users when it comes to negative threads round here. :D
  • edited December 2010
    Ash735 wrote: »
    On the plus side though, Free episode complainers are the new Xbox 360 Users when it comes to negative threads round here. :D

    Yeah. As if Telltale's little trick didn't really depress me, now I'm out of my own category. I do not own any of the next generation consoles (or three generations before them) out of poorness :<

    Just... seriously now. I do feel intensely betrayed as a true PC gamer.
  • edited December 2010
    LordRiker wrote: »
    Its a demo to encourage people to purchase the full season, its amazing how much children are on these forums they dont understand simple economics. Back to the future probably came out before alot of these Fanboys were born.

    Actually Back to the future came out when I was 1 year old but that's besides the point. Again.. it is still free and Telltale never stated when you will be able to play it. The 2nd episode will probably come out just after this free episode will be made available, so you won't be behind any of us.. you just have to wait a little bit longer.
  • edited December 2010
    That's fine, but Telltale should have said this from the start - I feel ripped off now. I probably would have actually purchased Episode 1 anyway; I've lost all interest in doing so now.

    Telltale, please don't pull stunts like this. You'll lose customers.
  • edited December 2010
    I doubt it was universal, the pre order sales were probably very poor so some genius in Marketing said lets pull a bait and switch tactic, since its free no one can sue us for it, and it could convince some people to buy the series rather then wait.

    And people here are just proving what im saying, just because some people bought the game does NOT entitle them to lord over other people, and say BS like "we paid for it so it should be exclusive to us". Those are the fanboys, not all the people who preordered, just people who think Telltale can do no wrong and no one should complain.

    It is all fishy plain and simple, all indications was everyone would get the free episode on release, yeah they didnt promise but that was what the offer implied, this came in later and very under the radar, and heck most people like myself never even got the email about February. Fanboys may not like it, but people have a right to be upset about things like this.
  • edited December 2010
    I heard about getting for free via a code from's Hard News, they even had a link to the site and everything, so, I figured, okay

    So, if I blame anyone for this, it's DailyDestin for not mentioning this on Hard News when he mentioned the free episode
  • edited December 2010
    I heard about getting for free via a code from's Hard News, they even had a link to the site and everything, so, I figured, okay

    So, if I blame anyone for this, it's DailyDestin for not mentioning this on Hard News when he mentioned the free episode

    It's not their fault, Telltale didn't tell ANYONE about it :/ ...

    Anyway, Falanca, I know it's gonna sounds super cliché and old, but waiting for the second episode to be around is NOT a bad idea.

    Episode I is obviously the worst out of the 5, and it has the worst cliffhanger (while episode 2 3 and 4 have somewhat of a conclusion, episode 1 feels incomplete, and its conclusion will be in episode 2 ... so it's kinda lame)
  • edited December 2010
    Strayth wrote: »
    It's not their fault, Telltale didn't tell ANYONE about it :/ ...

    Anyway, Falanca, I know it's gonna sounds super cliché and old, but waiting for the second episode to be around is NOT a bad idea.

    Episode I is obviously the worst out of the 5, and it has the worst cliffhanger (while episode 2 3 and 4 have somewhat of a conclusion, episode 1 feels incomplete, and its conclusion will be in episode 2 ... so it's kinda lame)


    I just bought the season and finished the first episode.

    ...Damn marketing.
  • edited December 2010
    I just got an email to download the first episode free from tell tale. Looks like people who got the first episode free are able to get it now.
  • edited December 2010
    bpc908 wrote: »
    I just got an email to download the first episode free from tell tale. Looks like people who got the first episode free are able to get it now.

    This doesn't make sense...

    I got the free episode, but it's still not downloadable from my account. But I STILL got this email. o_O

    I'm downloading it right now, but I doubt it'll work...
  • edited December 2010
    Foxhack wrote: »
    This doesn't make sense...

    I got the free episode, but it's still not downloadable from my account. But I STILL got this email. o_O

    I'm downloading it right now, but I doubt it'll work...
    Christmas Present from Telltale?
  • edited December 2010
    Foxhack wrote: »
    This doesn't make sense...

    I got the free episode, but it's still not downloadable from my account. But I STILL got this email. o_O

    I'm downloading it right now, but I doubt it'll work...

    I downloaded it and it does not work.
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